Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
I wonder, if Niel, er, natalie, will remember his old crush, notice her crush on him, and pull a partner switch matchmaking effort? If it causes some Back To The Future revisions, like with Marty’s parents, that’d be awesome.
Zoey’s dress is not a prom gown. I guess she didn’t have time to plan and shop since Danny asked her at the last minute while she was waiting for Neil to wise up.
Jean is hearing Jeanie say “I can’t believe I was ever into her”
So either he is thinking that he has no chance with Jeanie, or he is thinking 3-way.
When he acts upon that thought I wonder which one will cause the most chaos 🙂
He could think that Jeanie a switch hitter. That she is both lesbian and straight with guy on girl too and I suppose on some level she is both, because, she has been both a guy and a girl too.
Actually, I see Zoey being interested in Neil and Neil alone. She only went out with Danny to get Neil jealous and to get him off dead center and to get Neil to make move on her. High School Girls do things like that. But, It didn’t turn out the way that Zoey planed for it to turn out and now Danny getting too close to her.
The reason that I say that is, Zoey light up like a fire fly every time she around Neil.
We will find out when Natalie and Jeanie go back to the future and if Zoey is there when they get to there time. It would also mean that there were some minor changes in the past during the school prom that allowed for Zoey to be in Neil future.
Then comes the problem of how Zoey going to fit into Neil future. I have several question that I would like answered and they are:
1. What happened to Neil friend Jean and who is Jeanie?
2. If Jeanie turn Neil into Natalie when they get back to the future, then who is Natalie?
3. Do we let Zoey know who Jeanie is and that she is a real live Genie or do we keep her in the dark and never finding who Jeanie is?
4. It been about a year now that Jean has been turned into Jeanie and Jeanie is acting like a real female now, will she get jealous of Zoey when they get back where they belong?
5. Slightly modified time line and/or memories of what happened during the school prom.
@Larry: If Zoey becomes part of Neil’s life then she will either know about Jean’s transformation or she won’t. If she knows then everything that has happened in this web comic might be known to her, just like Rodge knows much of what happened. If she doesn’t then obviously Neil has been hiding the fact that he has a genie. Will Jeanie be jealous? Probably, but the Master/Genie relationship should prevent any overt acts of aggression.
More importantly (and definitely of more interest) will be Neil returning to the “present” and discovering that he has a girlfriend (Zoey) he didn’t have yesterday. One that might even be living with him (sans the male house mates in that small rented house of his… does the green door mean anything?) and knows all about Jean, Jeanie and Natalie.
@mike: I was just mentioning some of the possibilities of an alternate future. Somebody mentioned Marty parent were different and so was his brother and sister they were also different. But, it was a future that Marty didn’t remember, because, it didn’t happen in his time line.
Which remind me, in our Neil time line, there wasn’t any Zoey in it and now he going back to a future that has Zoey in it. Whoops.
Natalie, you vamp Danny and set your younger self up with Zoe. There is an old saying “Hxxx has no fury like a woman scorned” and Jeannie has been scorned. Oh it is coming.
If Zoey expression is any indicator, she doesn’t like Danny hands on her.
Now all the main player have arrived at the School Prom and we can now have our:
1. The cat fight between Rita and Jeanie.
2. The ultimate fight over who get Zeoy at the end of the Prom, I see a fight there too. Especially since Danny will also be trying to do something with Zeoy that she doesn’t like and it will be Neil that come to rescue and to be her knight in shinning armor.
I wonder, if Niel, er, natalie, will remember his old crush, notice her crush on him, and pull a partner switch matchmaking effort? If it causes some Back To The Future revisions, like with Marty’s parents, that’d be awesome.
Neil has always been clueless, but Natalie seems to have a bit more going for her in the intuition department and has exercised more control over Jeanie than Neil ever did. It’s quite possible that that is an unconscious aspect of the transformation process on Jeanie’s part, not only transforming Neil physically but also boosting Natalie’s hormone makeup to increase self esteem and confidence. Jeanie might be unconsciously creating the Master/Mistress that her core being desires.
