Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
So when will they realize there not Master and Genie anymore? Or that Andy died almost a year ago based on the story timeline. But they do look happy no matter what.
Wait, if Rouyaa’s still in that bottle (being wet for that long cannot be comfortable), what about those two creeper guys the Blue Djinn turned into Zuul and Vinz Clortho? Did they ever change back?
They didn’t. And Hollum-Dusk actually incorporated them into Melvin Chronicles, over at Vinz even showed up just a few pages ago.
That is an interesting question. Obviously, Jeanie cannot restore to life the genies Blue killed for their power. Other than a few transformations (mini Rouyaa and the attack hounds, Vince and Zuul) the only other genie directly affected was Asha. There wasn’t any battle in Haji’s palace, and I doubt he would give a rat’s behind about Jean’s apartment. So, what damage was there?
Now I’m very confused. At what point do each of their memories stop?
I thought, at first, that they only had their memories up until their memories were removed. I even was OK with their having the memories that weren’t removed up until that point. But if Rouyaa remembers herself getting old, I think that only happens after her powers were removed. But Rpuyaa-in-Jeanie seems not to be surprised by a photograph of both of them. So what does she remember? And what does Andy remember? (Also, should we assume that photographs of genies are not a problem, that it was only IDoJ that inaccurately said they were a problem?)
That being said, please release Real Rouyaa. I can’t wait for her to be involved directly. I’m sure (a.k.a. I hope) she’ll be a much more positive influence than Miranda West is in The Wotch.
Is it possible that that picture was taken after her powers were taken and she was mortal, after she moved into the complex with Andy as a neighbor? Also, it would explain why she doesn’t seem to remember the picture.
I guess I interpreted Jeanie as not being surprised. But I suppose a little surprised could work for what I perceived, too—just not very surprised. Still, I’d like this to be made clear in so way. We’ll see how it goes.
Kazom had outright told her what became of her—that she had her memories extracted and was rendered mortal. She is probably pleased to learn that she and Andy got to spend the rest of his life together anyway.
That picture was taken after Rouyaa was mortal, the key spotting point is her glasses. Genies don’t need eye glasses, and Rouyaa started wearing hers after she was depowered.* And the previous comics did imply that Rouyaa’s and Andy’s stored memories end at the point where she was depowered, so they probably think that picture represents their happy future spent together instead of the so near and yet so far tragedy of their later lives.
Don’t expect Rouyaa to be saved without a few near misses to raise the dramatic tension. I expect we’ll all be yelling “Jean, you idiot, look under the cabinet” a few times more.
*Yes, I know mini-genie Rouyaa in the bottle is still wearing her glasses. She’s probably had them so long they’ve become part of her body image.
Tragedy? I think that despite Rouyaa never realizing who he is, they did eventually find some happiness and this picture seems to prove that. How long it took her to find him was more tragic.
The Blue Djinn left the wine bottle sitting on the table. So, (as I suspected,) Rouyaa DID manage to knock it off the table somehow, probably hoping that it would shatter on the floor and release her. Clever, but it didn’t work. [Maybe the BD knows Glirendree.]
Don’t forget there was an explosion next door (When the Blue Djinn was defeated) that blew a hold in the wall of Jean and Neil’s apartment. I wouldn’t be surprised if the bottle fell off the table from that.
It is conceivable that Blue, using his enhanced powers from stealing several genies’ magic, converted the booze bottle into an ersatz totem for her. A genie supposedly can not live without a totem, and if Rouyaa were still mortal, she would not have been able to survive for several weeks in the bottle with no fresh air. Genie totems are resistant against casual damage—it apparently takes something on the level of a car-crushing press to break one, so merely knocking it onto the floor would not damage it. The bottle being Rouyaa’s new totem would also resolve the issue of her and Jean being tied to the same totem.
Not only the lack of fresh air, in several weeks even the lack of water would kill her (no, alcohol would only make it worse) and in fact she might get close to risk of dying of malnutrition (although … I suppose technically alcohol MIGHT help here, it does have calories).
The name Chicago is derived from a French rendering of the indigenous Miami-Illinois word shikaakwa for a wild relative of the onion. In other words, it means stinky plant.
Is she still in the bottle? Please tell me they’ll find and free her, but the way this story is going, they are going to remain oblivious to her presence.
I know it is a long shot but since Jeanie is the Blue Dijinn she is actually Rouyaa’s father. If Neil and Rouyaa got together Jeanie would be Neil’s father-in-law. Mark Twain could explain it better.
The Blue Djinn is an infant they dropped off at an orphanage in Arizona. Jeanie just has Blue’s power and since she became a genie via Rouyaa’s bottle that makes Jeanie Rouyaa’s daughter (page 507, panel 2).
Except that, as Kazom recently explained, genies are magically-based creatures, and as such, can’t get pregnant through having sex with humans. So unless Neil was born a genie and somehow doesn’t know it, [which seems pretty unlikely,] there’s no possibility of what you suggest.
There are many thousands of engineers i volved with program. Pretty common thing.
So when will they realize there not Master and Genie anymore? Or that Andy died almost a year ago based on the story timeline. But they do look happy no matter what.
i guess Rouyaa is still in that bottle form when the blue djinn traped her in there ps
Yup, seems that way. Hopefully she’ll be able to get “Andy” and “Rouyaa’s” attention.
Yeah, she has apparently been in there for weeks now.
If they let Rouyaa out of the bottle, will (the real) Rouyaa look at Jeanie’s body and think it is still occupied by big blue?
I was thinking the same thing.
Really hope they don’t “meat” Rouyaa, that feels out of place for CD’s comics.
lol whoops.
