Jeanie Bottle 483
Oh, so THAT’S what’s been going on…
I’m gonna level with you guys. CD told me this plot point back at the start of I Dream of an Escape, so I’ve known all along. Seeing all you guys speculate about what was happening, without being able to chime in and say, “Well, actually…” was really hard. And amusingly, at least one commenter perfectly guessed this scenario a few weeks ago.
EDIT: Holy crap, we just got a massive new fanart donation from C_Prime, and it’s exclusively pics of Natalie! Check out the Fan Art page for new pics of Natalie in every outfit she’s worn in the comic so far.
It’s all his own work, though he wanted to acknowledge that he based his lingerie pic on Th3go’s previous fanart of Natalie.
It was a toothbrush and if it was her dream she sure scared Melvin and the K with it. I think she has powers even she doesn’t realize she has.
judging from our girl’s past history this will not end well for the big blue bad guy. So many things will go wrong.
I knew that Jeannie wasn’t acting properly in the last several post and possession or control over Jeannie by Blue Djinn was the only acceptable choice. So what do we know now?
1. Jeannie basically sold her sole to the devil or the Blue Djinn.
2. That Jeannie probably still has some aspiration of being a guy again and the Blue Djinn probably used that to deceive or trick Jeannie into submitting to him.
3. The Blue Djinn has basically taken over Jeannie body, so that would indicate the he is a disembodied spirit with no body of his own. If so, then he has to get some Genie pregnant like Jeannie to be a Genie again.
4. As other people have noted, Jeannie should know better than that and she has read many stories people being foolish like this. But, because of her obsession, Jeannie has become completely blind to what going to happen.
5. The reason that Jeannie is ignoring the warning signs is because, he promised her the moon and she foolish believed it. like he will give her more powerful magic and such things like that.
6. We all know that Jeannie a jerk. But, what Jeannie did to Neil by turning him into Natalie is completely out of character for her. So I am going with it being under the influence of the Blue Djinn control over her and not Jeannie herself that pulling this crap on Neil.
7. Neither Jeannie nor the Blue Djinn want Natalie getting pregnant by Rodge. Jeannie doesn’t want it, because she has a personal interest in Neil being a guy. Blue Djinn doesn’t want Natalie pregnant, because, the baby would be a Mortal Baby and not a Genie Baby. Most intermarriages stories between Mortal’s and Genie’s, the Baby turn out to be Genie Babies and not Mortal Babies. If that his goal, then he going to have to trick Jeannie into getting pregnant by Neil to have a Genie baby to possess.
8. Natalie going too far, is in reference to Natalie getting ready to have sex with Rodge.
The only things in question now, is how everything going to play out and how this arc going to end.
Another way that Natalie could have gone too far, would have also wished to stay Natalie forever and have sex with Rodge. Jeannie and/or the Blue Djinn, shorted that out, by zapping Natalie before she could make a wish or do some else stupid like that.
It’s obvious the author is bored with writing this comic strip. I guess he just continues out of a sense of obligation to those that still read it. Too bad, used to be interesting and fun now just running in circles. Pityl
Its difficult to write for a comic that is only updating 4 times in a month…plus he is also writing SS and probably planning the launch of his new series…so its a given that some things will suffer some.
Ye-ah, waiting to launch Wolfpac. Kind of like waiting for the launch of the Nova rocket.
I don’t think the author is bored with writing this comic strip. There still so much that he can do with it still and I think he also said that one or two other comics beside this comic that he updating on a regular basses too. Some of these comics are fairly detailed too, which means that it take a lot of time to make them. Then he also has a full time job that he has to work to pay the bill so he can live. So these comics are only a spare time hobby of his, when he has the time to make them.
The best part of this series, is to see an Alpha Male that is self centered guy that serve primarily himself into Alpha Female that still has some of those male characteristic of Jean, but, increasing developing a more Motherly Female characteristic of what a Female Genie suppose to exhibit. Jeannie messing with the Blue Djinn may end up retarding her moving into becoming a more Female Motherly Genie Type or it may end up accelerating it too. Jeannie messing the Blue Djinn, would probably have a side effect retarding Jeannie move into being a more Motherly Female Genie Type Genie. However what Jeannie has done to Neil, with or without Blue Djinn influences, Jeannie going to have to turn over a new leaf to save her relationship with Neil or loss him forever. Remember when Jeannie was still Jean, he choose to move to Cocoa Beach to stay close to his best friend Neil. Actually, Neil is Jean’s only friend. Everybody knows that Jean a self-centered jerk. But, even with all the crap that Jean/Jeannie pulls, he/she still has a tender spot for Neil some place within herself. At some point in this series, I would expect Neil to give Jeannie an ultimatum to either straighten up act or leave him alone.
Apart from something like that, I would not expect Jeannie to change too much too fast.
Hm could the split personality be hinted as far back as here?
I think it’s got to do with the bottle for some reason.
From time to time we get hints of the Jeannie side of Jean. But, most of the time, we see the Jean side of Jeannie. This is probably one of the first hints that there is a Genie side of Jean or the first bubbling to the surface of Jeannie starting to connect with her bottle and see security there. Up to this point, she has pretty much rejected every about being a Genie and having a bottle to live in or being a Genie herself. At the point that we are now, she want to be a Genie, but, she doesn’t want to be a female Genie. So there a progression in Jeannie mind of not being a Genie at all to being a Male Genie.
The current Jeannie talking to herself, starts here:
Here where she evidently made an internet connection to the Blue Djinn and we start his possession or taking control over Jeannie body and/or spirit with Jeannie consent on some level. We also have Neil being turned into Natalie, because, the next time we see Jeannie, she in the haram and Neil has already been transformed into Natalie. The person that Jeannie is talking to is the Blue Djinn that evidently resides in her mind. So she having a back and forth discussion with him in this addition of Jeannie Bottle.
Duuuuudee, you worked it out. Now that dialogue in the bottle makes sense…