Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
Wouldn’t Zoey still be up on the ISS? They normally remain aboard for about 6 months and the last time we saw her she was just being chosen for the crew and training was about to begin.
Well, assuming that her memories were taken from just before she had granted the wish that ran afoul of Haji’s command (she changed the NASA budget to allow for the Enterprise space shuttle orbiter to be retrofitted for orbital missions), then her most recent fashion cues are from the late 1970s, so about 45 years ago. She is definitely aware that human fashion trends change every few years, and thus changed her outfit to match what she saw the space center visitors wearing.
I’ve always thought that at times more is hotter than less. But, in Florida the first outfit as nice as it was would get hot quick in a totally different way.
Wearing more than two layers in weather as hot and humid as a Florida summer is a recipe for being visibly soaked with sweat at best and heatstroke at worst.
Actually those Shuttle design changes were finalized closer to 1970. Remember that right after the Saturn V was proved successful and we landed on the Moon, NASA culture changed to a very slow, careful process on everything. That is why we haven’t been beyond Low Earth Orbit since.
The Shuttle design was finalized in 1974 or so, but the idea to retrofit Enterprise was kept on the back burner almost until Columbia launched, because it would have been cheaper than building an additional orbiter from scratch, until it was realized that the prototype orbiter was too heavy (being structurally overbuilt) to carry a decent payload to the proposed space station’s orbit.
My mistake. I didn’t realize you were talking about the Enterprise specifically. I didn’t know plans were ever considered to make the Enterprise orbit capable.
I suppose for genies life is just a series of weird left-field fashion choices that seem to come out the blue every century or so. You gotta learn to roll with the locals.
I have to protest. Their speech patterns and stylistic preferences stand in contradiction to their expressed personalities. An apartment that looks like it belongs to your granny, looks that way because it was decorated to match the tastes of a person who’s tastes matured with that style. Therefore, Rouyaa’s place would feel modern and contemporary to her past self. Neil might say ‘has totally changed’ but Andy is more likely to say ‘has completely changed’ as the latter sounds more dated to a modern ear.
Side note! How did they get here (or there), when did they get here? We didn’t see a ‘Poof’ symbol. Neil/Andy thought he’d heard something and Jeanie/Rouyaa is too impatient for some action that she has to kidnap him potentially breaking his wish to find out what happened to them in the process while Rouyaa is still trapped in her bottle.
Fun pleasant enjoyable story, a little less conversation that might be period appropriate, right?
Gotta dress for the date. Also love both outfits.
i like the bikini in the masthead
Panel 3: they tore down the Admin building…
…in my defense, i was distracted by the sexy.
Could Rouyaa be experiencing something Jeannie had been working so hard to suppress ?
And Jeannie overwhelmed by Rouyaa’s love and commitment to Andy.
Love the Bikini Jean banner. But Andy and Rouyaa should be careful, or the next time Neil goes to work they will be asking about his new girlfriend.
Considering how much time they spend together even in public, most people should have already assumed.
what’s the bet that they’re gonna run into Neil’s high school crush while they’re there
Zoey? Hah, that’d be amusing!
Wouldn’t Zoey still be up on the ISS? They normally remain aboard for about 6 months and the last time we saw her she was just being chosen for the crew and training was about to begin.
If training was beginning, then it would be several months before the mission itself.
That depends on how long it’s been since the end of Timey Wimey and now in the CD-verse. They were introduced as the next crew.
Judging from the dirndl she’s wearing in panels 1 & 2, the last movie Andy took Rouyaa to must have been The Sound of Music.
Well, assuming that her memories were taken from just before she had granted the wish that ran afoul of Haji’s command (she changed the NASA budget to allow for the Enterprise space shuttle orbiter to be retrofitted for orbital missions), then her most recent fashion cues are from the late 1970s, so about 45 years ago. She is definitely aware that human fashion trends change every few years, and thus changed her outfit to match what she saw the space center visitors wearing.
I was just amused by her first choice, that seemed more appropriate for the Amish country, than NASA.
I’ve always thought that at times more is hotter than less. But, in Florida the first outfit as nice as it was would get hot quick in a totally different way.
Wearing more than two layers in weather as hot and humid as a Florida summer is a recipe for being visibly soaked with sweat at best and heatstroke at worst.
Actually those Shuttle design changes were finalized closer to 1970. Remember that right after the Saturn V was proved successful and we landed on the Moon, NASA culture changed to a very slow, careful process on everything. That is why we haven’t been beyond Low Earth Orbit since.
The Shuttle design was finalized in 1974 or so, but the idea to retrofit Enterprise was kept on the back burner almost until Columbia launched, because it would have been cheaper than building an additional orbiter from scratch, until it was realized that the prototype orbiter was too heavy (being structurally overbuilt) to carry a decent payload to the proposed space station’s orbit.
My mistake. I didn’t realize you were talking about the Enterprise specifically. I didn’t know plans were ever considered to make the Enterprise orbit capable.
KISS HER you idjit!!!
It is interesting to note that Rouyaa also forgets to poof away the fez when she changes clothes
It’s about time Rouyaa got a thumbnail, don’t you think?
Where can I give a thumbs-up to the Rouyaa thumbnail idea?
I’m fairly sure she got at least one during her primary story. But I could be misremembering.
Given their current positions, I bet Andy is not really looking at Rouyaa. Instead, a big digital screen must have caught his eye.
I was thinking a modern car. Andy doesn’t seem like a tech-type to nerd out over a big screen.
I suppose for genies life is just a series of weird left-field fashion choices that seem to come out the blue every century or so. You gotta learn to roll with the locals.
Come to think of it, that’s about the length of time since I last visited the Kennedy Space Center.
I like that sly, ‘come hither’ look she’s giving him in panel 4.
In panel 2, Jeanie-Rouyaa looked around and copies the outfit of the girl on the sidewalk.
Yup, seems that way!
Gotta bait the hook, after all…
Panel 4-Andy finally realizes,”Rouyaa, you’r a girl!!!”
The Daisy Duke look is cheating!
She can cheat on/with me anytime.
I have to protest. Their speech patterns and stylistic preferences stand in contradiction to their expressed personalities. An apartment that looks like it belongs to your granny, looks that way because it was decorated to match the tastes of a person who’s tastes matured with that style. Therefore, Rouyaa’s place would feel modern and contemporary to her past self. Neil might say ‘has totally changed’ but Andy is more likely to say ‘has completely changed’ as the latter sounds more dated to a modern ear.
Side note! How did they get here (or there), when did they get here? We didn’t see a ‘Poof’ symbol. Neil/Andy thought he’d heard something and Jeanie/Rouyaa is too impatient for some action that she has to kidnap him potentially breaking his wish to find out what happened to them in the process while Rouyaa is still trapped in her bottle.
Fun pleasant enjoyable story, a little less conversation that might be period appropriate, right?
The poof is in panel 1 and surrounds both of them, indicating teleportation I suppose, otherwise I agree with your assessment.
You’re right, I missed that. It even has the “POOF!” symbol. My most humble apologies.
Both outfits are nice.
So Real Rouyaa remains damp and bottled under a table. Hope someone finds her soon.
Also, love that she saw modern summer wear and decided to give Andy a taste lol
why do i get feeling even that last outfit hasn’t gotten his attention and he whoa something else
You’re right.
It’s not the outfit, it’s the cleavage.
Given the downwards direction his eyes are pointed, I’d say it would have to be an entirely different set of cleavage.
Woa indeed.
I don’t think that would have been TOO unknown in the 40’s or 50’s. Just not common.
Like I know what I’m talking about.