Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
An unfortunate run-in with a notorious bottle left a young German girl named Jehane transformed into an genie who looks just like Barbara Eden's famous character.
In her role as Haji's First, Lahab leads Haji's Harem. She is a Jann genie, one of the few elementals left in the world. She and Kazom are "old friends".
Scratch that. What I saw wasn’t true. For a while it looked like it was Jehane who had entered the vault and Jeannie left outside. The pants look a lot like Jehane in that one shot. Finding other examples
Of Jeannie from behind is quite rare but I had a quick look and yeah that is likely Jeannie after all.
It might not be significant but.. I don’t think you can tell them apart from behind.
You know, it just occurred to me, that maybe this is the explanation for Jeannie’s evil twin sister, (also named Jeannie.)
In the TV series, Jeannie’s dark-haired twin (also played by Barbara Eden) kept turning up and causing problems. If Jehane manages to get out of here, and blames Jeannie for her predicament, that could certainly be a good retconned explanation for her existence. And a new source of trouble for Jean and Neil. (Like they needed more.)
However it’s not possible to judge genies by mortal standards. I think the laws have to be harsh and punishment quick given what harm a genie can do. Keep in mind one genie started world war 2… and it has impacted the geo politics of humans and will do so for centuries. That was one genie…
possession is 99 percent of the law in this society. That alone is something to be very careful with. Possession can include genies too…
There is one caveat… Humans are changed into them with no choice in the matter. They see it as an improvement… I’m honestly not sure. All magic has a price though … I wonder what the price is to be a witch…
Humans also fall into manholes, get eaten by tigers, burned at the stake, die of cancer, and get tortured to death by being forced to watch CNN. All with no choice in the matter. Somehow, becoming a near-immortal genie with cosmic powers doesn’t seem so bad by comparison.
Scratch that. What I saw wasn’t true. For a while it looked like it was Jehane who had entered the vault and Jeannie left outside. The pants look a lot like Jehane in that one shot. Finding other examples
Of Jeannie from behind is quite rare but I had a quick look and yeah that is likely Jeannie after all.
It might not be significant but.. I don’t think you can tell them apart from behind.
You know, it just occurred to me, that maybe this is the explanation for Jeannie’s evil twin sister, (also named Jeannie.)
In the TV series, Jeannie’s dark-haired twin (also played by Barbara Eden) kept turning up and causing problems. If Jehane manages to get out of here, and blames Jeannie for her predicament, that could certainly be a good retconned explanation for her existence. And a new source of trouble for Jean and Neil. (Like they needed more.)
confusing story is bad…
Just because you’re confused doesn’t mean the story is bad.
Ohhh, now yesterday’s panel makes sense!
Also, just like that? No due process of any kind? I mean really, can’t you at least let her tell her side of the story?
Phenomenal cosmic powers… itty bitty rights.
However it’s not possible to judge genies by mortal standards. I think the laws have to be harsh and punishment quick given what harm a genie can do. Keep in mind one genie started world war 2… and it has impacted the geo politics of humans and will do so for centuries. That was one genie…
possession is 99 percent of the law in this society. That alone is something to be very careful with. Possession can include genies too…
Hey, it’s their society, they can run it any way they please. If humans don’t approve, tough nuts.
There is one caveat… Humans are changed into them with no choice in the matter. They see it as an improvement… I’m honestly not sure. All magic has a price though … I wonder what the price is to be a witch…
Humans also fall into manholes, get eaten by tigers, burned at the stake, die of cancer, and get tortured to death by being forced to watch CNN. All with no choice in the matter. Somehow, becoming a near-immortal genie with cosmic powers doesn’t seem so bad by comparison.
@Guardingdark: Good point and it bothers me that these Elder Genies don’t talk about it.
And with the propensity for cliffhangers, strip #478 will return to Agent Anderson’s POV. :p
I have been following CD, since the Wotch Forum, he keeps me guessing, no small feat.
Have a happy commonwealth day.
Is the logo bumping up and down or I’m I just tired, I know that the gif has had the smoke affect for awhile.
Two pixel shimmy confirmed … or is it five?