Asha is a genie who lives in LA, masquerading as a human Pop Star. Since her last master died before asking for his final wish, and being buried with Asha's Bottle. Haji has granted Asha the ability to stay in the human world without returning to her bottle.
Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
This could either be very bad or very good, depending on how Jean manages to handle this conversation without Asha finding out she is possessed by the Blue Djinn…
Either way the next comic is going to be interesting.
What I find more amusing about this is not that Asha is here already (though I surely want to know why!), but the fact that Jeanie wasn’t even trying to compensate Neil for the other night, she just wanted to hang on with him while still ignoring the concequence of her actions or why he would still be mad at her!
Both of them, it was Blue’s idea to text the spell in the first place, but it was Jeanie idea to turn Neil into Natalie and then don’t even explain what happen to him… a then let him explain everything to Rodge al one
We don’t actually know “who” was in charge when Neal got turned into Natalie last… everything else is just speculation.
What’s more, we don’t even know if Jeanie is aware of what happens when Blue takes over. For all we can tell so far, she could be just missing sections of time, the way blackouts happen when drinking. So maybe right now she has no idea what the Blue Djinn has been using her body for. This conversation with Asha could be an eye-opener.
We do have some clues about how this deal between Blue and Jean actually works in some pages.
Page 483, Jean is claiming that the deal was just to show her more powerful magic, so mess with Neil brain was Blue idea and he can hide the posible consequence of such to Jean, and unless his spell only works with women, Jeanie comment about turning Neil into Natalie in page 481 “cause male you is as appealing as a trout” made me believe that part was on Jean, I assume that between a horny Neil or a horny Natalie she prefer to deal with the later.
Also in page 483, quoting Blue, “Foolish genie, if only you knew”, so, whatever happen when blue is in control of her body, Jeanie is not aware of it. This is just speculation on my part, but in page 455 Jeanie seems to have lost the notion of time after talking with Jehane, and I believe that is because Blue take control at some moment during the previous flashback. In any case, I don´t think Jeanie is aware that she has been hunting genies lately or that she is responsible for what happen to Jehane.
Another side effect is, even when Jeanie is not under Blue control, he still can affect her magic, I threw this idea a couple of weeks ago and Robert confirm it, sending the beach jocks to the past was Blue idea, and Jeanie wasn´t even aware that even happen, as seem in page 435.
I wouldn’t say that sending the jocks to the past was Blue’s idea, though it was from Blue’s influence. It happened because Jeanie decided to “send these jerks away”, and her power boost from Blue made them get sent a *lot* further away than she’s consciously intended.
Actually, I back read this a bit and came up with a slight theory.
Ever had a friend you knew was bad news, but you were friends with them anyway? The “Eddie Haskell” type? Well, that’s what the Blue Djinn is appearing to be to Jeanie.
If you read 480, 481, #482 and #483 back to back a couple of times, you realized Jeanie thought it was a practical joke, then realized how much it messed up Neil and quickly blurted out a few things to cover and zoomed into “her” room to confront the Blue Djinn about it, only to have Blue make some placating words and quickly changed the subject.
Basically, Jeanie as been either sweet talked or mentally “adjusted” into thinking the Blue Djinn is her cool, wild friend that wants to show her neat, powerful tricks with genie magic and how to do them. And she can’t talk about him to others.
Hmm, intriguing theory. I wonder if he can actually do that? It seemed like Jeanie agreed to be his host, in exchange for him showing her powerful magic.
Could Big Blue take over Asha without her consent? I don’t know.
It’s just a random thought I had. My thinking is that Jean will want off the ‘Blue Djinn Rollercoaster’ after seeing what she did to Neil & Rodge. Some madness will ensure, but ultimately the Blue Djinn will find a stronger host. Maybe one with more influence, maybe one with less influence.
That’s not an implausible theory. That would certainly make more sense as a plan of attack. Kind of reminiscent of the plot of the movie The Thing… you’d never know who’s currently possessed…
Now the question here is; just how much does Asha think Jeanie knows? Is she coming to warn Jeanie about the Blue Djinn? Is she possibly already suspicious that he may have had contact with Jeanie? Is she looking for Jeanie’s (unlikely) help? Is she going to tip her off about something Guano said? Is she going to propose Jeanie becoming a lord in her place?
It’s kind of interesting that Asha walked up to the door and was about to knock. No other genies seem to bother with that; they just poof in. Seems like Asha’s spent too much time among the humans; she’s gone native.
By the way, kudos to CD; I like the fact that Asha is a different shade of blonde. Nice touch.
