Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jeanโs work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottleโs new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
In her role as Haji's First, Lahab leads Haji's Harem. She is a Jann genie, one of the few elementals left in the world. She and Kazom are "old friends".
Humans could be forgiven for making the mistake in Panel 4. With the exception of identical twins, we expect to be able to recognize & identify people by sight, as individuals.
But genies know that other genies can look alike, (and for that matter, change their appearance on a whim) so it seems wrong that the half-bald gal would say this. She knows better.
Unless she’s deliberately trying to frame Jeanie.
But even so, someone else should certainly point out this fact. It’s not like no one else has seen Jehane; she’s been around for quite a while.
Yea, I remember that. We still don’t know what Jeanie did when she left at that time. I could see Jeanie doing something that causes a serious incident and not even realize she has done anything inappropriate.
But I suspect the incident in question was really intentionally caused by Jehane.
That may be true, that Jeannie left the Harem, but, part of that time she was with that Alya and with Lahab the head Genie Mistress. But, we all knew that Jeannie was going to get mistaken for Jehane, because, it advances the story line. Like I said in the last post last week, Jeannie going to get mistaken for Jehane deeds and that was only a given and that it was coming. I see Jeannie being locked up or incarcerated for a short period of time, until the true culprit which is Jehane has been caught. All I have to say is, It couldn’t happen to a nicer person or Genie for all the crap that she has done in the past.
This is one time Jeannie can’t use her Genie Powers to get herself out of trouble, so she going to have to do some fast talking and some gracious bowing to try and get out of this mess, that some other Genie created to get out of it.
I’m not saying that she’s lying about Jeanie leaving. I’m saying that she shouldn’t be so sure about her identification, given that 1) there are potentially plenty of genies that look alike, and 2) genies can shape-shift, anyway, to look like anyone they care to.
Come on, ANY genie in the room could have morphed themselves into a Jeanie-double and walked out. And I’m sure Miss Blue-Vest knows this. So why be so adamant that she’s fingered the right one? Unless she’s working with Jehane, and trying to divert attention away from Jehane’s absence.
I assume (though it hasn’t been stated) that any properly trained genie can tell another genie by their magical aura or something similar. I exclude Jeanie from that because she’s untrained and incompetent. That would explain why the Blue Djinn is using either mind control or possession, rather than disguise.
Curious – what is it about my comment above that makes the system think it needs moderation? Can’t be the link – I’ve used those before. And my other comments didn’t trigger moderation. Did something change?
Huh, I dunno why your comment got flagged. Thanks for pointing it out, though. It’s not always easy to notice when that happens. And it’s so rare here that I rarely think to check.
The website flags comments for moderation on a bunch of critieria.
Too Many URLS, if it IDs keywords that are flagged (certain swear/hate words for example), there’s also a 3rd party checker that will flag comments it thinks might be spam or ads.
Maybe the 3rd party program saw ‘Bad Hair Cut’ and ‘Disguise’ and thought your comment was a ad promoting a Hair Salon?
Flagged comments are not uncommon (I just think Robert doesn’t notice the icon alerting us to them, and hence they don’t get checked till I log on. ๐ , But we still like Robert though. Right?)
That the point. Everyone remembers the loud mouth Genie that in your face and call attention to herself where ever she goes. But, they don’t remember the one that silent and stay out of almost every other person sight like Jehane does.
Correct. Although Larry has a point; Jeanie does tend to draw attention to herself. But by that same token, anybody who was watching Jeanie would have also noted that she was talking to her double, Jehane.
Not to mention that it should be common knowledge among genies that you can have multiple genies with the same form. Because,you know, magic.
That remind me. The best way to divert suspicion away from yourself would be to accuse some one else of being the culprit or the one that did the evil deed. The ones that yell the loudest also may be the ones involved in what going on and Lahab may be thinking this way too. But, it give her a place to start looking for the offending Genie that did this deed. She has to start somewhere to fine out who did it and this is as good as any place to start looking.
