Oh, the empty totem/bottle. There are two basic ways that you can have an empty totem/bottle that needs to have a Genie in it. The previous Genie could have died and now his or her totem needs a new Genie in it and the world hates a vacuum so it fill it with a new Genie from somewhere. Although Genie’s can live thousand of years, they can eventually died. There sitll mortal’s and they can’t live forever, but, they can live for a very long time. The other posibility of having an empty totem/bottle, is that it was created, but, hasn’t been assigned to a Genie yet.
It was, because of one of those two reason that there was an empty bottle for Jean to pick up that turned him into Jeanie.
Not necessarily, There’s also “Northwestern University” http://www.northwestern.edu/ and if you just Google “Northwestern” there are a slough (About 28,700,000 results) of other potential destinations.
Whoa, that chest background in panel four is trippy AF. It’s like when you sketch all the edges of a cube and you can see the cube from different angles. In this case you can either be looking at the chest from the inside or from the outside.
She is holding a veil over her nose and mouth with that one finger. What I notice is the eyes are very reminiscent of the eyes blinking from inside the bottle in the opening credits of the early seasons of the TV show. I think the whole thing is meant to recall the original cartoon genie dancing on the beach in the opening credits.
Mad props to you on this site. It looks fantastic and the greyscale effect is amazing. Even when chrome underlines my misspelled words the line is grey!
But is that Jeanie, or some as of yet, unnamed genie. The hair and eyes are different, and she is holding a vail up to cover most of her face. Very mysterious.
Yes, this does go in similar way to Larry’s death theory, but I think the genie did not die. The vacuum was created some other way.
What if the bottle contained a genie, but the owner of the bottle had a wish to release the genie, granting it freedom? But the bottle demands to host a genie, so when a chance to get a new genie presented itself, the bottle acted.
Keep in mind, they phrased the wish as a paradox, which would alter what has already happened.
The note explicitly said it was invalid because of that.
They did NOT wish to turn Jean back into non-genie so I suppose that way is still valid.
Let us hope it’s not one of those genies who’s decided to kill whoever opens the bottle for not opening it sometime during the first thousand years. (I kinda feel that way about my literary career.)
Jeannie wore a veil for at least the first few episodes of the first season. She also spoke Farsi until Captain Nelson (he got promoted to Major later) wished she could speak English. Jean does begin wearing the same veil but loses it fairly soon.
The grayscale genie isn’t a blonde, has very different eyes, and most importantly isn’t behaving like Jean. Concealing half her face with a veil means she’s either being modest or flirting, and except for flashing Willy the moonshiner, Jean hasn’t exhibited either behavior since becoming girlified.
For a real 360, she could turn out to be Ms. Eden in the Sixties. Remember old Ms. Eden who lives in the same apartment building?
Well, only one thing to use here.
Hm. Hmm.
Well, this is new. What’s to come of this? Backstory of the bottle perhaps?
Probably backstory. For those who don’t know, the first season of I Dream of Jeannie was in black and white.
Love the test patterns
Oh very nice twist 🙂
Oh! I guess we are about to find out why that totem/bottle was empty!
Oh, the empty totem/bottle. There are two basic ways that you can have an empty totem/bottle that needs to have a Genie in it. The previous Genie could have died and now his or her totem needs a new Genie in it and the world hates a vacuum so it fill it with a new Genie from somewhere. Although Genie’s can live thousand of years, they can eventually died. There sitll mortal’s and they can’t live forever, but, they can live for a very long time. The other posibility of having an empty totem/bottle, is that it was created, but, hasn’t been assigned to a Genie yet.
It was, because of one of those two reason that there was an empty bottle for Jean to pick up that turned him into Jeanie.
I got a theory number three, but I will post is as a standalone comment in a moment.
I noticed it doesn’t say “Chapter: Story 9 : I Dream of Technicolor”. But that might be because this is not the same “chapter”.
It’s not even NORMAL colour.
The original IDOJ was in B/W and was coloured later.
Shouldn’t it be “head off to the northwest?”
Not necessarily, There’s also “Northwestern University” http://www.northwestern.edu/ and if you just Google “Northwestern” there are a slough (About 28,700,000 results) of other potential destinations.
No, because Northwestern is a college.
Okay… that makes sense then.
…Which, confusingly enough, is not in the northwest at all, but in the MIDWEST. (Just outside Chicago.)
When the college was founded that region was still known as “the Northwest territories.” Knowing history is so much fun.
To quote Clarence Darrow, “History repeats itself. That’s one of the things wrong with history.”
Whoa, that chest background in panel four is trippy AF. It’s like when you sketch all the edges of a cube and you can see the cube from different angles. In this case you can either be looking at the chest from the inside or from the outside.
Should we put money down in Vegas on what might happen?
Hmm let me guess flashback???
Help! I’ve gone colorblind!
I’m assuming that the monochromatic screen is a choice? To be better reminiscent of 1960’s TV?
I also notice that Jeanie, up top, seems to have changed in interesting but not entirely subtle ways. These are all clues.
Or it could be just that it’s dark inside; when there’s too little light, you can’t see colors.
It is dark; you might be eaten by a grue.
Maybe she has the ‘Star Terk’ Beard under her hand. and she’s the Mirror Universe Jean
LOVE the new header..she looks very sexy
Agreed! Sexy and mysterious!
Except that she looks like she’s holding her nose… like something stinks.
She has one finger to her nose. That’s a well-known signal for “mysterious”.
Given that it’s Jean, it’s probably a well-known signal for “I’ve got a really big booger here. Lemme show you.”
She is holding a veil over her nose and mouth with that one finger. What I notice is the eyes are very reminiscent of the eyes blinking from inside the bottle in the opening credits of the early seasons of the TV show. I think the whole thing is meant to recall the original cartoon genie dancing on the beach in the opening credits.
Mad props to you on this site. It looks fantastic and the greyscale effect is amazing. Even when chrome underlines my misspelled words the line is grey!
Glad ya like it.
I love how Jeanie looks in the Banner. Her eyes are awesome.
The comic has gone full circle!
Back to square one!
But is that Jeanie, or some as of yet, unnamed genie. The hair and eyes are different, and she is holding a vail up to cover most of her face. Very mysterious.
In regards to Larry’s theories, I present my own.
Yes, this does go in similar way to Larry’s death theory, but I think the genie did not die. The vacuum was created some other way.
What if the bottle contained a genie, but the owner of the bottle had a wish to release the genie, granting it freedom? But the bottle demands to host a genie, so when a chance to get a new genie presented itself, the bottle acted.
What you say can’t happen. Neil already tried that idea out and it didn’t work. Here the location for his failed attempt.
Keep in mind, they phrased the wish as a paradox, which would alter what has already happened.
The note explicitly said it was invalid because of that.
They did NOT wish to turn Jean back into non-genie so I suppose that way is still valid.
Let us hope it’s not one of those genies who’s decided to kill whoever opens the bottle for not opening it sometime during the first thousand years. (I kinda feel that way about my literary career.)
Jeannie wore a veil for at least the first few episodes of the first season. She also spoke Farsi until Captain Nelson (he got promoted to Major later) wished she could speak English. Jean does begin wearing the same veil but loses it fairly soon.
The grayscale genie isn’t a blonde, has very different eyes, and most importantly isn’t behaving like Jean. Concealing half her face with a veil means she’s either being modest or flirting, and except for flashing Willy the moonshiner, Jean hasn’t exhibited either behavior since becoming girlified.
For a real 360, she could turn out to be Ms. Eden in the Sixties. Remember old Ms. Eden who lives in the same apartment building?