The Blue Djinn is an evil genie who was apparently defeated by Lord Guano in the past. But now he's back, and he's angling to take down the Genie Lords... but how does Jeanie factor into his plans?
Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
Actually, this is the right choice if he going to take possession of another Genie to do what he want to do. Jeanie is a new an inexperienced Genie and doesn’t know what can happen yet or even know about the Blue Djinn even. That inexperience and lack of knowledge helped the Blue Djinn to mislead and deceive Jeanie into getting her to lower her defenses so that the Blue Djinn could take possession of her body in the first place. But, there is a difference between having absolute control over the mind and body and only having limited control over the mind and body, which is what the Blue Djinn has over Jeanie right now.
That being the case, I see the ultimate of the Blue Djinn as a combination of Jeane breaking free and some dume luck on the other Genie working together to stop the Blue Djinn in the future some time. But, just what happens, don’t know.
Apparently Blue seems to regard Kazom as being little threat. That might come back to bite him, given that we have been given reason to believe that Kazom and his allies were key in Blue’s previous defeat, with Guano mainly being the front man who got the credit.
So, this is something I have explained before but here we go again: Kazom has nothing to do with Blue’s defeat. He is as baffled as everyone else as to how Guano of all people got to defeat him, but just as everyone else, he accepts it as a fact, even if he never seems to have thrusted Guano to begin with.
Blue was defeated by Guano back in the 60`s, while Kazom adventure to save the world happen around 6 to 7 years prior to the beginning of both stories, Jeanie Bottle and the Melvin Chronicles. And Kazom faced against a group of Witches who “seek the power of the Djinn”… whatever that means, we know Djinn also works in plural, so it’s open to the imagination of everyone but me. I just need to make this clear, cause CD actually ask me back when I started to help clear this confusion XD
Is a long story, but here I leave the link with the details… just continue from this page until the point Kazom burst from a wall, Kool-Aid man style.
“Feeble Bottle Genie”. He should be thankful he found a hot body (even if the body was once male).
Worse case, he could have ended in Araceli’s body. Sure she may be a full genie, but not as curvy as Jeanie, plus the Blue Djinn would have throw herself to her master or to Neil just to “keep the act up”, unlike Jeanie.
So, after this last couple of pages, I am convinced that finding Jean wasn’t a matter of luck, but instead has more to do with Jean’s unknowing relation with Rouyaa, and by default, Blue himself. By that same logic, it could have been Jehane too, assuming Blue doesn’t have more daughters.
@Carlos – I’m pretty sure that it was Jean’s lack of experience, not her tenuous connection (via Rouyaa) to the Blue Meanie, that allowed him to get a foothold in her mind. At least, that’s how it’s always felt to me.
I think he’s actually referring to how bottle genies are considered “lesser” in Genie society, than those born from the Hubun Jadid (or however else Genies can come into being).
I think you are half right Robert, but also overcomplicating things. Bottle genies are also born from Hubun Jadid (Alya is a bottle genie, and was born from a Hubun Jadid, so we can asume the same from Araceli, Asha and Rouyaa), but still, it seems that in genie society, Bottle genies are below lamp genies, just as Jann are below general Si’Lath genies.
Wait, Alya is a bottle genie? I thought that “bottle genie” *meant* “turned into a genie by gaining possession of a barren totem”. I guess my JB lore is rusty.
Actually there a peaking order in the Genie world. It starts off with the two most powerful Genie’s fighting for control over the Genie realm and who make the rule for all the other Genie’s. Here where we have a split in the Genie world between the two most powerful Genie’s.
We have the Blue Djinn who has his own rule or lack of rule where he can do almost anything that he can think of doing and will if he thinks he can get away with it. In other words he is a rough element and we don’t know what he will do, because, he isn’t bound by Haji Genie Rules.
We have Haji and the Genie Rules that he lay down and most of us know more or less and they conform to most of the Genie Rules that we know from past Genie stories and such with a few possible rule changes, but, pretty much the same rules.
From that point we have a Genie hierarchy of Haji, the the Genie Lords and then the rest of the Genie world.
Under that, they go by type of Genie and there are several types of Genie’s and some of the various types of Genie are a little weaker than the others. Then we have the Natural born Genie’s and those that were turned into Genie’s like Jeanie was. Jeanie is fully a Genie and that not in question and she will always be a Genie for evermore. But, there is both a snobbery on the part of the natural born Genie to the ones that became, because they picked up an empty totem. Beside having birth on there side, in the past, there was mentioned that non born from the Hubun Jadids or the pure Genie as apposed to the human that turned into a Genie.
We know that one Genie can kill another Genie and steal there Genie Magic to increase there own Magic Reserves. Because, we saw Blue Djinn kill another Genie and steal her Genie Magic to supplement his own Genie Magic and to increase his own Genie Magic power. We know one Genie can take possession of another Genie, because that what Blue Djinn is doing right now to Jeanie.