For all we know, Jeannie could have something innocently and not done something nasty like she usually does, like go to the Ladies Rooms or some like that. She being accused because she free and available.
X, I agree, Jean should be punished similar to what you propose. Only Jean shouldn’t undergo the gauntlet of shame. No, Jean must get into an erotic pose chosen by the head Genie, on a specially prepared magical gold pedestal. Then Jean is turned into solid 24 K gold, her feet fused to the gold pedestal. Jean, now a gleaming, sparkling and beautiful gold statue is placed in the center of the harem as a warning to all who would break the rules. Jean is sentenced to spend 10 years as a sentient gold statue, spending the years just thinking. She’d make a lovely addition to the room decor, just dust her occasionally. As time flows differently in the magic realm Jeans duration as gold might be a few seconds in real time. Ahh, a lovely solid gold Jean… Who knows, she might be such a lovely sight they might extend her sentence.
Oh Luna, what have you DONE? Needless to say I am very disappointed in you. When you get home, we will be having a long talk about your behavior, young lady! TSK, TSK, TSK!
[groans] I knew I should’ve corked that bottle before I left the house that day.
Yeah, in Ancient Arabia/Persia, Harem Chambers were only for housing wives, concubines of high-ranking lords or kings/sultans. The only time that men (usually eunuchs), other than the husband, are allow in were to guard the women from any intruding men to make out with them.
Nope, Jean now has the one crucial qualification that is required to become a harem eunuch. Or, putting it another way, doesn’t have the crucial disqualification, as Jean regretted back in Panel 4 of Part 434.
That’s actually a great analogy. Col. Guano is suspicious at first, but eventually comes around. He’s all about threats. The colonel isn’t the brightest crayon in the box, though in the end he does seem like a basically honest, trustworthy kind of guy.
That’s actually what a harem is in real life. It’s not a collection of women all married to one guy, it’s a special room for just the women where they can relax and just be women.
I know this should be a “if you can’t say something nice, say nothing at all” situation, but I *really* do not like the finger-pointing genie’s personality, fashion (put something on under the open vest, girl!), or horrid hairstyle. ๐ Here’s hoping she doesn’t return as often as Aracelli does…. ๐
You’re not the only one to suggest that. Several of my DA watchers voiced their disdain over Luna’s “rat-tail” hairdo, so I posted a drawing showing her with a new hairstyle. ๐ But the trouble began when she tried to wash her new luxurious hair. The chemical reaction between the shampoo and her magical follicles caused her to turn invisible! ๐ Ruh-rohhh…
โBy Robert on February 15, 2018 at 12:00 am and modified on February 14, 2018. at 11:23 pmโ
I love how something can be posted at one time and modified 37 minutes before it was there.
I’ve been wondering why Chalkartist1216 hasn’t unblocked me from his DA page in a long time. and i can’t believe his own genie would do that.
I meant to say, she didn’t know that Jeannie hasn’t been feeling like herself lately.
What ‘s your DA name? It was probably by error and I will be glad to resolve that. ๐
my DA name is goldencrownstarneos
You’re back onto my site. Sorry for the confusion, my good friend.
You know, there’s a sort of a logic error here.
Humans could be forgiven for making the mistake in Panel 4. With the exception of identical twins, we expect to be able to recognize & identify people by sight, as individuals.
But genies know that other genies can look alike, (and for that matter, change their appearance on a whim) so it seems wrong that the half-bald gal would say this. She knows better.
Unless she’s deliberately trying to frame Jeanie.
But even so, someone else should certainly point out this fact. It’s not like no one else has seen Jehane; she’s been around for quite a while.
It’s been a few months (so forgetting is understandable), but Jeanie did leave:
That’s what set up the scene where Kazom sees Jehane going into the Library, and both he and us (at first) mistake her for Jeanie.
And she just got back to the Harem chamber in last week’s page. The blue-vested genie isn’t lying.
