Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
She tells (complains to) everyone. Apparently, the difference between human and genie is much bigger than the difference between male and female, but she’s been too focused on the latter to realize the former.
She told Kazom, not Shula and Alya. Kazom seems to be rather uncommunicative and probably didn’t tell anyone else. Lahab knows (but didn’t mention how she knew) but is keeping it quiet.
I don’t think the age thing is going to affect the wedding since it doesn’t seem like genies have weddings. Blue and Guano spoke The Oath and all that’s left is the actual consummation that creates a new genie.
from my past story adventures, Dragons can age 1,000s of years faster than humans, Atlanteans can age 100s of years slower than humans. I think genies can live somewhere between those numbers, provided they don’t use their magic too much.
In the web serial novel “The Gods Are Bastards”, a lot of those long living/ immortal and powerful races are concerned with humans despite their fragility and short lives.
Turns out humanity progress at a fast pace, due to our tendency to to pass down information and skills through the generations. Imagine a dragon who goes to sleep a few centuries and discovers the puny apes have replaced pointy sticks and armor for musquets and cannons. Another sleep and the little guys have now heavy artillery and even flying machines…
In this comic, we have seen how imaginative most genies are, and how backward is their society. So I’m not impressed with Shula’s assertion regarding the mortal world.
To be fair, humans also have the advantage of there being LOT of them. Compared to that, few hundred of creatures can’t reach significant progress even if they cooperate, which they usually don’t, and if they would be as imaginative as humans, which genies don’t seem to be.
We’ve already seen her mind changing and adapting to being a genie, what with Jeanie’s instinctual affinity for service jobs, a thing that Jean definitely would not have enjoyed or been good at
Jeanie still thinks like a human, but that’s mostly because she’s only been a genie for like 2 years tops
It is the perspective, Shula is holding her hand straight out in front off her. Our line of sight just makes it look like she might be doing something inappropriate, but she’s not.
I took classes on photography and you learn a lot about that sort of stuff.
I used to be an amature photo bug myself. I always bothers me when I see a published photo and the negetave has been reversed for the editer. Thats just me.
I’m not sure Jeanie’s blush is about her age. No, I think that was triggered by what she heard in frame one, and what went bang in frame four. And, frankly, I’m not sure I understand it myself. I swear, this nags at me; it’s a splinter in my brain.
“Genies…aren’t bound to the physical realm the way humans are. Or you’d be burning alive right now. That’s why human sex and foreplay can’t be compared to each other.”
Oh, REALLY? Human sex and foreplay can’t be compared because we’re bound to the physical realm? I’m guessing foreplay isn’t as physical as sex–it’s heavily psychological, even spiritual.
Then: “When you hit your first century…you’ll have seen what the world really has.”
Jeanie’s not blushing because she’s younger than a century. She’s blushing because Jean is what the world has outside the genie realm, in merely human lifespans.
And she now suspects Jean came up very short indeed–at least in part because she was surprised by her freefall experience.
Jeanie may be further humiliated by the fact that when she had Neil stand in for her with Jean’s lover, Neil apparently did better than Jean himself had—and that may well have been because Neil was as focused on pleasuring his partner through foreplay (and maybe after-play?) as pleasuring himself with the sex.
Weeeelll…you know how old my body looks in human age? I’m…actually a bit younger. Barbara Eden was older than I was when I became a Genie when “I Dream of Jeannie” aired.
Question 1: If Jeanie’s only been a genie for two years at most, how did she come to be “betrothed” to Guano in the first place?
Question 2: Do genies have a minimum age for marriage or what passes for marriage?
Question 3: If so, and if Jeanie is below it, as she probably is, does that mean that the “marriage” is off, or that she is still just betrothed and will be until she reaches that minimum age?
The betrothal happened while the Blue Djinn possessed her body. She threatened to destroy Araceli unless Guano agreed to an oath. Because once Guano became the new Lord Haji and something happened to him, as his First the Blue Djinn would hold a lot of power. Neither Guano nor Jeanie willingly agreed to this, but it can’t be undone.
Also, I’m not sure if it’s a betrothal as we know it, given that magic was probably involved. It could be that the marriage itself happened when the Blue Djinn was threatening Guano.
Across almost all cultures, including the medieval Arabic culture that the Genies live by, betrothal establishes the two people as a “couple” with formal legal status as that culture defines it. Marriage is the sealing of that status, with the couple CONSUMMATING their new, married status.
If Guano and Jeanie haven’t consummated, they aren’t married.