It’s interesting that you assume that Asha did walk up to the door instead of poofing in just on the other side of it. CD may not have any reason at all for having Asha for to be on the other side of the door, although I think he’s put some thought in drawing that door. For one thing, now the door is white. I don’t think the doors in Neil and Jean’s building were white before I Dream of a Promotion. For another, I get the feeling that the speech balloons aren’t obscuring the number on the door by accident. Which door is it, anyway? Remember, Jean moved Neil’s apartment inside his own apartment a long time ago. The door to Jean’s apartment was gray when Belle showed up and discovered Jean as Jeanie the first time, and the number was “325.” When Rouyah’s bottle was stolen in I Dream of Technicolor, the number is “310” and when you look closely at the door, it’s not white but a very light gray. Oh, wait, Rouyah is Ms. Eden, so that’s her apartment because Kazom gave Rouyah her bottle–does that mean that Ms. Eden was still sleeping in it? Gosh, did CD forget about that? Where did Rouyah sleep between 1969 and whenever Jean moved to Cocoa Beach? If she didn’t sleep in her bottle, why did she have it? Anyone who picked it up in all that time except, presuming, Rouyah would have been turned into a genie.
Well, anyway, the number on the door is 3-0-something else, which could be a lot of things, but not “325” or “310”.
Putting this burning question aside, Asha seems to *use* common sense more than Jean. Asha has been living among humans for a long time and had to have taken learned to take care to keep up her cover. Although… Isn’t Asha wearing a genie costume? Sort of; bare midriff and arabesques along the top of her pants and the bottom of her top. She was wearing only modern clothes with Guano.
Another factoid which may become important soon: Asha knows Kazom, knows he worked with a witch, and thinks more of Kazom than Guano. She’s working an angle here. I’m betting she turns out to be smarter than everyone else by the end of this arc.
A final thought on the different shades of blond: Asha’s hair looks to me like it’s the same color as Ethan’s and Matthew’s hair in But I’m a guy, and I do know girls are supposed to be able to distinguish more colors.
As far as the bottle or totem goes. Rouyah or Ms Eden, she still had control over the bottle until just before Jean moved into his apartment. Matter of fact, we see the thief stealing the bottle while Jean moving into his apartment. It probably one or two months after that that Jean actually picks up the bottle and becomes Jeannie.
Your point that it a white door instead of a light gray door and the fact it got the wrong number on the door, which could mean that it a magic door that doesn’t belong there. It would be interesting to find out what that first number is. But, one for sure, that not the right number for the outside door.
Random thought, after thinking in the dialogue between Asha and Guano, I think Asha is here to see if there is any way that Jeanie can be the next Genie Lord instead of her, which would be already a terrible idea even before Blue, but if true, I really want to see how this goes.
You don’t make one of the two youngest Genie on the lot, Genie Lord. Jeannie has only been a Genie for about six months or so. Bad idea! You want to make a Genie that been a Genie for a fairly long time, so that they can train and direct younger Genie. No rookie Genie need apply for Genie Lord.
As I said, it would be a terrible idea even without Blue, but if Asha truly wants to void being a lord after Guano get promoved, and Kazom and the idiot up north are truly not an option, well, Arceli and Jean are her only options.
Also, heck, GUANO of all people was made a Genie Lord, war hero or not it´s really telling that Haji and the others lords didn´t see that as a bad idea.
Yes, but are we sure that Asha knows that Jeanie is that new to the game? After all, other genies seem to assume things about her that aren’t correct, like what he original sex was, how long she’s been a genie, etc. So maybe Guano has neglected to mention to Asha that Jeanie is a newbie. He certainly doesn’t seem to be Einstein material.
I’m guessing they might be in Jean’s bottle next week. After all, it was the site of Jean’s last little private chat, and I don’t think Asha wants anyone else to know where her bottle is–she might not even know herself.
Have we seen a genie enter another genie’s bottle before? I can’t recall that ever happening.
Neil has found himself in Jean’s bottle before (and was promptly ka-Natalied and send to the Hiram), but I don’t think we’ve seen Araceli in it, or any other genie. But I could be wrong.
So far no, we haven’t seen more than one genie inside any totem, unless we count this little deal of Blue and Jean.
In regards to multiple genies and totems, we know that only a genie lord can force a lesser genie out of it’s totem, and that genies can exchab ge them, but I am guesing that if a genie can bring a mortal (or at least their master) to their totem, they may be able to let another genie enter.
Also, ranom thought, way back in the day, when Jeanie was under Kazom care and Arceli was in her totem, where was Jeanie suppose to sleep? Kazom doesn’t seems to have a totem (he sleeps as a normal cat) and Arceli’s totem was on the other side of the world at that point.
