Jeanie Bottle 445
We’re getting a great lore dump from this elder genie. So cool to learn more about the genie culture and how they differ depending on how they came to be.
We’re getting a great lore dump from this elder genie. So cool to learn more about the genie culture and how they differ depending on how they came to be.
Hmm, there seem to be a couple light that are out…
They probably just need to have their LEDs replaced.
Jeanie doesn’t know it yet but she walked out pregnant with twin full genies.
Now that would cause a lot of chaos.
We don’t really know yet if those two spots were empty in the first place before they went inside.
On the assumption that the blank spot on the top row is the same in both the third and fourth panels then left blank spot on the bottom of panel 4 was shown to contain a Huban Jadid in panel 3.
You don’t get to see the right hand spot in panel 3.
CD doesn’t always keep the same scene consistent-looking thru each panel, as far as spatial composition concerned. With the exception of the First Wife having just taken one, it seems like they should be all filled up but this may just be a drawing error on the artist’s behalf.
Missing genie gems. One for implanting into Natalie and one for implanting into Agent Anderson.
The Hubun Jadids might not be compatible with Humans. They are meant for expecting genie parents to have a newborn genie sometime down the road. Would Genies be born as babies like humans too?
Well, Jeannie wasn’t, but she’s a “formerly mortal” one. But it would be easier for Natalie and the Agent if the genies were born baby size rather than adult size. :p
TBH I don’t think any are missing. I think it’s just a view from further along the side
Once again, the shelves with the hubun jadids are tilted in the final panel. And the hubun jadids have gotten taller, or flared up if their nature is magical flame. There’s something going on literally behind the backs of the three departing genies.
Why do I have this feeling that Jeannie will cause some sort of muck up ( on purpose or not ) and she’ll be stuck with that genie doodad thing ?
I think that the Blue Djinn has something plan for Neil.
It looks like three Hubun Jadids are missing or it could be an art error.
… Okay, maybe it’s just my marginalization speaking, but there’s a part of me that wonders whether the Elder’s comment on human-born Genies is accurate, or just prejudice.
I wonder what would come from the mating of a genius and a human…