Remember, though, that Kazom is several thousand years old, and he’s not the oldest genie, by far. Which means that genie culture way predates the medieval period, and potetially even the earliest shreds of human civilization. So the comparison might not be applicable.
Plus, I have a hunch that any “consummation” is liable to be of a magical nature, not physical. Genies may have humanoid-appearing forms, but they clearly aren’t mammals, the way we think of them.
They sure look mammalian; that is, the females have breasts. Even if they aren’t, reptiles and amphibians have sex the same way that mammals do. They have for millions of years. When brotosauruses had sex, the Earth really did move.
Sure, they look that way, but that’s just appearances. Heck, they can live for centuries in a tiny bottle without food, water or even air – what comparable creature can do that? According to Kazom, they don’t even reproduce though physical contact, but purely by magic. So clearly they aren’t any more human than a mannequin is, and probably for similar reasons; they were deliberately created to be human-looking, even though they are arguably an entirely different/alien form of life.
If I remember correctly, in medieval Arabic culture, a girl may be “promised”, even betrothed, at an earlier age, but she can’t be married until she’s twelve.
That brings up an interesting observation. Jehane went into her bottle as a child (page 452: age undetermined) and emerged as a teenager (page 453/454). The only other youthful genie we’ve seen was Lahab’s impersonation of one on page 723 (again, age undetermined but possibly a young teen).
@Robert: I didn’t, but since Jeanie did that to herself, I wasn’t counting it. I was referring more along the lines of what might be common in genie society pre-Jeanie.
All interesting questions. I should do a story that looks at Genie culture.
Hmmm… maybe a story where Jeanie is brought to Haji’s palace, and is injected into genie Society.
CD, how about a story where Haji decides to try to drag genie culture into the 21st century by introducing TVs, cell phones, computers and modern dress and customs? All of which will, of course, be misconstrued, misinterpreted and misused by the genies, in epic failure mode, while hilarity ensues?
Guano is already a technophile—remember him geeking out over Andy and Rouyaa’s new color TV, and his fascination with the latest cellphones. It would be more appropriate for him to be the one to begin a misguided attempt at bringing tech to Genie society.
The leaders of Amish (Pennsylvania Dutch) communities, a human group that is “stuck” in an earlier historic period, consider the use of new technology in terms of how it will impact their culture before they allow it. For example, telephones aren’t allowed in their homes because they tend to increase the isolation between family members. They’ll set up a shed some distance from their home with a telephone for emergency use. They also allow telephones in their places of business in order to communicate with suppliers and customers.
The Genies might do something similar. Consider, for instance. the possible use of cell phones by Genies while in their bottles or lamps.
Genies might
That would be fun to read. Speaking as a sociologist (my B.S. degree), the Genies were probably a primitive tribl culture depending on their magic, rather than technology to survive. Their first contact with humans was before (or during the reign of King Solomon, who the legends say, fought with and conquered the Genies. That’s who trapped them in their bottles and lamps. They stayed more or less in the Middle East for centuries, and gradually adopted that culture.
Their greatest contact with humans in the Middle Ages was probably during the reign of Harun al-Rashid in the 8th century. He’s the historical ruler, the caliph of Baghdad (and all of Islam), who lived around the time of Charlemagne and is the ruler associated with the Thousand and One Arabian Nights.
Maybe the woman who, supposedly, told those tale was herself a Genie.
They have brains. They think differently from humans because their culture is based on magic rather than technology. Also, they aren’t exactly human beings. Think how differently cats and humans think. Or cats and dogs. And if you don’t think that cats and dogs can think, you’ve never had one of either species.
I was speaking figuratively. On the whole, most of the genies we’ve seen just don’t seem very bright. But then, when you can do or have anything you want by blinking an eye, there’s not much evolutionary incentive to become more intelligent.
Let’s sea Jeannie became a djinn in 2009, and was around 30 back then, so I guess that would make her around 45 years old now.
I think it would be nice to be 45 and still be considered as little more then a child who have only lived a small fraction of her life
That’s not how this works. Jeanie was bottled under two years ago in comic time. Physically. she’s about 34, Barbara Eden’s age when IDoJ first aired although Jean was in his mid to late 20’s. Emotional age is an entirely different story.
Actually, according to Jeanie, when she was first genie-fied, she was 23. (Comic #94) And it’s been less than 2 years, comic-time, since then. So she’s either 24 or 25 now.
Yea, I couldn’t find that age and just went with an estimate. “Jean” was 23. “Barbara” was 34 and she is who Jean fantasized about as his dream genie. It’s Barbara’s body he copied, ergo Jeanie is “physically” 34. which will be her physical appearance until she’s lord knows how old.
