Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
this does fit in better with modern tv, where horrible people do horrible things even to their friends and its forgotten about by the next episode. and that’s the “good guys”
Scientists have discovered roughly 100 structural and biochemical gender differences in the brain of male and females. Men use their grey matter more, women use their white matter more. Females have a larger hippocampus with denser nerve connections than men.
Women have MORE of the BONDING chemical oxytocin than men.
Sexual orientation and gender are based in the brain. Women absorb more sensory and emotional information than males do. Women have twice the nerve endings on their skin than men, pleasurable touch sensations are far more intense.
All humans begin life in the womb as females, if a ‘Y’ chromosome is present the embryo turns male, a scientific fact.
Natalie’s brain and body are completely female, physically, biochemical, genetically and neurologically. The only part of Neal left are the memories and experiences, almost like computer data files. The physical MAC computer “Natalie” is ultimately in charge of everything. Sort of like a Mac computer (female) is reading memory files copied from a Windows computer (Male) that has ceased to exist.
Neal’s memories are being used by that female mind in a female brain, a brain hardwired to be attracted to, bond with and mate with males. A body that feels physical sensations, especially pleasure, more intensely than males. Sexual bio and neuro chemicals elevated above normal by magic. Natalie is now female physically and MENTALLY! Natalie isn’t Neal, but a woman with the memories of a Neal who no longer exists!
Sort of like a Battlestar Galactica humanoid male Cylon accidentally downloading into a female Cylon body!
I think.. you are attempting to define something that is trying to define itself. The human brain is the most complex structure known to man. It’s a system bringing order to what must be absolute chaos and it can’t always succeed. The brain finds the easiest ways to make sense of.. sensing.
Actually, the differences between a male and a female brain are far smaller than the differences between most pairs of male brains and/or most pairs of female brains (at least until societal effects get involved). So a female with entirely male memories probably wouldn’t act any more feminine than if they had a male body. (with the possible exception of differences caused by hormones, which I only mention because I don’t know enough of that aspect to know for sure)
gildsoul, I got new for you gildsoul, there isn’t any one answer fit all here! I have searched the internet on this subject matter and there are possible dozens of possibilities here and not just one answer here. Here a short list of the possibilities and this isn’t all of them either.
1. A female mind in a male body or male mind in a female body or a transgender person.
2. A female XY chromosomes, in her mother whom, she got an estrogen blast instead of a testerome blast, What should be a vagina instead of testicle like a regular guy. his or her ovaries are actually male testicle.
3. A male with XX chromosomes, it the reverse of what happen at #2.
4. They can be either male of female and be trained to be or think of themselves to be the opposite sex. Some times it works and some times it doesn’t.
5. People who have XO chromosomes, it people who are missing some of there genetic code, but, still have enough to still be born and live. Gender unknown.
6. People who have XXY, XYY, XXYY, XYYY chromosomes, they have characteristic of both genders and can identify themselves with either gender neither gender over time.
7. There some people that have both a testicle and ovaries, it there not careful, they might accidentally get themselves pragnate.
8. If you believe in re-incarnation, there some that claimed that they were male in one life and female in the next life and will even ask question like why am I a female this time or why am I a male this time.
My response to all this after my search through the internet on this subject is to, Plead Ignorance on this matter! There are too many variables and unknowns to issue. I don’t know and I know that I don’t know and I am not going to act like I do know either and neither does anybody else know either.
How a brain interprets the sensor inputs (constructs reality) is based on function of the brain and what chemicals levels are present. Drug use and head injury’s prove this. The structures in the brain from one human to the next will be the same how ever the size of some of the parts may or may not make a difference. Women’s brains are typically smaller than men’s but the have the same amount of neurons they are just packed tighter. Hormone levels and how a child develops plays a huge role in how the brain works as a adult. switching from male to female as a adult would probably cause some major problems for the person. You can’t throw the switch if the wiring is not hooked up right with out a short circuit. Granted this is a fantasy comic so any thing is possible.
So much is said here that I think I have to challenge it lest it get accepted as gospel truth.