Hm. That’s a very good question. My guess would be that apparently a genie lord can temporarily suspend that the part of the genie rules, should the need arise.
@Kattgirl I think I am gonna answer my own question with a little of speculation here.
Jeanie was send with Kazom for at least one day and after that day he was suppose to be decided whatever she was able to handle herself or not, and Kazom just approve her to piss of Guano. Meanwhile Arceli was send with Neil just because he complained about be left without a genie, I will assume that in case Jeanie would have stay with Kazom as she should for a longer time, Guano would have send her totem to California at the end of the day, and maybe move Arceli bottle to Cocoa Beach (just as he did anyway later) to fill in for Jeanie with Neil.
Actually, it was Jeannie that jarred Arceli bottle loose and the seamen that snagged the bottle, that brought the bottle to the surface and it was Jeannie that had the sailor mail the bottle to Cocoa Beach. Of course that was after Arceli tricked Jeannie into changing bottle with her, so she could keep Jeannie bottle and her Master.
Jeanie and the greek Sailors TRY to send the bottle to Cocoa Beach, but the sailors get the address wrong and wrote Coke Beach, so in the end, when Arceli arrives to Cocoa Beach, we see her packages arrives in a red poof, which is the color of Guano magic.
Page 254
My guess is she is checking out this thorn in lord bat poops side to see if Jeanie is of any use to her. As it is clear she has no love for nitrogen rich fertilizer genie lords
That what I am guessing too. More like a side kick or something like that. But, boy is she in for a surprise when she fine out what Jeannie is really like, she will change her mind and have nothing to do with Jeannie. That what I am thinking.
When ever there a Leadership change, everybody starts seeking alliances to better there position in the Genie power structure. Until the new Leadership is in place, there will be a power struggle between the different factions over control.
That would be terrible if Jeannie wins the power struggle and becomes the next Haji of the Genie realm.
This could either be very bad or very good, depending on how Jean manages to handle this conversation without Asha finding out she is possessed by the Blue Djinn…
Either way the next comic is going to be interesting.
What I find more amusing about this is not that Asha is here already (though I surely want to know why!), but the fact that Jeanie wasn’t even trying to compensate Neil for the other night, she just wanted to hang on with him while still ignoring the concequence of her actions or why he would still be mad at her!
Wasn’t it the Blue Dijin that did that?
Both of them, it was Blue’s idea to text the spell in the first place, but it was Jeanie idea to turn Neil into Natalie and then don’t even explain what happen to him… a then let him explain everything to Rodge al one
We don’t actually know “who” was in charge when Neal got turned into Natalie last… everything else is just speculation.
What’s more, we don’t even know if Jeanie is aware of what happens when Blue takes over. For all we can tell so far, she could be just missing sections of time, the way blackouts happen when drinking. So maybe right now she has no idea what the Blue Djinn has been using her body for. This conversation with Asha could be an eye-opener.
We do have some clues about how this deal between Blue and Jean actually works in some pages.
Page 483, Jean is claiming that the deal was just to show her more powerful magic, so mess with Neil brain was Blue idea and he can hide the posible consequence of such to Jean, and unless his spell only works with women, Jeanie comment about turning Neil into Natalie in page 481 “cause male you is as appealing as a trout” made me believe that part was on Jean, I assume that between a horny Neil or a horny Natalie she prefer to deal with the later.
Also in page 483, quoting Blue, “Foolish genie, if only you knew”, so, whatever happen when blue is in control of her body, Jeanie is not aware of it. This is just speculation on my part, but in page 455 Jeanie seems to have lost the notion of time after talking with Jehane, and I believe that is because Blue take control at some moment during the previous flashback. In any case, I don´t think Jeanie is aware that she has been hunting genies lately or that she is responsible for what happen to Jehane.
Another side effect is, even when Jeanie is not under Blue control, he still can affect her magic, I threw this idea a couple of weeks ago and Robert confirm it, sending the beach jocks to the past was Blue idea, and Jeanie wasn´t even aware that even happen, as seem in page 435.
I wouldn’t say that sending the jocks to the past was Blue’s idea, though it was from Blue’s influence. It happened because Jeanie decided to “send these jerks away”, and her power boost from Blue made them get sent a *lot* further away than she’s consciously intended.
Actually, I back read this a bit and came up with a slight theory.
Ever had a friend you knew was bad news, but you were friends with them anyway? The “Eddie Haskell” type? Well, that’s what the Blue Djinn is appearing to be to Jeanie.
