Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
I think it the “something big” has to be related to why Lahab was called away from tea with Kazom. It could be that Haji got retired the same way Lord Shona got retired, and that the Blue Djinn is taking over. Or maybe Haji just ran out of magic, and now the council has settled on Guano. Neither of these developments looks good for Jean.
Whaddya wanna bet next week we’ll go back to Cocoa Beach?
If Guano “did” become the next Haji, then its likely that Natalie will be staying the way she is for quite some time, especially based on their previous interactions together.
I think you’re first speculation might be correct. That Haji got offed by Jehane, acting at the orders or control of the Blue Djinn and/or Lord Guano. The guard who saw her topless will mistake her for Jeanie, who will get blamed/arrested/put on death row/whatever genies do. And that it will wind up being Kazom who will have to find out out the truth, put everything right, and possibly become the next Haji.
You know the irony is that I expect once Jean learns that Kazom shares a low opinion of Gauno with him/her she/he might startto like him, even IF it means she has to deal with more training in the future?
Jean(ie): Wait you deliberately let me out of Genie training early just to mess with Lird Shithead?
Kazom: You call him Shit head?
Jean: I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Yep. I drew up another set of Genie OCs for the comics. (Though those who don’t have colour pallets leave me to guessing what colours to use for each genie ;/)
Disney might come down on CD’s ass with copyright infringement if he does. Even if it isn’t for making a dollar or several out of it, like YouTube clips of recently released movies or TV shows. Then again, I’m sure that I dream of Jeannie is still under the 70-year copyright ownership of the real Sid and creator studio and CD is making this comic from old famous TV Shows of the 60s to 80s, so he might be relatively safe there for now.
Oh… Oh, I attending a presentation at San Deigo Comic-Con about this… 🙂
(Which I always found quite funny, cause it always comes up on these legel presentations. “Artist want the right to draw marvel and DC characters, yet want to protect there own original creations from being used by anyone else.”)
Any hoo…
So basically, If you take a copyrighted property, like Superman, drew him and sold your drawing. Then Yes… You could be sent C & D order (Which is the first step of a copyright owner exercising there rights).
But for companies to spend the money to get lawyers involved and create the C & D cost a bit which ultimately wouldn’t show any profit either way. So for large companies to go after the individual artists, it’s not really in there best interest.
That being said, if one disrespects the copyright (making superman-porn for example) or generate a large income, then that might cause the copyright owner want to protect it’s property.
There has also been cases of a pieces of art being used to create new art and that new art is not considered to be in violation of copyright laws or art thief. (Eg taking the Mona Lisa, altering the Hues and Sat levels and duplicating it 4 times to form a square.)
So where does I Dream of a Jeannie Bottle fall in?
Well, I believe that there’s enough differences in JeannieBottle Vs the TV show for it to be its own piece. As well, there’s no reason for anyone owning any of the copyrights to exercise there rights, since I’m not making huge money, nor am I disrespecting the franchise (at least I don’t believe I am).
The comic has also been featured in Barbara Eden’s Online Magazine. So I’m not too worried about Barbara Eden upset about using her ‘likeness’.
But I don’t wish to invoke the raft of the copyright gods. Cause that just won’t make anyone happy
There’s actually no concern about copyright, here. For several reasons.
First off, copyright law changed in 1964; things copyrighted before that date have different (and lesser) legal protections.
Second, copyrights protect the expression of an idea, NOT the idea itself. CD’s portrayal of Jean is sufficiently different than the 60’s TV series that it could be readily argued that it’s a different expression, thus not an infringement. If still photos from the TV show were included, that would be different, but this is a separate piece of artwork, which only shares an inspiration, not an exact representation. That’s why other cartoonists can draw their own representations of Superman without getting in trouble. As long as it’s noticeably and identifiably different, that’s enough.
Third, there’s a concept called “fair use”. You can use bits of another artist’s work, as long as it’s done in a way that makes it clear that it’s just a reference to something else, not an attempt to duplicate what the other person did. That’s why it’s OK for CD to put Grace from EGS into a panel or two. That’s fair use of another work, and does not constitute copyright infringement. (Check out the current strips for Pibgorn for another example.)