Or maybe women are just wired differently and this is a result.
What Danny Dorkley is using jargon only a chess geek might follow. The Lucida maneuver is a technique for a player with a rook and only one pawn against a player with only a rook to promte that pawn safely and certainly win the game. By saying he has “the queen” (Zoey) he’s won
I had to look up the Lucena Maneuver and obviously Danny thinks he’s won some sort of prize. One problem, Danny Boy… the Queen has a mind and feelings of her own and you do not control her.
unlike Mike, I probably won’t try to look up this “Lucena Maneuver”, but what is the point? Rook vs King or Queen vs King are both resignation positions. As long as you don’t lose BOTH your rook and pawn killing the opponents rook, you win.
CD can this chapter not be a ‘Back To The Future’ meets ‘I’m My Own Grandfather’!
And at least pay off Neil and Zoey? Hell it’s not even that hard. Natalie switches places with Zoey. Explains that Jean (er… Jeannie) forced her to go out with Neil. Neil gets with Zoey. Back to the future, “Hey Neil whatever between you and Zoey?” Neil: “College.”
I’m kinda tired of Jean’s vanity being the center of almost every event/story. It’s becoming a bit trope-ish and predictable at this stage of the story.
If you wear a fez, people may think that your a foreigner and not an American. But, I know of two places where a fez is warn by Americans and they are during the American civil war some units did wear fez and the Shriner also wear fez also.
Maybe it’s just that a bright red hat doesn’t go well with a pastel blue dress. Jeanie’s changes the color of the fez before, why didn’t it occur to her to change it to match her dress?
She worn the red Fez for so long, that she probably doesn’t even think about it being up there more. I once had a friend who use to like to wear his glasses on his forehead so he would not lose them and then he would forget that there up there and start looking for his glasses. I would look at him kind of funny and then look at his forehead where his glasses are and he would remember where there at and then he would say, OK, yell, now remember!
Danny is talking in chess terms, but, he doesn’t know that Neil has already been queened too. Neil is his own queen and he may just surprise Danny with something that he wasn’t expecting. Neil also has a Genie tow too.
I just noticed something… Natalie’s expression is panel 2 is the same as Teen-Neil’s expression in panel 4. Which makes sense since technically they are the same person.
Save the life of a turkey by eating a piece of cow? That doesn’t make sense.
Presidents used to just order the release of the Thanksgiving turkey. Then a turkey ran up to President Reagan, burped, and said, “Pardon me.” Reagan did, and it’s been the custom ever since. Seriously, President Reagan was the first to actually issue a pardon to the two Thanksgiving turkeys.
My wife didn’t have to spend all morning cooking and then all afternoon cleaning up. Throw the cow on the grill and bake a potato. Pumkin pie from the store.
Danny Neil rival from high school time to win Zoey with your future Natalie self.
I wonder, if Niel, er, natalie, will remember his old crush, notice her crush on him, and pull a partner switch matchmaking effort? If it causes some Back To The Future revisions, like with Marty’s parents, that’d be awesome.
Man, but I feel like even I’d’ve bullied Danny back in high school.
Zoey’s dress is not a prom gown. I guess she didn’t have time to plan and shop since Danny asked her at the last minute while she was waiting for Neil to wise up.
I think it suits her.
Well, the cap sleeves are a different color, so although it’s not a floor-length gown, it is likely a prom dress.
Or it could be a shrug over a regular dress. Hard to say. 🙂
It’s possible Zoey doesn’t understand what a prom gown is just like I don’t.
Or maybe she just couldn’t afford to put down a couple hundred bucks on a new dress and just pulled out the best stuff from her closet.
Zoey is wearing one of the most versatile dresses that a woman can own – an LBD (Little Black Dress!).
Jean is hearing Jeanie say “I can’t believe I was ever into her”
So either he is thinking that he has no chance with Jeanie, or he is thinking 3-way.