1) incorrect. Yes, Oxytocin is produced due to the biological role a woman plays. However Males will also experience hormone changes including oxitocin production when child rearing. Ask any father, or uncle, grand father when feeling their blood relative for the first time. It can be more acute then in a woman.
2) No evidence. You can’t say one sex senses more then the other. Like one says this is more red to my eyes then to your eyes. One can suggest a male is trained to endure more physical pain perhaps but this is due to increased lung and muscle capacity as well as cultural influence. We are built very similar in our pleasure and pain responses.
3) Sex orientation is complicated. Environmental and biological influences. Not just genetic- which is just one aspect of biology anyway. Gene expression, mutations and chance all come into it as well as cultural influence.
4) Y chromosome has the male switch yes. It is possible for an X chromosome to accidentally gain the switch resulting in an XX male through translocation. The switch system exists in different forms of the animal kingdom. There are exceptions especially in the world of genetics.
5) Natalie is a fictional character operating on magical principles. I wouldn’t draw any scientific proof from her experiences.
“f a ‘Y’ chromosome is present the embryo turns male, a scientific fact. ”
Not always.
” bond with and mate with males.”
Explain lesbian,s then.
Being LGBT is a congenital condition. (developed before birth)
I gather this may be CD ‘s way to transition the new back to the old. Is it possible there is another outcome? What if Natalie still exists after Jeanie tries to change her? There is still a lot of story that could unfold. I will miss Natalie if Jeanie is successful.
That’s what I meant in my comment above.—-The story suddenly got a lot more complicated and would take many comics to resolve—-The last comic takes out a big chunk of it with an “explanation that sounds a bit contrived on the spur of the moment.—-Why did she change Neil to Natalie to begin with (her excuse sounds a bit weak and lacks motivation)—And Jeanie does not seem the type to be interested in complex brain chemistry.——It all seemed a bit odd to me, but works fine to “resolve” and correct a portion of the current plot and bring it down to more manageable levels.
I think what we have here is a case of Jeanie thinking, “There’s a real problem. What’s the first dumb idea that comes into my head? Okay, THAT’S what I’ll do.”
This is another case of Jeanie thinking, “There a serious problem out there.” And then acting immediately on the first dumb idea she comes up with, without ANY regards for the consequences.
Pretty sure she does get it. That’s why she laughed in Natalie’s face when she said she was going to stay a woman because she was in love with Rodge. Because she knew that was a load of crap.
Now that I think about it, does that panel with Natalie spouting gibberish remind anyone else of Homer Simpson celebrating another boneheaded stunt with “no brain damage-amage-amage-amage-amage”?
So, let me get this straight. In the middle of the night, Jean changes Neil into Natalie in the middle of the night, mumbling some words that, until now, we assumed she was not capable of doing and in a language we had no idea she knew. Viewers speculated theories behind Jean’s choice for prolonging Neil’s stay Natalie including; Jean was put under mind control, her look-alike did it, or something involving this dangerous Geanie. Now we find out Jean transformed Neil into Natalie:
1) While he was sleeping,
2) Knew how to cast a spell/wish to add hormones to his brain with her only expertise being from the internet
3) Forced him to stay as Natalie for an extended period of time, possibly risking his job, his safety (since Natalie has no actual records), and future
4) With the risk of him falling in love in her new, lustful state, sleeping with Rodge, and possibly getting pregnant (Which would probably force him to stay as Natalie for at least nine months as there is no way the Genie committee will not step in since she was magically changed into a woman)
5) Didn’t immediately think about what she did while in the harem (I assumed her lack of concern was because she did not know she changed Neil in the first place)
HEY, a clever way to write your way out of a complex HOLE 😉
this does fit in better with modern tv, where horrible people do horrible things even to their friends and its forgotten about by the next episode. and that’s the “good guys”
Scientists have discovered roughly 100 structural and biochemical gender differences in the brain of male and females. Men use their grey matter more, women use their white matter more. Females have a larger hippocampus with denser nerve connections than men.
