Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
Yes, I am in agreement with you on this, Jeanie has absolutely no idea what going on. Like they didn’t send her to Genie University or anything like that. So she doesn’t know the appropriate or custom for the entrance of the High Haji. Although Araceli is absolutely about Jeanie being selfish and everything, but, right now, the only thing that Jeanie know to be is a dumb blond and that it.
Actually it was a one day affair with Kazom for basic training. Kazom didn’t say anything about the way that Jeanie should behave around Haji or Haji consort and he wasn’t going to be covering that topic either.
Since that is the case, I stand behind my original statement.
Actually, Kazom was going to keep her indefinitely until she learned the basics, but decided not to after he found out that Guano was her “handler”. That’s kinda what I meant by cheating.
That’s not really cheating though its the examiner passing a student to tick off someone else without caring what its going to mean for the student. Its the difference between getting ahold of the examination questions beforehand and working out all the answers only to them and doing your best in an exam, failing and then being told you passed by the examiner without ever knowing you shouldn’t. Jeanie not only doesn’t know pretty much everything about being a Genie she doesn’t even know there are important things she doesn’t know and doesn’t care because she doesn’t want to BE a genie in the first place.
On top of which her other trainers Guano/Araceli don’t care that she was a male human not that long ago and rather than trying to help her adjust are doing their best to sabotage her for their own benefit.
Does anyone recall that there was a book on the care & feeding of genies that might have saved Jean a lot of trouble. If she hadn’t dismissed it as “I can feed myself,” that is. Might have explained genie culture, limitations those “cosmic” powers, how to deal with Haji, etc. Jean is so self -centered that she deserves what she brings upon herself.
BTW, in Muslim culture, concubines (slaves owned for sex) may be kept topless. May not apply in djinni culture, though.
In Islam djinni are real, not myths. They are in the Koran.
It basically go over everything that you want to know about Genie complete with video displays. It basically Knowing Genie’s for dummies, kind of book.
Oh I remember it but tossing a “book of magical critter X’ at someone immediately after turning them into one is not really the best way to get them to learn. Jeanie’s come a long way since then in accepting she’s now a girl but she still has a huge disconnect between being a frankly priviledged white american male and a female genie. She really should still be in a basic “so you’re now a female genie” course to accept and understand what it means instead she’s got trainers who have literally traumatized her in pursuit of their own goals. Basically they turned a heterosexual, modern man into a girl and then expected her to instantly start acting as if she’d been born and raised a girl in a much older society with the main training being punishing her when she doesn’t act “appropriatley”.
In addition now I think back its proper more basic “Magic is your life don’t overcast” and less “This is how to adapt to being a woman in genie society.” Remember it was stated that the people who become genies do so based on their idea of what a genie looks like which had resulted in a lot of blue, smoky genies from Aladin. As we saw a few strips back they still expect free male genies to fight if the blue djinn shows up while female ones are potentially going to be given to Haji as a birthday present without any thought as to what they might want. I don’t think that book would be any help at all in trying to adapt to being a woman much less a female genie even if Jean had read it.
So who was that looking at Neil sleeping? If it was Jean, and now we know Jean isn’t thinking about the Blue Djinn, what was Jean thinking about then, whether or not to sleep with Neil? And if it wasn’t Jean…
Second point: Now we know that Haji has a consort, maybe the gray-haired genie lady. “Consort” is a considerable step up from “23rd concubine.”
Third Point: Since we haven’t seen Haji at all, could it be that there really isn’t a Haji any more? If Haji speaks only through his consort, can we be sure his consort hasn’t been speaking for herself for awhile?
What exactly is Jean’s “Whoa” about? Is Araceli much stronger than Jean expected? Or could Araceli’s hands to be the very first to touch her…where they’re touching her.
Or, maybe that isn’t it at all. Jean isn’t looking down at Araceli, she’s looking outward. Is perhaps Jean blown away by her first sight of Haji’s consort? Remember what Jean said about Agent Anderson on the beach…?
Jean as Jeanie still has mostly male behavior. Takes a lot of conditioning in our culture to train girls about covering their chests when men do not. Would Jeanie have acquired this reflex but otherwise still be full of male notions, like lust for Agent Anderson?
Araceli has magic, and FAR more experience in using it than Jeannie does. I’m sure that she can magically become as strong as she wants to be. If Jeannie had more practice, she might be able to resist. But as it is, I’ll bet that Araceli and most of the other genies could toss Jeannie around like a rag doll if they wanted to.