Now the question is can two Genie fuse together. That issue hasn’t been addressed yet and probably won’t be, because, if that happened you wouldn’t have two Genie anymore,. but, a composite of two former individuals that have been fuse together into a entirely new individual that didn’t formally exist. You would have one brand new Genie from the former parent Genie that would cease to exist, but, only the daughter Genie would exist from that point forward.
The reason I ask when Araceli yearns to be at Neil’s side as his genie, if she someone how asked her current master to fuse her with Jean, but make her the dominate one, as well as making Neil think those 2 have always been one person.
That way, Araceli gets Neil, and as a bonus, she gets Jean’s amazing rack, instead of being flat like Jean called her.
The reason I ask when Araceli yearns to be at Neil’s side as his genie, if she someone how asked her current master to fuse her with Jean, but make her the dominate one, as well as making Neil think those 2 have always been one person.
That way, Araceli gets Neil, and as a bonus, she gets Jean’s amazing rack, instead of being flat like Jean called her.
(Also the band that Blue is wearing on her arm reminds me of another fusion item, the EX Ring, which is a mix of Potara and Fusion Dance.)
We know that her youth has been returned to Rouyaa, we don’t know if her powers been returned to her or even if she has been re-Genied yet. She could still be a mortal for all we know. When Neil was made small and put into Jeanie bottle, it didn’t make him a Genie, it just made him a small man in a Genie Bottle and that all. We will have to wait for more information for us to know how far that Blue Djinn went to restoring Rouyaa back to her old self.
Well his plan is plain and simple how far does he think he will get with Jeans history?
He should have thought twice before taking Jean’s body, without considering his time as a genie.
Actually, this is the right choice if he going to take possession of another Genie to do what he want to do. Jeanie is a new an inexperienced Genie and doesn’t know what can happen yet or even know about the Blue Djinn even. That inexperience and lack of knowledge helped the Blue Djinn to mislead and deceive Jeanie into getting her to lower her defenses so that the Blue Djinn could take possession of her body in the first place. But, there is a difference between having absolute control over the mind and body and only having limited control over the mind and body, which is what the Blue Djinn has over Jeanie right now.
That being the case, I see the ultimate of the Blue Djinn as a combination of Jeane breaking free and some dume luck on the other Genie working together to stop the Blue Djinn in the future some time. But, just what happens, don’t know.
I doubt that killing Haji and Guano will be enough, since there is still Asha who will be taking Guano’s place as the Genie Lord.
Hence, why Rouyaa’s line on the previous page worries me a little: “you, and your Djinn”
Apparently Blue seems to regard Kazom as being little threat. That might come back to bite him, given that we have been given reason to believe that Kazom and his allies were key in Blue’s previous defeat, with Guano mainly being the front man who got the credit.
So, this is something I have explained before but here we go again: Kazom has nothing to do with Blue’s defeat. He is as baffled as everyone else as to how Guano of all people got to defeat him, but just as everyone else, he accepts it as a fact, even if he never seems to have thrusted Guano to begin with.
Blue was defeated by Guano back in the 60`s, while Kazom adventure to save the world happen around 6 to 7 years prior to the beginning of both stories, Jeanie Bottle and the Melvin Chronicles. And Kazom faced against a group of Witches who “seek the power of the Djinn”… whatever that means, we know Djinn also works in plural, so it’s open to the imagination of everyone but me. I just need to make this clear, cause CD actually ask me back when I started to help clear this confusion XD
Is a long story, but here I leave the link with the details… just continue from this page until the point Kazom burst from a wall, Kool-Aid man style.
“Feeble Bottle Genie”. He should be thankful he found a hot body (even if the body was once male).
Worse case, he could have ended in Araceli’s body. Sure she may be a full genie, but not as curvy as Jeanie, plus the Blue Djinn would have throw herself to her master or to Neil just to “keep the act up”, unlike Jeanie.
So, after this last couple of pages, I am convinced that finding Jean wasn’t a matter of luck, but instead has more to do with Jean’s unknowing relation with Rouyaa, and by default, Blue himself. By that same logic, it could have been Jehane too, assuming Blue doesn’t have more daughters.
Good point. Just a little annoyed that Blue keeps calling Jean a weak genie, making it sound like he has become a human himself.
@Carlos – I’m pretty sure that it was Jean’s lack of experience, not her tenuous connection (via Rouyaa) to the Blue Meanie, that allowed him to get a foothold in her mind. At least, that’s how it’s always felt to me.
I think he’s actually referring to how bottle genies are considered “lesser” in Genie society, than those born from the Hubun Jadid (or however else Genies can come into being).