Fourth, there is an explicit exception in copyright law for parody and satire. This is why Mad magazine can do entire issues which use characters and plots originated by other writers and artists, and those authors can’t do a thing about it. Because it’s an explicit parody. And JB is pretty clearly an (affectionate) parody of the IDoJ TV show.
Fifth, the copyright holders of IDoJ have failed to pursue any cease-and-desist orders for many years, despite knowing about the comic, which severely weakens any claim that they could make. If you fail to enforce your copyrights diligently, you can actually lose any right to do so, later.
And sixth, as CD notes, IDoJB is kind of flying under the radar; there isn’t enough money at stake here to make it worth pursuing legal action, not to mention that there’s almost no chance of being able to do so successfully, for the reasons mentioned above.
There are enough parodies as you say you can’t go after all of them. The one you go after are the ones that are creating HARM to your copyright aka your bottom line. So with being said this cartoon might have its wilder moments, but I think it’s still respect the original intention of fun entertainment.
Jean does have some brain power.
The problem is, it’s all focused on the wrong things, and it runs on rails. It does not adapt to any notions that Jean might be wrong about anything; that’s why he crashes whenever he’s forced to admit a mistake or faux pas – and yet fails to learn.
Agreed, Jean or Jeannie is really smart if she want to be and if she applies herself, but, she usually just not focus on what going on or paying attention to what happening. Beside, being self centered and obsessed with having her way, she has a tendency miss stuff, because of that, but, otherwise she fairly smart.
I was under the impression that Alya (the platinum blonde) is younger than Jeanie, and as a true genie, she may be only a few years old and therefore has no real knowledge about how the world really works, even the world of genies.
No, Alya is the “second-youngest genie” (our Jeanie being the youngest) but that could still mean that she’s been a genie for anywhere up to 25 years. (Kazom commented that there were quite a few genies created after the 1992 Robin Williams film, so if she’s the second-youngest, that puts a cap on how long she’s been around.) So she’s been a genie for somewhere between 6 months and 25 years.
Jehane (the Jeanie look-alike) is older yet (being converted into a genie some time during the 1960s, so she’s probably quite a ways down the list.
But nonetheless, Alya still seems like a bit of an airhead. Even when standing next to Jeanie. Which is quite an accomplishment.
Looking back at my statement I realized I worded it poorly. I’m suggesting that Alya is actually younger than Jean/Jeanie. Yes Jeanie is the youngest genie, but I’m saying that I think Alya is much younger in actual age. Jean (as a personality) is somewhere in his late 20s or early 30s. We have no idea if a true born genie grows up from childhood or if they just come into being as an adult. If the latter, she could be less than a year old, but still be older than Jeanie as a genie. Even if they grow up at a similar rate to humans, I’d bet Alya is no older than a teenager.
If I recall correctly, I believe Jean is 23. So it’s possible that Alya could be chronologically younger, yet have existed as a genie longer than Jean has.
But I don’t see any evidence that points to that. People can be airheads regardless of age.
Jean is that young? I’m guessing here but I would have figured that Jean and Neil were about the same age considering how long they have been friends. I figured Neil would have to be at least in his late 20s to have finished college and then gotten his job at NASA. I’ve always had the impression that Neil has been working at NASA for a few years now.
And as I said, I’m guessing here, so I could be completely off base.
Neil’s age has never been stated. But if he graduated high school at 17 (like I did), then he could have gotten out of college at 21, and been working for 5 years, and still have a friend who’s 23.
By the way, Neil doesn’t actually work for NASA, he works for some unnamed aerospace company.
It’s pretty much established that Neil is very smart, smarter than Rodge. And since Natalie borrowed a CalTech t-shirt when she slept over at Rodge’s, Rodge actually has smarts himself, at least when the little head isn’t doing his thinking.