Yeah, but Jean’s memory of IDoJ was imperfect, which is why her hairstyle, for instance, is different, as well as her proportions. Jeannie looks are similar to those of the TV character, but not an exact copy. So I think it’s a stretch to say that Jeannie must look 34. Not to mention that Barbara Eden was very young-looking for her age (and still is) so Jeannie’s appearance might not reflect that of an average 30-something, but more of the youthful sex-symbol he fantasized about.
I don’t think she copied Barbara’s body, she copied an idealised version of her body. That is not just Barbera at 21, but Barbera as she wished she looked at 21.
That is, she have a perfect hourglass figure with perky breast that will never sack, an ass that is to die for an a hip to waist to bust ratio that is exactly 1,618 or the golden proportion
Ok, SO I’ll clearlify this. Jean was in his early 20s when he found the bottle and was turned into a genie. Jean turned into an idealized version of Barbara Eden’s genie, so there are variations in her appearance from the actual I Dream of a Jeannie Bottle version of Jeannie. That being said, Jeanie’s age is still the same as human Jean, early 20s (Human standard) mentally and physically. Now, genies don’t age the same as humans, so 20 years from now, when Neil is in his 40s, Jeanie will still look mid 20s (unless she uses her magic to change her physical appearance).
Well Jean has been a genie roughly close to a year, right?
Over a year, maybe a year ‘n a half.
This is going to be an interesting conversation. I wonder what their reactions will be once they realize she hasn’t been a genie that long at all.
Or has been gender-bended from a male.
Jeanie isn’t going to tell them that.
She tells (complains to) everyone. Apparently, the difference between human and genie is much bigger than the difference between male and female, but she’s been too focused on the latter to realize the former.
That already happened. These genies didn’t seem to mind at all.
She told Kazom, not Shula and Alya. Kazom seems to be rather uncommunicative and probably didn’t tell anyone else. Lahab knows (but didn’t mention how she knew) but is keeping it quiet.
oh when they find out they’re gonna raise holy heck over the age thing, and *that’s* what’ll stop the wedding.
Or they will still consider Jeanie to be the geniekind equivalent of their 20s and keep going.
I don’t think the age thing is going to affect the wedding since it doesn’t seem like genies have weddings. Blue and Guano spoke The Oath and all that’s left is the actual consummation that creates a new genie.
Does time pass differently on the Genie realm?
from my past story adventures, Dragons can age 1,000s of years faster than humans, Atlanteans can age 100s of years slower than humans. I think genies can live somewhere between those numbers, provided they don’t use their magic too much.
In the web serial novel “The Gods Are Bastards”, a lot of those long living/ immortal and powerful races are concerned with humans despite their fragility and short lives.
Turns out humanity progress at a fast pace, due to our tendency to to pass down information and skills through the generations. Imagine a dragon who goes to sleep a few centuries and discovers the puny apes have replaced pointy sticks and armor for musquets and cannons. Another sleep and the little guys have now heavy artillery and even flying machines…
In this comic, we have seen how imaginative most genies are, and how backward is their society. So I’m not impressed with Shula’s assertion regarding the mortal world.
To be fair, humans also have the advantage of there being LOT of them. Compared to that, few hundred of creatures can’t reach significant progress even if they cooperate, which they usually don’t, and if they would be as imaginative as humans, which genies don’t seem to be.
I wonder whether Jean’s mind really will hold up under the grinding weight of passing centuries.
We’ve already seen her mind changing and adapting to being a genie, what with Jeanie’s instinctual affinity for service jobs, a thing that Jean definitely would not have enjoyed or been good at
Jeanie still thinks like a human, but that’s mostly because she’s only been a genie for like 2 years tops
They say it’s the second hundred years that are the hardest.
I’m already finding the first one hundred a bit of a trial now and then.
in panel one I guess Shula is just waveing her left hand and not patting Jeanies left big round thingie.
It is the perspective, Shula is holding her hand straight out in front off her. Our line of sight just makes it look like she might be doing something inappropriate, but she’s not.
I took classes on photography and you learn a lot about that sort of stuff.
I used to be an amature photo bug myself. I always bothers me when I see a published photo and the negetave has been reversed for the editer. Thats just me.
Boy, are they going to be in for a surprise when they learn the truth. XD
I don’t think physical age will matter too much. Some creatures reach adulthood fast than others. Maturity and responsibility probably matter more.
Maturity is not a function of age. You’re only young once but you can be immature forever.
Good point. Rodge is a prime example.
Her age could hypothetically cause issues with this upcoming marriage.
