Asha is a genie who lives in LA, masquerading as a human Pop Star. Since her last master died before asking for his final wish, and being buried with Asha's Bottle. Haji has granted Asha the ability to stay in the human world without returning to her bottle.
Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
If you’re wondering what I shouldn’t, so am I. Things like this happen when you post when you are half-asleep. But all those green chairs are in I Dream of Yogurt in Cocoa Beach, FL, or were when the photograph was taken. Google Images brought it up in a few seconds.
That face of Jeanie in the last panel!
Also, are those stock photos of the place CD mention some time ago? I Dream of Yogurt, I think that was the logo he show but I cannot read it. I am not complain it, just curious.
Remember the big book of Genies yaa you had months to read it you lazy ass. Maybe you could have just poofed the information into your thick skull Jeanie.
I think the light finally came on in her head she might be all powerful but there are some checks and balances. So she can’t act like a jerk to her master because at the end of the day he his the boss apple sauce even if Neil doesn’t realize it.
To be fair with Jeanie at least once, according to Neil, just getting through the glossary was enough to crash his computer of how big that thing is. Even worse, some of the rules in that guide are outdated according to Guano himself.
Oh yes praise Haji! Banish this demon! .. on the other hand though that might end the comic. So no please don’t! Hmm on a serious question where do genies get banished to?
The primary place to banish a Genie is to lock them in there bottle, lamp or totem. Those item can be sealed temporary or permanently by Haji to banish the wayward Genie.
But, this is the first time we been told that a Master can tell Haji on Haji day that he/she want to get rid of there Genie for any reason and there Genie has to depart from there Master forever.
Evidently, that was a surprise to Jeannie, because of the look on her face. That tells it all.
I’m sorry, but your post suffers from an overuse of the word “there” when “their” works best. (Where IS my grammar hammer?)
There = that place.
Their = that/those person’s
They’re = they are
I usually read people who confuse these fairly different homonyms as being non-native English Speakers and do try to be kind about it. One cannot learn a thing if one never is told about that thing.
One way to help remember the difference between there, their, and they’re is that “there” has the word “here” in it just like the word “where”. All three deal with location.
Now this is an intriguing detail. I don’t honestly think Jeannie has much to worry about; Neil is so laid back that that there is no way he would ever consider such a thing. Even if he knew about it, which he probably doesn’t.
But it does raise an interesting question. Who is the Blue Djinn’s “master”? If he/she could be found, might it be possible to banish the BD?
Given that he seems to be inhabiting Jeannie’s body, part-time, might she be considered to be his master?
In relation to the blue djinn I don’t think he has a master. He ‘found a way’ around the rules. However even outside Haji’s rules there are still rules- but more fundamental rules. Laws of nature instead of laws of a society. Interestingly we know more rules of genie society now then we do of the fundamental nature of magic laws- except for one; Run out of magic means death. With that in mind we can assume Haji provides magical energy? If magic is as food to genies anyway.
Given the precedent of Rouyaa, who was depowered and banished, and is now a normal human living next door to Jean, then depending on whether being banished results in Jeannie reverting to Jean or remaining Jeannie, it could be something that Jeannie would want to have happen. The one day of the year when she has a chance to get her life back? And with her bottle now ‘vacant’, perhaps being able to stick it to Neil and have him become Natalie, the genie of the lamp, with Jean as her master? Of course, if being banished would mean that she was stuck as Jeannie for the rest of her life, then it would be something she would likely be desperate to avoid.
The thing with genies and banishment or punishment in generali is that, we still don’t know all the rules. Blue was imprisoned inside a rock on a volcano, his followers exile to some yet unknow place for us (Pitts of the damm in the information page), Guano is constatly threatening to seal Jean in her bottle, maybe forever, Kazom lost his tittle as a lord and is not welcome in the palace, but still works as a genie to some degree, Rouyaa and Eve were made mortals, and we still don’t know what they did to Jehane, she is still a genie, but because they didn’t link her to Blue she is not in the Pitts as far as I understand, but she is exile of the palace, branded as a banished genie with shackles and all, and her totem is dem to be sealed some day ot something.
