Well, assuming this takes place between 1910-1950, a girl wearing that kind of Harem costume would probably equate to a busty girl wearing the skimpiest of Bikini by today’s standards.
Who’s Oba Adolo? Some kind of Genie Merchant? Apparantly it’s some kind of unsung business trade branch that has been around longer than I thought for this world’s salespeople. That’ll make sense with Neil pretending to be one in the last story arc.
Oba [King] Adolo was the ruler of the African Empire of Benin (present-day Nigeria) from 1848 to 1888. So if this genie gal was in the bottle for 60 years, and Adolo died in 1888, then the date of these events cannot be any later than 1948. That would make Sid (at most) 31 and Andy 21… which seems about right, looking at the characters.
Normal human size boobs are nice for a change.
Excited to see where this is going clearly she gets out of the bottle. Could true love break the Genie curse?
To take the “lease” bit seriously, perhaps she indeed had been bound to a finite term of servitude. Alternatively, if a genie stays with a Master after fulfilling his/her wishes and this continues beyond a certain amount of time (seven years, perhaps, just to use a common mystically-meaningful time unit), then she is freed from the totem and the cycle of wish-granting, at least until the master dies, and someone else might take up the totem.
As for dying, the only methods of genie death that we know of so far are “burned out due to overuse of magic” and “killed by something strong enough to destroy a genie”.
A retcon of what, though? I don’t think anything specific about the backstory has been specified in-comic yet, so I’m pretty sure there’s nothing to retroactively change.
I’m using the word in the general sense of a story retroactively explaining how something came to be; similar to a “prequel”. Not so much like the comic sense, of going back and fixing something to prevent a contradiction. I think we’re going to wind up finding out just how Jean’s bottle came to be where he found it, and unoccupied. And also just why the IDoJ TV show came to be.
That first reaction from both parties is priceless – definitely worth the wait. If that really is Jeanie’s bottle, then I wonder whether this character is still alive in another Totem or not in this comic’s present day. . .?
If it is the late 1940s (as has been implied by her bottle being sold by Oba Adalo “sixty years ago”), then she is just in time for the start of the bikini craze.
The end of the school year brings many people who could be considered immature out of the woodwork. At this point I have started seeing the worst possible thing in everything because usually it is there during school hours…
Well, they are understandably confused and/or surprised by a cute girl appearing out of a bottle. Or they’re just distracted by her cute cleavage.
Her cleavage is definitely cute. 🙂
Well, assuming this takes place between 1910-1950, a girl wearing that kind of Harem costume would probably equate to a busty girl wearing the skimpiest of Bikini by today’s standards.
I don’t know if I’d agree. Here’s a picture of the actress Jane Wyman, wearing quite a bit less, on a public beach, in 1935.
Jane Wyman
The modern bikini, as we know it, started in 1946. But even before that, skimpy costumes were becoming acceptable.
Who’s Oba Adolo? Some kind of Genie Merchant? Apparantly it’s some kind of unsung business trade branch that has been around longer than I thought for this world’s salespeople. That’ll make sense with Neil pretending to be one in the last story arc.
Oba [King] Adolo was the ruler of the African Empire of Benin (present-day Nigeria) from 1848 to 1888. So if this genie gal was in the bottle for 60 years, and Adolo died in 1888, then the date of these events cannot be any later than 1948. That would make Sid (at most) 31 and Andy 21… which seems about right, looking at the characters.
So THAT’S where the idea for those Nigerian prince scams came from.
Well, the first page with them mentioned that (presumably Andy) was leaving to attend Northwestern, so college-age would be about right.
I am always amazed at how much thought CD Rudd puts into this comic.
Off to a good start in the first panel! Submissive and eager to serve! Sounds like she’s been around the block, though
Normal human size boobs are nice for a change.
Excited to see where this is going clearly she gets out of the bottle. Could true love break the Genie curse?
Natural human boobs can get bigger than your head. Seriously, just Google largest natural breasts.
They can, but natural ones larger than a DD on a slender-ish woman is rare enough to be considered unusual.
Isn’t that Jean’s bottle? As I understood it, the bottle remains even after the genie’s death. I assume this Rouyaa did not survive this flashback.
The totem remains if its genie vacates it. We don’t yet know all the ways that a genie can vacate their totem, though.
Maybe when their lease is up? 😉
To take the “lease” bit seriously, perhaps she indeed had been bound to a finite term of servitude. Alternatively, if a genie stays with a Master after fulfilling his/her wishes and this continues beyond a certain amount of time (seven years, perhaps, just to use a common mystically-meaningful time unit), then she is freed from the totem and the cycle of wish-granting, at least until the master dies, and someone else might take up the totem.
As for dying, the only methods of genie death that we know of so far are “burned out due to overuse of magic” and “killed by something strong enough to destroy a genie”.
My kitty-sense is tingling. *sniff, sniff* I smell a retcon coming…
A retcon of what, though? I don’t think anything specific about the backstory has been specified in-comic yet, so I’m pretty sure there’s nothing to retroactively change.
I’m using the word in the general sense of a story retroactively explaining how something came to be; similar to a “prequel”. Not so much like the comic sense, of going back and fixing something to prevent a contradiction. I think we’re going to wind up finding out just how Jean’s bottle came to be where he found it, and unoccupied. And also just why the IDoJ TV show came to be.
Rouyaa, incidentally, is an Arabic girls’ name that translates as “Dream” – both cool and pretty appropriate, huh?
Good choice, CD!
Give ’em a little more time. They’ll think of something.
That first reaction from both parties is priceless – definitely worth the wait. If that really is Jeanie’s bottle, then I wonder whether this character is still alive in another Totem or not in this comic’s present day. . .?
And we are off to the races! The Genie is out of the bottle!
Aww, the header image led me to believe that her skin was going to be a little darker.
Originally she was. but it didn’t seem when I did it in the comic. So I left her skin tone white too.
Well, after being in that bottle for 60 years without a trace of sunlight, I can imagine that she’d be pretty pale. Get that girl some beach time!
If it is the late 1940s (as has been implied by her bottle being sold by Oba Adalo “sixty years ago”), then she is just in time for the start of the bikini craze.
I agree with Kattgirl. Beach time!
can you make the site less annoying to read? I don’t see why you needed to make the comment section have low opacity.
It’s only a 2% opacity (Meaning it’s 98% white, and 2% see threw). It might be you monitor contrast is set high.
The reason the opacity was to allow people to see the background themed image which is branding the storyline.
it looked different earlier when i posted.
60 years in a bottle and I’d want more attention as well.
Let’s just hope the bottle was full when she got in…
I swear CD that bottle better not be an erection joke!
Only your mind went there Milgorath.
The end of the school year brings many people who could be considered immature out of the woodwork. At this point I have started seeing the worst possible thing in everything because usually it is there during school hours…