Jeanie Bottle 484
And so begins a new chapter of I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle! At a really swanky mansion.
By the way, in case you missed it last week, we just got a massive new fanart donation from C_Prime, and it’s exclusively pics of Natalie! Check out the Fan Art page for new pics of Natalie in every outfit she’s worn in the comic so far.
It’s all his own work, though he wanted to acknowledge that he based his lingerie pic on Th3go’s previous fanart of Natalie.
Well, now that the story is taking real life cameos/references once again(and to hide the fact that I have to google what was going one here) I wanted to ask, which year is suppose to be in the world of Jeanie Bottle? I mean, I know that the comic started almost ten years ago in 2009 and in canon there has only been some months, a year at best since it started, but some arcs ago there was a direct reference to Frozen in the contest that the movie was already popular, so it has to be post 2013, so… yea, which year does the comic take place approximately?
I think it’s safe to say that Jeanie Bottle takes place “Today”. As in, the title card you’d see in a movie when the opening scene is in “The Past”, and then it switches to modern times, and the title card then says “Today”. Basically, “unspecified and fluid date at some point in modern times”.
So expect the occasional references to things that came into existence after the comic started (in 2009), despite the fact that only a few months have passed within the comic’s timeline.
I always preferred Max Headroom’s “20 minutes into the future”.
A bit off topic, but the first appearance of Lord Guano is comic 29, not 69.
That’s an artifact of the fact that we really haven’t properly tagged and character’d all the older comics. It’s something we always mean to do, but it’s a REALLY tedious task, so it’s hard to get up the gumption to actually go do it on hundreds of pages.
Would love to help out with that. Maybe make some tool that would allow you to crowdsource the task to us, the readers, without you having to give away admin access. I’ll see if something like that would be doable
So who wants to get a promotion? Guano? Or Asha? Maybe both.
If it’s Guano, he’d kind of be like Saruman in The Lord of the Rings, a third party who’s trying to double-cross both sides in a conflict. Also Stalin, who pulled of that trick more than once.
The other way I see it might go is that Asha is trying to become Wife #1 behind Guano as the successor to Haji-0–and rule through him if he doesn’t make a nuisance of himself.
Tom, remind me, who’s Asha?
She’s tagged on this page, but we don’t actually learn her name in-comic until next week. I figured it wasn’t enough of a spoiler to be worth the hassle of adding the tag later.
Isn’t it obvious?
Well you see, Ash from “The Evil Dead” movies found this bottle and ….
@Fearless Ferret:
I’m trying to picture a female Bruce Campbell. Uh, uhh, uhhhhh – nope, can’t do it. All I can see is a pair of huge… chins.
Now please excuse me; I have to go find some brain bleach. 😉
Hm. So does this mean that Stephen Foster had a genie lord checking up on him regularly?
(Does that mean that Jeanie is friends with Miss Clairol?)
Could be! You never know with this crazy world that Neil and Jeannie live in.
I guess we now also need to wonder about Jim Croce, given that he kept singing about spending “time in a bottle“, while “eternity passes away“, and “words making wishes come true” !
Never fear, Bat Crap is on the job and doing his thing! Everything is getting ready for the Genie Civil War and probably a Which Civil War too!
Hey, and Guano had his own TV show, too –
Bat Crap!
Na na, na na, na na, na na,
Na na, na na, na na, na na,
Bat Crap!
Asha? You’re tagging her Asha? In the 3rd panel we see a nameplate for one the the gold records from the 2nd panel. Clearly CD wants us to think she’s Christina Aguilera…. Holy. Crap! Christina Aguilera is a genie?!?!
There is a reason that she’s tagged Asha, which you will learn next week.
A Song Of Ice And Fire reference?
Not only is she a Genie, she a Genie in high regards too, with several metals and awards for her achievement too. That how we found out that Christina Aguilera is the Genie that Guano is talking to. It on one of those name plate that been blown up for us to see it.
YouTube – Christina Aguilera – Genie In A Bottle
You know, if Jeannie would just get on the stick and practice her magic a bit, SHE could be living a life like this, instead of being crammed into that silly little apartment with Neil…
Yell, in a bottle too!
What, and leave his friends? A person’s possessions, power, and friends are simply there to enable a person to do what they want, to live how they want. A genie has magic, and therefore doesn’t need to be encumbered and restricted by possessions, power, and friends.
There’s no need to leave your friends. When you’re a genie with awesome cosmic powers, you can visit them any time you want – or just poof them over to your mansion for the evening.
Is it just me, or does Guano look kind of sad in that last panel?
That or maybe a bit scared. Maybe someone pointed out to him that he’s likely to be tops on the Blue Djinn’s “to kill” list.
Oh yeah, Big Bad Blue hates his guts. LSH probably didn’t need to be reminded of that like I did, though, since that was probably the only reason he became a genie lord in the first place.
Grammies, or just very old gramophones?
Me like-y where this seems to be going!
With gold records and at least five Grammies I think Asha is a siren like Chrystal and Guano needs her to cast a spell on big bad blue.
Ick. Who’d want a siren going off all the time? It’d be like living next to a fire station.
I live next to a fire station.
Unless it your house that on fire. Now I think that might make a difference to you if the siren go off.