I think that each punishment is something that the Lord that inflict it decide, Kazom goes for turning genies into mortals, Guano for seal them in their totems.
Also, according to the info page, if Neil banish Jeanie in Haji’s day, she will either remain trapped in her bottle until a new master find her, or will be send to be part of Haji’s Harem… ok, they may be a conflict of interest between Blue and Jean now.
Yus. That sinking feeling when facing the consequences of the shit yu’ve pulled when you thought there were no consequences for pulling it. I remember that feeling well, for most of us it just results in getting fired from a job. Jean is facing getting fired from existence, which is a little harsh. I mean there needs to be some consequences for some of the shit she’s pulled, but maybe not a banishment.
I don’t see what this has to do with anything – Neil’s Jean’s friend so they wouldn’t do something that a-hole like.
Ooooh, is this a plot device to get Jean and the Blue Djinn to start fighting? (Jean trying to be nice to Neil to apologize, and Blue trying to piss off Neil to get sent directly to Haji to kill him)
That would imply that someone knows that the Blue Djinn has taken over Jean, I don’t see Guano as having that sort of intelligence.
But if Asha is looking to take Guano’s current job, since it has been proffered, this might be a way to get a little problem out of the way before it becomes her’s.
Are we ever actually going to see Haji? I’m not sure if any genie in any of the comics has actually said something like “Haji told me”, not even the genie who is supposed to be the senior wife in Haji’s harem.
Kind of makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Like maybe Haji is just a mythical figurehead, and the first wife is actually the one who runs things, passing on orders from the forever-unseen Haji? That would be an interesting twist.
I am not just talking about crazy Jeanie ideas, I am talking about wack out crazy Jeanie ideas. Like when Belle told Jeanie Jean/Neil was better in bed than Jean was. Jeanie wanted to take Neil to bed to find out if that ware so. Jeanie getting an unreasonable fear that Neil might be getting ready to ditch her, so she decides to seduce him to stop that event.
The really whacked out crazy that Jeanie capable of pulling and not just the crazy ideas only.
The only female that Neil has ever been shown to be physically attracted too seems to be Jeanie, and the only time Neil didn’t show feelings of guilt or fear of being gay was when he had Jeanie do jumping jacks way back in I Dream of a B-Witch. The only female we know Neil has had sex with is Belle, but that could have been motivated more by duty or fear. Maybe he had sex with Araceli, but that was when Araceli was disguised as Jeanie.
Neil is also the character whose shown the most evidence of conscience, so he should be a total mess by now: Guilty because what he did to Rodge, guilty because of what he did to Belle, guilty because he sort of likes Araceli and if it wasn’t for Jean and Rodge and Natalie…
This whole story line is about Neil and Jeanie falling in love with each other and everything else are just side stories for the series. This story is about Neil and Jeanie bumping heads with each other until they choose to be with each other only.
Belle is just a female Dr. Bellows who happens to be Jeanie former girlfriend when Jeanie was just a guy and that is all she is.
Araceli is another genie that Neil not interested in, in the least and when Araceli was masquerading as Jeanie after they changed bottle, Neil knew it was her and asked her to change back. End of discussion.
Natalie is basically a non person and is only a subset of Neil mind whenever Jeanie or the Blue Djinn turn Neil into Natalie. For Natalie to exist, Neil would have to cease to exist and that not going to happen. As far as love relationship between Rodge and Natalie, there is no “US”!
I wonder why Asha decided to inform Jeanie of this, she doesn’t know her.
Possibly it is related to Lord Batshit’s peculiar interest in Jean.
If you missed it, this episode is a shout-out to I Dream of Yogurt in Cocoa Beach, and I shouldn’t and the background is the actual yogurt shop.
If you’re wondering what I shouldn’t, so am I. Things like this happen when you post when you are half-asleep. But all those green chairs are in I Dream of Yogurt in Cocoa Beach, FL, or were when the photograph was taken. Google Images brought it up in a few seconds.
That face of Jeanie in the last panel!
Also, are those stock photos of the place CD mention some time ago? I Dream of Yogurt, I think that was the logo he show but I cannot read it. I am not complain it, just curious.
