Jeanie Bottle 476
Apologies for the extra late post this week. We expect to have a comic for next week, but it’ll be later than usual, too.
By the way, if you’re curious about what’s going on in the last panel, they found a Hubun Jadid in one of the “Jeannie”s red hats.
So, they are not identical twins after all.
Anyone keen enough on visual details would’ve already seen how they differ; it’s their belts’ designs.
It’s easier to tell them apart by Jean’s constant scowl.
Last panel= boobies❤️❤️
maybe, put perspective in last panel is weird transition. We are seeing from Lahab’s point of view, as she is 2-3 feet shorter than guard genies. So we get Hat (removed, possibly upside-down), then bra and cleavage ABOVE hat
I just realized Jehane and Jeannie has different waistbands!
Jeannie also has slightly larger boobs.
And one is showing a belly button (forbidden by network censors back in the 60’s).
I was reading about Jeanie’s costume from the TV show recently. The first several episodes actually allowed Barbara Eden’s bell button to be visible, but some viewer complained to the network brass and that is when the edict about not showing her belly button came down.
That has left me to wonder if CD has made Jeanie’s costume like the one from the early episodes and Jehane’s costume like the one after the rule change. I watched the show as a kid in the 1970’s but I don’t really remember much about it.
The first season’s episodes were all in black-and-white. The pilot was actually shot quite a lot earlier than the other episodes in that season, and the pilot (or at least an edited version) became the first episode. That’s why Captain Nelson has a fiancee in it who never appears in the show again, and I don’t think she was ever mentioned again. The first season started airing in the fall of 1965 just as I was starting high school. I the first season on Hulu when Jeannie put it out on the free service, so I know the first episode was broadcast in black-and-white.
In the summer of 1964 I remember that CBS or ABC or both were broadcasting in color even though I very seldom watched a color TV. NBC was the first network to broadcast in color beginning in 1954, far ahead of ABC and CBS. It’s big advantage was that NBC’s color broadcasting system was the only one at the time which could be picked up on both black-and-white and color televisions. This is why NBC came up with the Peacock logo. Some of you may have seen recordings or even remember watching NBC television in black-and-white in the sixties when every color program began with the same clip showing the peacock and the same theme music and the same announcer’s voice telling you “The following program is brought to you in living color on NBC.” And now you know where Keenan Ivory Wayans got the title for the TV show that made his brother Damon Wayans into a star and his not-brother Jim Carrey into a bigger star. The point of that clip was torturing those poor folks with only black-and-white TVs to shell out the money for a color set. Maybe also to steal a set, because NBC’s parent company, RCA, was still making a lot of television sets that were selling, and most of the RCA sets that were stolen would have been after RCA got its money from the wholesaler.
1965 was the first year when the other two major networks were broadcasting most of their schedule in color, and I remember seeing CBS and ABC using the a similar “In color” lead in by 1964 for the “benefit” of both those people who still had only black-and-white sets and for those who already had color sets but were used to watching NBC most of the time. Ratings always matter.
Which brings me back to the first season of I Dream of Jeannie. The first season was broadcast in black-and-white, but maybe the pilot that was re-edited into the first episode might have been shot in color. I remember a magazine cover that might have been from 1965 that I know showed Barbara Eden in a genie costume that definitely showed her navel, but I’m not sure it was like the costume she wore in the series. So maybe the original pilot was shot in color and might be out there somewhere.
I think the final victory of color TV was when advertisers noticed that viewers were more likely to switch to another channel during a black-and-white commercial than a color one.
And then came cable, Ted Turner, and colorization. This is also got a solid tie in to I Dream of Jeannie. Ted Turner had one of the first superstations. You had to have cable or an outrageously expensive satellite dish to get Turnervision outside the Atlanta area. Both the cable companies and Turner were interested in getting his broadcast schedule published in newspapers and in TV Guide, which was the widest-circulation magazine for most of its time in publication. In the early days Tedd put on a lot of old shows that were no longer in production but were still popular in syndication. Jeannie was one of them. And Turner timed his schedule so all his shows began and ended five minutes off the hour or half-hour so they got their own lines in TV Guide. Others followed, and as channels multiplied, TV guides got bigger and bigger until finally the management decided that they should get out of publishing a paper magazine before it got to be the size of a phone book–and don’t expect phone books to be around much longer.
So, thanks are owed to Barbara Eden and Tedd Turner to Jim Carrey, Damon Wayans, and all of us fans of I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle And Tedd Turner owes all of us for unleashing cheesy colorization on the rest of humanity.
Yup! That’s how we knew that the genie who Kazom ran into in the hallway was Jehane, even though he mistook her for Jeannie.
Well, looks like one of them is in big trouble but which one? The hat is too conveniently covering over the torso to reveal who for suspense.
Lord Than Den! Why are you poking at Lahab? Are you telling them to search her too? 😀
Hah! I hadn’t noticed that.
I know people say they have different breast sizes but… I’ve never seen that. Their shapes look reasonably identical to me. Some allowances for art made of course.
It’s hard to tell when they’re both being grabbed like that, but Jeanie is about 2 cup sizes bigger than Jehane.
