Jeanie Bottle 385
on August 16, 2016
at 12:00 am
and modified on November 26, 2022. at 11:13 pm
Chapter: Story 09: I Dream of Technicolor
Characters: Lord Guano, Rouyaa
Ah, so it’s Rouyaa’s fault that Guano is such a douche…
What is on Rouyaa’s armband?
Her harem pants looks different as well.
Seriously Rouyaa! Are you honestly telling someone to be as unbalanced as that? Confidence is important in leadership but so is compassion and modesty.
Present Guano should get to look at his before self, to help him remember their importance.
so the outfit is canon
I don’t think he’s a douche. He’s just a stickler for the rules that the genie on the block flaunts with infuriating regularity.
He also mistook Natalie for Jean, and then meted out Jean’s punishment onto Natalie without even confirming that he was punishing the right person. Sounds pretty douchey to me.
Actually, Robert, if you look at what Rouyaa is saying in panel 3, and think about Guano’s [later] actions, it’s clear that he’s trying to do exactly what she is saying.
Except, of course, that she probably didn’t mean for him to take her words literally and without exception.
But this does explain why he acts like he does today. He’s trying to do the right thing, he just doesn’t have very good judgement and is a little too literal-minded.
“Flouts”. To “flaunt” is to display something openly, with the implication that you are taunting someone with it.
I can’t but upvote this an ungodly number of times.
Now we see the whined up to what happened to Rouyaa and why Guano is an a$$. This should be interesting.
I think that’s someone pretending to be Rouyaa.
Then the 23rd concubine will replace Guano, so the present day genie lord is really an imposter
Huh, that’s an intriguing hypothesis.
providing isn’t an attempt at reverse psychology and given the underlying trope of the strip looks a like a Guano-Rouyaa body swap may be in the cards.
A Genie Lord is never wrong…oh boy, that attitude explains a LOT. He really took those words to heart, huh?
Wow, her skin tone changed. She sure got hormonal! Hmmm… Could it be that genies react to submissiveness with an instinctual dominance? And they actually do need a hard ass to keep them in line? Otherwise they turn Domme themselves? Which is what she is trying to tell him as she is berating the lowly worm before her? Will this comic now take a unexpected turn towards a more uh… adult storyline? Yikes!!!
She sure doesn’t seem to be in control of her emotions! That’s for sure!
She seems taller, too.
Her skin tone didn’t change. there’s just a magic, pink “poof” in front of most of her body.
No, he means it was greenish last strip, now it’s normal.
Somebody did some Jeanie fan art that just popped up on my Deviant art feed.
Looks really nice! Story is meh, but I’ll take any Jeanie stuff!!
Yeah, I meant that her skin tone is a normal pink instead of that awful green. I could tell that was a bit of pink “poof” around her.
She kinda overreacted a bit. Don’t ya think? I mean vowing to not listen to him anymore. And even changed into battle mode! Heck she sounded a lot like present Guano with that attitude! And totally different than how she was before. Maybe being wishy washy does send genies off the edge!
I was thinking that maybe she was trying to do a sort of “tough love” approach, and just overdid it a bit.
Kind of like, “Come on Guano, genie up!”
That green on Rouyaa was an art mistake that I missed while editing the last page. It’s now been fixed.
Could you change the Rouyaa that is on top of the page too? She looks like she is seasick!
And, maybe that is her version of tough love, that went a bit too far. Heck she transformed into genie mode even!
Fixed her in the header. Thanks for pointing that out, btw. The green wasn’t noticeable when she first showed up because of the black-and-white filter we were applying to the site. And I hadn’t taken a close look at the header since that filter was switched out for the one with the over-saturated colors.
No problem! I like how dedicated you guys are to getting the details right. And how you appreciate rather than get uptight when someone points out stuff. Makes the comic, as well as the general atmosphere better.
Way to be!
Always happy to be appreciated. 🙂
Daeif Alwatawat? His parents have something to answer for…
WorfGuano is really bad at being aKlingonGenie Lord, and the tragic thing is he ends up being lessKlingonGenie Lord by caring more about what he’s been told aKlingonGenie Lord is like rather than trying to enjoy it likeMartokKazom.Yeah, in the last strip her skin color matched that of Guano. In this one, she appears human.
Good point. I’ll go fix that.
The Ruby Tuesdays restaurant I was in today had lampshades that have almost that wall pattern…
Which might explain why they are going out of business. 🙂
This would be the opportune time to tell her to shut up with a demanding attitude.
Seriously, she’s asking for him to grow a pair and be like that. So show her what kind of arrogant bastard she is demanding him to be.
For someone in a harem, she has a high opinion of herself… use your good hand to slap the ***** Guano…
As i understand it, being in a harem wasn’t like slavery. It was more like being a member of the staff of a powerful leader; it carried some status. Haji is the chief of all genies; his harem probably outranks most of the rank-and-file genies.
Besides, even though she’s officially in the harem, I’m pretty sure she’s living full time with Andy. And functioning as a wife, even if they aren’t married by now. (Which they might be.)
A Concubine is a sex slave in human terms. Maybe it carries a more digifined status for genies, but it still sounds like being treated as a possession for a preverted nobleman to have intercourse with rather than with his actual wife. From what I read, they’re less-ranking than a wife (although some can get treated well with luxury), their children wouldn’t have the same privileges as the married couples’ and they are usually bought or taken away from their families to never see them again.
I’ve never liked the idea of women being objectify like part of a collection.
Concubinage is much more nuanced than mere sexual slavery. For instance, concubines often entered into the relationship willingly, because being a rich man’s concubine generally provided a woman with a much better life than being a poor peasant.
You can read more about it here:
She’s hot as hell. She can be MY concubine!!
Unrelated to current discussion, but nice to share anyway.
His last name is Alwatawat? Sound funny if you say it fast.