I hope one day to visit that place.. even though its further from my friends place. I hope its non dairy >_>!
Let me know if it is, I can get a tax write off for going to Florida, and the kids want to go back to Disney.
And Cocoa Beach isn’t so far from Orlando that it would be out of the way.
Remember the big book of Genies yaa you had months to read it you lazy ass. Maybe you could have just poofed the information into your thick skull Jeanie.
I think the light finally came on in her head she might be all powerful but there are some checks and balances. So she can’t act like a jerk to her master because at the end of the day he his the boss apple sauce even if Neil doesn’t realize it.
To be fair with Jeanie at least once, according to Neil, just getting through the glossary was enough to crash his computer of how big that thing is. Even worse, some of the rules in that guide are outdated according to Guano himself.
Plus Neil doesn’t want to treat Jean like a slave.
Oh yes praise Haji! Banish this demon! .. on the other hand though that might end the comic. So no please don’t! Hmm on a serious question where do genies get banished to?
To the worst place in the universe. Newark, NJ.
…..or Amarillo Texas with all the highway bridge replacements. One more road closure I will have to to helicopter into work.
Guarding dark@ Where do Genie get banished?
The primary place to banish a Genie is to lock them in there bottle, lamp or totem. Those item can be sealed temporary or permanently by Haji to banish the wayward Genie.
But, this is the first time we been told that a Master can tell Haji on Haji day that he/she want to get rid of there Genie for any reason and there Genie has to depart from there Master forever.
Evidently, that was a surprise to Jeannie, because of the look on her face. That tells it all.
I’m sorry, but your post suffers from an overuse of the word “there” when “their” works best. (Where IS my grammar hammer?)
There = that place.
Their = that/those person’s
They’re = they are
I usually read people who confuse these fairly different homonyms as being non-native English Speakers and do try to be kind about it. One cannot learn a thing if one never is told about that thing.
One way to help remember the difference between there, their, and they’re is that “there” has the word “here” in it just like the word “where”. All three deal with location.
Now this is an intriguing detail. I don’t honestly think Jeannie has much to worry about; Neil is so laid back that that there is no way he would ever consider such a thing. Even if he knew about it, which he probably doesn’t.
But it does raise an interesting question. Who is the Blue Djinn’s “master”? If he/she could be found, might it be possible to banish the BD?
Given that he seems to be inhabiting Jeannie’s body, part-time, might she be considered to be his master?
How official does it have to be? All Neil might have to say is ‘please go away’ and that’s it
In relation to the blue djinn I don’t think he has a master. He ‘found a way’ around the rules. However even outside Haji’s rules there are still rules- but more fundamental rules. Laws of nature instead of laws of a society. Interestingly we know more rules of genie society now then we do of the fundamental nature of magic laws- except for one; Run out of magic means death. With that in mind we can assume Haji provides magical energy? If magic is as food to genies anyway.
Given the precedent of Rouyaa, who was depowered and banished, and is now a normal human living next door to Jean, then depending on whether being banished results in Jeannie reverting to Jean or remaining Jeannie, it could be something that Jeannie would want to have happen. The one day of the year when she has a chance to get her life back? And with her bottle now ‘vacant’, perhaps being able to stick it to Neil and have him become Natalie, the genie of the lamp, with Jean as her master? Of course, if being banished would mean that she was stuck as Jeannie for the rest of her life, then it would be something she would likely be desperate to avoid.
The thing with genies and banishment or punishment in generali is that, we still don’t know all the rules. Blue was imprisoned inside a rock on a volcano, his followers exile to some yet unknow place for us (Pitts of the damm in the information page), Guano is constatly threatening to seal Jean in her bottle, maybe forever, Kazom lost his tittle as a lord and is not welcome in the palace, but still works as a genie to some degree, Rouyaa and Eve were made mortals, and we still don’t know what they did to Jehane, she is still a genie, but because they didn’t link her to Blue she is not in the Pitts as far as I understand, but she is exile of the palace, branded as a banished genie with shackles and all, and her totem is dem to be sealed some day ot something.
I think that each punishment is something that the Lord that inflict it decide, Kazom goes for turning genies into mortals, Guano for seal them in their totems.
