Jeanie Bottle 372
on May 18, 2016
at 11:54 pm
and modified on November 26, 2022. at 10:54 pm
Chapter: Story 09: I Dream of Technicolor
Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Sid and Andy!
Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Sid and Andy!
New characters! Nice! I can’t wait to get to know them and see what happens!
I wonder if that is Jeanie’s bottle? It looks like it, but who knows if it was a popular style back then?
And I guess we will soon find out who the genie is that is currently on the banner. Could it be Ms. Eden? We haven’t explored her character yet!
Wait… Sid and Andy…? This wouldn’t be the first crossover, but…
…why is it spelt “cid” in the comment box but “sid” for the tag?
Because I suck at typing.
So this is basically a ‘Toy Story’/’Andy Griffith’/’Jeannie’ crossover. Also… why do I smell an End Game for the jeannie bottle series?
It not necessarily the end of the Jeanie series, this could just be a backward look through history of where this Jeanie bottle came from, who had it and the Genie that was in this bottle to start with. The current Genie in this bottle has only been in this bottle for maybe four to six months now. This could be, just another Jeanie Arc that we are seeing.
The reason that we are seeing it in black and white and not color is because, the Jeanie Series was the last of the TV series to go from black and white to color. Originally, they didn’t think the Jeanie in the Bottle series would go or become popular. They didn’t want to waist there money on it.
Jeanie surprised them, didn’t She.
Sidney Sheldon was the producer for IDJ
And he wrote “The Bachelor and the Bobbysoxer” along with his good friend; F. Andrew Leslie.
What’s more, Sheldon went to school at – take a guess – that’s right, Northwestern University.
And since the main characters were talking about the series and the unlikelihood of coincidence…
Well, there is also some facial structure that is similar to the great Sid Sheldon, so kudos to CD on his research and/or fandom of the original. i.e. Yeah, I’d say Kattgirl is spot on here.
That makes a lot more sense than my guess.
My first thought was they were a couple of frat boys—they said they were heading off to “Northwestern” in the last strip—but, then, a couple of frat boys would open a bottle with the side of the old chest…
So… Which one of them ends up as Ms. Eden?
I thought that I knew ’60’s TV as well as anyone, but I don’t recognize these characters.
Though part of me keeps saying “Sid (and Marty) Kroft” & “Andy Williams” I recognize that would be too weird of a crossover for most people to wrap their collective minds around.
I predict that these two are the writer/producer of the TV show, “I Dream of Jeannie”, Sidney Sheldon, and his buddy, F. Andrew Leslie. This story will be about how Sheldon got his inspiration.
I feel as if there is some real-world history here about the show that I am unaware of, but I am unsure if I want t try to dig up the history so I understand what’s happening better, or if I want to just watch how things turn out in the comic and be surprised about everything.
Sidney Sheldon was born in 1917; F. Andrew Leslie was born in 1927. So they were a bit too far apart in age to be young pals. Assuming Sid is the older guy (cheekbones=old in IDOAJB) Andy should be 18 or 19 and this would be somewhere between 1945 and 1947.
The real Sid and Andy died respectively in 2007 and 2015.
Considering that previous crossovers have not stuck strictly to the canon of their respective shows, I’d say it’s entirely reasonable to accept that these characters aren’t exactly identical to those two real people. They’ll be expies of some sort, surely.
No idea if this fan theory about these characters being the producers of the show is correct, though. CD hasn’t told me who they are.
I think the author just uses the names associated with the show as inspiration for the character names.—Just to have some fun links to the original show.