Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
Those boys aren’t going to be back hanging around the beach anytime soon. That ought to keep the beach girls safe from their unwanted advances for a while.
Araceli just took a risk coming to Jean and warning her after Jean basically sent up a flare signal saying ‘GENIE RIGHT HERE!’ She doesn’t care about Jean, but she does cares about Neil and Caley. And yes, Araceli is making more sense than Jean.
Jean still doesn’t know her own strength. This is sort of similar to Rouyah using her magic to end an entire program in WWII just to make Sid safe; I don’t think Rouyah actually intended to do so much. It cost her; it’s probably the reason she didn’t get a break when she gave Andy the last, fatal birthday wish.
Jean doesn’t make distinctions like that. Her magic just does things, without her having to make any effort to be specific. When she’s annoyed with someone, they end up in an unpleasant place; she doesn’t have to consciously think about where or when. I’m sure she has no idea they were back in 1945 Normandy.
At least this makes sense. I always thought it would be out of character for Jeanie to intentionally send them to WWII turns out I was right. It WAS unintentional.
Yelp, that Jeanie in a world of her own and doesn’t pay attention emergency warnings from Haji high command to all Genie’s. Even after the warning by Araceli, Jeanie still not lessening to what Araceli or understand the threat the Blue Djinn is posing to her yet.
So now in the next few episodes, I take it that Jeanie going to meet the Blue Djinn and I wonder how she going to deal with him or if he is smitten by Jeanie beauty so something.
Still, if the situation were reversed, I doubt Jeannie would do anywhere near as much. Araceli is by far the more responsible of the two. Of course, she’s way older, as well. Maybe we just need to give Jean a few hundred more years to mature.
Ben is talking about the Platte River, it go directly through the center of Nebraska. It a fairly good size river, but, it not one of the major rivers, in that it not navigable or anything.
Something tells me considering the screw ups Jean has had with his/her powers since becoming a jeanie, s/he doesnt really understand how powerful they really are.
That in itself makes me wonder if s/he is actually either more powerful than normal baby jeanies or has a greater imagination or ‘spark’ that the results of jeanie magic draws upon in how the results are set when wishes are granted or magic used.
It is also strange why no genie has come along and commented on the way she was ‘created’ and also that by letting her run about they effectively are letting a baby play with nuclear weapons. I know she went through training but still, the results of that were pretty awful themselves!
Jean seems to be considerably less self-aware (and probably more self-centered) than most genies. Heck, if I suddenly had genie powers, I’d be studying as hard as I could to find out what all the abilities, hazards and limitations were. Jean seems to be completely blasé and unconcerned about such things.
So yeah, it’s not surprising that she seems to have no idea what she’s dealing with when she poofs someone through time.
The Genie Laws or the Genies governing them anyways, don’t seem to take much care for how a genie is created from any source, from birth, magically means or human surrogate in Jean’s case. From Guano’s, Kazom’s and Araceli’s examples, they just expect any new and all genies to toe the line and follow the rules and etiquettes completely without exceptions, regardless of any individualities.
With that in mind, they don’t seem to care in general how someone like Jean became a genie, only that “he” is now one and is supposed to do as excepted. It’s like saying, “We don’t know how you got here, but you now better do as you’re told.”
Or slavery. That’s the dirty part of the genie fantasy. I’m sure the Blue Djinn is evil as hell, but he does have a point: Why should genies be compelled to obey human masters? Jean would have to agree with him on that.
More likey they would have grabbed allied helmets since those were the ones scattered on the beaches – also robbing the dead is highly frowned upon – well except if your side is the winner then anything goes it seems.
If you haven’t yet, you should look up and read the series Children of the Lamp. Is a very interesting read, as it has Djinn families and factions that fight on the sides of good and evil. Also has a Blue Djinn, though it’s involvement in things is a lot different from what your Blue Djinn does.
Who knows how it will affect them in the future. Every sound of firework the sound of a machine gun, the roaring sound of waves now a company of soldiers, the darkness of night tinged with the sights sounds and fear of death. Deserved? Jeanie should be put on trial for literal crimes against humanity. I honestly don’t know if I buy her explaination, there is no way to prove she didn’t mean it…
Actually this scene is deeper to me the more I dwell on it. A gender transformation is seen as comedic at best and traumatic at worse.. yet it can’t be denied it makes an interesting story because each individual would react in different ways from denial to outright acceptance and joy. Either way most start that journey with trauma in mind.
These two were traumatised through no fault of their own and it forced me to think on if I make light of gender changes when they could be as traumatic.. yet I made a realisation that one is an exploration of life, while a trauma through war is an exploration of death and the way we view it.