If you read 480, 481, #482 and #483 back to back a couple of times, you realized Jeanie thought it was a practical joke, then realized how much it messed up Neil and quickly blurted out a few things to cover and zoomed into “her” room to confront the Blue Djinn about it, only to have Blue make some placating words and quickly changed the subject.
Basically, Jeanie as been either sweet talked or mentally “adjusted” into thinking the Blue Djinn is her cool, wild friend that wants to show her neat, powerful tricks with genie magic and how to do them. And she can’t talk about him to others.
Theory: Blue Djinn leaves Jean and hops onto Asha. Chaos ensures, but gives Jean an out in being the original Blue Djinn host.
Hmm, intriguing theory. I wonder if he can actually do that? It seemed like Jeanie agreed to be his host, in exchange for him showing her powerful magic.
Could Big Blue take over Asha without her consent? I don’t know.
It’s just a random thought I had. My thinking is that Jean will want off the ‘Blue Djinn Rollercoaster’ after seeing what she did to Neil & Rodge. Some madness will ensure, but ultimately the Blue Djinn will find a stronger host. Maybe one with more influence, maybe one with less influence.
That’s not an implausible theory. That would certainly make more sense as a plan of attack. Kind of reminiscent of the plot of the movie The Thing… you’d never know who’s currently possessed…
Now the question here is; just how much does Asha think Jeanie knows? Is she coming to warn Jeanie about the Blue Djinn? Is she possibly already suspicious that he may have had contact with Jeanie? Is she looking for Jeanie’s (unlikely) help? Is she going to tip her off about something Guano said? Is she going to propose Jeanie becoming a lord in her place?
It’s kind of interesting that Asha walked up to the door and was about to knock. No other genies seem to bother with that; they just poof in. Seems like Asha’s spent too much time among the humans; she’s gone native.
By the way, kudos to CD; I like the fact that Asha is a different shade of blonde. Nice touch.
It’s interesting that you assume that Asha did walk up to the door instead of poofing in just on the other side of it. CD may not have any reason at all for having Asha for to be on the other side of the door, although I think he’s put some thought in drawing that door. For one thing, now the door is white. I don’t think the doors in Neil and Jean’s building were white before I Dream of a Promotion. For another, I get the feeling that the speech balloons aren’t obscuring the number on the door by accident. Which door is it, anyway? Remember, Jean moved Neil’s apartment inside his own apartment a long time ago. The door to Jean’s apartment was gray when Belle showed up and discovered Jean as Jeanie the first time, and the number was “325.” When Rouyah’s bottle was stolen in I Dream of Technicolor, the number is “310” and when you look closely at the door, it’s not white but a very light gray. Oh, wait, Rouyah is Ms. Eden, so that’s her apartment because Kazom gave Rouyah her bottle–does that mean that Ms. Eden was still sleeping in it? Gosh, did CD forget about that? Where did Rouyah sleep between 1969 and whenever Jean moved to Cocoa Beach? If she didn’t sleep in her bottle, why did she have it? Anyone who picked it up in all that time except, presuming, Rouyah would have been turned into a genie.
Well, anyway, the number on the door is 3-0-something else, which could be a lot of things, but not “325” or “310”.
Putting this burning question aside, Asha seems to *use* common sense more than Jean. Asha has been living among humans for a long time and had to have taken learned to take care to keep up her cover. Although… Isn’t Asha wearing a genie costume? Sort of; bare midriff and arabesques along the top of her pants and the bottom of her top. She was wearing only modern clothes with Guano.
Another factoid which may become important soon: Asha knows Kazom, knows he worked with a witch, and thinks more of Kazom than Guano. She’s working an angle here. I’m betting she turns out to be smarter than everyone else by the end of this arc.
A final thought on the different shades of blond: Asha’s hair looks to me like it’s the same color as Ethan’s and Matthew’s hair in But I’m a guy, and I do know girls are supposed to be able to distinguish more colors.
As far as the bottle or totem goes. Rouyah or Ms Eden, she still had control over the bottle until just before Jean moved into his apartment. Matter of fact, we see the thief stealing the bottle while Jean moving into his apartment. It probably one or two months after that that Jean actually picks up the bottle and becomes Jeannie.
Your point that it a white door instead of a light gray door and the fact it got the wrong number on the door, which could mean that it a magic door that doesn’t belong there. It would be interesting to find out what that first number is. But, one for sure, that not the right number for the outside door.
Random thought, after thinking in the dialogue between Asha and Guano, I think Asha is here to see if there is any way that Jeanie can be the next Genie Lord instead of her, which would be already a terrible idea even before Blue, but if true, I really want to see how this goes.
