Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
In her role as Haji's First, Lahab leads Haji's Harem. She is a Jann genie, one of the few elementals left in the world. She and Kazom are "old friends".
Also apparently they are only being matched together because they were the most recently “recruited” genies, with no thought as to whether for example their union would produce a child with particular desirable traits. This isn’t just an arranged marriage, it’s a randomly-assigned arranged marriage.
Actually, I think they’re going to be like the “ring bearers” or “flower girls” for this bonding ritual. Nothing here saying that these two are about to be wedded yet.
Google Translate says ‘hubun jadid’ is Arabic for ‘New Understanding’. Place bets now that: 1. It’s a physical device. 2. Jeannie ‘accidentally’ activates it and gets stuck with another genie. (I’m betting it functions as like a physical ‘wedding license’ where if you are a witness to the wedding and you sign on the wrong line, _you_ are legally married to whomever signed on the other ‘married’ line!)
Or possibly a brides if she make the wrong move. Like between the two new Genie, one could be the bridesmaid and the other the bride and then you could have the wedding ceremony with the intended male genie groom.
Me, think that Jeannie needs to watch her step about does next or that look alike Jeannie that we saw could be her daughter by some male genie.
However, it look like Jeannie might be able to bow out of the honors of having a baby genie and let Alya have the honor of having that baby genie and she look like that she would want that honor too.
I think I know where this story going. One of them is going to get the honor to or be in line to have or bear a baby genie and the other will be the bridesmaid.
Also, Jean is a cynical jerk in matters of romance and fidelity ….
And yes, I know there isn’t usually much of romance in an arranged union, but this union might be of the genies’ own choice.
Wait, who’s this? Bonding, what? Why is Jeanie willingly following them? Are Jeanie and this random ass genie getting married? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?
It seems like a lot of people are misinterpreting panel 1. The elder genie is telling Alya and Jeanie that they will present the Hubun Jadid during the ritual. Not that they will use it during the ritual. As Jenny mentioned in an earlier comment, this seems to indicate that their role will be more akin ringbearers or bridesmaids, as opposed to brides.
Yeah, exactly. Plus given that Genies (or Djinns) are originally from Middle-Eastern mythology, I doubt they would in their culture be very open to same-sex marriages like in the real Middle East Region. This is supposed to be for a wedding between Lord Haji and one “lucky” female genie on his birthday after all.
Okay… so, Neil is suddenly REALLY Natalie and has a crush on Rodge… Jean is staring – if not Genie pregnancy – at least Genie marriage right in the face… and somewhere out there genies are getting killed by a psycho genie…
If that’s the ‘real’ world I don’t wanna be OFF LSD 😛
Now we get to see how Jeannie get out of becoming a genie factory for baby genies. I am sure, Jeannie will come up with some kind of plan to not end up getting married.
We both know Jeanie, she will try to do something impulsive to render herself unfit, but, depending on the male genie that she doing it to, he might actually think it cut and that Jeanie got lot of spunk and will decide to take her anyway.
We both have met some pretty dense guy, that no matter what a girl tell him, he still won’t be convened she not interested. I am sure that we have some Genie within that mind set too, beside, he may think that he can get a female genie that no other male genie can get.
Remember that the current Jeanie is pattern after the TV Jeanie that was locked in a bottle for 2000 years because, she refused to marry the Blue Diji. So it happened before.
So Jean and Ayla are the youngest genies present. I wonder how genies count age for genies who are former mortals. Whatever Ayla’s real age, in streetwise time, she seems like a toddler compared to Jean.
Look could be deceiving, she could have been born a Genie and be a hundred years old or so. Jeanie however is about 24 years old or so. Ayla in street years look about 18 years old. So there could be 6 years difference in street years.
I think that the count is from when they became genies, not from their original birth (for those who were not born as genies). That would make Jean less than a year old by such reckoning.
Also, Kazom made mention of several humans-turned-genie who were inspired by the genie in Disney’s “Aladdin”, so there have been at least several new genie recruits in the past twenty-some years, which makes it more unlikely that the age count is counting from when Jean was born as a human.
Satan was once god’s youngest angel too… I got my eye on Jean’s lack of care with her new powers.
This sounds rather nice to be honest. We get to see a bit of Genie culture, which I remember always being curious of in the original show. It was rarely touched on. ‘Where do baby genies come from?’ We think of genies as biological beings but this is a grave mistake I think. They have sexes but what does that fundamentally mean to them as a ‘species’? One is a bottle the other is a lamp making me think of them as elements. One comes as fire, the other as wind and make… embers? I’m over thinking this 🙂
With so many Genies around and Jean being referred to by name I’m surprised she doesn’t ask questions more.