Women have MORE of the BONDING chemical oxytocin than men.
Sexual orientation and gender are based in the brain. Women absorb more sensory and emotional information than males do. Women have twice the nerve endings on their skin than men, pleasurable touch sensations are far more intense.
All humans begin life in the womb as females, if a ‘Y’ chromosome is present the embryo turns male, a scientific fact.
Natalie’s brain and body are completely female, physically, biochemical, genetically and neurologically. The only part of Neal left are the memories and experiences, almost like computer data files. The physical MAC computer “Natalie” is ultimately in charge of everything. Sort of like a Mac computer (female) is reading memory files copied from a Windows computer (Male) that has ceased to exist.
Neal’s memories are being used by that female mind in a female brain, a brain hardwired to be attracted to, bond with and mate with males. A body that feels physical sensations, especially pleasure, more intensely than males. Sexual bio and neuro chemicals elevated above normal by magic. Natalie is now female physically and MENTALLY! Natalie isn’t Neal, but a woman with the memories of a Neal who no longer exists!
Sort of like a Battlestar Galactica humanoid male Cylon accidentally downloading into a female Cylon body!
I think.. you are attempting to define something that is trying to define itself. The human brain is the most complex structure known to man. It’s a system bringing order to what must be absolute chaos and it can’t always succeed. The brain finds the easiest ways to make sense of.. sensing.
Actually, the differences between a male and a female brain are far smaller than the differences between most pairs of male brains and/or most pairs of female brains (at least until societal effects get involved). So a female with entirely male memories probably wouldn’t act any more feminine than if they had a male body. (with the possible exception of differences caused by hormones, which I only mention because I don’t know enough of that aspect to know for sure)
gildsoul, I got new for you gildsoul, there isn’t any one answer fit all here! I have searched the internet on this subject matter and there are possible dozens of possibilities here and not just one answer here. Here a short list of the possibilities and this isn’t all of them either.
1. A female mind in a male body or male mind in a female body or a transgender person.
2. A female XY chromosomes, in her mother whom, she got an estrogen blast instead of a testerome blast, What should be a vagina instead of testicle like a regular guy. his or her ovaries are actually male testicle.
3. A male with XX chromosomes, it the reverse of what happen at #2.
4. They can be either male of female and be trained to be or think of themselves to be the opposite sex. Some times it works and some times it doesn’t.
5. People who have XO chromosomes, it people who are missing some of there genetic code, but, still have enough to still be born and live. Gender unknown.
6. People who have XXY, XYY, XXYY, XYYY chromosomes, they have characteristic of both genders and can identify themselves with either gender neither gender over time.
7. There some people that have both a testicle and ovaries, it there not careful, they might accidentally get themselves pragnate.
8. If you believe in re-incarnation, there some that claimed that they were male in one life and female in the next life and will even ask question like why am I a female this time or why am I a male this time.
My response to all this after my search through the internet on this subject is to, Plead Ignorance on this matter! There are too many variables and unknowns to issue. I don’t know and I know that I don’t know and I am not going to act like I do know either and neither does anybody else know either.
How a brain interprets the sensor inputs (constructs reality) is based on function of the brain and what chemicals levels are present. Drug use and head injury’s prove this. The structures in the brain from one human to the next will be the same how ever the size of some of the parts may or may not make a difference. Women’s brains are typically smaller than men’s but the have the same amount of neurons they are just packed tighter. Hormone levels and how a child develops plays a huge role in how the brain works as a adult. switching from male to female as a adult would probably cause some major problems for the person. You can’t throw the switch if the wiring is not hooked up right with out a short circuit. Granted this is a fantasy comic so any thing is possible.
So much is said here that I think I have to challenge it lest it get accepted as gospel truth.
1) incorrect. Yes, Oxytocin is produced due to the biological role a woman plays. However Males will also experience hormone changes including oxitocin production when child rearing. Ask any father, or uncle, grand father when feeling their blood relative for the first time. It can be more acute then in a woman.