I’ve looked at other pictures and I think it’s an illusion. Like when you have the same sized line but have an arrow pointed in different directions. They look the same size objectively.
I think Jeanie is in trouble. In the land of the djinn possession really is 99.99% of the law
Ah, but did they find it in Jeanie’s hat, or Jehane’s?
I have a disquieting hunch that it was in Jeanie’s fez, and that she’s going to have a hard time explaining how it got there.
Yes, but probably only the Blue Djinn knows which one of them is possessed.
I was in and out of the I Dream of Jeannie series, so i’ll just politely ask.. what the heck is a Hubun Jadid?
Baby genies
I’m not sure if I clearly explained it so I’ll explain it now.
Hubun Jadid are basically the tool to bless Genie pairing. Kind of like an open marriage.
The Hubun Jadid are used to join two Genies to each other for there respective lives.
The two Genies are bound to eachother, and only the two joined genies can re-produce and bring a new Genie life into the world.
What about combining a genie (like Jean) with a human (like “Natalie”)? Does that bond them and allow reproduction as well? :p
If I recall right the original show ‘did’ have half genies … With none of the power and all of the suck- they could get out of the vessels though.
So are we going to see Jehane and Jeanie joined? 🙂
How could they conceal anything in those outfits?
Inside their hats. Which is what we’re seeing in the final panel.
Well, Jeanie never even remembers that she has hers on, so she wouldn’t think to put anything in there.
Is that where they frisked them first? ‘Cause it would’a killed all the fun of it…
Panel 3, the girl in the background with the dark hair and pony tail, does she have pointed ears like an elf or does it just appear that way due to her hair cut?
Damn, you’re right.
And it looks as though she is moving through the crowd for some reason. She’s also in panels 1 & 2.
Well, since you asked…
Well, it looks like she has pointed ears.
Thanks Robert.
Caption: “Hey, my eyes are in the center, here.“
I have a feeling that is Jeanie’s hat. Remember in comic 445, Jeanie, Alya, and Lahab went into the vault to get a Hubun Jadid and when they left, three were gone and Jeanie’s eyes were clearly blue at that time.
Of course any genie could have easily poofed the Hubun Jadid into that hat to frame whomever. I wonder if genies have the ability to detect lies. Forcing someone to tell the truth would likely violate the prohibition against forcing someone to go against their will.
I think that rule was specific only to mortals. Genies don’t have ‘free will’ in the same way.
Which is exactly the good point the Blue Djinn has
It’s a lot more complicated if one contemplates the question deeper. Why should reality warping entities be given free will to act as they like? Maybe 99% of them are fine but you get one rogue genie with free will and all of reality is torn apart.
What’s the deal with the blue eyes all of a sudden. Jeanie has had blue eyes from the beginning of the strip. Usually seen in close ups.
If you look at comic 416, it has a nice close-up of Jeanie’s face and you can clearly see she has purplish gray eyes. The red ring around the pupils was supposedly due to her anger at that moment.
It is generally suspected that when her eyes are blue, she is under the influence of the Blue Djinn, but we readers don’t know that for certain.
Correct. In fact, Jeanie has had blue eyes right from the beginning, ( ) which is why I don’t buy the whole “eyes-change-color-due-to-Blue-Djinn” theory.
I think the fact that they are often shown as black dots is just artistic license. Otherwise, CD would have had to have been planning this particular story line for the last nine-plus years.
Then how do you explain comic 416? The only true close-up I know about of Jeanie. Further every picture of Barbara Eden I find on the Web shows her as having grey eyes.
@SaylorA: Her eyes are not purplish-grey in comic 416. There are several color-based optical illusions where nearby colors mess with our perception of a particular color:
Given that purple is an intermediate color between blue and red, it’s easy to see why you might have seen her eyes as being a purplish color in that comic. But it isn’t. It’s just like the picture with the green/red/white squares in the above link – the red squares immediately next to the green squares seem to be a darker red than the ones immediately next to the white squares (which seem more of a pinkish red).
In this case, with the red/blue/black/white sequence shown in Jeanie’s eyes in comic 416, it’s not difficult to see how your eyes might have translated that into “purplish-grey”. But I’m pretty sure it’s not.
@SaylorA, jaimehlers:
OK, this should settle things: I clipped out Jeannie’s eye from comic #416, blew it up about by a factor of 8, then sampled the pixels from the iris area of the eye.
The main color is a sky-blue, (0xA3ACF4) with a shadow of a darker blue (0x8990C9), and of course, a red ring. No grey at all. So jaimehlers is correct; it just appears somewhat purplish in visual context, a phenomenon known as dithering, which creates the illusion of color depth when a limited palette is used.
Might be a first…CD broke the comic frame walls three times in this comic….wowzies
Wonder if Natalie ever got her hands on the Rodge’s popcorn? Think it was mid January last we saw them.
I’m not sure if that’s cleavage in the last panel. That angle makes no sense to me…
Worth noting:
Whatever happened in this comic has yet to be resolved, was near the beginning of this story-arc, and there’s still a rogue genie on the loose whom other genies needed to be protected from, and Jean made a very noticeable “Hey, target me” splash in magic here.