I think we can get along without a panel or a strip explaining how the as-yet unnamed First Wife knows Jeannie’s name for now, maybe forever. She’s been in charge of these matters for some time now, so she’s probably learned the tricks of her job fairly well. In fact, given that First Wife told the assembled genie lords what to do in her first appearance, one might wonder what exactly Haji actually does other than collect and use concubines and receive endless praise and respect for no justification we’ve seen so far.
You actually have a very good point. Given how genies are to mortals Haji could be a dictator parading on ceremony to establish rule and power. His only rival seems to be the blue Djin… and his ‘crime’ has been killing other genies…
From a viewpoint of how screwed up these genies are I’m actually wondering if the blue djin is a ‘good guy’.
Actually, The Blue Djinn’s original crime is finding a way to bypass Haji’s rules and regulations. He then recruited followers from the genie ranks and founded the Djinn Faction.
Finding a way around a rule doesn’t make one criminal though. In fact that seems to be intrinsic nature to a genie. To play devils- or Haji’s advocate though we know very little. The term Haji might be like a king. Maybe there have been many Hajis. The tittle passed down to each successor. He’s never been seen but while his influence is clear his morality is not. He did nothing to stop a war fuelled by genie magic that killed over 60 million people and only stopped genies from interfering in a space program for reasons we might never know.
That being said blue djinn did have a villainous laugh …
This is an interesting theory. The important factors are what rules were broken and were the “killings” justifiable? I don’t have as good a memory on these things as some readers do (which is why I have to periodically re-read things, which I have not done for this comic yet), but based on those two aspects, one could conclude that it was a rebellion against unjust rules that could have resulted in self-defense killings that later got labeled as murder by Haji to paint his enemy as evil.
I don’t actually expect this is true, as I think CD has been trying to establish the Blue Djinn as more of a villain, but it could also be a dramatic plot twist. And considering how Haji has this harem mentality, it means at best he’s a dreadful womanizer, at worst a form of sex-slaver, both of which are more evil. as far as I’m concerned, than anything I know the Blue Djinn to be accused of so far.
But I could be missing something due to my own forgetfulness, so someone correct me if I’m off-base here.
@Guardiandark – You’re wrong. A genie attempts to find “wiggle room” within the confines of the rules, perhaps bending one…a bit. What The Blue Djinn did was find a way to deliberately, directly, and blatantly break these rules without consequence.
@notshuttingup yeah I think we’re thinking on similar lines. I guess it’s just me thinking the world is ‘safer’ without genies, hence the Blue djinn might be on The side of humans. Given their acts upon Earth… well… while yes it’s down to human desire, these beings empower that desire. The blue Djinn has followers who joined him willingly to fight Haji’s rules while Haji has ‘forced’ people like Jean- whom despite people hating her doesn’t really deserve slavery for stealing a bottle.
Of course genies don’t see this as slavery. No more then a human would at paying off a debt with a salary. I’m very curious to see how it all plays out.
Meh. Drunken Rodge would pass out sooner or later, and while he’d be making a hit on Alya, he wouldn’t be trying to tear down her self-confidence for the sake of a cynical and narcissistic worldview. In the worst case, she could just poof away from Rodge; she’s apparently stuck with Jean for the foreseeable future.
You know, this exchange reveals an interesting fact.
If Jeannie and Alya are the two youngest genies, then that means that the Jeannie-double ISN’T younger / more recent, than our Jeannie. Which revives the speculation that maybe Jeannie-2 became a genie sometime closer to the 60’s, and the heyday of the IDoJ TV series.
As a separate note, Alya seems much more familiar with genie culture, which could mean that she was born a genie, rather than being converted via an empty totem.
There are a lot of loose ends going on here for CD to tie up.
Agreed, except I think it was probably the early ’70s. When IDoJ hit syndication and became HUGE. Enough that they had a cameo on Scooby-Doo and had their own Hanna-Barbara series for a time (though her appearance looked nothing like the IDoJ version…I’m just talking popularity). So I’d say…1972ish.
I know this is meant to be a great honour amongst genie kind (or I assume it is) but really you get the youngest, most inexperienced genie around to be invovled in something very important without checking they even know what’s invovled? I find myself thinking of the song in the simpson’s poseidon episode ” I think we’re heading for disaster; And most of you will not be saved.”
I can go with that, especially if she doesn’t want to get married either and is trying to off load it off on our Jeanie. It would be which Jeanie stuck with the guy genie.