You don’t make one of the two youngest Genie on the lot, Genie Lord. Jeannie has only been a Genie for about six months or so. Bad idea! You want to make a Genie that been a Genie for a fairly long time, so that they can train and direct younger Genie. No rookie Genie need apply for Genie Lord.
As I said, it would be a terrible idea even without Blue, but if Asha truly wants to void being a lord after Guano get promoved, and Kazom and the idiot up north are truly not an option, well, Arceli and Jean are her only options.
Also, heck, GUANO of all people was made a Genie Lord, war hero or not it´s really telling that Haji and the others lords didn´t see that as a bad idea.
Yes, but are we sure that Asha knows that Jeanie is that new to the game? After all, other genies seem to assume things about her that aren’t correct, like what he original sex was, how long she’s been a genie, etc. So maybe Guano has neglected to mention to Asha that Jeanie is a newbie. He certainly doesn’t seem to be Einstein material.
Yeah, take her out for some fun, but they’ll never be able to talk over the noise.
I’m guessing they might be in Jean’s bottle next week. After all, it was the site of Jean’s last little private chat, and I don’t think Asha wants anyone else to know where her bottle is–she might not even know herself.
Have we seen a genie enter another genie’s bottle before? I can’t recall that ever happening.
Neil has found himself in Jean’s bottle before (and was promptly ka-Natalied and send to the Hiram), but I don’t think we’ve seen Araceli in it, or any other genie. But I could be wrong.
So far no, we haven’t seen more than one genie inside any totem, unless we count this little deal of Blue and Jean.
In regards to multiple genies and totems, we know that only a genie lord can force a lesser genie out of it’s totem, and that genies can exchab ge them, but I am guesing that if a genie can bring a mortal (or at least their master) to their totem, they may be able to let another genie enter.
Also, ranom thought, way back in the day, when Jeanie was under Kazom care and Arceli was in her totem, where was Jeanie suppose to sleep? Kazom doesn’t seems to have a totem (he sleeps as a normal cat) and Arceli’s totem was on the other side of the world at that point.
Hm. That’s a very good question. My guess would be that apparently a genie lord can temporarily suspend that the part of the genie rules, should the need arise.
@Kattgirl I think I am gonna answer my own question with a little of speculation here.
Jeanie was send with Kazom for at least one day and after that day he was suppose to be decided whatever she was able to handle herself or not, and Kazom just approve her to piss of Guano. Meanwhile Arceli was send with Neil just because he complained about be left without a genie, I will assume that in case Jeanie would have stay with Kazom as she should for a longer time, Guano would have send her totem to California at the end of the day, and maybe move Arceli bottle to Cocoa Beach (just as he did anyway later) to fill in for Jeanie with Neil.
Actually, it was Jeannie that jarred Arceli bottle loose and the seamen that snagged the bottle, that brought the bottle to the surface and it was Jeannie that had the sailor mail the bottle to Cocoa Beach. Of course that was after Arceli tricked Jeannie into changing bottle with her, so she could keep Jeannie bottle and her Master.
Jeanie and the greek Sailors TRY to send the bottle to Cocoa Beach, but the sailors get the address wrong and wrote Coke Beach, so in the end, when Arceli arrives to Cocoa Beach, we see her packages arrives in a red poof, which is the color of Guano magic.
Page 254
I love the way you refuse to be explicit about “who Asha is.”
I’m pretty sure on Panel 3 was specific enough.
Wait, Christina Aguilera is Asha?
It’s really more like, Asha is Christina Aguilera. Given how long genies live, it’s likely the genie identity came first.
You’re a clever one for noticing that!
My guess is she is checking out this thorn in lord bat poops side to see if Jeanie is of any use to her. As it is clear she has no love for nitrogen rich fertilizer genie lords
That what I am guessing too. More like a side kick or something like that. But, boy is she in for a surprise when she fine out what Jeannie is really like, she will change her mind and have nothing to do with Jeannie. That what I am thinking.
When ever there a Leadership change, everybody starts seeking alliances to better there position in the Genie power structure. Until the new Leadership is in place, there will be a power struggle between the different factions over control.
That would be terrible if Jeannie wins the power struggle and becomes the next Haji of the Genie realm.
Who deserves to take over from Haji? How about Jehane? She got screwed over by everyone else.
Hey, Melvin’s friend B.J. could take over! That would work out great, right? He’d love the harem…
ok when did she meet the blue djinn
I wanna watch her have fun, solo! Who’s with me!?
Check out the page at the start of the last chapter. Jeanie surfing in a bikini is fun and sexy!
I think Jean should have left Nate as Natalie.
What song?