Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
And jeanie’s actually shielding him from realizing that he’s collared & bottled The Master.
As well as shielding herself from him realizing that she punished Her Master for expecting her to follow the rules for her own benefit by turning Neil into Nelly.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the day that “Guano-Head” became a word commonly used by most of the people in the world.
Let us cherish this day by calling Guano numerous insults relating to his ego, pride, and stupidity.
I’ll start with Captain Clueless. You’re turn.
As I suspected! Not the sharpest knife in the drawer! 😀
Okay now Mr. Guano, Lord, sir. WHO is at fault for this misunderstanding by not asking questions? (Blond? Brunet? All genies look the same to you? Really? 😀 )
It’s been pointed out countless times that the correct use is “You’re kidding…” not “Your kidding…”
You’d think by now CD would have learned the difference. In the case of “too busy” to fix it or care, keep in mind that mass-production of crap does not equal quality. Seriously man, you’ve been doing this for far too long to keep making these kinds of errors.
That doesn’t mean it shouldn’t have correct spelling. The spelling errors that pop up seem to continuously in error and never improving. Type up the script in a spell-check program first, or proof read before you publish them.
He’s dyslexic. He honestly has a hard time figuring it out. Spell check won’t catch it either, since technically your is spelt correctly.
I’m as big a grammar nut as you are but seriously, lay off the man. Some people have good reasons for constant spelling and grammar mistakes, best assume those before flying off the handle and laying into the guy for a mistake he can’t prevent (and shouldn’t feel guilty for making).
Then he should slow down and maybe put some of his webcomics on the back burner, have someone who doesn’t have the same difficulties proofread it and make corrections, or *gasp* get out of making comics and find something more suitable. It’s been mentioned before in the forums that the artwork needs work, and there’s a significant lack of improvement, especially given the time he’s been at it.
I think ‘anonymous’ makes a valid point, albeit in a less than tactful way. How many webcomics is CD producing now, and how often does he update each of them? If this were a newspaper, or even a published comic book, the editor would correct the spelling and grammar errors, without making excuses for the author’s abilities.
Granted this is a “Non-Profit paradoy comic” (sic), but CD asks for donations for doing other work of the same style with the same errors. In the real world, if you can’t do your job well enough to deserve the money, then you most likely get fired. Just because people like you isn’t an excuse to do poor quality work, nor is a disability that directly influences the duties of the work you CHOOSE to do.
Does anyone else notice that Neil’s boob is transparent? You can totally see her shoulder through it. Its kinda weird.
I’m thinking mind wipe. Just the thing to have Neil transported BACK to the dance bar and thinking that he is actuallya girl. (or at least the first one)
Lord Guano, you guano-head.
And jeanie’s actually shielding him from realizing that he’s collared & bottled The Master.
As well as shielding herself from him realizing that she punished Her Master for expecting her to follow the rules for her own benefit by turning Neil into Nelly.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the day that “Guano-Head” became a word commonly used by most of the people in the world.
Let us cherish this day by calling Guano numerous insults relating to his ego, pride, and stupidity.
I’ll start with Captain Clueless. You’re turn.
Lord Dickhead!
Getting interesting … again
Sure hope CD has time to work and upload while he is gone ?
I wonder what will happen if LSH decides to shake the “master’s” hand.
As I suspected! Not the sharpest knife in the drawer! 😀
Okay now Mr. Guano, Lord, sir. WHO is at fault for this misunderstanding by not asking questions? (Blond? Brunet? All genies look the same to you? Really? 😀 )
Jeannie’s plan is working?
That can’t be!
(Removes collar) “This doesn’t concern you. Get out.”
‘Yes sir. Bye Jeannie! Bye Neil! See you soon. Really, really soon!”
(Door slam) (Poof/Poof/Poof)
Somehow I get the impression that we’re going to have 2 young genies here by the end of the panel.
A good possibility ;^>
only if LSH gives Nelly genie powers
It’s been pointed out countless times that the correct use is “You’re kidding…” not “Your kidding…”
You’d think by now CD would have learned the difference. In the case of “too busy” to fix it or care, keep in mind that mass-production of crap does not equal quality. Seriously man, you’ve been doing this for far too long to keep making these kinds of errors.
it’s a comic kid, grow up
That doesn’t mean it shouldn’t have correct spelling. The spelling errors that pop up seem to continuously in error and never improving. Type up the script in a spell-check program first, or proof read before you publish them.
What good would a spell-checker do? “Your is correctly spelt – it’s just not “you’re”. “There” is correctly spelt – it’s just “their”.
And proofreading doesn’t do much good if you are dyslexic.
Let’s just say that i’m impressed by what’s here, despite the author’s dyslexia.
He’s dyslexic. He honestly has a hard time figuring it out. Spell check won’t catch it either, since technically your is spelt correctly.
I’m as big a grammar nut as you are but seriously, lay off the man. Some people have good reasons for constant spelling and grammar mistakes, best assume those before flying off the handle and laying into the guy for a mistake he can’t prevent (and shouldn’t feel guilty for making).
Then he should slow down and maybe put some of his webcomics on the back burner, have someone who doesn’t have the same difficulties proofread it and make corrections, or *gasp* get out of making comics and find something more suitable. It’s been mentioned before in the forums that the artwork needs work, and there’s a significant lack of improvement, especially given the time he’s been at it.
Yeah…okay folks, just another troll, nothing to see here.
I think ‘anonymous’ makes a valid point, albeit in a less than tactful way. How many webcomics is CD producing now, and how often does he update each of them? If this were a newspaper, or even a published comic book, the editor would correct the spelling and grammar errors, without making excuses for the author’s abilities.
Granted this is a “Non-Profit paradoy comic” (sic), but CD asks for donations for doing other work of the same style with the same errors. In the real world, if you can’t do your job well enough to deserve the money, then you most likely get fired. Just because people like you isn’t an excuse to do poor quality work, nor is a disability that directly influences the duties of the work you CHOOSE to do.
You’re expecting professionalism from a webcomic? Wow. Epic fail.
Get some perspective dude, yours obviously isn’t good enough. Don’t expect anyone here to offer you one though, I think you’re done here.
what the hell does it matter if he’s spelling is a little off if you understand what he means anyway?
you’re just nitpicking for no damn good reason and frankly being a jerk to the author of a great and funny webcomic. Christ almighty, get over it.
Bwaaaahahaha “How dare you try to trick Lord Guano….” (I’ll bet he could say that same line with different endings, to different people all day)
my god hes the dumbest all powerful being ever
LOLOOL too troo! (but so funny!) We really need more of this guy. Why is the artist so mean to us?
Next it’ll be dogs and cats sleeping together.
This could be the end of the whole Space-Time-Continum, and just before 2012 … what next?
Lord Guano don’t seem too bright, do he?
Does anyone else notice that Neil’s boob is transparent? You can totally see her shoulder through it. Its kinda weird.
I’m thinking mind wipe. Just the thing to have Neil transported BACK to the dance bar and thinking that he is actuallya girl. (or at least the first one)
Yes, I am aware that likely this isn’t the result of myopia, but rather bull-headdedness, but it’s just so much fun.