Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
An unfortunate run-in with a notorious bottle left a young German girl named Jehane transformed into an genie who looks just like Barbara Eden's famous character.
In her role as Haji's First, Lahab leads Haji's Harem. She is a Jann genie, one of the few elementals left in the world. She and Kazom are "old friends".
Nah, you’r enot dumb. I only added that feature a few months ago, and didn’t make a big deal about it, so most people dont even know about it.
I did it because I use Photoshop to finish up the comic images, and it’s down-sizing algorithm really sucks. So instead of resizing down to 900px to fit the page, I size it down to 1800 and let the browser fit it within the 900px wide comic area. Makes it look a lot less blurry.
@LeadFootRT: OK – except that there’s no “View Image” option there, either. Closest thing is “Open Image In New Tab”. Which is a standard thing that’s built into the OS, and not at all something that Robert could have added. So he must be talking about something else.
@Annonymouse, LeadFootRT: Again, Robert said he “added it”. You can’t add features to someone else’s browser. And the right-click menu is available on EVERY web page, not just jeaniebottle. The OP must be talking about something else.
In my original comment I meant, if i take my mouse pointer and put it on the strip or image and Right Click the mouse I get the option to View the image, it will bring up the strip in a larger format as Robert said. Thanks for the reply Robert, i really did feel kinda stupid not knowing i could do that, thanks for explaining what you did.
@Cheetaur: Maybe you don’t realize this, but that feature is not something that is peculiar to JB. You can do that with ANY image anywhere on the web. The “view” menu (on Safari, at least) also allows you to zoom in and out. It’s not something that Robert has any control over, it’s an inherent part of your browser and/or operating system.
All I did was change the release resolution of the comics from 900px wide to 1800px wide. Now, when you use the “View Image” or “Open Image in New Tab” or whatever function that’s build into your browser, you’ll see the image at double the size that it’s displayed on this page. the image you’re seeing on the page is already 1800px wide, it’s just being reduced to 900px by your browser so it fits inside the webpage layout.
Hm. So, genies can live for thousands of years, and yet stay looking youthful. Now, looking at Haji’s consort; just how old does a genie have to be, to be going gray? Hoo, boy…
So, by co-incidence, a couple episodes of “I dream of Jeannie” were on ANT-TV today. I watched them to compare the Barbara Eden’s Harem outfit to the new “Jeannie”. It’s actually much closer than our Jeanie’s. The reason “Jeannie” doesn’t have a belly button is the same reason as Barbara Eden’s – the waist on that outfit is really high. Now, it was like that one the show because BS&P thought showing off the belly button would be “too scandalous” at the time. But the side design on the harem pants are definitely the same as Eden’s 4th Season outfit. The only thing that’s missing are the ruffles and tassels on the top, and the headscarf attached to the hat and going down under the neck.
Another genie who looks EXACTLY like Jean?!
Hmm, I wonder how this little turn of events is going to horribly complicate this forthcoming harem addition?
Jean doesn’t want anything to do with a harem unless maybe it’s Jean’s. But considering what Jean did in the last arc with Rodge and what she did in Green Eyes with Neil, she’s liable to get into the competition because Jean’s competitive. Or if Jean keeps her head and tries to lose, that will charm Haji, who’s probably bored with submissive and obedient wives after 28 of them.
Where does it say that all 28 are “submissive and obedient”? Maybe he stopped at 28 because he already has his hands full with a bunch of rebellious and ornery ones?
Aren’t muslims supposed to get 72 wives when they die? Some guys would consider that hell, rather than heaven. 😉
I think they’ve limited the number of women that modern middle-eastern men can wed in a polygamous marriage by 3 now. What guy would want to have more than that many women to be in charge of?
For geniedom royalty however, I doubt they’re getting pushed into setting that limit on themselves. Heck, his first wife acts like she doesn’t seem “sharing” her hubby with others.
If there is another version of the TV Jeannie she might be an idealized version from the imagination of the totem finder. Their version could have some of the attributes of that persons era. Someone Jeanniefied during the 1970’s may have some aspects of Farrah Fawcett, Suzann Somers, Cybill Shepherd and other popular blondes of that time. Jean, from the present may have some aspects of popular blondes of this era, Victoria Secret Angels, Charlize Theron, etc. All would closely resemble the original Barbra Eden, like a sister with slight differences in physique along with the harem costume variations.
Haji was into technology so he might know of, watched and liked the TV show, may have the TV series DVD set too, if he’s a fan then he might prefer the versions resembling Barbra Eden. If so Jean might get selected no matter what she does to lose.