Extremely unlikely. First, Genies are unlikely to care. Second, they are already after the point of no return. They CAN’T revert the marriage.
I’m not sure Jeanie’s blush is about her age. No, I think that was triggered by what she heard in frame one, and what went bang in frame four. And, frankly, I’m not sure I understand it myself. I swear, this nags at me; it’s a splinter in my brain.
“Genies…aren’t bound to the physical realm the way humans are. Or you’d be burning alive right now. That’s why human sex and foreplay can’t be compared to each other.”
Oh, REALLY? Human sex and foreplay can’t be compared because we’re bound to the physical realm? I’m guessing foreplay isn’t as physical as sex–it’s heavily psychological, even spiritual.
Then: “When you hit your first century…you’ll have seen what the world really has.”
Jeanie’s not blushing because she’s younger than a century. She’s blushing because Jean is what the world has outside the genie realm, in merely human lifespans.
And she now suspects Jean came up very short indeed–at least in part because she was surprised by her freefall experience.
Jeanie may be further humiliated by the fact that when she had Neil stand in for her with Jean’s lover, Neil apparently did better than Jean himself had—and that may well have been because Neil was as focused on pleasuring his partner through foreplay (and maybe after-play?) as pleasuring himself with the sex.
Weeeelll…you know how old my body looks in human age? I’m…actually a bit younger. Barbara Eden was older than I was when I became a Genie when “I Dream of Jeannie” aired.
Beautiful artwork, but the lava is about 3″ too high…
Do you suppose lava perkifies? Sure, cold water might…but lava?
Question 1: If Jeanie’s only been a genie for two years at most, how did she come to be “betrothed” to Guano in the first place?
Question 2: Do genies have a minimum age for marriage or what passes for marriage?
Question 3: If so, and if Jeanie is below it, as she probably is, does that mean that the “marriage” is off, or that she is still just betrothed and will be until she reaches that minimum age?
The betrothal happened while the Blue Djinn possessed her body. She threatened to destroy Araceli unless Guano agreed to an oath. Because once Guano became the new Lord Haji and something happened to him, as his First the Blue Djinn would hold a lot of power. Neither Guano nor Jeanie willingly agreed to this, but it can’t be undone.
Also, I’m not sure if it’s a betrothal as we know it, given that magic was probably involved. It could be that the marriage itself happened when the Blue Djinn was threatening Guano.
Across almost all cultures, including the medieval Arabic culture that the Genies live by, betrothal establishes the two people as a “couple” with formal legal status as that culture defines it. Marriage is the sealing of that status, with the couple CONSUMMATING their new, married status.
If Guano and Jeanie haven’t consummated, they aren’t married.
Remember, though, that Kazom is several thousand years old, and he’s not the oldest genie, by far. Which means that genie culture way predates the medieval period, and potetially even the earliest shreds of human civilization. So the comparison might not be applicable.
Plus, I have a hunch that any “consummation” is liable to be of a magical nature, not physical. Genies may have humanoid-appearing forms, but they clearly aren’t mammals, the way we think of them.
They sure look mammalian; that is, the females have breasts. Even if they aren’t, reptiles and amphibians have sex the same way that mammals do. They have for millions of years. When brotosauruses had sex, the Earth really did move.
Sure, they look that way, but that’s just appearances. Heck, they can live for centuries in a tiny bottle without food, water or even air – what comparable creature can do that? According to Kazom, they don’t even reproduce though physical contact, but purely by magic. So clearly they aren’t any more human than a mannequin is, and probably for similar reasons; they were deliberately created to be human-looking, even though they are arguably an entirely different/alien form of life.
I do like the brontosaur idea, though. 😉
A. 2: Apparently there’s no minimum, which sort of makes sense given the quasi-medieval genie culture.
A. 3: Since 2 is a ‘no’, Q. 3 is moot. Not to mention that it seems to be a matter of magic, not legalities, and thus not realy un-doable.
If I remember correctly, in medieval Arabic culture, a girl may be “promised”, even betrothed, at an earlier age, but she can’t be married until she’s twelve.
That must be it. Jeanie is still considered genie-jailbait. 😉
That brings up an interesting observation. Jehane went into her bottle as a child (page 452: age undetermined) and emerged as a teenager (page 453/454). The only other youthful genie we’ve seen was Lahab’s impersonation of one on page 723 (again, age undetermined but possibly a young teen).
Don’t forget Teen Jeanie, during the time travel arc.
@Robert: I didn’t, but since Jeanie did that to herself, I wasn’t counting it. I was referring more along the lines of what might be common in genie society pre-Jeanie.
All interesting questions. I should do a story that looks at Genie culture.
