Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
Say do you have to pay for your RSS feeder or if not what one do you use? Cause I’ve tried a couple for Chrome and they all stopped working after a while because they wanted me to pay for it.
Yeah, had some issues like that with readers. I’ve found that the Thunderbird email client works pretty well since it has RSS built in. That’s Mozilla Thunderbird, from the same group that brought us Firefox ( Only issue I’ve found is it considers this comic’s main RSS feed to be broken, but the Comments RSS works fine, so I use that.
Well I hope your technical problems aren’t computer related. I must of missed it but an earlier post mentioned you have an Wacom Cintq portable. You lucky person!
Apparently the minute hand moves too fast. Causing the hour hand to also move fast, which in turns causes the day to be too short, and it snow balls into the weeks and month being too short.
This results me not getting my work/comics/other activities done in the time allotted.
I tried removing the battery from my clock, but it seems the other clocks take over.
I’m working on coordinating a massive worldwide ‘take batteries out of clock’ to resolve this issue.
As long as it still comes up on the RSS feed, ‘s cool.
Say do you have to pay for your RSS feeder or if not what one do you use? Cause I’ve tried a couple for Chrome and they all stopped working after a while because they wanted me to pay for it.
Yeah, had some issues like that with readers. I’ve found that the Thunderbird email client works pretty well since it has RSS built in. That’s Mozilla Thunderbird, from the same group that brought us Firefox ( Only issue I’ve found is it considers this comic’s main RSS feed to be broken, but the Comments RSS works fine, so I use that.
What is that robot doing.
Its the humping robot from Robot Chicken.
That should pretty much answer your question ^^;;
I had to ask CD this, and I didn’t even understand his answer. lol
I know what’ll happen to the robot, Neil and Rodge after this.
One Fem-bot coming up
you forgot about Natalie and a female Rodge.
Nah, I bet the hump-bot wont be TGed, for a more evil punishment.
_Three_ fembots, coming up :p
She’ll properly equip it, TG Neil and Rodge, and set it to chase them.
OH MY GAWD! It’s yet another cool shooting! What a tragedy!
That’s kinda entertaining in its own right. In a not-part-of-the-continuity way.
It’s inadvertently funny, too – “DIFFICLUTIES”.
Yes, that was 100% intentional. Of course.
This joke is more than worth a comic delay. I would love to see what happens next.
Well I hope your technical problems aren’t computer related. I must of missed it but an earlier post mentioned you have an Wacom Cintq portable. You lucky person!
The technical problem is with my clock.
Apparently the minute hand moves too fast. Causing the hour hand to also move fast, which in turns causes the day to be too short, and it snow balls into the weeks and month being too short.
This results me not getting my work/comics/other activities done in the time allotted.
I tried removing the battery from my clock, but it seems the other clocks take over.
I’m working on coordinating a massive worldwide ‘take batteries out of clock’ to resolve this issue.
Days on Mars are ~40 minutes longer 😉
@Can’t: Which is why Martians always show up late.