Also, according to the info page, if Neil banish Jeanie in Haji’s day, she will either remain trapped in her bottle until a new master find her, or will be send to be part of Haji’s Harem… ok, they may be a conflict of interest between Blue and Jean now.
I am fairly sure Jean enjoys having the powers a genie he just would like to be a man while doing it.
That face says one thing to me, “ Oh crap, I’ve kind of been a huge ass to Neil as of late.”
It isn’t just as of late.
Yus. That sinking feeling when facing the consequences of the shit yu’ve pulled when you thought there were no consequences for pulling it. I remember that feeling well, for most of us it just results in getting fired from a job. Jean is facing getting fired from existence, which is a little harsh. I mean there needs to be some consequences for some of the shit she’s pulled, but maybe not a banishment.
welcome back to I dream of yogart
I don’t see what this has to do with anything – Neil’s Jean’s friend so they wouldn’t do something that a-hole like.
Ooooh, is this a plot device to get Jean and the Blue Djinn to start fighting? (Jean trying to be nice to Neil to apologize, and Blue trying to piss off Neil to get sent directly to Haji to kill him)
That would imply that someone knows that the Blue Djinn has taken over Jean, I don’t see Guano as having that sort of intelligence.
But if Asha is looking to take Guano’s current job, since it has been proffered, this might be a way to get a little problem out of the way before it becomes her’s.
Remember, when it comes down to it, the box does not contain an ingot of fincilium…
Does Neil know about Haji’s Day?
Are we ever actually going to see Haji? I’m not sure if any genie in any of the comics has actually said something like “Haji told me”, not even the genie who is supposed to be the senior wife in Haji’s harem.
Kind of makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Like maybe Haji is just a mythical figurehead, and the first wife is actually the one who runs things, passing on orders from the forever-unseen Haji? That would be an interesting twist.
i’m thinking Jean is going to kiss Neil’s Ass SO MUCH!
I suppose that possible. Jeannie does have a tendency to act out of character sometimes, especially when she get some crazy idea in her head.
“Crazy idea”? What other kind does she have?
I am not just talking about crazy Jeanie ideas, I am talking about wack out crazy Jeanie ideas. Like when Belle told Jeanie Jean/Neil was better in bed than Jean was. Jeanie wanted to take Neil to bed to find out if that ware so. Jeanie getting an unreasonable fear that Neil might be getting ready to ditch her, so she decides to seduce him to stop that event.
The really whacked out crazy that Jeanie capable of pulling and not just the crazy ideas only.
That sounds WAY to likely. As well as way to likely to make things worse.
Happy Birthday, CD!
I didn’t know your birtday, azs at this time. CD
The only female that Neil has ever been shown to be physically attracted too seems to be Jeanie, and the only time Neil didn’t show feelings of guilt or fear of being gay was when he had Jeanie do jumping jacks way back in I Dream of a B-Witch. The only female we know Neil has had sex with is Belle, but that could have been motivated more by duty or fear. Maybe he had sex with Araceli, but that was when Araceli was disguised as Jeanie.
Neil is also the character whose shown the most evidence of conscience, so he should be a total mess by now: Guilty because what he did to Rodge, guilty because of what he did to Belle, guilty because he sort of likes Araceli and if it wasn’t for Jean and Rodge and Natalie…
Tom Sewell @, your over thinking this:
This whole story line is about Neil and Jeanie falling in love with each other and everything else are just side stories for the series. This story is about Neil and Jeanie bumping heads with each other until they choose to be with each other only.
Belle is just a female Dr. Bellows who happens to be Jeanie former girlfriend when Jeanie was just a guy and that is all she is.
Araceli is another genie that Neil not interested in, in the least and when Araceli was masquerading as Jeanie after they changed bottle, Neil knew it was her and asked her to change back. End of discussion.
Natalie is basically a non person and is only a subset of Neil mind whenever Jeanie or the Blue Djinn turn Neil into Natalie. For Natalie to exist, Neil would have to cease to exist and that not going to happen. As far as love relationship between Rodge and Natalie, there is no “US”!
Hmm… Banished Jean… Such a wonderful dream. ^_^