We really don’t have much of a backstory on any of the characters. Maybe Jean has a sister because Neil said once he kind of looked like his sister when he attempted to look like his old self back in Green Eyes and because Jean said once he found a prom date for Neil; a sister seems like a good candidate. We know that Jean and Neil came from Cincinnati. But that’s about it for them. Does Neil have siblings? Do we see them going to the same college? If they didn’t, how have they stayed close?
There is still only two Genie that look like Jeanie or some time spelled Jeannie, but there the same person. Then there Jehane, who is the other person that look like Jeanie/Jeannie.
As Larry explained, but in fewer words: Jeanie and Jeannie are the same person.
The blonde asshole we all know and love is known as “Jeanie” to Neil and us, because we know that she used to be Jean. Those who call her “Jeannie” do not know her secret.
Alya, dear…? It’s a palace. Even if the reigning monarch is an indolent old lech, there is the distinct chance of politics being performed there.
Good grief.
Well, it clear that Jeannie is almost completely clueless as to what going on. The other new Genie Alya isn’t in much better shape when it come to knowing what going on. But, Araceli seem Genie intuition that something big is up and maybe even a general idea of what up. At least she knows what it not, at any rate.
For once it not going to be Jeannie fault for getting into trouble, it going to be Jehane fault, because she look like Jeannie and could pass as a identical twin sister. Now the question is, is Jehane under the Blue Dijinn control or is the Blue Dijinn masquerading as Jehane or is Jehane acting on her own and has another agenda. Then we have Lahab and the emergency that she dealing with. Is it Jehane, the Blue Dihinn or some other emergency? Don’t know!
This plot twist of Haiji retiring is really quite contrived.
No true leader would ever do that in the midst of a mayor crisis, which is the whole reason why all Jinni’s have been summoned in the first place.
It is equivalent to a captain being the first to abandon a sinking ship. And by all account Haiji is a great leader, so retirement should not even be an option before after the crisis have been averted.
Of course it is going to happen, just to create (unnecessary) additional conflict, but I am just saying that it is dumb
I can think of an excellent reason why Haji would be thinking of retiring: He’s extremely old and likely to have little magic left. He knows that the Blue Djinn killed Lord Shona, who was most probably the most powerful genie he could send, since he had Kazom turned into a cat. And even Kazom wasn’t powerful enough to defeat the Blue Djinn without the help of Melvin’s dad.
If my premise is true, would Haji really appoint a doofus like Guano as his successor?
How about this: Haji names the Blue Dninn as his successor. Better than a war he couldn’t win and that would kill more genies. Plus Big Blue might actually let him live.
Tom, your logic is sound, but you may not be giving Haji enough credit.
It isn’t likely that Haji has survived all these centuries and gotten to the top of the genie heap by being a fool. Or lazy. I think he’s a smart cookie, and has a plan.
So given that the Blue Djinn is on the warpath, and likely trying to take out the head genie, maybe it’s time for Haji to do a quick fade and appoint a [disposable] idiot to serve as a decoy target. It’d be a slight twist on an old strategy, of having a stand-in for the Great Leader. The Blue Meanie attacks, and in doing so, reveals himself, possibly getting ambushed in the process. And if Guano does get killed… well, I’m sure he’ll get a nice funeral. (They can just cremate him, they’ve already got the bottle.)
So, yeah, there are times that a doofus can be useful.
@Kattgirl: Yeah, putting Guano at Ground Zero sounds like a pretty good despicable plan. Haji might even be doing it on the Blue Djinn’s terms. A puppet can be useful. Remember that guy that Putin picked out when he couldn’t serve another successive term? I don’t remember his name, but I didn’t hear about him dying yet.
It did almost seem like she was baiting Kazom, didn’t it? Deliberately suggesting that his most-detested acquaintance would be selected for top honors… She’s not stupid, either – one has to wonder what game she’s playing.
I don’t get the impression Lahab was doing that. They seemed like true friends. Lahab let out her true form on Kazoms insistence indicating a very high level of trust. Perhaps she was speaking as a concerned friend that the decisions he made has consiquence for all genie kind- yet she did not condemn him only show concern.
