Jeanie Bottle 475
Ah ha! So Jehane can speak English!
Sorry about the slight delay in the post. I had my condo’s windows replaced today, and it totally threw off my schedule.
Ah ha! So Jehane can speak English!
Sorry about the slight delay in the post. I had my condo’s windows replaced today, and it totally threw off my schedule.
“I Dream of Jeannie”, meet “The Twilight Zone”.
Actually, there were several episodes in the TV show in which Jeannie’s look-alike cousin (confusingly, also called Jeannie) showed up. So this is art imitating art.
So I Dream of Jeanie was “art”, but The Twilight Zone wasn’t? I guess everyone’s entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong they are.
No, you’re misunderstanding my meaning. I was just saying that there was nothing weird or Twilight Zone-ish about there being two Jeannies; that was straight from the IDoJ TV show.
I liked TZ, too. But there’s nothing specifically TZ about two people who look alike. Particularly in a world where magic is real.
Barbara Eden played Jeanie, Evil Jeanie (her sister), and Momma Jeanie. When I was a kid, I never realised that Momma Jeanie was Eden.
Well Jehane pretty much blew her only chance at a clean escape…
The question is, now what will they do since that the two of them are now together in the same room again?
Well, if they both object to being frisked down by the guards, they could always strip-tease…
We’ve already seen that they both open-minded to the concept C:
Well, I suppose that Jeanie could tell Spock to shoot both of them to insure the safety of the Enterprise… oh… wait, wrong show. My bad.
Maybe there was another Jeanie lookalike? As someone else pointed out, it is canon that genies can change their appearance, unless, of course, they are cats.
Also, notice that Araceli, whom some people seem to think is nothing but evil, is sticking up for Jean here.
at 1st she wanted Jean gone, so she can have Neil for herself.. but with everything that’s been going on, Araceli’s beginning to see the error of her ways.
Given that from what Kazom had stated before, there are several mortal-turned genies that look alike due to what people would imagine a genie ought to look like, for example some of them like Disney’s blue genie. It shouldn’t be too likely that these elderly genies would have to deal with identical-looking genies before this scenario.
Hopefully they have a practice in place for identifying which genie is who; maybe a census number or a serial number on their vessels? DNA? Memory-Scaning?
I dunno, Jenny – Kazom seemed awfully familiar with the idea that genies could look alike. I would guess that most of the older genies would know that, too.
As for telling them apart – much of the culture seems sort of quasi-medieval in nature. So maybe just plain old torture?
Failed Grammar Check! I meant to say, “…shouldn’t be too UN-likely…”.
You only get 5 minutes after posting your comment to edit or correct yourself before it gets set in stone, technically speaking.
Actually, Tom, there was a point in The Melvin Chronicles where Kazom did morph briefly into another form. So he CAN change shape, he just usually refrains from doing so to conserve magic energy.
Kazom did seem to become very large (and angry) once, but it might have been dramatic license, and if it wasn’t, he was still a cat, just bigger and angrier. We now have three examples of genies who have changed their forms: Jean, Araceli (when she impersonated Jean), and Lahab–but none of them changed their gender.
Kind of makes you wonder why Jean can change other people’s gender, doesn’t it?
The Genie that fingered Jeannie out to be the one that left, was going primarily by sight only. Which several people have pointed out, that they could pick out the wrong Genie, which they did. A more experienced Genie can look at Genie Ora that surrounds the Genie and tell them apart . We humans don’t have that capability. On the TV show, Jeannie look alike was constantly fooling Major Anthony Nelson and Major Roger Heely.
Genie can easily change men to women and women to men, because there dealing with mortals and there usually no other magic involved that they have to counter or over power to achieve that task. But, when it come to changing there own Gender, they have to overpower the Genie magic that make them a male or female and it take a whole lot more power to do that, along with being an experienced Genie to be able to accomplish that task. So most Genie don’t choose to do that even if that can. It take a lot of magic and power to retain male body if your female and it the same if your a male trying to retain a female body.
Kazom can transform anytime he want to, but, choose not to, because, he doesn’t want to use his magic or his power to retain that image. When Jeannie went to Kazom for Genie training, Kazom told Jeannie that every time a Genie uses his or her Genie power, they use up some of there magic and when they magic is use up, they die. Avila Brown, who suppose to be Adolph Hitler Genie used up most of her magic helping Adolph Hitler gain world domination. Which shorten her life. We also have Hiji and his decree that no Genie is allowed to do that and so he basically, drummed her out of the Genie Cor. and made her a mortal again. Even though Kazom is basically a male Genie, he chooses to look and act like a lazy cat, so he can preserve his Genie Magic and not die. So Kazom uses is Genie powers very sparingly and only uses when he has to, otherwise he won’t use his power.
>> A more experienced Genie can look at Genie Ora that surrounds the Genie and tell them apart.
Where are you getting this from? Way back in IDoJB #71, it was, in fact, established that this is NOT the case.
At least they’re being made aware of there being TWO “Jeannies”. Plus it’s surprising that Araceli is remotely standing up for Jean here or is she just asking what are “her” charges?
like i told Tom.. at 1st she wanted Jean gone, so she can have Neil for herself.. but with everything that’s been going on, Araceli’s beginning to see the error of her ways.
