Jeanie Bottle 432
on May 22, 2017
at 11:48 pm
and modified on October 21, 2019. at 11:32 pm
Chapter: Story 11: I Dream of an Escape
Characters: Lahab
We’re learning some interesting backstory here. But what does Haji’s Birthday entail…?
I bet Jean will get court up in this
Hmmm. It’s good to be the Haji
Hmmm. Well, Jean is certainly under the 300-year limit, but I wonder if Araceli is. Araceli seems young, but considering how old the tales of Aladdin and Ali Baba’s Forty Thieves are, she would have to be centuries old to have known the real people.
But if Araceli is taken to the palace, I think she’d take Caley with her. It’s what would be expected of any conscientious nanny/bottle genie.
Turning to irresponsible bottle genies, Jean will probably get taken into protective custody unless Kazom decides he needs some help. Or maybe Melvin summons Jean to take care of Red’s recent request.
I don’t really get the feeling that the genies would allow a non-genie into Haji’s palace. Even a genie’s master. Don’t quote me on that, though. I’m not the writer.
I do, however, get the feeling that Jeanie will be sucked into this whole debacle. Because that will be funny. 🙂
You’d think Haji’s birthday might have some kind of significance to Genie-Kind.
I don’t see why not. The Japanese celebrate the emperor’s birthday afterall. It’s one holiday that changes every few decades.
Blue Djinn? You don’t mean Araceli, do you?
Nope, the Blue Djinn is a different entity. Whether or not it’s more malicious that a bitch who would imprison her rival forever out of mistaken envy, though, is yet to be seen.
I thought that there were lots of blue djinn since the person who becomes a genie does so based on their own expectations of what they entails and there were a lot of people who became genies after Disney’s Aladdin came out.
@Trousle Undrhil:
Those are just blue-colored genies. The “Blue Djinn” is a certain, specific genie who was/is very dangerous, and was captured and put away by Guano back in the 1960s… and is apparently now on the loose again.
No, someone resembling Michael Ansara in the 2nd season opening of I Dream of Jeannie.
(For those of you who may not know, Barbara Eden was married to Michael Ansara during the series. Ansara is probably most remembered as the actor who portrayed Kang the Klingon in four different Star Trek series.)
Turning to Haji’s b-day, what better gift than a hot young Jeanie?
Slightly more seriously, Rouyaa was the 23rd Concubine of Haji back in 1969. Will Haji notice a certain resemblance? Will Haji remember the bottle, and accuse Jean of stealing Rouyaa’s totem? Will Jean call Haji a dirty old man? Will Jean adjust to her new life as a slug?
Considering that it was Haji’s order that stripped Rouyya of her genie powers, I doubt he’ll have any animosity over Jeanie taking up residence in it. Heck, he might be happy to bring his Concubine Count back up to 23. 🙂
Who said the Count peaked at 23?
Don’t worry about it, Jeanie not going to be interested in being one of Haji 23 concubine. She will really squawk about being his only girlfriend, let along being one of 23 girls in a harem.
Larry – You’re assuming there’s choice involved there.
I have a completely new thought. What if the current Haji ain’t the one that ruled the roost before? What inspired this thought was the gray hair on that very dignified lady genie. Maybe she’s Haji’s mom?
Maybe I’m channeling Brathalla or that Death Junior character in Yu Yu Hakusho. Anyway, why would Haji’s birthday be sucn a big deal? Think a little kid’s birthday party. Think a little kid about Caley’s age…
Think also of why the Genie Lords need to defend the palace when Haji is supposed to be way more powerful than any of them. The succession to the throne of a very young genie king would be just the opportunity the Blue Djinn would be looking for. The death of the old Haji could have been the reason the Blue Djinn was able to escape from his (or maybe her?) imprisonment; the spell holding the Blue Djinn was probably Haji’s doing.
So let’s make sure our new king has a fine birthday party. He needs extra cheering up, after all.
I have a feeling that the council here will need someone to strike back at the Blue Djinn. And it will need to be a genie young enough and incautious enough to be reckless… Gee, who do we know like that? 😉
(Or possibly this is a crisis severe enough to break down barriers and call in help from the witch world.)
That would actually be great to see Melvin’s gang again, although improbable as The Melvin Chronicles would have to be creative​ as to not just​ rehash the IDoJb strips.
Also, to Robert. You seem to have forgotten to add this strip to the current chapter. Just thought I’d mention.
Oh thanks! The lack of tags and characters derailed my usual posting routine, and I forgot.
Somehow I get the feeling that Jeannie will not be too keen on this birthday party…
Though maybe he will find some way of propping up his alibi of being in the middle east? Since he really will be soon!
Young genie Jeanie Dance for you masters birthday.
My guess is any thing they try to make Jeanie do she fights them lol. I can see the cringe all ready. Hopefully it is not a long arc, but long enough for Jeanie to learn her place and get her attitude adjusted a little.
I also hope she bury’s the hatchet some with her rival so she has some help after the story arc.
Because Jeanie will keep getting her self in trouble.
My guess is, that Jeanie going to get humbled a little bit, but, not completely broken in this arc. I see Jeanie being on the run for a little bit, because, she is GREAT EYE CANDY for all the male Genie’s, including Both Haji and the Blue Djinn.
Oh, I see a great plot here, beside Haji and thee Blue Djinn fighting each other, they are also fighting over who get Jeanie too.