I bet Jean’s stubbornness will get her in trouble, Haji might get ideas from the show, freezing Jean in a huge block of ice or turn her into a gold trophy as was in series episodes. Jean embedded in clear ice for a while… Jean turned into a gold trophy on a shelf for a while as punishment and think about what happens to troublemakers. Jean would make a lovely 8 inch high gold statuette…
Like oldiest looking to youngest? I thought Genies don’t age physically, according to Kazom, so how is that the first consort is looking like an elderly lady in that sense?
By tradition the “First” wife does not mean the first one that was married to the Haji, but is rather his favorite. Wives are not ordered by date married, but by preference. Being the First also means that wife pretty much runs the harem and has more power than the others. The Haji can choose a different wife to be his First, and there are tales of wives competing for that elevated title in various matches.
Like that story arc of American Dad where Stan and his family gets transferred to Saudi Arabia and Stan gets a second wife that fights with Francine for whose the better wife? I also saw an episode of a Chinese drama of an emperor or shogun’s harem, where some of the women argue over something.
Or maybe Big Bad Blue is disguised as Haji. Taking a new wife when you’re supposed to be at war with the most deadly threat known to Geniedom kinda has bad timing written all over it. And Old Gray Hair as the most respected of all genie women should know that.
Maybe Haji is just that entitled and self-indulgent.
Maybe it’s a deliberate gesture to make the other genies believe things aren’t that desperate in spite of the lockdown.
Maybe Haji’s first wife wants to distract her idiot husband so he doesn’t mess up the defences.
Or any number of other possibilities.
Holy crap i just figured out that you can get a larger version of the strip if you click on view image..boy am i dumb………sigh
Nah, you’r enot dumb. I only added that feature a few months ago, and didn’t make a big deal about it, so most people dont even know about it.
I did it because I use Photoshop to finish up the comic images, and it’s down-sizing algorithm really sucks. So instead of resizing down to 900px to fit the page, I size it down to 1800 and let the browser fit it within the 900px wide comic area. Makes it look a lot less blurry.
“View Image” – where’s that, Robert? I see no such button or link. }:-[ (puzzled frown)
I think they mean by right clicking on the image, and then View image. That’s how I can do it.
@LeadFootRT: OK – except that there’s no “View Image” option there, either. Closest thing is “Open Image In New Tab”. Which is a standard thing that’s built into the OS, and not at all something that Robert could have added. So he must be talking about something else.
Must be the browser you are using – Firefox here, right click, first thing on the popup menu.
Firefox here too. First thing on the list on mine as well. I don’t see any other way to do it.
@Annonymouse, LeadFootRT: Again, Robert said he “added it”. You can’t add features to someone else’s browser. And the right-click menu is available on EVERY web page, not just jeaniebottle. The OP must be talking about something else.
Photoshop preferences allows you to select downsizing options, choose “best” , it is a little slower but gives better results.
In my original comment I meant, if i take my mouse pointer and put it on the strip or image and Right Click the mouse I get the option to View the image, it will bring up the strip in a larger format as Robert said. Thanks for the reply Robert, i really did feel kinda stupid not knowing i could do that, thanks for explaining what you did.
@Cheetaur: Maybe you don’t realize this, but that feature is not something that is peculiar to JB. You can do that with ANY image anywhere on the web. The “view” menu (on Safari, at least) also allows you to zoom in and out. It’s not something that Robert has any control over, it’s an inherent part of your browser and/or operating system.
To clear up the confusion:
All I did was change the release resolution of the comics from 900px wide to 1800px wide. Now, when you use the “View Image” or “Open Image in New Tab” or whatever function that’s build into your browser, you’ll see the image at double the size that it’s displayed on this page. the image you’re seeing on the page is already 1800px wide, it’s just being reduced to 900px by your browser so it fits inside the webpage layout.
Whoops a daisy
Hm. So, genies can live for thousands of years, and yet stay looking youthful. Now, looking at Haji’s consort; just how old does a genie have to be, to be going gray? Hoo, boy…
So, by co-incidence, a couple episodes of “I dream of Jeannie” were on ANT-TV today. I watched them to compare the Barbara Eden’s Harem outfit to the new “Jeannie”. It’s actually much closer than our Jeanie’s. The reason “Jeannie” doesn’t have a belly button is the same reason as Barbara Eden’s – the waist on that outfit is really high. Now, it was like that one the show because BS&P thought showing off the belly button would be “too scandalous” at the time. But the side design on the harem pants are definitely the same as Eden’s 4th Season outfit. The only thing that’s missing are the ruffles and tassels on the top, and the headscarf attached to the hat and going down under the neck.
is her name Jenaie? because the title say so… lol jk
Oh no! How did I manage to typo THAT?? I’ve typed that right on every page for like 5 years!