I don’t know just yet. With everything before, she seemed to have been just following her uncle’s orders and doing what expected of her at these formal genie events. She doesn’t want to risk looking bad in front of the authorities just to get “Jean” out of her way.
As with Neil, she had been doing whatever she could within her boundaries to get Neil to want her over Jean, even with some underhand trickery earlier. Neil got it made clear to her somewhat that he won’t approve or tolerate Araceli doing anything wrong to Jean but it’s much like as Jean stated earlier: Neil is NOT her master nor lover; only a friend. She may just be coming to terms that she can’t twist/trick things into her liking. However I haven’t seen any hard evidence from Araceli yet that she’s past scheming against “Jean”.
Well, given that Jeanie is perfectly willing to scheme against ANYone, your last comment seems like turnabout is fair play.
Araceli has a big streak of fairness in her. She’s not the evil nasty that some have tried to paint her as. This isn’t the first time she’s gone out of her way to help Jeanie. In fact, she’s helped her out more times than not, at this point.
Besides, she’s got a master now (Caley) so while she might still be envious of Jeanie, she’s got obligations of her own. She can still get mad at Jeanie when Jeanie is insulting or stupid (which is quite often) but basically she’s got a good heart. I like her.
I wonder when Araceli will find out her real rival for Neil is Rodge?
Providing that she can figure out that Neil is Natalie at the moment… She might get peeved with Jean even more when she can’t change Neil back to normal.
Unless she’s adjustable to a same-sex relationship?
Well, Araceli has been around long enough that she can probably assume a male form by now. So that should take care of relations with Natalie.
We’re still not sure it was our Jean who changed Neil into Natalie this time.
The fit is about to hit the shan, I think
Someone else pointed out that the way the Blue Djinn was portrayed in The Melvin Chronicles may have been just the way Melvin was envisioning Big Blue while Kazom was telling Melvin about the Blue Meanie. Thinking some more about how Jean can’t change her own gender even while she can change other people’s gender I suddenly had another thought: Are we sure the Blue Djinn isn’t a woman?
Think about it: couldn’t a woman be even more resentful of Haji’s rule? That is, assuming Haji isn’t actually a woman herself… we’ve never seen even Haji even in the imagination of another character.
According to Lahab, Haji is a he. Unless the haji is going by an alias glamour like Lahab here, we have to go by what she had mention earlier. Plus, while it wasn’t impossible for there to be matriarchic rule in ancient arabria, I don’t think the Genies would likely be having a female as their chief if they could help it, due to their old mindsets.
Yes, Haji male for sure! But, nobody has said anything about Blue Djinn is a male or female yet. So that still out and could be either one at this point. So we still don’t know what gender that the Blue Djinn is yet. But, in either case, it a battle between the two strongest Genie to decide who going to be the top Genie and who going to make the rules for all the other Genie’s.
If you look up on the Melvin Chronicles archives about the Blue Djinn, Kazom does say that the Blue Djinn is a male. Considering that the story’s plot says that Kazom had encountered him, it’s likely to be accurate.
“Hail, Seize-Her!”
Oooooh! The pun is mightier than the sword!
She just got back from the lady’s room. Had to go piddle. Jahane went to the library so someone else stole the Huban Jadid.
Well, she went PAST the library. Who knows where the vault is? Besides, we saw Jehane seducing the guard… presumably that’s the vault guard who is now nearly dead.
I have a feeling that Jehane isn’t who everyone thinks she is. Possibly the Blue Djinn in disguise.
As Gomer Pile would say: Surprise! Surprise! We have another Jeannie that looks just like Jeannie coming back in! Seize her too!
Here I go off on another tangent. Are we sure that time is passing the same way in Haji’s palace? It’s pretty common in these tales of secret places that what seems like a short visit can turn out to have taken years back in the mundane world. Picture Jean returning to find Natalie has a bunch of kids…
Or the other way around; Jeanie returns to find Natalie has just left for the lingerie shop. Although that probably wouldn’t precipitate as many hijinks.
Went back and read the story again. Kasum was with Lahab when she was called out for the Huban Jadid theft. Kasum saw jehane enter the library later so she could still be a suspect.
Only that Kazom thought that it was Jean that he saw heading to the library, due to their previous encounter. He doesn’t seem to know about Jehane or any other lookalikes being around right now. He could potentially get Jean to be found guilty for a crime that “she” didn’t have anything to do with by mistaken identity if asked.
That would be tough at this point, since everyone by now realizes that they have at least two look-alikes around. So Kazom would certainly recognize the potential for misidentification.
HEY! I just remembered Jehane’s outfit has large white rings on the hips while Jean’s has those slit like things with no white. Meaning all those flashback pages were of Jehane!
Or yet another Jeannie lookalike. Actually Jehane’s outfit is closer to the one that Barbara Eden wore in the series; Jean’s pants have a vee-shape where the waist on Jehane’s is cut straight across.
Jeanie also has bigger boobs than Jehane. Probably because Jean’s memory put more emphasis on Barbara Eden’s figure than on her costume.