According to what we heard so far, Haji is probably oldest Genie and the Blue Dijinn being the second oldest Genie. Kazom might be the third or fourth oldest Genie on the lot. So Lahab may as well show her true self, because Kazom already knows her true self, so she doesn’t have to hide it from Kazom and so she doesn’t. But, for the other Genie’s that are around, they probably don’t know her true self and what she look like.
Lahab could be what she appears to be or she could be getting ready for the big double cross or have some other ulterior motives by sharing it with Kazom being what appears to be only friendly concern. It wouldn’t be the first time that things didn’t appear to what they originally appeared to be.
Its either about Jeanie that broke into the library, or the announcement of Haji’s Successor.
Either way the next comic will definitely be interesting….
how could Jeannie break into the library, if she can’t even get OUT of the palace in the 1st place?
I think SageM is referring to Jehane, the identical twin of Jeanie.
Correct. It was Jehane, but somehow Jeanie will get the blame because…THAT’S OUR JEANIE!
So, more genie cameo appearances from the internet here? Don’t think I recognize any of them.
I think I saw mine. 🙂
Mine is the one with the half-shaven head, wearing the blue vest. Her name is Luna.
I think it the “something big” has to be related to why Lahab was called away from tea with Kazom. It could be that Haji got retired the same way Lord Shona got retired, and that the Blue Djinn is taking over. Or maybe Haji just ran out of magic, and now the council has settled on Guano. Neither of these developments looks good for Jean.
Whaddya wanna bet next week we’ll go back to Cocoa Beach?
With the way CD writes, that’s pretty likely.
But that means we get to see more of horny Natalie!
Agreed, we definitely need more horny Natalie.
If Guano “did” become the next Haji, then its likely that Natalie will be staying the way she is for quite some time, especially based on their previous interactions together.
By then Natalie should be breaking down doors with her bare hands.
Or more family drama with Agent Anderson.
I think you’re first speculation might be correct. That Haji got offed by Jehane, acting at the orders or control of the Blue Djinn and/or Lord Guano. The guard who saw her topless will mistake her for Jeanie, who will get blamed/arrested/put on death row/whatever genies do. And that it will wind up being Kazom who will have to find out out the truth, put everything right, and possibly become the next Haji.
Who wouldn’t want to be lead by a cute kitty, though?
Any cat owner will tell you they are already led by cute kitties.
You know the irony is that I expect once Jean learns that Kazom shares a low opinion of Gauno with him/her she/he might startto like him, even IF it means she has to deal with more training in the future?
Jean(ie): Wait you deliberately let me out of Genie training early just to mess with Lird Shithead?
Kazom: You call him Shit head?
Jean: I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
“Who wouldn’t want to be lead by a cute kitty, though?” He can be controled with catnip.
Do I see my genie [Luna] in the background wearing a light blue vest? Wow, thanks, CD!
This one?

Given that she’s in the exact same position in panels 2 through 4, she appears to be choking…
And she needs to change hairdressers; the last one accidentally shaved half of her head!
That’s her, yes.
Yep. I drew up another set of Genie OCs for the comics. (Though those who don’t have colour pallets leave me to guessing what colours to use for each genie ;/)
Hey, CD, when do we get to see some of the Robin Williams-style blue genies? I understand there are quite a few of them…
I just hope the female ones don’t have hairy backs… yuk.
Disney might come down on CD’s ass with copyright infringement if he does. Even if it isn’t for making a dollar or several out of it, like YouTube clips of recently released movies or TV shows. Then again, I’m sure that I dream of Jeannie is still under the 70-year copyright ownership of the real Sid and creator studio and CD is making this comic from old famous TV Shows of the 60s to 80s, so he might be relatively safe there for now.
Oh… Oh, I attending a presentation at San Deigo Comic-Con about this… 🙂
(Which I always found quite funny, cause it always comes up on these legel presentations. “Artist want the right to draw marvel and DC characters, yet want to protect there own original creations from being used by anyone else.”)
Any hoo…
So basically, If you take a copyrighted property, like Superman, drew him and sold your drawing. Then Yes… You could be sent C & D order (Which is the first step of a copyright owner exercising there rights).