I think you are half right Robert, but also overcomplicating things. Bottle genies are also born from Hubun Jadid (Alya is a bottle genie, and was born from a Hubun Jadid, so we can asume the same from Araceli, Asha and Rouyaa), but still, it seems that in genie society, Bottle genies are below lamp genies, just as Jann are below general Si’Lath genies.
Oh! So it’s like a ranking system, not power levels.
Wait, Alya is a bottle genie? I thought that “bottle genie” *meant* “turned into a genie by gaining possession of a barren totem”. I guess my JB lore is rusty.
Actually there a peaking order in the Genie world. It starts off with the two most powerful Genie’s fighting for control over the Genie realm and who make the rule for all the other Genie’s. Here where we have a split in the Genie world between the two most powerful Genie’s.
We have the Blue Djinn who has his own rule or lack of rule where he can do almost anything that he can think of doing and will if he thinks he can get away with it. In other words he is a rough element and we don’t know what he will do, because, he isn’t bound by Haji Genie Rules.
We have Haji and the Genie Rules that he lay down and most of us know more or less and they conform to most of the Genie Rules that we know from past Genie stories and such with a few possible rule changes, but, pretty much the same rules.
From that point we have a Genie hierarchy of Haji, the the Genie Lords and then the rest of the Genie world.
Under that, they go by type of Genie and there are several types of Genie’s and some of the various types of Genie are a little weaker than the others. Then we have the Natural born Genie’s and those that were turned into Genie’s like Jeanie was. Jeanie is fully a Genie and that not in question and she will always be a Genie for evermore. But, there is both a snobbery on the part of the natural born Genie to the ones that became, because they picked up an empty totem. Beside having birth on there side, in the past, there was mentioned that non born from the Hubun Jadids or the pure Genie as apposed to the human that turned into a Genie.
In other words, Jeanie isn’t quit as pure or quit as strong as other Genie according to Lahab supposedly Haji first wife.
Things are looking pretty grim for our heroes. Who will it be to save the day?
Existing in that body and she’s already accessorizing…or does that make her an accessory?
Totally unrelated question. Is it possible for genie to fuse together, in order to get a new stronger body with the sum of both genie’s magic?
We know that one Genie can kill another Genie and steal there Genie Magic to increase there own Magic Reserves. Because, we saw Blue Djinn kill another Genie and steal her Genie Magic to supplement his own Genie Magic and to increase his own Genie Magic power. We know one Genie can take possession of another Genie, because that what Blue Djinn is doing right now to Jeanie.
Now the question is can two Genie fuse together. That issue hasn’t been addressed yet and probably won’t be, because, if that happened you wouldn’t have two Genie anymore,. but, a composite of two former individuals that have been fuse together into a entirely new individual that didn’t formally exist. You would have one brand new Genie from the former parent Genie that would cease to exist, but, only the daughter Genie would exist from that point forward.
It probably possible, but, it not going to happen
The reason I ask when Araceli yearns to be at Neil’s side as his genie, if she someone how asked her current master to fuse her with Jean, but make her the dominate one, as well as making Neil think those 2 have always been one person.
That way, Araceli gets Neil, and as a bonus, she gets Jean’s amazing rack, instead of being flat like Jean called her.
Yes, but after the dance the fusion only lasts about 30 minutes.
Thumbs up for the DBZ reference. They should get some Potara earrings! 🙂
The reason I ask when Araceli yearns to be at Neil’s side as his genie, if she someone how asked her current master to fuse her with Jean, but make her the dominate one, as well as making Neil think those 2 have always been one person.
That way, Araceli gets Neil, and as a bonus, she gets Jean’s amazing rack, instead of being flat like Jean called her.
(Also the band that Blue is wearing on her arm reminds me of another fusion item, the EX Ring, which is a mix of Potara and Fusion Dance.)
With her expression of determination in the last panel, not fear, could ” Haji save us” be a code phrase?
When Blue restored Rouyaa’s youth did he accidently also restore her Genie powers? Which one will get the promotion-Jean or Rouyaa?
If her powers were restored does that mean they now share the same totem (bottle)
We know that her youth has been returned to Rouyaa, we don’t know if her powers been returned to her or even if she has been re-Genied yet. She could still be a mortal for all we know. When Neil was made small and put into Jeanie bottle, it didn’t make him a Genie, it just made him a small man in a Genie Bottle and that all. We will have to wait for more information for us to know how far that Blue Djinn went to restoring Rouyaa back to her old self.
I doubt it. Route’s ended up choosing Haji’s side over Blue, so I don’t think He’d be as merciful as restoring her powers.
I can’t see our girl getting a genie promotion on purpose so that just leaves Rouyaa to save the day. As much as I love our Jeanie.