A former Genie Lord, Kazom is a 3000+ year old Genie who exists in the form of a witch familiar while still serving as a genie to a teenage boy in California.
In her role as Haji's First, Lahab leads Haji's Harem. She is a Jann genie, one of the few elementals left in the world. She and Kazom are "old friends".
“OH HELL NO!!!” Was my first reaction to hearing that! Anyone like him would be a complete nightmare of a despot over the already oppressed society that Genies have as it is.
I think it through association only that she refers him as his protege only. If you read between the line and follow history of this series, Bat poop or Guano was under Kazom tutorship until Guano broke ranks or turn chicken and left Kazom out to dry and Melvin father too to Blue Dija and took the credit for defeating him or at least didn’t set the record straight as to what really happened.
So, yes, Guano or Bat poop is kind of a protege of Kazom.
BTW, that happened some time in the Seventies. Considering that Melvin is only in Junior High, that might imply that Kazom didn’t go from Genie Lord to Talking Cat until after Melvin’s dad disappeared.
What’s going on with Kazom’s eyes there, besides staring at Lahab’s two melons up in his face? Some strange red ness in them: intentional or artist’s marking error?
Hey, bit of a heads up. I noticed the site for Jeanie, but not Sailor Sun, causes a huge spike in processing power. I narrowed it down to a script the site loads from “Metamedia.host”
Any idea why it’s like that? Or is this a case a script that shouldn’t be on the site?
That may be related to a trojan warning I get for a cryptocurrancy miner on this site.
I was getting it awhile back, then it stopped, and has just started again.
Will do. Though I do use a addon that normally blocks cryptojacking, so I don’t know if I’ll always see them. So it was a bit odd to me that I might had spotted one that wasn’t caught by the addon. (though it does work via url blocking, so it may have been a url yet to enter it’s database)
Yeah, I searched around for that site’s domain on google, and came up with basically nothing. These scumbags are probably buying up domains left right and center and moving their code to them to get around the exact thing that you’re using to try to protect yourself.
Hopefully, the change I just made will prevent this from happening at all, regardless of the domain the malware is hosted on.
Yes, those scumbags as you referred to them as and that a good name for them too. Use what is called a Trojan Horse type software to put bug in the system. Basically what it does is, it embeds itself in other people computer and replicates itself there like a computer virus. That how they advertise there stuff on the internet. The source computer or web site is not there own and once it been released on the internet, it hard to trace it down to it original source, because, it coming other people computer or web site other than the original source. There cyber security soft ware to try and combat this problem and usually it does pretty good job of stopping that crap. But, once it get threw, worst case scenario, you may have to format your computer or web site to get rid of it.
This particular one is not actually a trojan horse. It’s just a hunk of javascript that runs in your browser while you’re browsing a site that’s been infected by the scumbags. It uses as much of your computer’s processing power as it can (and costs you money by raising your electricity bill!) to mine cryptocurrency (like Bitcoin).
But that’s what makes it so insidious. It doesn’t have to do anything “against the rules of the internet”, like infecting your computer with a virus. It just uses your computer’s processing resources, which is something that browsers just assume is OK for javascript to do.
It’ll take some sort of major re-thinking of browsers’ javascript engines to be able to systematically shut down this kind of bullshit.
Guano could do okay.. I mean are there any other viable alternatives? It’s true Kazom doesn’t like him but we don’t know how other genies view him either.
Yet Guano is a valuable resource and provides fertile soil for crops. Just because something is poop doesn’t mean it has no use.
His behaviour needs work but … to be honest Jean has been a loose canon. Guano has not sufficiently explained her current situation and Jean has not exactly asked either.
Haji would have chosen Kazom as successor? But Kazom isn’t just “retired”, he blew almost all his power in the final fight. He’s a cat, now, and as I remember, not by choice.
I went back and looked at the cast biography for Kazom. I recalled it *used* to say Kazom chose to remain as a cat, but that verbiage has disappeared. A little retcon perhaps, I don’t think I made that up, I am pretty sure it used to say something like that.
When did Kazom get enough energy to be a replacement to head the genies? Isn’t he the genie that just sleeps all day because he has used up almost all his magic?
Perhaps the ceremony to elevate you to head genie tops off your tank, or perhaps it allows you to tap into the power of every other genie.
There are many possibilities.
Where does it say the new Haji needs to have the most Genie Energy to be in charge?
If one is wise and in the position, he wouldn’t need to be a powerful Genie. (Plus he can order the other Genies to do the magic work for him.)
When Lahab go to take care of the emergency, I wander if Kazom either going there with her or will be there to help her. It will be interesting to see what emergence that she going to have to take care of.
Jean done f’d up. Or the fake Jean done f’d up.
Or it’s really the Blue Djinn on the other side of that door.
He’ll get bored in retirement.
So she is transparent in her true form?
Guano as the new Haji? Well that can’t be good news for Jeanie or Neil/Natalie….
Ugh not Guano – he’s literally the worst.
“OH HELL NO!!!” Was my first reaction to hearing that! Anyone like him would be a complete nightmare of a despot over the already oppressed society that Genies have as it is.
Though I think Kazom’s (interrupted) reaction to that is a good sign. He doesn’t seem to think that ol’ Batpoop would be a good Haji, either.
Robert – Oh, we KNOW Kazom hates Guano. He’s the one that got him “kicked out” for siding with witches.
Oh, I was not aware of that. Though, why does Lahab call Batpoop Kazom’s “protege”, then?
