Jeanie Bottle 384
on August 11, 2016
at 12:00 am
and modified on November 26, 2022. at 11:13 pm
Chapter: Story 09: I Dream of Technicolor
Characters: Lord Guano, Rouyaa
Well well… Guano appears to have changed a lot when that large, thorny branch got (allegedly) stuck up his butt.
Well, now we know what’s under Guano’s turban.
We also know that, while 21st century Guano was surprised by cellphones, unlike Araceli, he knew about television.
>> Well, now we know what’s under Guano’s turban.
Come on, Tom; we already knew there weren’t any brains there. 😉
I had suspected it was like Voldemort’s face in the first Harry Potter.
Oh my God he’s Bald!! hmm somehow he seems less powerful, less of a threat. 🙂
He’s also acting much less pompous and self-important here, as opposed to his later role as a Genie Lord (presumably he gets Kazom’s job when Kazom “retired”).
And yes, a 29 inch television is pretty large by 1969 standards.
Acturely,a 29 inch television is still pretty large by 1990s standards.
(Well,at least by a kid who born in 92’s standards.Man,how I miss my 1991 2inch Panasonic “画王” TV(straght import from Japan,even the menu and remote were in Japanese(which I never understand))
Now days,the only thing I got is a 40inch flatscreen
(which,I Can’t figure out why,some how feel smaller than my good ol’ 29inch CRT one….not the volume,but the screen size)
I mean,how can a 40inch look smaller than a 29 inch?
cathode tubes and more real wood in the frame of the set then you will find in the cheaper home entertainment centers they sell these days.
@Hikari: Maybe it’s because 40″ isn’t all that much more than 29″, and you remember your old TV being relatively bigger because you were a child back then? Also, JJ makes a good point: CRTs had a lot more extra bezel around the outside than flatscreens do. Made them look much bigger than they were.
Agreed. TVs in the 60s weren’t just electronic devices, they were a major piece of furniture, with a screen surrounded by a metal bezel, control dials, speaker grilles and acres of polished wood. A 22 inch TV screen could easily be in a 40 inch wide cabinet, about 30 inches tall.
Being a child of the ’60s (born in ’54) I don’t recall any televisions over 25 inch diagonal screen size. Those were the big “family” consoles on which I watched the moon landing. There may have been some 29 inch super luxury models, but I never saw one. Since there are genies involved, a one-off (for the master only) model is always possible. And the size was, and still is, given in diagonal screen size and not cabinet size or anything like that.
In panel 3, Rouyaa is referring to THIS PERSON [link], the Blue Djinn (“blue jean” – get it?), who, in the IDoJ TV show, was played by Michael Ansara, the real-life husband of Barbara Eden.
In IDoJ, the Blue Djinn is the evil genie who imprisoned Jeannie in her bottle, for Tony to find washed ashore on the beach.
So it looks like this is another story of Rouyaa’s that Sid
swipedadapted to the screen. 😉“You trapped the blue djinn!” “…You practically saved genie kind!”
Wow, Araceli sounded like a true villain back then. I don’t miss the old CRT TV’s. They’re bulky, heavy, energy inefficient, and have low resolution displays.
I’m not sure Araceli is the Blue Djinn. If Guano Recently ‘Saved Genie Kind’, then whomever the Blue Djinn is would know about TV. Where Araceli was trapped in the Ocean off Greece during this time.
Plus I doubt Araceli would have been so happy to see Uncle Guano after she was realised by Caley.
I like the fact I can put my DVD plaer on top of mine. More importantly, since it has never broken I see no resonbto waste money on a new TV.
Yeah, they’re not talking about Araceli, but rather the Blue Djinn, who is the one that trapped Jeannie in her bottle in the original TV series. Here’s a pic: [click here]
I’m starting to think this is the reason Guano is hard on Jean.
That’s seriously Guano!? Maybe it’s just another Guano, looking younger and wearing the same clothes or maybe that turban he wears in present day corrupts him somehow into being a stick in the poop.
> stick in the poop
An even more extreme version of a “stick in the mud”? Yeah, that’s Guano all right.
I was sure it was just another genie with the same name. There can’t be that few of them that they all have different names. And if it is the same, then power really does corrupt and turn him into a jerk.
What bothers me is that Guano seems to have been MORE intelligent 50 years ago. I can see someone getting sharper with more age and experience, but getting dumber seems out of place.
Maybe something happens to drive him crazy. (I could see Jean doing that.)
No, Guano still seems like a tech obsessed nincompoop. Unfortunately, some people, and presumably genies, get drunk with power. Obviously, Guano was trying to make a big deal out of capturing the Blue Djinn and Lord Kazom tried to teach him some humility. Apparently that didn’t stick for long . . .
A young Guano? Not so arrogant and jerk like yet. I wonder what made him that way? Maybe a run in with a young blonde genie who sees a great chance for some payback on a less powerful supervisor of hers?
There seems to be some friction between Guano and Kazom. I wonder if this will lead to something.
And it seems that Rouyaa didn’t get into too much trouble on account of her Sister. She seems to know Guano fairly well too.
You know, I’m thinking that we may be seeing the beginning of what turned Guano-as-he-was-then into Guano-as-he-is-now.
Maybe a run-in with a certain blonde, time-travelling genie and her hapless master?
And yes, If you recall Kazom’s attitude towards Guano from JB #165, clearly there’s no love lost between those two.
I wonder what he’ll make of the HDTVs….
I feel like we missed a few strips.
That’s what I was thinking. This was a very abrupt segue which leaves me wondering what I missed.
Seems like a typical scene change to me. Rouyaa’s clearly in 60s-inspired clothing, so this is most likely what’s going on with her at the same time that Andy and Sid are meeting back up.
…if the current comics have been going in a chronological order, then Jean has traveled back in time (and dragged Neil along) to prevent his geniefication
Maybe, but it’s a stretch. Why would Jean drag Neil back? More likely they got sent back accidentally.
I’m wondering if the bottle is back in 20??. Of course, the bottle is also here. Maybe the bottle has something to do with the time displacement.
Jean tends to drag Nell into all kinds of things. And he doesn’t have much chance to object, when she just poofs them straight into something.
Give her red hair and Rouyaa could be this comics version of Daphne Blake. Oh and while I’m at it… Blech! That wallpaper!! Horrible!!
Yes, but I’ve seen it somewhere before. Yes, I’m old enough to remember wallpaper that ugly.
It reminds me of a game show set, but I’m not sure which one.
It’s kind of similar to the set of “The Dating Game”, in about 1967.
By the way, that show had quite a few later-to-be-famous people who appeared as contestants: Bobby Rydell, Mark Lindsay, Leif Garrett, Tom Selleck, Lee Majors, Steve Martin, Burt Reynolds, John Ritter, Phil Hartman, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Jackson, and Ron Howard. Also Farrah Fawcett, Suzanne Somers, Yvonne Craig, Lindsay Wagner, and Sally Field.
Wow… a date with a young Tom Selleck – ooohhhh… He’s not even bad looking NOW.
It also looks a bit like Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In. Which would be the right time period.
You bet your sweet bippy!
But does she have any scooby snacks?
Everyone is so hard on Lord Guano. I am sure the guy is acting on behalf of everyone’s best interests, specially when it concerns near almighty beings acting irresponsibly.
I guess it’d be interesting to hear his side of things, at some point when he’s not yelling, blustering, or threatening someone. If there ever is such a time.
You can still cut the guy turned Jeanie some slack as he adjusts to a sex/species change.
Love that retro sixties wallpaper…
So, Lord Guano had a crush on Kazom. That’s so sad!