Yea, I remember that. We still don’t know what Jeanie did when she left at that time. I could see Jeanie doing something that causes a serious incident and not even realize she has done anything inappropriate.
But I suspect the incident in question was really intentionally caused by Jehane.
That may be true, that Jeannie left the Harem, but, part of that time she was with that Alya and with Lahab the head Genie Mistress. But, we all knew that Jeannie was going to get mistaken for Jehane, because, it advances the story line. Like I said in the last post last week, Jeannie going to get mistaken for Jehane deeds and that was only a given and that it was coming. I see Jeannie being locked up or incarcerated for a short period of time, until the true culprit which is Jehane has been caught. All I have to say is, It couldn’t happen to a nicer person or Genie for all the crap that she has done in the past.
This is one time Jeannie can’t use her Genie Powers to get herself out of trouble, so she going to have to do some fast talking and some gracious bowing to try and get out of this mess, that some other Genie created to get out of it.
I’m not saying that she’s lying about Jeanie leaving. I’m saying that she shouldn’t be so sure about her identification, given that 1) there are potentially plenty of genies that look alike, and 2) genies can shape-shift, anyway, to look like anyone they care to.
Come on, ANY genie in the room could have morphed themselves into a Jeanie-double and walked out. And I’m sure Miss Blue-Vest knows this. So why be so adamant that she’s fingered the right one? Unless she’s working with Jehane, and trying to divert attention away from Jehane’s absence.
I assume (though it hasn’t been stated) that any properly trained genie can tell another genie by their magical aura or something similar. I exclude Jeanie from that because she’s untrained and incompetent. That would explain why the Blue Djinn is using either mind control or possession, rather than disguise.
@Ran-san: Nice theory, but it’s already been established that genies can NOT detect who is and is not a genie. (
And we don’t know yet what the Blue Djinn is doing. For all we know, Miss Bad Haircut is the Blue Djinn in disguise.
Hey Robert! (Or CD)
Curious – what is it about my comment above that makes the system think it needs moderation? Can’t be the link – I’ve used those before. And my other comments didn’t trigger moderation. Did something change?
Huh, I dunno why your comment got flagged. Thanks for pointing it out, though. It’s not always easy to notice when that happens. And it’s so rare here that I rarely think to check.
The website flags comments for moderation on a bunch of critieria.
Too Many URLS, if it IDs keywords that are flagged (certain swear/hate words for example), there’s also a 3rd party checker that will flag comments it thinks might be spam or ads.
Maybe the 3rd party program saw ‘Bad Hair Cut’ and ‘Disguise’ and thought your comment was a ad promoting a Hair Salon?
Flagged comments are not uncommon (I just think Robert doesn’t notice the icon alerting us to them, and hence they don’t get checked till I log on. ๐ , But we still like Robert though. Right?)
She may not be lying, but she is a little snitch LOL
Way back in #71. That did slip my mind. It could just be that Lord Guano is just an idiot, though, and forgets to check that.
No one seems to be remembering the other genie that looked just like Jeanie and does not seem to be there now either.
That the point. Everyone remembers the loud mouth Genie that in your face and call attention to herself where ever she goes. But, they don’t remember the one that silent and stay out of almost every other person sight like Jehane does.
Correct. Although Larry has a point; Jeanie does tend to draw attention to herself. But by that same token, anybody who was watching Jeanie would have also noted that she was talking to her double, Jehane.
Not to mention that it should be common knowledge among genies that you can have multiple genies with the same form. Because,you know, magic.
I know the shaved-head genie is an OC–but there was a shaved-head female genie shown as one of the Blue Djinn’s followers in the Melvin Chronicles, and maybe a second one in silhouette.
Oh, TOM! That’s a really good catch! I’d forgotten all about that one. Damn! High five!
Gonna have to keep an eye on you… !
That remind me. The best way to divert suspicion away from yourself would be to accuse some one else of being the culprit or the one that did the evil deed. The ones that yell the loudest also may be the ones involved in what going on and Lahab may be thinking this way too. But, it give her a place to start looking for the offending Genie that did this deed. She has to start somewhere to fine out who did it and this is as good as any place to start looking.