But for companies to spend the money to get lawyers involved and create the C & D cost a bit which ultimately wouldn’t show any profit either way. So for large companies to go after the individual artists, it’s not really in there best interest.
That being said, if one disrespects the copyright (making superman-porn for example) or generate a large income, then that might cause the copyright owner want to protect it’s property.
There has also been cases of a pieces of art being used to create new art and that new art is not considered to be in violation of copyright laws or art thief. (Eg taking the Mona Lisa, altering the Hues and Sat levels and duplicating it 4 times to form a square.)
So where does I Dream of a Jeannie Bottle fall in?
Well, I believe that there’s enough differences in JeannieBottle Vs the TV show for it to be its own piece. As well, there’s no reason for anyone owning any of the copyrights to exercise there rights, since I’m not making huge money, nor am I disrespecting the franchise (at least I don’t believe I am).
The comic has also been featured in Barbara Eden’s Online Magazine. So I’m not too worried about Barbara Eden upset about using her ‘likeness’.
But I don’t wish to invoke the raft of the copyright gods. Cause that just won’t make anyone happy
There’s actually no concern about copyright, here. For several reasons.
First off, copyright law changed in 1964; things copyrighted before that date have different (and lesser) legal protections.
Second, copyrights protect the expression of an idea, NOT the idea itself. CD’s portrayal of Jean is sufficiently different than the 60’s TV series that it could be readily argued that it’s a different expression, thus not an infringement. If still photos from the TV show were included, that would be different, but this is a separate piece of artwork, which only shares an inspiration, not an exact representation. That’s why other cartoonists can draw their own representations of Superman without getting in trouble. As long as it’s noticeably and identifiably different, that’s enough.
Third, there’s a concept called “fair use”. You can use bits of another artist’s work, as long as it’s done in a way that makes it clear that it’s just a reference to something else, not an attempt to duplicate what the other person did. That’s why it’s OK for CD to put Grace from EGS into a panel or two. That’s fair use of another work, and does not constitute copyright infringement. (Check out the current strips for Pibgorn for another example.)
Fourth, there is an explicit exception in copyright law for parody and satire. This is why Mad magazine can do entire issues which use characters and plots originated by other writers and artists, and those authors can’t do a thing about it. Because it’s an explicit parody. And JB is pretty clearly an (affectionate) parody of the IDoJ TV show.
Fifth, the copyright holders of IDoJ have failed to pursue any cease-and-desist orders for many years, despite knowing about the comic, which severely weakens any claim that they could make. If you fail to enforce your copyrights diligently, you can actually lose any right to do so, later.
And sixth, as CD notes, IDoJB is kind of flying under the radar; there isn’t enough money at stake here to make it worth pursuing legal action, not to mention that there’s almost no chance of being able to do so successfully, for the reasons mentioned above.
There are enough parodies as you say you can’t go after all of them. The one you go after are the ones that are creating HARM to your copyright aka your bottom line. So with being said this cartoon might have its wilder moments, but I think it’s still respect the original intention of fun entertainment.
Perhaps both Jehane and Jeanie get Harem duty, after all – twins 🙂
You know how to keep a fool in suspense?…Tune next week for the exciding conclusion of.
Haji will want somone who is modest, caring, protective of genies…Maybe the next Haji will be Neil?
I think it’ll be a twist ending, and the new Haji will be Teri from All hail the pancake Genie King!
Uh-oh! Maybe Kazom got caught.
Wow. The platinum blonde gal actually seems to have less of a brain than Jeannie.
I didn’t think that was possible.
Jean does have some brain power.
The problem is, it’s all focused on the wrong things, and it runs on rails. It does not adapt to any notions that Jean might be wrong about anything; that’s why he crashes whenever he’s forced to admit a mistake or faux pas – and yet fails to learn.
Agreed, Jean or Jeannie is really smart if she want to be and if she applies herself, but, she usually just not focus on what going on or paying attention to what happening. Beside, being self centered and obsessed with having her way, she has a tendency miss stuff, because of that, but, otherwise she fairly smart.