Hmmm… maybe a story where Jeanie is brought to Haji’s palace, and is injected into genie Society.
CD, how about a story where Haji decides to try to drag genie culture into the 21st century by introducing TVs, cell phones, computers and modern dress and customs? All of which will, of course, be misconstrued, misinterpreted and misused by the genies, in epic failure mode, while hilarity ensues?
Guano is already a technophile—remember him geeking out over Andy and Rouyaa’s new color TV, and his fascination with the latest cellphones. It would be more appropriate for him to be the one to begin a misguided attempt at bringing tech to Genie society.
The leaders of Amish (Pennsylvania Dutch) communities, a human group that is “stuck” in an earlier historic period, consider the use of new technology in terms of how it will impact their culture before they allow it. For example, telephones aren’t allowed in their homes because they tend to increase the isolation between family members. They’ll set up a shed some distance from their home with a telephone for emergency use. They also allow telephones in their places of business in order to communicate with suppliers and customers.
The Genies might do something similar. Consider, for instance. the possible use of cell phones by Genies while in their bottles or lamps.
Genies might
That would be fun to read. Speaking as a sociologist (my B.S. degree), the Genies were probably a primitive tribl culture depending on their magic, rather than technology to survive. Their first contact with humans was before (or during the reign of King Solomon, who the legends say, fought with and conquered the Genies. That’s who trapped them in their bottles and lamps. They stayed more or less in the Middle East for centuries, and gradually adopted that culture.
Their greatest contact with humans in the Middle Ages was probably during the reign of Harun al-Rashid in the 8th century. He’s the historical ruler, the caliph of Baghdad (and all of Islam), who lived around the time of Charlemagne and is the ruler associated with the Thousand and One Arabian Nights.
Maybe the woman who, supposedly, told those tale was herself a Genie.
And that’s why mental age is more important.
Are the genies this dumb? I thought they already knew?
Essentially, yes. For the most part, when they have that much magical power, they don’t need brains.
They have brains. They think differently from humans because their culture is based on magic rather than technology. Also, they aren’t exactly human beings. Think how differently cats and humans think. Or cats and dogs. And if you don’t think that cats and dogs can think, you’ve never had one of either species.
I was speaking figuratively. On the whole, most of the genies we’ve seen just don’t seem very bright. But then, when you can do or have anything you want by blinking an eye, there’s not much evolutionary incentive to become more intelligent.
Let’s sea Jeannie became a djinn in 2009, and was around 30 back then, so I guess that would make her around 45 years old now.
I think it would be nice to be 45 and still be considered as little more then a child who have only lived a small fraction of her life
That’s not how this works. Jeanie was bottled under two years ago in comic time. Physically. she’s about 34, Barbara Eden’s age when IDoJ first aired although Jean was in his mid to late 20’s. Emotional age is an entirely different story.
Actually, according to Jeanie, when she was first genie-fied, she was 23. (Comic #94) And it’s been less than 2 years, comic-time, since then. So she’s either 24 or 25 now.
Yea, I couldn’t find that age and just went with an estimate. “Jean” was 23. “Barbara” was 34 and she is who Jean fantasized about as his dream genie. It’s Barbara’s body he copied, ergo Jeanie is “physically” 34. which will be her physical appearance until she’s lord knows how old.
Yeah, but Jean’s memory of IDoJ was imperfect, which is why her hairstyle, for instance, is different, as well as her proportions. Jeannie looks are similar to those of the TV character, but not an exact copy. So I think it’s a stretch to say that Jeannie must look 34. Not to mention that Barbara Eden was very young-looking for her age (and still is) so Jeannie’s appearance might not reflect that of an average 30-something, but more of the youthful sex-symbol he fantasized about.
I don’t think she copied Barbara’s body, she copied an idealised version of her body. That is not just Barbera at 21, but Barbera as she wished she looked at 21.
That is, she have a perfect hourglass figure with perky breast that will never sack, an ass that is to die for an a hip to waist to bust ratio that is exactly 1,618 or the golden proportion
Ok, SO I’ll clearlify this. Jean was in his early 20s when he found the bottle and was turned into a genie. Jean turned into an idealized version of Barbara Eden’s genie, so there are variations in her appearance from the actual I Dream of a Jeannie Bottle version of Jeannie. That being said, Jeanie’s age is still the same as human Jean, early 20s (Human standard) mentally and physically. Now, genies don’t age the same as humans, so 20 years from now, when Neil is in his 40s, Jeanie will still look mid 20s (unless she uses her magic to change her physical appearance).
Thanks for clearing that up.
So much culture shock.