I suppose it speaks words to the Genie culture that they’re just sort of pottering around as usual, going through ancient ceremonies and bureaucracies in the middle of a worldwide genie crisis which has them confined to their hidden fortress. I suppose when there hasn’t been a thing on the world that’s been much of a threat to you for millennia you get a little complacent.
Well, you can also see it as a sign of strength; even if there IS a homicidal genie-maniac loose, they’re not letting that completely stop their daily lives. Just like people in London during WWII continued to try and retain a semblance of normalcy, despite having to hunker down in air-raid shelters periodically.
Besides, what good would it do to cease all their normal activities? I doubt that it would make them any safer, and it would be hell on morale.
why does Alya remind me of 2 certain ponies.. 1 Pink, and 1 Yellow?
Arranged marriages technically removes much of the genuine romance for the sake of convenience. It doesn’t require the pair to actually be in love.
Also apparently they are only being matched together because they were the most recently “recruited” genies, with no thought as to whether for example their union would produce a child with particular desirable traits. This isn’t just an arranged marriage, it’s a randomly-assigned arranged marriage.
Actually, I think they’re going to be like the “ring bearers” or “flower girls” for this bonding ritual. Nothing here saying that these two are about to be wedded yet.
@Jenny: I think you’re right. I would have said they’re going to be bridesmaids, but it’s something along those lines, anyway.
Also, I know everyone is going to ask this: What’s a hubun jadid?
Google Translate says ‘hubun jadid’ is Arabic for ‘New Understanding’. Place bets now that: 1. It’s a physical device. 2. Jeannie ‘accidentally’ activates it and gets stuck with another genie. (I’m betting it functions as like a physical ‘wedding license’ where if you are a witness to the wedding and you sign on the wrong line, _you_ are legally married to whomever signed on the other ‘married’ line!)
From the context, it seems to be the genie equivalent of a marriage. Apparently Jeannie is going to be a bridesmaid!
Or possibly a brides if she make the wrong move. Like between the two new Genie, one could be the bridesmaid and the other the bride and then you could have the wedding ceremony with the intended male genie groom.
Me, think that Jeannie needs to watch her step about does next or that look alike Jeannie that we saw could be her daughter by some male genie.
However, it look like Jeannie might be able to bow out of the honors of having a baby genie and let Alya have the honor of having that baby genie and she look like that she would want that honor too.
I think I know where this story going. One of them is going to get the honor to or be in line to have or bear a baby genie and the other will be the bridesmaid.
Why would she be on LSD? I think Jean is just that, bleh.
I think Jean was asking Alya that question.
Also, Jean is a cynical jerk in matters of romance and fidelity ….
And yes, I know there isn’t usually much of romance in an arranged union, but this union might be of the genies’ own choice.
Wait, who’s this? Bonding, what? Why is Jeanie willingly following them? Are Jeanie and this random ass genie getting married? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?
I think and hope it’s two other genies getting hitched.
Jean may be exercizing a grain of caution.
It’s two other genies. But Jean gets to be involved in the ceremony.
It seems like a lot of people are misinterpreting panel 1. The elder genie is telling Alya and Jeanie that they will present the Hubun Jadid during the ritual. Not that they will use it during the ritual. As Jenny mentioned in an earlier comment, this seems to indicate that their role will be more akin ringbearers or bridesmaids, as opposed to brides.
Yeah, exactly. Plus given that Genies (or Djinns) are originally from Middle-Eastern mythology, I doubt they would in their culture be very open to same-sex marriages like in the real Middle East Region. This is supposed to be for a wedding between Lord Haji and one “lucky” female genie on his birthday after all.
Males are Djinn, females are DJinni.
You know what I mean.
ok, place your bets
How quickly will Jeanie dig herself into a hole by unwittingly endearing herself to Haji with her attitude?
Or sticking her foot in her mouth deeply enough to be able to scratch her butt with her toes.
Ah. The Kronenbergian Ouroboros rides again.
You really got us all puzzled here CD Rudd where is this angle going??
Okay… so, Neil is suddenly REALLY Natalie and has a crush on Rodge… Jean is staring – if not Genie pregnancy – at least Genie marriage right in the face… and somewhere out there genies are getting killed by a psycho genie…
If that’s the ‘real’ world I don’t wanna be OFF LSD 😛
I think you pretty much got it.
Now we get to see how Jeannie get out of becoming a genie factory for baby genies. I am sure, Jeannie will come up with some kind of plan to not end up getting married.