Oh, and thank you, CD. I realize you’ve been having a rough time, and we appreciate you nonetheless taking the time & effort to make the comic. <nudges everyone else>
Other than pinpointing where Jean’s ego is based, I don’t see them really caring about Jean being once a male human. Just that they expect “him” to follow their rules as the genie that “he” is now.
Really depends on how closely the Genie terms of “Concubine”, “harem”, and “Consort” matches our own mortal terms. Did THEY get it from US, or did WE get it from THEM. And if the latter, is our version a bastardization as seen through the eyes of some mortal Arabians?
WEll The term harem means enclosure, the Idea of what we think of as a harem, comes from the Ottoman turks and the Moguls of India not the arabs themselves
Actually, the use of “Harem” as “a place to seclude female members of your household” FAR FAR predates Islam, going to back to the days of Assyria, Persia, Greece, the Byzantine Empire, Egypt and old Arabia (Iraq). Muslim countries merely institutionalized the concept. So the concept itself is pretty much as old as “civilized” man. No one actually know where the custom originated…it’s THAT old.
Indeed. This is bigger than their feud. It’s interesting to note that instead of letting her continue to stand, and get in trouble for showing disrespect, she actively saves Jean’s rear.
Maybe because for Araceli being appointed to supervise or spy on Jean for any wrongdoings for genies’ conduct by her own genie lord uncle, it would reflect badly on her and/or Guano himself to just ignore “his” infractions or let Jean fail to behave appropriately in front of their higher authorities. Might make them look like they can’t enforce or follow the rules themselves and maybe be disciplined for it.
See, this is why I can’t get too mad at Araceli. She goes out of her way to help Jeannie even when she could just as easily sit by and let Jeannie hang herself. She may not be perfect (who is?) but she at least DOES have a decent moral compass, which Jeannie mostly lacks. And in turn, that makes Araceli a more complex, and thus interesting and sympathetic, character.
Sometimes I wonder wether its the moral compass Jean lacks so much as an understanding of consequences combined with impulsiveness and forgetfulness. Maybe it’s just me but it really comes of more as the latter then being INTENTIONALLY amoral. A but selfish perhaps but not overly so. It’s just that, as I said Jeannie doesn’t thick about the long-term consequences of his/her actions, is very impulsive, and tends to quickly forget about what he/she has done. Back when he was a human, (and a film reviewer) pretty much the only person he could hurt with these actions was himself. HOWEVER, now that he is a genie, he/she wields phenomenal cosmic power and can VERY EASILY endanger and otherwise screw up the lives of others. What was acceptable behavior before, is no longer acceptable. But Jeannie has yet to make that realization. And, to be fair, he/she is not used to having his actions have such a huge impact on others. I honestly don’t think he/she will get it unless someone flat out tells him/her, which, so far, no one has.
Its weird those genies a few pages back seem to be sort of flipping between “protect the young genies who don’t understand” and “Give a freed young genie to our lord as a birthday present.” Which I suspect Jeanie is going to wind up as because he’s attracted to her spirit.
I’ve actually had a thought similar to this. Now that we are getting to see a number of other genies, I’m wondering if another genie who looks like Jeanie will show up. IIRC Kazom told Jeanie that since the movie Aladdin came out there have been a lot of blue genies getting created. I would then suppose a number of Barbara Eden genies were created a few decades ago. That could lead to all kinds of problems in that Jeanie gets mistaken for a genie who she now looks like that is either famous or infamous.
Depends on how many people during its series existence had rubbed empty genie vessels with that particular genie in mind like Jean. Maybe also people foolishly wishing themselves into genies with same said thought.
We saw already that Jean can’t poof herself outta there. We’ll have to see what powers she’ll get to use while stuck at Haji’s Palace.
Araceli still thinks that Jean would have an inkling of a clue about proper genie customs? I would be wondering what the heck is going on too.
Yeah, it appears that she still has no clue of Jean’s predicament.
Yes, I am in agreement with you on this, Jeanie has absolutely no idea what going on. Like they didn’t send her to Genie University or anything like that. So she doesn’t know the appropriate or custom for the entrance of the High Haji. Although Araceli is absolutely about Jeanie being selfish and everything, but, right now, the only thing that Jeanie know to be is a dumb blond and that it.
Larry – Actually, they did kind of send her to Genie University. It was the University of Kazom. She “tested out” and cheated to pass.
Actually it was a one day affair with Kazom for basic training. Kazom didn’t say anything about the way that Jeanie should behave around Haji or Haji consort and he wasn’t going to be covering that topic either.
Since that is the case, I stand behind my original statement.
Actually, Kazom was going to keep her indefinitely until she learned the basics, but decided not to after he found out that Guano was her “handler”. That’s kinda what I meant by cheating.