I do find Jeanie somewhat strange I must admit. Her reactions just seem odd and I do wonder if the change affected her human mind. It must have to a degree. Personally I would be pleased to meet an older genie to work out what’s happened and if there was a way back or if this was a life worth pursuing. It makes me think there must be something different about this genie and maybe her bottle is the key…
Given the blue Jeanie can go against the rules of Haji… I think I know what he could tempt Jean with…
@Guardingdark: Eh, there’s nothing wrong with that. I love a good ethical/historical/political/social argument… I just haven’t really gotten into them here because I don’t want my IP banned!! 😉
@Jenny: Yeah, each comic gets a ridiculous amount of comments.
Agree even if they are douchebags you don’t something like this but that’s American ” freedom ” believes for ” i American and can do whatever I want and no matter what I the good guy anyway because FREEDOM ” seriously grown the f” ck up please
To be fair, the WW2 generation did have a little bit of training and preparation for that event. I also have it from a fairly solid source (my grandparents) that many a soldier cried for their mother that day and on many other days during WW2 and in every conflict before and since.
Beach jerks got un-murdered!
(Hopefully the German Lieutenant doesn’t believe the machine gunner saw people on the beach and tells him not to waste ammunition. Going on high alert BEFORE guests arrive might change history.)
Well, it looks like I was right about why Araceli was there….
Those boys aren’t going to be back hanging around the beach anytime soon. That ought to keep the beach girls safe from their unwanted advances for a while.
What about the poor girls looking for some guys at the beach?
I’m sure there are plenty of hot guys at a beach in Florida who aren’t total douchebags. The guy-chasers will be fine.
Araceli just took a risk coming to Jean and warning her after Jean basically sent up a flare signal saying ‘GENIE RIGHT HERE!’ She doesn’t care about Jean, but she does cares about Neil and Caley. And yes, Araceli is making more sense than Jean.
And this is new,… since when?
Araceli’s no saint, but Jean is just an accident waiting to happen to someone undeserving.
Another beach is a few miles away Jeanie. Not across the ocean and 70 some years ago you freak.
Jean still doesn’t know her own strength. This is sort of similar to Rouyah using her magic to end an entire program in WWII just to make Sid safe; I don’t think Rouyah actually intended to do so much. It cost her; it’s probably the reason she didn’t get a break when she gave Andy the last, fatal birthday wish.
Jean doesn’t make distinctions like that. Her magic just does things, without her having to make any effort to be specific. When she’s annoyed with someone, they end up in an unpleasant place; she doesn’t have to consciously think about where or when. I’m sure she has no idea they were back in 1945 Normandy.
At least this makes sense. I always thought it would be out of character for Jeanie to intentionally send them to WWII turns out I was right. It WAS unintentional.
1944 Normandy, actually. June 6, 1944, to be precise.
@Sean: Yes, 1944; sorry, typo – finger slipped & I didn’t catch it in time.
Yelp, that Jeanie in a world of her own and doesn’t pay attention emergency warnings from Haji high command to all Genie’s. Even after the warning by Araceli, Jeanie still not lessening to what Araceli or understand the threat the Blue Djinn is posing to her yet.
So now in the next few episodes, I take it that Jeanie going to meet the Blue Djinn and I wonder how she going to deal with him or if he is smitten by Jeanie beauty so something.
At this rate, Jeanie is going to burn through thousands of years of magic without even realizing she has done so.
That was my thought as well! Scary implications…
It may not matter that much for her though, as she’s still a human in her mind. So living 100 years is still a pretty long life.
Well, at least Araceli is trying to look out for her.
More like trying to look out for herself, by making it less likely to attract the Blue Djinn’s presence anywhere near her.
Still, if the situation were reversed, I doubt Jeannie would do anywhere near as much. Araceli is by far the more responsible of the two. Of course, she’s way older, as well. Maybe we just need to give Jean a few hundred more years to mature.
Maybe our two beach bums will move to Idaho, a state which is not noted for beaches.
Make it Nebraska. Idaho has rivers & lakes.
Ever heard of the Platte?
If they go to the Sahara they get to keep the sand
@Ben: Sure – but isn’t that an electric supply company? 😉
Ben is talking about the Platte River, it go directly through the center of Nebraska. It a fairly good size river, but, it not one of the major rivers, in that it not navigable or anything.
@Larry: I know. I was making a joke. Hence the winking smiley-face. 😉
It still has beaches
Not Nebraska. They went to Omaha and didn’t like it.
@jennibrock: Oooh… good play on words, there. I like it!
I guess Jean didn’t know which beach she sent them.
Or much cared. Her magic seems to operate largely off her subconscious.
Something tells me considering the screw ups Jean has had with his/her powers since becoming a jeanie, s/he doesnt really understand how powerful they really are.
That in itself makes me wonder if s/he is actually either more powerful than normal baby jeanies or has a greater imagination or ‘spark’ that the results of jeanie magic draws upon in how the results are set when wishes are granted or magic used.
It is also strange why no genie has come along and commented on the way she was ‘created’ and also that by letting her run about they effectively are letting a baby play with nuclear weapons. I know she went through training but still, the results of that were pretty awful themselves!