For all we know, Jeannie could have something innocently and not done something nasty like she usually does, like go to the Ladies Rooms or some like that. She being accused because she free and available.
There WAS??? :O
Jeannie Jโaccused!
She is obviously GUILTY. She needs to be stripped naked and made to walk the gauntlet of shame immediately.
Naked gauntlet?
What, no public spanking?
X, I agree, Jean should be punished similar to what you propose. Only Jean shouldn’t undergo the gauntlet of shame. No, Jean must get into an erotic pose chosen by the head Genie, on a specially prepared magical gold pedestal. Then Jean is turned into solid 24 K gold, her feet fused to the gold pedestal. Jean, now a gleaming, sparkling and beautiful gold statue is placed in the center of the harem as a warning to all who would break the rules. Jean is sentenced to spend 10 years as a sentient gold statue, spending the years just thinking. She’d make a lovely addition to the room decor, just dust her occasionally. As time flows differently in the magic realm Jeans duration as gold might be a few seconds in real time. Ahh, a lovely solid gold Jean… Who knows, she might be such a lovely sight they might extend her sentence.
Ooh – good historical analogy.
Oh Luna, what have you DONE? Needless to say I am very disappointed in you. When you get home, we will be having a long talk about your behavior, young lady! TSK, TSK, TSK!
[groans] I knew I should’ve corked that bottle before I left the house that day.
LOL !!!
You did want her to have a speaking role
Guilty as charged… ๐
Yeah, in Ancient Arabia/Persia, Harem Chambers were only for housing wives, concubines of high-ranking lords or kings/sultans. The only time that men (usually eunuchs), other than the husband, are allow in were to guard the women from any intruding men to make out with them.
Wait really? That mean Jean can get out of this if she reveals she used to be a man!
Nope, Jean now has the one crucial qualification that is required to become a harem eunuch. Or, putting it another way, doesn’t have the crucial disqualification, as Jean regretted back in Panel 4 of Part 434.
That would give them a 2nd reason to string Jeanie up.
1- Whatever Lord Than Den wants,
2- Being a man in the Harem Chamber.
Why can’t any of these Genie lord have easy names to remember?
Like Lord Bird Poop?
I wonder if C.D. remembers there was a character in Dr. Strangelove named Colonel Bat Guano.
That’s actually a great analogy. Col. Guano is suspicious at first, but eventually comes around. He’s all about threats. The colonel isn’t the brightest crayon in the box, though in the end he does seem like a basically honest, trustworthy kind of guy.
That’s actually what a harem is in real life. It’s not a collection of women all married to one guy, it’s a special room for just the women where they can relax and just be women.
Alright! Since no one went there yet, I’ll do it!
Jeannie got fingered in the harem!!!
A little back stabbing going on.
I know this should be a “if you can’t say something nice, say nothing at all” situation, but I *really* do not like the finger-pointing genie’s personality, fashion (put something on under the open vest, girl!), or horrid hairstyle. ๐ Here’s hoping she doesn’t return as often as Aracelli does…. ๐
Or at least somebody should take her to a hair salon and then get her a fashion makeover.
You’re not the only one to suggest that. Several of my DA watchers voiced their disdain over Luna’s “rat-tail” hairdo, so I posted a drawing showing her with a new hairstyle. ๐ But the trouble began when she tried to wash her new luxurious hair. The chemical reaction between the shampoo and her magical follicles caused her to turn invisible! ๐ Ruh-rohhh…
You made my Luna cry. It took me half the night to convince her to come out of her bottle and accept a hug from me. ๐
โBy Robert on February 15, 2018 at 12:00 am and modified on February 14, 2018. at 11:23 pmโ
I love how something can be posted at one time and modified 37 minutes before it was there.
What do you expect from a Guy who went to Africa in a box? Think he’ll let a little thing like time and space stop him?
Well… at least there were air holes.