That’s not really cheating though its the examiner passing a student to tick off someone else without caring what its going to mean for the student. Its the difference between getting ahold of the examination questions beforehand and working out all the answers only to them and doing your best in an exam, failing and then being told you passed by the examiner without ever knowing you shouldn’t. Jeanie not only doesn’t know pretty much everything about being a Genie she doesn’t even know there are important things she doesn’t know and doesn’t care because she doesn’t want to BE a genie in the first place.
On top of which her other trainers Guano/Araceli don’t care that she was a male human not that long ago and rather than trying to help her adjust are doing their best to sabotage her for their own benefit.
Does anyone recall that there was a book on the care & feeding of genies that might have saved Jean a lot of trouble. If she hadn’t dismissed it as “I can feed myself,” that is. Might have explained genie culture, limitations those “cosmic” powers, how to deal with Haji, etc. Jean is so self -centered that she deserves what she brings upon herself.
BTW, in Muslim culture, concubines (slaves owned for sex) may be kept topless. May not apply in djinni culture, though.
In Islam djinni are real, not myths. They are in the Koran.
Here what your looking for tramline.
It basically go over everything that you want to know about Genie complete with video displays. It basically Knowing Genie’s for dummies, kind of book.
Oh I remember it but tossing a “book of magical critter X’ at someone immediately after turning them into one is not really the best way to get them to learn. Jeanie’s come a long way since then in accepting she’s now a girl but she still has a huge disconnect between being a frankly priviledged white american male and a female genie. She really should still be in a basic “so you’re now a female genie” course to accept and understand what it means instead she’s got trainers who have literally traumatized her in pursuit of their own goals. Basically they turned a heterosexual, modern man into a girl and then expected her to instantly start acting as if she’d been born and raised a girl in a much older society with the main training being punishing her when she doesn’t act “appropriatley”.
In addition now I think back its proper more basic “Magic is your life don’t overcast” and less “This is how to adapt to being a woman in genie society.” Remember it was stated that the people who become genies do so based on their idea of what a genie looks like which had resulted in a lot of blue, smoky genies from Aladin. As we saw a few strips back they still expect free male genies to fight if the blue djinn shows up while female ones are potentially going to be given to Haji as a birthday present without any thought as to what they might want. I don’t think that book would be any help at all in trying to adapt to being a woman much less a female genie even if Jean had read it.
So who was that looking at Neil sleeping? If it was Jean, and now we know Jean isn’t thinking about the Blue Djinn, what was Jean thinking about then, whether or not to sleep with Neil? And if it wasn’t Jean…
Second point: Now we know that Haji has a consort, maybe the gray-haired genie lady. “Consort” is a considerable step up from “23rd concubine.”
Third Point: Since we haven’t seen Haji at all, could it be that there really isn’t a Haji any more? If Haji speaks only through his consort, can we be sure his consort hasn’t been speaking for herself for awhile?
Love handles…woo
Given where Araceli is gripping do I see a wardrobe malfunction coming up.
Only on Patreon.
Why did th3go never deliver on this?
What exactly is Jean’s “Whoa” about? Is Araceli much stronger than Jean expected? Or could Araceli’s hands to be the very first to touch her…where they’re touching her.
Or, maybe that isn’t it at all. Jean isn’t looking down at Araceli, she’s looking outward. Is perhaps Jean blown away by her first sight of Haji’s consort? Remember what Jean said about Agent Anderson on the beach…?
I think she’s just losing her balance.
Jean as Jeanie still has mostly male behavior. Takes a lot of conditioning in our culture to train girls about covering their chests when men do not. Would Jeanie have acquired this reflex but otherwise still be full of male notions, like lust for Agent Anderson?
Araceli has magic, and FAR more experience in using it than Jeannie does. I’m sure that she can magically become as strong as she wants to be. If Jeannie had more practice, she might be able to resist. But as it is, I’ll bet that Araceli and most of the other genies could toss Jeannie around like a rag doll if they wanted to.
Answer to Araceli in Panel One: “Yes.”
Oh, and thank you, CD. I realize you’ve been having a rough time, and we appreciate you nonetheless taking the time & effort to make the comic. <nudges everyone else>
Thank you, CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks CD! *<*
Thumbs up, CD. ^_^
Oh man this is good!
Don’t tug too hard on that top. On second thought, tug a little harder.
Aracel, you go! This is your finest hour! Perhaps though you could tug just a little bit harder. (Yes, I admit I am a dirty old man.)
I’m not. I’m a filthy young boy.
I used to be one of those.
Hmm. Is this respect …. or fear?