I was under the impression that Alya (the platinum blonde) is younger than Jeanie, and as a true genie, she may be only a few years old and therefore has no real knowledge about how the world really works, even the world of genies.
No, Alya is the “second-youngest genie” (our Jeanie being the youngest) but that could still mean that she’s been a genie for anywhere up to 25 years. (Kazom commented that there were quite a few genies created after the 1992 Robin Williams film, so if she’s the second-youngest, that puts a cap on how long she’s been around.) So she’s been a genie for somewhere between 6 months and 25 years.
Jehane (the Jeanie look-alike) is older yet (being converted into a genie some time during the 1960s, so she’s probably quite a ways down the list.
But nonetheless, Alya still seems like a bit of an airhead. Even when standing next to Jeanie. Which is quite an accomplishment.
Looking back at my statement I realized I worded it poorly. I’m suggesting that Alya is actually younger than Jean/Jeanie. Yes Jeanie is the youngest genie, but I’m saying that I think Alya is much younger in actual age. Jean (as a personality) is somewhere in his late 20s or early 30s. We have no idea if a true born genie grows up from childhood or if they just come into being as an adult. If the latter, she could be less than a year old, but still be older than Jeanie as a genie. Even if they grow up at a similar rate to humans, I’d bet Alya is no older than a teenager.
If I recall correctly, I believe Jean is 23. So it’s possible that Alya could be chronologically younger, yet have existed as a genie longer than Jean has.
But I don’t see any evidence that points to that. People can be airheads regardless of age.
Jean is that young? I’m guessing here but I would have figured that Jean and Neil were about the same age considering how long they have been friends. I figured Neil would have to be at least in his late 20s to have finished college and then gotten his job at NASA. I’ve always had the impression that Neil has been working at NASA for a few years now.
And as I said, I’m guessing here, so I could be completely off base.
Well, less than 6 months ago (in the strip), Jean said she was 23. See
Neil’s age has never been stated. But if he graduated high school at 17 (like I did), then he could have gotten out of college at 21, and been working for 5 years, and still have a friend who’s 23.
By the way, Neil doesn’t actually work for NASA, he works for some unnamed aerospace company.
OK, that adds up. In that case I guess Neil is younger than I thought.
It’s pretty much established that Neil is very smart, smarter than Rodge. And since Natalie borrowed a CalTech t-shirt when she slept over at Rodge’s, Rodge actually has smarts himself, at least when the little head isn’t doing his thinking.
We really don’t have much of a backstory on any of the characters. Maybe Jean has a sister because Neil said once he kind of looked like his sister when he attempted to look like his old self back in Green Eyes and because Jean said once he found a prom date for Neil; a sister seems like a good candidate. We know that Jean and Neil came from Cincinnati. But that’s about it for them. Does Neil have siblings? Do we see them going to the same college? If they didn’t, how have they stayed close?
Jeanie, Jehane, and now Jeannie? Getting crowded…
There is still only two Genie that look like Jeanie or some time spelled Jeannie, but there the same person. Then there Jehane, who is the other person that look like Jeanie/Jeannie.
As Larry explained, but in fewer words: Jeanie and Jeannie are the same person.
The blonde asshole we all know and love is known as “Jeanie” to Neil and us, because we know that she used to be Jean. Those who call her “Jeannie” do not know her secret.
Alya, dear…? It’s a palace. Even if the reigning monarch is an indolent old lech, there is the distinct chance of politics being performed there.
Good grief.
Well, it clear that Jeannie is almost completely clueless as to what going on. The other new Genie Alya isn’t in much better shape when it come to knowing what going on. But, Araceli seem Genie intuition that something big is up and maybe even a general idea of what up. At least she knows what it not, at any rate.
For once it not going to be Jeannie fault for getting into trouble, it going to be Jehane fault, because she look like Jeannie and could pass as a identical twin sister. Now the question is, is Jehane under the Blue Dijinn control or is the Blue Dijinn masquerading as Jehane or is Jehane acting on her own and has another agenda. Then we have Lahab and the emergency that she dealing with. Is it Jehane, the Blue Dihinn or some other emergency? Don’t know!