Jeanie will come up with aHAHAHAHAH…a pHAHAHAHAHA….a p-p-LAN?
[dissolves into incoherent stuttering with hiccups]
Jeanie’s going to do something impulsive that will render her unfit.
We both know Jeanie, she will try to do something impulsive to render herself unfit, but, depending on the male genie that she doing it to, he might actually think it cut and that Jeanie got lot of spunk and will decide to take her anyway.
We both have met some pretty dense guy, that no matter what a girl tell him, he still won’t be convened she not interested. I am sure that we have some Genie within that mind set too, beside, he may think that he can get a female genie that no other male genie can get.
Remember that the current Jeanie is pattern after the TV Jeanie that was locked in a bottle for 2000 years because, she refused to marry the Blue Diji. So it happened before.
No, Jean is staring being the genie equivalent of a flower girl in the face. No one is planning to marry her off. Yet.
So Jean and Ayla are the youngest genies present. I wonder how genies count age for genies who are former mortals. Whatever Ayla’s real age, in streetwise time, she seems like a toddler compared to Jean.
Look could be deceiving, she could have been born a Genie and be a hundred years old or so. Jeanie however is about 24 years old or so. Ayla in street years look about 18 years old. So there could be 6 years difference in street years.
I think that the count is from when they became genies, not from their original birth (for those who were not born as genies). That would make Jean less than a year old by such reckoning.
Also, Kazom made mention of several humans-turned-genie who were inspired by the genie in Disney’s “Aladdin”, so there have been at least several new genie recruits in the past twenty-some years, which makes it more unlikely that the age count is counting from when Jean was born as a human.
Satan was once god’s youngest angel too… I got my eye on Jean’s lack of care with her new powers.
This sounds rather nice to be honest. We get to see a bit of Genie culture, which I remember always being curious of in the original show. It was rarely touched on. ‘Where do baby genies come from?’ We think of genies as biological beings but this is a grave mistake I think. They have sexes but what does that fundamentally mean to them as a ‘species’? One is a bottle the other is a lamp making me think of them as elements. One comes as fire, the other as wind and make… embers? I’m over thinking this 🙂
With so many Genies around and Jean being referred to by name I’m surprised she doesn’t ask questions more.
“When two genies love each other very much…”
I think we can get along without a panel or a strip explaining how the as-yet unnamed First Wife knows Jeannie’s name for now, maybe forever. She’s been in charge of these matters for some time now, so she’s probably learned the tricks of her job fairly well. In fact, given that First Wife told the assembled genie lords what to do in her first appearance, one might wonder what exactly Haji actually does other than collect and use concubines and receive endless praise and respect for no justification we’ve seen so far.
You actually have a very good point. Given how genies are to mortals Haji could be a dictator parading on ceremony to establish rule and power. His only rival seems to be the blue Djin… and his ‘crime’ has been killing other genies…
From a viewpoint of how screwed up these genies are I’m actually wondering if the blue djin is a ‘good guy’.
Actually, The Blue Djinn’s original crime is finding a way to bypass Haji’s rules and regulations. He then recruited followers from the genie ranks and founded the Djinn Faction.
Finding a way around a rule doesn’t make one criminal though. In fact that seems to be intrinsic nature to a genie. To play devils- or Haji’s advocate though we know very little. The term Haji might be like a king. Maybe there have been many Hajis. The tittle passed down to each successor. He’s never been seen but while his influence is clear his morality is not. He did nothing to stop a war fuelled by genie magic that killed over 60 million people and only stopped genies from interfering in a space program for reasons we might never know.
That being said blue djinn did have a villainous laugh …
This is an interesting theory. The important factors are what rules were broken and were the “killings” justifiable? I don’t have as good a memory on these things as some readers do (which is why I have to periodically re-read things, which I have not done for this comic yet), but based on those two aspects, one could conclude that it was a rebellion against unjust rules that could have resulted in self-defense killings that later got labeled as murder by Haji to paint his enemy as evil.
I don’t actually expect this is true, as I think CD has been trying to establish the Blue Djinn as more of a villain, but it could also be a dramatic plot twist. And considering how Haji has this harem mentality, it means at best he’s a dreadful womanizer, at worst a form of sex-slaver, both of which are more evil. as far as I’m concerned, than anything I know the Blue Djinn to be accused of so far.
But I could be missing something due to my own forgetfulness, so someone correct me if I’m off-base here.
@Guardiandark – You’re wrong. A genie attempts to find “wiggle room” within the confines of the rules, perhaps bending one…a bit. What The Blue Djinn did was find a way to deliberately, directly, and blatantly break these rules without consequence.