2) No evidence. You can’t say one sex senses more then the other. Like one says this is more red to my eyes then to your eyes. One can suggest a male is trained to endure more physical pain perhaps but this is due to increased lung and muscle capacity as well as cultural influence. We are built very similar in our pleasure and pain responses.
3) Sex orientation is complicated. Environmental and biological influences. Not just genetic- which is just one aspect of biology anyway. Gene expression, mutations and chance all come into it as well as cultural influence.
4) Y chromosome has the male switch yes. It is possible for an X chromosome to accidentally gain the switch resulting in an XX male through translocation. The switch system exists in different forms of the animal kingdom. There are exceptions especially in the world of genetics.
5) Natalie is a fictional character operating on magical principles. I wouldn’t draw any scientific proof from her experiences.
“f a ‘Y’ chromosome is present the embryo turns male, a scientific fact. ”
Not always.
” bond with and mate with males.”
Explain lesbian,s then.
Being LGBT is a congenital condition. (developed before birth)
if that were accurate then it would be something that could screened for soon. soooo…..
So she did cause this. Perhaps she only expected this to be a short prank, but altering brain chemicals was a terrible idea.
I gather this may be CD ‘s way to transition the new back to the old. Is it possible there is another outcome? What if Natalie still exists after Jeanie tries to change her? There is still a lot of story that could unfold. I will miss Natalie if Jeanie is successful.
That’s what I meant in my comment above.—-The story suddenly got a lot more complicated and would take many comics to resolve—-The last comic takes out a big chunk of it with an “explanation that sounds a bit contrived on the spur of the moment.—-Why did she change Neil to Natalie to begin with (her excuse sounds a bit weak and lacks motivation)—And Jeanie does not seem the type to be interested in complex brain chemistry.——It all seemed a bit odd to me, but works fine to “resolve” and correct a portion of the current plot and bring it down to more manageable levels.
I think what we have here is a case of Jeanie thinking, “There’s a real problem. What’s the first dumb idea that comes into my head? Okay, THAT’S what I’ll do.”
Hm. That sounds like Standard Operating Procedure for Jeannie.
This is another case of Jeanie thinking, “There a serious problem out there.” And then acting immediately on the first dumb idea she comes up with, without ANY regards for the consequences.
Jean doesn’t get it. She’s been describing LUST this whole time. Love is an entirely different barrel of fish.
Pretty sure she does get it. That’s why she laughed in Natalie’s face when she said she was going to stay a woman because she was in love with Rodge. Because she knew that was a load of crap.
Now that I think about it, does that panel with Natalie spouting gibberish remind anyone else of Homer Simpson celebrating another boneheaded stunt with “no brain damage-amage-amage-amage-amage”?
Actually it’s clearly based on Fred Flintstone’s catchphrase yabba dabba doo. How is that not obvious.
“Who’s Neil!”
Did Jean turn Natalie back into Neil? She calls him “Neil” in the last panel. But we can’t see Neil.
I wonder if Jean can turn Natalie back into Neil now.
So, let me get this straight. In the middle of the night, Jean changes Neil into Natalie in the middle of the night, mumbling some words that, until now, we assumed she was not capable of doing and in a language we had no idea she knew. Viewers speculated theories behind Jean’s choice for prolonging Neil’s stay Natalie including; Jean was put under mind control, her look-alike did it, or something involving this dangerous Geanie. Now we find out Jean transformed Neil into Natalie:
1) While he was sleeping,
2) Knew how to cast a spell/wish to add hormones to his brain with her only expertise being from the internet
3) Forced him to stay as Natalie for an extended period of time, possibly risking his job, his safety (since Natalie has no actual records), and future
4) With the risk of him falling in love in her new, lustful state, sleeping with Rodge, and possibly getting pregnant (Which would probably force him to stay as Natalie for at least nine months as there is no way the Genie committee will not step in since she was magically changed into a woman)
5) Didn’t immediately think about what she did while in the harem (I assumed her lack of concern was because she did not know she changed Neil in the first place)
Please, can someone help me comprehend this?