Depending on which pages you’re referring to as “flashback pages”… Yes. Jehane was the one who headed past or to the library, and was the one who seduced the vault guard. Jeanie just wandered around a while. But of course, confusing them is the whole point of the plot.
And Tom’s right – we have no idea how many other Jeannie look-alikes there are.
“Oh? Okay then, go on.”
“WHAT? How come she gets to go free but not me?”
“Because she’s prettier than you!”
The comic where the guard is seduced is flagged for both Jean and Jehane. And since whoever is holding up the bra in the last panel isn’t wearing pants, we don’t know which one she is. And maybe she’s neither. She might not even be real; she could be like the low-IQ double of Neil Jean made to fool Guano way back. Any genie could have made one of those.
The comic where the guard is seduced is flagged for both Jean and Jehane.
Just to keep us all guessing.
Good point about the idiot doubles, though.
> Just to keep us all guessing.
Precisely. 🙂
It could be someone else. Who is to say that Jean and Jehane were the only Barbara Eden type Jynn that were created.
Is it just me or are most of these older genies a-holes?
Well, no one ever said that genies were selected for their intelligence. In fact, given that some proportion became genies precisely because they opened a weird-looking bottle without taking any precautions, (like: Jean,) one could even argue that an unusually large proportion of them might tend to be not too bright.
Um, what precautions should one take before opening an assumedly empty, decorative bottle one bought, say, at a flea market? I mean, in a world where up to now to your best knowledge no djinn or magic has been known to exist?
I miss Angelique from the wotch.
Hmm, something I have yet to see brought up is that everyone is assuming the same genie is responsible for both the theft AND the attack on the guard. Case in point, we’ve all been noticing Jeanie’s eyes changing color at several points, all of which involved Haji at the time or related to the genie traditions. The Habun going missing at the same time at said point of color change indicates Jeanie may have a backseat driver.
We’ve already established this is a very strong possibility, and that this Blue Djinn is extremely subtle if this is the route he’s gone. So WHY would he or she be that reckless and draw attention like that to get into the Forbidden Library? Ergo. Jehane or a Jeanne lookalike, with her own motives, is acting separately from the Djinn.
…. Either that or I’m overthinking it, and the Blue Djinn is using multiple victims for giggles and malicious mischief and to draw attention away from his main puppet. I’m just throwing out my thoughts here.
I was wondering when someone was going to bring that up! One of my first thoughts while editing this page was “Hmmm, maybe they both did something…”
I will have to admit that for Jeanie to simply wander off to explore the palace, seems out of character. I would have expected her to sit and stew, or cook up some plan to escape. Sight-seeing doesn’t seem to be her style.
I don’t know what you’re going on about with the eye colours. Even with magnifying the pages to max, everyone’s eyes are still black dots irises on huge white eyeballs. CD rarely actually gives his characters any eye colours around their irises, except on extreme close-ups.
The only real difference that I’d seen between Jean and Jehane that’s visible are their belt designs. Other than that, they would look like identical twins.
Jenny, he’s referring to eye colors being different in the strips on previous dates. (Not to changing in between panels in THIS strip.)
It’s very hard to see, but there HAVE been occasions when Jeanie’s eye dots were indeed blue, instead of black. At first, I thought it was just artistic license, because there didn’t seem to be any pattern to it. But now I’m beginning to wonder if I was wrong, and maybe there was some meaning there. I still don’t see any particular consistancy, but, then, I haven’t gone back and gone over the last several dozen strips, under high magnification, to be sure, either.
So I can’t say if the OP’s theory is right, but I also can’t rule it out.
@Silent Watcher:
I should point out, though, that the blue/black eye spot thing WAY pre-dates any mention of the Blue Djinn. If you look at IDoJB #57, from near the beginning of the comic, Jeanie’s eyes switch back and forth from black to blue, even way back then.
So either it’s just artistic inconsistency, or CD was planning out this story line a very long time ago.
I think the early comic strip, he was still working with things… and if you notice on the strip you refer to, her eyes are dilated in shock. Ultimately I think we don’t have enough to go on yet, unless CD Rudd steps in to personally comment on the matter. if he can do so without spoilers. Either way, I will concede that’s a possibility, but that kind of inconsistency this late in a comic doesn’t seem likely.
@Silent Watcher: Actually, in most of the early strips, the pupils are drawn as ovals – as time went on, they gradually became dots. So I wouldn’t assume that there was any meaning to oval pupils.
As to inconsistency, there are plenty of other equally tiny details that aren’t visually consistent from one strip to the next, so having a hint of eye color here but not there, wouldn’t be an exception. What’s more, in the early strips, I note that oval pupils usually occur when the character’s face is looking out at the reader, and dots are more often used when they are looking sideways. So it’s possible that a similar convention evolved, where a touch of blue is added only when Jeanie is looking out of the panel, and black dots are used the rest of the time.
I think we’re reading something into the eye color issue, that isn’t there. Sometimes the color is just more visible from a certain angle, that’s all.
I suppose only CD will be able to confirm any of this, though.
shenanigans i say