@notshuttingup yeah I think we’re thinking on similar lines. I guess it’s just me thinking the world is ‘safer’ without genies, hence the Blue djinn might be on The side of humans. Given their acts upon Earth… well… while yes it’s down to human desire, these beings empower that desire. The blue Djinn has followers who joined him willingly to fight Haji’s rules while Haji has ‘forced’ people like Jean- whom despite people hating her doesn’t really deserve slavery for stealing a bottle.
Of course genies don’t see this as slavery. No more then a human would at paying off a debt with a salary. I’m very curious to see how it all plays out.
Actually Jeanie didn’t steal the bottle that was someone else she just found it.
I feel sorry for Alya here. :-/
She seems like a nice kid and does not deserve this.
The groom will be Guano.
Good for him if he’s found someone who can love him and who he loves in turn. *shrug*
@Rock: Say what? She’s not being punished in any way. More like getting to be a flower girl at a wedding. Fun stuff. What are you referring to?
I suspect their referring to her fellow ringbearer/bridesmaid/? is Jeanie.
Senko got it right. Who wants to have a callous jerk accuse them of being on drugs, just when they’re having a moment of romantic optimism and joy?
@Senko, Rock: Ah. Good point. Of course, it could be worse, Alya could have a drunken Rodge drooling all over her…
Meh. Drunken Rodge would pass out sooner or later, and while he’d be making a hit on Alya, he wouldn’t be trying to tear down her self-confidence for the sake of a cynical and narcissistic worldview. In the worst case, she could just poof away from Rodge; she’s apparently stuck with Jean for the foreseeable future.
So who is going to be the groom? Kasum???
You know, this exchange reveals an interesting fact.
If Jeannie and Alya are the two youngest genies, then that means that the Jeannie-double ISN’T younger / more recent, than our Jeannie. Which revives the speculation that maybe Jeannie-2 became a genie sometime closer to the 60’s, and the heyday of the IDoJ TV series.
As a separate note, Alya seems much more familiar with genie culture, which could mean that she was born a genie, rather than being converted via an empty totem.
There are a lot of loose ends going on here for CD to tie up.
I’m still holding to the theory that Jeannie-2 is the Big Bad Blue Djinn in disguise.
I agree about Alya. ^_^
Agreed, except I think it was probably the early ’70s. When IDoJ hit syndication and became HUGE. Enough that they had a cameo on Scooby-Doo and had their own Hanna-Barbara series for a time (though her appearance looked nothing like the IDoJ version…I’m just talking popularity). So I’d say…1972ish.
I know this is meant to be a great honour amongst genie kind (or I assume it is) but really you get the youngest, most inexperienced genie around to be invovled in something very important without checking they even know what’s invovled? I find myself thinking of the song in the simpson’s poseidon episode ” I think we’re heading for disaster; And most of you will not be saved.”
Well, hopefully, it’s a simple task, like being the ring bearer at a wedding.
Of course, I’m sure Jean will figure out a way to screw it up, anyway. 😉
Children are given a role as flower girls. It’s not a disaster even if they somehow mess up.
Though… they are in a prime position of trust and can ruin a wedding if they felt inclined.
And Jean shows how shallow she is.
The bride will be Jeanie’s double.
After viewing your top in panel four-do not take a deep breath.
DO take one! DO!
only on the Patreon page 🙂
The bride will be Jeanie2- and Jeanie will shortly be confused with her.
I can go with that, especially if she doesn’t want to get married either and is trying to off load it off on our Jeanie. It would be which Jeanie stuck with the guy genie.
Panel #2 would be a good place for a variation of the line from “Casablanca”:
“You didn’t hear?”
“I hear little and understand even less.”
Cmon Jean, not EVERYONE had a traumatic experience in becoming a genie (assuming)
I suppose it speaks words to the Genie culture that they’re just sort of pottering around as usual, going through ancient ceremonies and bureaucracies in the middle of a worldwide genie crisis which has them confined to their hidden fortress. I suppose when there hasn’t been a thing on the world that’s been much of a threat to you for millennia you get a little complacent.
Well, you can also see it as a sign of strength; even if there IS a homicidal genie-maniac loose, they’re not letting that completely stop their daily lives. Just like people in London during WWII continued to try and retain a semblance of normalcy, despite having to hunker down in air-raid shelters periodically.
Besides, what good would it do to cease all their normal activities? I doubt that it would make them any safer, and it would be hell on morale.
It doesn’t do anything for her.