Why not both?
Respect, by those who follow the rules, which I’m sure are perfectly reasonable.
Fear, for those who don’t even acknowledge there are any rules, until she’s had her nose rubbed in them, and even then…
I wonder if the exact circumstances of Jeanie’s geniehood will now become known to Haji, or indeed to Jeanie herself.
Reasonable rules? 0_o Among genies?! Ehhhh…..
I wonder whether they’ll actually care if they find out.
Other than pinpointing where Jean’s ego is based, I don’t see them really caring about Jean being once a male human. Just that they expect “him” to follow their rules as the genie that “he” is now.
This is not going to end well
“Oh Great Consort of Haji, I present to you….boobs.”
Meh. She’s probably seen enough of ’em over the millenniums..
Really depends on how closely the Genie terms of “Concubine”, “harem”, and “Consort” matches our own mortal terms. Did THEY get it from US, or did WE get it from THEM. And if the latter, is our version a bastardization as seen through the eyes of some mortal Arabians?
WEll The term harem means enclosure, the Idea of what we think of as a harem, comes from the Ottoman turks and the Moguls of India not the arabs themselves
Actually, the use of “Harem” as “a place to seclude female members of your household” FAR FAR predates Islam, going to back to the days of Assyria, Persia, Greece, the Byzantine Empire, Egypt and old Arabia (Iraq). Muslim countries merely institutionalized the concept. So the concept itself is pretty much as old as “civilized” man. No one actually know where the custom originated…it’s THAT old.
lol You know…this reminds me of a scene of Who Framed Roger Rabbit. XD
Indeed. This is bigger than their feud. It’s interesting to note that instead of letting her continue to stand, and get in trouble for showing disrespect, she actively saves Jean’s rear.
Maybe because for Araceli being appointed to supervise or spy on Jean for any wrongdoings for genies’ conduct by her own genie lord uncle, it would reflect badly on her and/or Guano himself to just ignore “his” infractions or let Jean fail to behave appropriately in front of their higher authorities. Might make them look like they can’t enforce or follow the rules themselves and maybe be disciplined for it.
See, this is why I can’t get too mad at Araceli. She goes out of her way to help Jeannie even when she could just as easily sit by and let Jeannie hang herself. She may not be perfect (who is?) but she at least DOES have a decent moral compass, which Jeannie mostly lacks. And in turn, that makes Araceli a more complex, and thus interesting and sympathetic, character.
Sometimes I wonder wether its the moral compass Jean lacks so much as an understanding of consequences combined with impulsiveness and forgetfulness. Maybe it’s just me but it really comes of more as the latter then being INTENTIONALLY amoral. A but selfish perhaps but not overly so. It’s just that, as I said Jeannie doesn’t thick about the long-term consequences of his/her actions, is very impulsive, and tends to quickly forget about what he/she has done. Back when he was a human, (and a film reviewer) pretty much the only person he could hurt with these actions was himself. HOWEVER, now that he is a genie, he/she wields phenomenal cosmic power and can VERY EASILY endanger and otherwise screw up the lives of others. What was acceptable behavior before, is no longer acceptable. But Jeannie has yet to make that realization. And, to be fair, he/she is not used to having his actions have such a huge impact on others. I honestly don’t think he/she will get it unless someone flat out tells him/her, which, so far, no one has.
You meant TRIES TO save Jean’s rear. We can’t be sure it worked yet.
is that jeanie in family guy????
Youtube: Family Guy vs. Christianity
Its weird those genies a few pages back seem to be sort of flipping between “protect the young genies who don’t understand” and “Give a freed young genie to our lord as a birthday present.” Which I suspect Jeanie is going to wind up as because he’s attracted to her spirit.
If Big Bad Blue kills the youngsters off, the elders can’t boss them around.
I’m half expecting the senior consort to have a resemblance to (the current) Ms. Eden as a sort of homage.
I’ve actually had a thought similar to this. Now that we are getting to see a number of other genies, I’m wondering if another genie who looks like Jeanie will show up. IIRC Kazom told Jeanie that since the movie Aladdin came out there have been a lot of blue genies getting created. I would then suppose a number of Barbara Eden genies were created a few decades ago. That could lead to all kinds of problems in that Jeanie gets mistaken for a genie who she now looks like that is either famous or infamous.
Depends on how many people during its series existence had rubbed empty genie vessels with that particular genie in mind like Jean. Maybe also people foolishly wishing themselves into genies with same said thought.
We saw already that Jean can’t poof herself outta there. We’ll have to see what powers she’ll get to use while stuck at Haji’s Palace.
I think Haji’s consort will be Belle