Wait, if Rouyaa’s still in that bottle (being wet for that long cannot be comfortable), what about those two creeper guys the Blue Djinn turned into Zuul and Vinz Clortho? Did they ever change back?
They didn’t. And Hollum-Dusk actually incorporated them into Melvin Chronicles, over at Vinz even showed up just a few pages ago.
lol So what damage was Jeanie being forced to fix? Just the physical damage to buildings?
That is an interesting question. Obviously, Jeanie cannot restore to life the genies Blue killed for their power. Other than a few transformations (mini Rouyaa and the attack hounds, Vince and Zuul) the only other genie directly affected was Asha. There wasn’t any battle in Haji’s palace, and I doubt he would give a rat’s behind about Jean’s apartment. So, what damage was there?
Now I’m very confused. At what point do each of their memories stop?
I thought, at first, that they only had their memories up until their memories were removed. I even was OK with their having the memories that weren’t removed up until that point. But if Rouyaa remembers herself getting old, I think that only happens after her powers were removed. But Rpuyaa-in-Jeanie seems not to be surprised by a photograph of both of them. So what does she remember? And what does Andy remember? (Also, should we assume that photographs of genies are not a problem, that it was only IDoJ that inaccurately said they were a problem?)
That being said, please release Real Rouyaa. I can’t wait for her to be involved directly. I’m sure (a.k.a. I hope) she’ll be a much more positive influence than Miranda West is in The Wotch.
Is it possible that that picture was taken after her powers were taken and she was mortal, after she moved into the complex with Andy as a neighbor? Also, it would explain why she doesn’t seem to remember the picture.
I guess I interpreted Jeanie as not being surprised. But I suppose a little surprised could work for what I perceived, too—just not very surprised. Still, I’d like this to be made clear in so way. We’ll see how it goes.
Kazom had outright told her what became of her—that she had her memories extracted and was rendered mortal. She is probably pleased to learn that she and Andy got to spend the rest of his life together anyway.
That picture was taken after Rouyaa was mortal, the key spotting point is her glasses. Genies don’t need eye glasses, and Rouyaa started wearing hers after she was depowered.* And the previous comics did imply that Rouyaa’s and Andy’s stored memories end at the point where she was depowered, so they probably think that picture represents their happy future spent together instead of the so near and yet so far tragedy of their later lives.
Don’t expect Rouyaa to be saved without a few near misses to raise the dramatic tension. I expect we’ll all be yelling “Jean, you idiot, look under the cabinet” a few times more.
*Yes, I know mini-genie Rouyaa in the bottle is still wearing her glasses. She’s probably had them so long they’ve become part of her body image.
Tragedy? I think that despite Rouyaa never realizing who he is, they did eventually find some happiness and this picture seems to prove that. How long it took her to find him was more tragic.
You forget Rouyaa and Andy remained closed friends even if they couldn’t remember their past together. That photo must be from that period.
The Blue Djinn left the wine bottle sitting on the table. So, (as I suspected,) Rouyaa DID manage to knock it off the table somehow, probably hoping that it would shatter on the floor and release her. Clever, but it didn’t work. [Maybe the BD knows Glirendree.]
Don’t forget there was an explosion next door (When the Blue Djinn was defeated) that blew a hold in the wall of Jean and Neil’s apartment. I wouldn’t be surprised if the bottle fell off the table from that.
It is conceivable that Blue, using his enhanced powers from stealing several genies’ magic, converted the booze bottle into an ersatz totem for her. A genie supposedly can not live without a totem, and if Rouyaa were still mortal, she would not have been able to survive for several weeks in the bottle with no fresh air. Genie totems are resistant against casual damage—it apparently takes something on the level of a car-crushing press to break one, so merely knocking it onto the floor would not damage it. The bottle being Rouyaa’s new totem would also resolve the issue of her and Jean being tied to the same totem.
Not only the lack of fresh air, in several weeks even the lack of water would kill her (no, alcohol would only make it worse) and in fact she might get close to risk of dying of malnutrition (although … I suppose technically alcohol MIGHT help here, it does have calories).
Would the Chicago Snow Globe be a good residence for a genie? It’s got Chicago in it…
The name Chicago is derived from a French rendering of the indigenous Miami-Illinois word shikaakwa for a wild relative of the onion. In other words, it means stinky plant.
So should we call it The Big Onion?
I think they prefer “The Second City,” “The Windy City,” or “City of the Big Shoulders.”
Is she still in the bottle? Please tell me they’ll find and free her, but the way this story is going, they are going to remain oblivious to her presence.
Jeanie looking so smitten over him is so adorable, even if it’s not actually them
at least going forward in time doesn’t have problems of going back in time
I don’t get the “meat” joke.
“meat” = “have sex with”, I think.
surely “meet” from autospell??
This looks like my grandmother’s place–Could this mean that Rouyaa is Neil’s grandmother. Maybe this is why he became interested in the space program.
Now that’s really groping for a connection.
I know it is a long shot but since Jeanie is the Blue Dijinn she is actually Rouyaa’s father. If Neil and Rouyaa got together Jeanie would be Neil’s father-in-law. Mark Twain could explain it better.
The Blue Djinn is an infant they dropped off at an orphanage in Arizona. Jeanie just has Blue’s power and since she became a genie via Rouyaa’s bottle that makes Jeanie Rouyaa’s daughter (page 507, panel 2).
Except that, as Kazom recently explained, genies are magically-based creatures, and as such, can’t get pregnant through having sex with humans. So unless Neil was born a genie and somehow doesn’t know it, [which seems pretty unlikely,] there’s no possibility of what you suggest.
There are many thousands of engineers i volved with program. Pretty common thing.
I’d forgotten about her.