Another genie who looks EXACTLY like Jean?!
Hmm, I wonder how this little turn of events is going to horribly complicate this forthcoming harem addition?
Jean doesn’t want anything to do with a harem unless maybe it’s Jean’s. But considering what Jean did in the last arc with Rodge and what she did in Green Eyes with Neil, she’s liable to get into the competition because Jean’s competitive. Or if Jean keeps her head and tries to lose, that will charm Haji, who’s probably bored with submissive and obedient wives after 28 of them.
Where does it say that all 28 are “submissive and obedient”? Maybe he stopped at 28 because he already has his hands full with a bunch of rebellious and ornery ones?
Aren’t muslims supposed to get 72 wives when they die? Some guys would consider that hell, rather than heaven. 😉
If Haji is put off by rebellious and ornery women, Jean has nothing to worry about, and we won’t have much of a story.
As for the 72 wives for muslim men who die, I think that’s probably for the ones that go to hell.
I think they’ve limited the number of women that modern middle-eastern men can wed in a polygamous marriage by 3 now. What guy would want to have more than that many women to be in charge of?
For geniedom royalty however, I doubt they’re getting pushed into setting that limit on themselves. Heck, his first wife acts like she doesn’t seem “sharing” her hubby with others.
Skill and Ability as a criteria? Well that kinda disqualifies Jean.
don’t count Jean out yet since ability may equate as raw power and that is something or little magic minx has quite a bit of.
Does this make them sisters? 🙂
If there is another version of the TV Jeannie she might be an idealized version from the imagination of the totem finder. Their version could have some of the attributes of that persons era. Someone Jeanniefied during the 1970’s may have some aspects of Farrah Fawcett, Suzann Somers, Cybill Shepherd and other popular blondes of that time. Jean, from the present may have some aspects of popular blondes of this era, Victoria Secret Angels, Charlize Theron, etc. All would closely resemble the original Barbra Eden, like a sister with slight differences in physique along with the harem costume variations.
Haji was into technology so he might know of, watched and liked the TV show, may have the TV series DVD set too, if he’s a fan then he might prefer the versions resembling Barbra Eden. If so Jean might get selected no matter what she does to lose.
I bet Jean’s stubbornness will get her in trouble, Haji might get ideas from the show, freezing Jean in a huge block of ice or turn her into a gold trophy as was in series episodes. Jean embedded in clear ice for a while… Jean turned into a gold trophy on a shelf for a while as punishment and think about what happens to troublemakers. Jean would make a lovely 8 inch high gold statuette…
“Haji has 29 wives?”
“Yes, each one more beautiful than the other.”
“Each one more beautiful than the other?!”
“Well…if you line them up that way…”
Like oldiest looking to youngest? I thought Genies don’t age physically, according to Kazom, so how is that the first consort is looking like an elderly lady in that sense?
Maybe #1 is near the end of her magic.
Yes, I wondered about this myself. Maybe #1 deliberately looks older as a sort of insignia of rank?
By tradition the “First” wife does not mean the first one that was married to the Haji, but is rather his favorite. Wives are not ordered by date married, but by preference. Being the First also means that wife pretty much runs the harem and has more power than the others. The Haji can choose a different wife to be his First, and there are tales of wives competing for that elevated title in various matches.
Like that story arc of American Dad where Stan and his family gets transferred to Saudi Arabia and Stan gets a second wife that fights with Francine for whose the better wife? I also saw an episode of a Chinese drama of an emperor or shogun’s harem, where some of the women argue over something.
Just found a video clip of it: YouTube
Big Bad Blue is already here.
And disguised as Jeanie.
that seems possible.
Or maybe Big Bad Blue is disguised as Haji. Taking a new wife when you’re supposed to be at war with the most deadly threat known to Geniedom kinda has bad timing written all over it. And Old Gray Hair as the most respected of all genie women should know that.
Maybe Haji is just that entitled and self-indulgent.
Maybe it’s a deliberate gesture to make the other genies believe things aren’t that desperate in spite of the lockdown.
Maybe Haji’s first wife wants to distract her idiot husband so he doesn’t mess up the defences.
Or any number of other possibilities.
Maybe Old Gray Hair is finally fed up with Haji and is doing this to distract him while Big Bad Blue gathers his forces.
Also a good possibility!
Panel 3. Araceli seems to be realizing that she’s going to be explaining things all day, doesn’t she?