Its going to be interesting how things play out 🙂
Jean seems to be considerably less self-aware (and probably more self-centered) than most genies. Heck, if I suddenly had genie powers, I’d be studying as hard as I could to find out what all the abilities, hazards and limitations were. Jean seems to be completely blasé and unconcerned about such things.
So yeah, it’s not surprising that she seems to have no idea what she’s dealing with when she poofs someone through time.
The Genie Laws or the Genies governing them anyways, don’t seem to take much care for how a genie is created from any source, from birth, magically means or human surrogate in Jean’s case. From Guano’s, Kazom’s and Araceli’s examples, they just expect any new and all genies to toe the line and follow the rules and etiquettes completely without exceptions, regardless of any individualities.
With that in mind, they don’t seem to care in general how someone like Jean became a genie, only that “he” is now one and is supposed to do as excepted. It’s like saying, “We don’t know how you got here, but you now better do as you’re told.”
Sounds like the Army. Or prison.
Or slavery. That’s the dirty part of the genie fantasy. I’m sure the Blue Djinn is evil as hell, but he does have a point: Why should genies be compelled to obey human masters? Jean would have to agree with him on that.
As much as I hate douchebags like them it is good to see they got back without a scratch.
I’m slightly disappointed myself…
Yeah, they should have at least grabbed a couple of German helmets as souvenirs.
More likey they would have grabbed allied helmets since those were the ones scattered on the beaches – also robbing the dead is highly frowned upon – well except if your side is the winner then anything goes it seems.
Wait, do they talk about genies in front of Anderson?
Anne left the area on the previous page.
Control, you must learn control.
If you haven’t yet, you should look up and read the series Children of the Lamp. Is a very interesting read, as it has Djinn families and factions that fight on the sides of good and evil. Also has a Blue Djinn, though it’s involvement in things is a lot different from what your Blue Djinn does.
Those two guys are hugging each-other in a rather odd way…
If you got suddenly dropped off into a battlefield with nothing to really defend yourselves, how you react?
Not like that. They’re hugging each other really low.
I’d be hugging the ground, myself, actually.
Who knows how it will affect them in the future. Every sound of firework the sound of a machine gun, the roaring sound of waves now a company of soldiers, the darkness of night tinged with the sights sounds and fear of death. Deserved? Jeanie should be put on trial for literal crimes against humanity. I honestly don’t know if I buy her explaination, there is no way to prove she didn’t mean it…
Actually this scene is deeper to me the more I dwell on it. A gender transformation is seen as comedic at best and traumatic at worse.. yet it can’t be denied it makes an interesting story because each individual would react in different ways from denial to outright acceptance and joy. Either way most start that journey with trauma in mind.
These two were traumatised through no fault of their own and it forced me to think on if I make light of gender changes when they could be as traumatic.. yet I made a realisation that one is an exploration of life, while a trauma through war is an exploration of death and the way we view it.
I do find Jeanie somewhat strange I must admit. Her reactions just seem odd and I do wonder if the change affected her human mind. It must have to a degree. Personally I would be pleased to meet an older genie to work out what’s happened and if there was a way back or if this was a life worth pursuing. It makes me think there must be something different about this genie and maybe her bottle is the key…
Given the blue Jeanie can go against the rules of Haji… I think I know what he could tempt Jean with…
Wow, some people are getting really philosophical with the last few strips.
It’s been going on for years now. Lots of debates on ethics, history and social studies here too.
The commentary section has become a popular feature in this site besides the comic itself.
Heh yeah i know I shouldn’t
Still if there is one good thing, at least a lot of people likely read up on the history of this time and learned of their great sacrifice…
@Guardingdark: Eh, there’s nothing wrong with that. I love a good ethical/historical/political/social argument… I just haven’t really gotten into them here because I don’t want my IP banned!! 😉
@Jenny: Yeah, each comic gets a ridiculous amount of comments.
Agree even if they are douchebags you don’t something like this but that’s American ” freedom ” believes for ” i American and can do whatever I want and no matter what I the good guy anyway because FREEDOM ” seriously grown the f” ck up please
Figures. Their generation can’t do what the Greatest Generation did.
To be fair, the WW2 generation did have a little bit of training and preparation for that event. I also have it from a fairly solid source (my grandparents) that many a soldier cried for their mother that day and on many other days during WW2 and in every conflict before and since.
The dying Germans cried for “Mutti” and the dying Japanese for “Okasan”.
You’ll find it a comment theme throughout the history of war. Because… War… war never changes.
Beach jerks got un-murdered!
(Hopefully the German Lieutenant doesn’t believe the machine gunner saw people on the beach and tells him not to waste ammunition. Going on high alert BEFORE guests arrive might change history.)
Maybe he had his main machine gunner removed from duty because he thought he was crazy, which helped history go the way it did? lol
My opinion is that Jeannie is learning from Araceli what happens to both Genie and Master.