I think it through association only that she refers him as his protege only. If you read between the line and follow history of this series, Bat poop or Guano was under Kazom tutorship until Guano broke ranks or turn chicken and left Kazom out to dry and Melvin father too to Blue Dija and took the credit for defeating him or at least didn’t set the record straight as to what really happened.
So, yes, Guano or Bat poop is kind of a protege of Kazom.
Rouyaa had the impression that Guano defeated the Blue Djinn before Kazom came to tell her that Haji had taken away her powers, so Kazom was still a genie lord then. C.D. hasn’t gotten around to explaining how that worked. Looking back on it, maybe Kazom gave Guano that story to avoid bringing up that he actually defeated the Blue Djinn by working with Melvin’s dad. However, Rouyah did seem to know the real story as shown in the last panel of my second reference.
BTW, that happened some time in the Seventies. Considering that Melvin is only in Junior High, that might imply that Kazom didn’t go from Genie Lord to Talking Cat until after Melvin’s dad disappeared.
What’s going on with Kazom’s eyes there, besides staring at Lahab’s two melons up in his face? Some strange red ness in them: intentional or artist’s marking error?
His eyes have always been two-toned like that.
Ohh wait, I see what you mean. The darker tone is a much deeper red on this page than it was on the last. I’ll see about fixing that.
panel 2 is supposed to be: “he has decided to try what the humans call… …retirement.”
Oh shoot. I totally caught that typo on my first read-through, but then missed it after doing some earlier edits.
Hey, bit of a heads up. I noticed the site for Jeanie, but not Sailor Sun, causes a huge spike in processing power. I narrowed it down to a script the site loads from “Metamedia.host”
Any idea why it’s like that? Or is this a case a script that shouldn’t be on the site?
That may be related to a trojan warning I get for a cryptocurrancy miner on this site.
I was getting it awhile back, then it stopped, and has just started again.
The script is labeled as worker.min.js. So it is entirely possible it’s a cryptojacking. =\
I get ” wp-embed.min.js ” from my antivirus.
I think I’ve fixed this. But please let me know if you see a cryptominer, or anything else fishy, on the site in the future.
At least for me it has stopped again 🙂
Will do. Though I do use a addon that normally blocks cryptojacking, so I don’t know if I’ll always see them. So it was a bit odd to me that I might had spotted one that wasn’t caught by the addon. (though it does work via url blocking, so it may have been a url yet to enter it’s database)
Yeah, I searched around for that site’s domain on google, and came up with basically nothing. These scumbags are probably buying up domains left right and center and moving their code to them to get around the exact thing that you’re using to try to protect yourself.
Hopefully, the change I just made will prevent this from happening at all, regardless of the domain the malware is hosted on.
Yes, those scumbags as you referred to them as and that a good name for them too. Use what is called a Trojan Horse type software to put bug in the system. Basically what it does is, it embeds itself in other people computer and replicates itself there like a computer virus. That how they advertise there stuff on the internet. The source computer or web site is not there own and once it been released on the internet, it hard to trace it down to it original source, because, it coming other people computer or web site other than the original source. There cyber security soft ware to try and combat this problem and usually it does pretty good job of stopping that crap. But, once it get threw, worst case scenario, you may have to format your computer or web site to get rid of it.
This particular one is not actually a trojan horse. It’s just a hunk of javascript that runs in your browser while you’re browsing a site that’s been infected by the scumbags. It uses as much of your computer’s processing power as it can (and costs you money by raising your electricity bill!) to mine cryptocurrency (like Bitcoin).
But that’s what makes it so insidious. It doesn’t have to do anything “against the rules of the internet”, like infecting your computer with a virus. It just uses your computer’s processing resources, which is something that browsers just assume is OK for javascript to do.
It’ll take some sort of major re-thinking of browsers’ javascript engines to be able to systematically shut down this kind of bullshit.
Guano could do okay.. I mean are there any other viable alternatives? It’s true Kazom doesn’t like him but we don’t know how other genies view him either.
Guano is basically a complete idiot. The name Guano means Bat poop and that a good name for him too, because of the way he acts and behaves.
Yet Guano is a valuable resource and provides fertile soil for crops. Just because something is poop doesn’t mean it has no use.
His behaviour needs work but … to be honest Jean has been a loose canon. Guano has not sufficiently explained her current situation and Jean has not exactly asked either.
The emergency is; they ran out pizza.
Haji would have chosen Kazom as successor? But Kazom isn’t just “retired”, he blew almost all his power in the final fight. He’s a cat, now, and as I remember, not by choice.
I went back and looked at the cast biography for Kazom. I recalled it *used* to say Kazom chose to remain as a cat, but that verbiage has disappeared. A little retcon perhaps, I don’t think I made that up, I am pretty sure it used to say something like that.
When did Kazom get enough energy to be a replacement to head the genies? Isn’t he the genie that just sleeps all day because he has used up almost all his magic?
You don’t suppose Kazom could have told a little fib to get Jean to put that whole world-conquest thing on hold, do you?
Perhaps the ceremony to elevate you to head genie tops off your tank, or perhaps it allows you to tap into the power of every other genie.
There are many possibilities.
Where does it say the new Haji needs to have the most Genie Energy to be in charge?
If one is wise and in the position, he wouldn’t need to be a powerful Genie. (Plus he can order the other Genies to do the magic work for him.)
When Lahab go to take care of the emergency, I wander if Kazom either going there with her or will be there to help her. It will be interesting to see what emergence that she going to have to take care of.
OFF topic but can CD tell us about his trip?