I have a guess why CDRudd asked for our genie OC on dA a few weeks ago.
It’s a big palace. Just the Council room looks about the size of the Mormon Tabernacle or the Blue Mosque. Take a heap o’ genies to fill it up. We’ll need bottle genies, lamp genies, ring genies, garage door opener genies…
Really? It’s like I’m thinking a head or something… :/
Oh, that’s just a ridiculous suggestion. 😉
For some reason, I am not getting a huge competence vibe from this bunch. ^^;
That, and I just know Jean will throw a huge stink if anyone even suggests she become an elder genie’s concubine — or anyone else’s for that matter.
I’m curious to find out exactly why the Blue Djinn has it out for his own species.
The Blue Djinn want Haji role of being top Genie of all Genie’s and he doesn’t care how he get that power either. This is a power struggle between the two most powerful Djinn or Genie Lords. So the Blue Djinn is out to take over everything as a dictator would. Starting with the Genie world by eliminating every Genie that doesn’t swear alliance to him.
That why there worried about those young Genie’s getting whacked by the Blue Djinn.
If the youngsters don’t know about him, he should start recruiting them instead of killing.
So how is this different than the one in power now?
I was just thinking after re-reading it again. Haji birthday coming up also. I can just see Jeanie face when they ask Jeanie to do a belly dance fore Haji birthday. This isn’t going to go over very well at all knowing Jeanie.
The Blue Djinn? Anybody got a vacuum cleaner?
This story arc puts me in mind of the genie civil war that broke out in The Wotch. This could end up being a prelude to some crossover with Accidental Centaurs as well. This is going to be fun to observe.
Oooh, that would be SPLENDID! 😀
As I recall, genies in Wotch basically had their own world. Their bottles or whatever were tokens they could be summoned with, but they didn’t live in them. So, crossover doubtful.
Which is a shame, because I really liked the main genie character, and she never came back.
That would be HORRID
Maybe Haji likes belly dancers for his birthday.
I don’t understand the text bubble flow of this comic. Is Green Bra’s second bubble read before the lower panel? Is Blue Dress’s birthday bubble read right after the lower panel’s My lords bubble, or at the end of the comic all together? Their locations betray their connections.
The 5th panel clearly wasn’t physically big enough to fit in a fourth character, so Miss Green from Panel 3 just interjected a remark (“and the women?”) from off-screen, as it were.
In a similar way, you can see that “My Lords…”, although in Panel 4, was actually said by the grey-haired lady in Panel 5; the panel 4 bubble is connected to her panel 5 bubble.
The bubble placement is a little unconventional, but the order is consistent. Left-to-right, and top-to-bottom, within each panel. The bubble connectors indicate who is speaking. So it reads in this order:
Green bra: “We must find -”
Purple vest: “The young? -”
White robe: “Lord Natshir -”
White robe: “The younger genies -”
Blue skirt: “My lords…”
Blue skirt: “May I suggest -”
Blue skirt: “The men can -”
Green bra: “And the women?”
Blue skirt: “Haji’s birthday -“
Inb4 Jean teams up with the Blue Djinn just to spite Guano.
So if she joins the Blue Djinn, will she be wearing blue jeans?
Actually, if CD Rudd follows the TV series line and I am not saying he will. Blue Djinn in the TV series was a skirt chaser and primarily the skirt that he chased was the one that had Jeanie in it. He tried to marry her. With present Jeanie in mind, this going to go over like a lead balloon.
Like a Zeppelin? – they did alright actually.
Murderous Genie running around. Lets get half our numbers to plan a birthday party instead of help with defense/stopping him. Good plan hell it’s a great plan.
I kind of think that the only smart Genie Lord was Kazom. Maybe too smart to suit the more traditional Lords, who are focused on more important things like not co-operating with witches and birthday parties.
On the other hand, Blue Skirt Gray Hair might secretly be on the Blue Djinn’s side. And if she wanted to overturn the male chauvinist Lords, putting them in the line of fire while putting the women in the rear with the gear ain’t a bad strategy.
What happened to the first C in “correct”?
Anyone notice that the grey-hair women has a gold armband like Rouyaa did.
Perhaps it has something to do with being a concubine. A sort of a badge of rank, as it were.
They’ve got a palace? That has magiks that prevent their summoning? [Desire to know more intensifies]
where is the next page?
Thursday, If you read under the welcome message, “Normally Updates Weekly
Usually Tuesday or Thursday”
oh. been busy lately?
Oh I think you’ll figure out why it is a Thursday update when you see it.
Hate to tell you this Jean, but it’s VERY MUCH for your own good. Just do a stupid dance for the head genie for his B-day and explain you don’t swing that way.
Too bad Jean didn’t get belly dancing lessons from Araceli.
It probably just as well Jeanie not get the belly dancing lessons from Araceli. All Araceli would get for her efforts, would be dirty looks from Jeanie as she blow her stack Araceli.
Besides, it should be fun to see them try to train Jeanie to be a belly dancer. That should be a riot.
I doubt it will be in Jean’s best interest.
I thought it had been mentioned that there were quite a lot of younger new genies who were blue, because their mental image of what a “genie” looks like was heavily influenced by Disney’s Aladdin?
Now there’s just one blue genie (and presumably older than the Disney film?)