Taking a wild guess – Guano getting named the new big boss, and Jeanie killing him at that exact moment (he’s no Tom but he’s still horrible)
This plot twist of Haiji retiring is really quite contrived.
No true leader would ever do that in the midst of a mayor crisis, which is the whole reason why all Jinni’s have been summoned in the first place.
It is equivalent to a captain being the first to abandon a sinking ship. And by all account Haiji is a great leader, so retirement should not even be an option before after the crisis have been averted.
Of course it is going to happen, just to create (unnecessary) additional conflict, but I am just saying that it is dumb
I can think of an excellent reason why Haji would be thinking of retiring: He’s extremely old and likely to have little magic left. He knows that the Blue Djinn killed Lord Shona, who was most probably the most powerful genie he could send, since he had Kazom turned into a cat. And even Kazom wasn’t powerful enough to defeat the Blue Djinn without the help of Melvin’s dad.
If my premise is true, would Haji really appoint a doofus like Guano as his successor?
How about this: Haji names the Blue Dninn as his successor. Better than a war he couldn’t win and that would kill more genies. Plus Big Blue might actually let him live.
Tom, your logic is sound, but you may not be giving Haji enough credit.
It isn’t likely that Haji has survived all these centuries and gotten to the top of the genie heap by being a fool. Or lazy. I think he’s a smart cookie, and has a plan.
So given that the Blue Djinn is on the warpath, and likely trying to take out the head genie, maybe it’s time for Haji to do a quick fade and appoint a [disposable] idiot to serve as a decoy target. It’d be a slight twist on an old strategy, of having a stand-in for the Great Leader. The Blue Meanie attacks, and in doing so, reveals himself, possibly getting ambushed in the process. And if Guano does get killed… well, I’m sure he’ll get a nice funeral. (They can just cremate him, they’ve already got the bottle.)
So, yeah, there are times that a doofus can be useful.
@Kattgirl: Yeah, putting Guano at Ground Zero sounds like a pretty good despicable plan. Haji might even be doing it on the Blue Djinn’s terms. A puppet can be useful. Remember that guy that Putin picked out when he couldn’t serve another successive term? I don’t remember his name, but I didn’t hear about him dying yet.
@Tom: Puppet leaders do seem to have a fairly short life expectancy, don’t they?
They must have trouble buying life insurance. 😉
And don’t Russian leaders usually just get a bad cold and quietly disappear? How do they say it… they don’t die, they are just, “liquidated”?
Jumping to conclusions, much? I wouldn’t take anything that Lahab said to Kazom at face value.
It did almost seem like she was baiting Kazom, didn’t it? Deliberately suggesting that his most-detested acquaintance would be selected for top honors… She’s not stupid, either – one has to wonder what game she’s playing.
Plots within plots within plots…
I don’t get the impression Lahab was doing that. They seemed like true friends. Lahab let out her true form on Kazoms insistence indicating a very high level of trust. Perhaps she was speaking as a concerned friend that the decisions he made has consiquence for all genie kind- yet she did not condemn him only show concern.
According to what we heard so far, Haji is probably oldest Genie and the Blue Dijinn being the second oldest Genie. Kazom might be the third or fourth oldest Genie on the lot. So Lahab may as well show her true self, because Kazom already knows her true self, so she doesn’t have to hide it from Kazom and so she doesn’t. But, for the other Genie’s that are around, they probably don’t know her true self and what she look like.
Lahab could be what she appears to be or she could be getting ready for the big double cross or have some other ulterior motives by sharing it with Kazom being what appears to be only friendly concern. It wouldn’t be the first time that things didn’t appear to what they originally appeared to be.
Do you know when eating at Taco Bell, the food now comes with antidote for helping with the effects after eating Taco Bell’s.
Jeanie Bottle fans may be interested in the current Pibgorn arc in which Satori has been turned into a Jeannie genie.