Wow, for once in this entire comic, present day Guano doesn’t look like he stepped in his namesake (he must be “Guano”ing in his pants)
Okay maybe this is just because I do not understand how Americans think.
But if I am not mistaking, this women, whomever she is, is trying to get a tan. So it makes Absolutely no sense that she wears a bikini
In this country its called indecent exposure or at least over exposure plus CD would lose his PG rating.
In the US, even if you’re on your own private property, if people can see you naked, it still counts as public nudity,
That, and people usually don’t get tans in areas that are expected to always be covered by clothing, as no one would be able to see it anyway
What? you don’t have private property rights in America?
In my country it used to be normal to be naked on the beach and it is still not uncommon.
Also what is “indecent exposure”?
I remember a case a few years ago where some neighbours to a nudist couple complained to the police because, this rather old and chubby pair was wandering around their front yard swinging it all around. They coulnd’t do anything because it was private property but it was still rude. I mean I wouldn’t like it either if a man and a saggy women were that much in my face with it, but usually people can figure it out.
Of course there are private property rights in America. But they are not unlimited. It’s not quite as black-and-white as the above discussion paints things; there’s more nuance than that. If you’re out watering the flowers along the street in front of your house in the nude, then yes, the police will probably pay you a visit and politely ask you to put on a bathing suit. If you are in your private, enclosed back yard, and someone could only see you by sneaking up and peeking through the cracks in the fence, then you can pretty much do what you like; instead it will be the peeker who gets a talking-to by the cops. On the other hand, if the neighbors can easily see you in the nude, over the fence from their upper windows, then maybe it’s time to build a higher fence or for the neighbors to get some window blinds.
In any of the above instances, no one is going to jail, certainly not the first time or six. If it’s a constant stream of complaints, and nothing changes, then eventually a minor civil citation might get issued, essentially to get you to fix the problem.
It’s like anywhere else; people are expected to get along without either causing undue problems for others, or being oversensitive themselves. Naturally, occasionally someone goes too far in either direction, but most of the time things get worked out without much problem.
Yes, there are nude beaches here… and nudist resorts… but they are in the minority, and are clearly labelled so that no one gets surprised or embarrassed at accidentally showing up with their kids at the wrong place, and getting an eyeful of saggy people.
FYI, “indecent exposure” is the legal term for wandering around naked when/where it’s not appropriate to do so. And honestly, considering how skimpy some swimsuits are, there’s not much left unseen anyway, so it’s a ‘crime’ that, in practice, is usually only applied to those who are deliberately trying to be a problem in some other way, as well. Such as sexual assault.
So it’s much the same here; you try to use common sense and draw a compromise between personal freedom and being unduly annoying. Usually that works.
It just seemed odd to me that anyone would sun bath while wearing a bikini, because regardless of whether it is on a public beach or in the back yard the normal thing is to be naked.
But I have noticed from your cinema that Americas have a very weird relationship to female breasts. I can assure thee, children does not take damage from seeing a naked women, bikinis are not meant to cover anything, they have always been meant to draw attention to it.
I also personally prefer to bath naked and feel the water flow freely past my Johnson
A lot of it is Holly Wood induced, like in the movies of actor and actresses playing it out for the whole world to see and on watching the TV and the stuff that being drummed into the American People head on a daily basses. Like The old computer saying goes, put Garbage in and get Garbage out. There are other factor and such that play a part in the American mind, but, generally it the output of some dark mind directing this crap. You end up with a false stereo type of what we Americans are suppose to be like and not what we really are.
Well Larry, from first hand stories I have heard of people I knew really well, that had been exchange students to America for a year, I can say that that not only confirmed my prejudges but seemed in many ways to be even worse.
From the first account I learned that Americans have a strange level of idol worship that we simply do not have, everyone in my country are considered equal.
From the second account I was told that Americans eat really unhealthy. My niece said that doing your so called “thanksgiving” her host family deep fried a whole turkey, I have never seen a deep frier big enough for such a huge bird, professional or otherwise.
And from both account I was told that Americans as a whole, are stupid or at the very least very ill informed. Both my friend and my niece had been an exchange students for a year in your high schools before starting gymnasium, (that is they had only completed ground school), but despite of that they knew more about even American history then any of their older classmates.
So your high school diplomas are worth less then our ground school diploma. (which is mandatory and not really considered to be worth anything). Granted only about 40% of our ground school graduates continue to gymnasium, the rest goes on to trade schools and the like but it truly speak volume of the American school system when 12 years are able to produce a significantly inferior result then our 9
Am I the only one who has had trouble getting in here or onto any or CD’s other sites the past few days?
And wow… another cameo? Can’t say I’ve ever been a big fan or know much about her, but ok. Looks interesting. Asha hunh?
Yeah, the site was inaccessible for about a day or so.
I had been wondering what old Bat Crap was up to, since he was not to be seen in the Harem sequence.
Now what is he up to?
And why wasn’t this Asha girl forced to attend that harem thing? Why is she so special?
Find out next week! Same Bat Crap time! Same Bat Crap channel!
Na na na na na na na na Bat crap!!!
Yeah it stuck! lol
Maybe the fact that she was a no-show is why he’s here, to chew her out for ignoring the summons.
I dream of a Gin bottle…