When he acts upon that thought I wonder which one will cause the most chaos 🙂
Definitely three way, or he just re-edits his memory so that he ignores that he ever heard it. Jean has really good selective memory.
He could think that Jeanie a switch hitter. That she is both lesbian and straight with guy on girl too and I suppose on some level she is both, because, she has been both a guy and a girl too.
Neil/Natalie’s thinking: “that dork with Zoey, was 1 of my friends? sheesh, no wonder Jean hung out with me all the time.”
Anyone else think Zoey looks a little uncomfortable in panel 4?
I see it. Danny’s getting a little too close for comfort there.
Actually, I see Zoey being interested in Neil and Neil alone. She only went out with Danny to get Neil jealous and to get him off dead center and to get Neil to make move on her. High School Girls do things like that. But, It didn’t turn out the way that Zoey planed for it to turn out and now Danny getting too close to her.
The reason that I say that is, Zoey light up like a fire fly every time she around Neil.
@Larry: “Zoey light up like a fire fly every time she around Neil.” I see that too, which is why I said Zoey is destined to become a key character.
We will find out when Natalie and Jeanie go back to the future and if Zoey is there when they get to there time. It would also mean that there were some minor changes in the past during the school prom that allowed for Zoey to be in Neil future.
Then comes the problem of how Zoey going to fit into Neil future. I have several question that I would like answered and they are:
1. What happened to Neil friend Jean and who is Jeanie?
2. If Jeanie turn Neil into Natalie when they get back to the future, then who is Natalie?
3. Do we let Zoey know who Jeanie is and that she is a real live Genie or do we keep her in the dark and never finding who Jeanie is?
4. It been about a year now that Jean has been turned into Jeanie and Jeanie is acting like a real female now, will she get jealous of Zoey when they get back where they belong?
5. Slightly modified time line and/or memories of what happened during the school prom.
@Larry: If Zoey becomes part of Neil’s life then she will either know about Jean’s transformation or she won’t. If she knows then everything that has happened in this web comic might be known to her, just like Rodge knows much of what happened. If she doesn’t then obviously Neil has been hiding the fact that he has a genie. Will Jeanie be jealous? Probably, but the Master/Genie relationship should prevent any overt acts of aggression.
More importantly (and definitely of more interest) will be Neil returning to the “present” and discovering that he has a girlfriend (Zoey) he didn’t have yesterday. One that might even be living with him (sans the male house mates in that small rented house of his… does the green door mean anything?) and knows all about Jean, Jeanie and Natalie.
@mike: I was just mentioning some of the possibilities of an alternate future. Somebody mentioned Marty parent were different and so was his brother and sister they were also different. But, it was a future that Marty didn’t remember, because, it didn’t happen in his time line.
Which remind me, in our Neil time line, there wasn’t any Zoey in it and now he going back to a future that has Zoey in it. Whoops.
The is no guarantee that Zoey will be in his future, we’re just speculating here.
I think Zoey went with Danny because Danny asked her. High school girls do things like that too.
Why is there a Zoey tag but not a Rita tag? Hmmmm.
Because Zoey is destined to become a key character, maybe?
Spoiler: It’s because Zoey doesn’t get turned into a dog at the end of this story arc.
Anybody else notice that Rita shares some physical traits with RODGE? Their hair is almost exactly the same.
@TomRay: No, they are different shades of red and hers is spikey.
I think that your reading too much into it TomRay.
Natalie, you vamp Danny and set your younger self up with Zoe. There is an old saying “Hxxx has no fury like a woman scorned” and Jeannie has been scorned. Oh it is coming.
Once you take your hands off the piece, you can’t change your move. And Danny’s got his hand on Zoe.
If Zoey expression is any indicator, she doesn’t like Danny hands on her.
Now all the main player have arrived at the School Prom and we can now have our:
1. The cat fight between Rita and Jeanie.
2. The ultimate fight over who get Zeoy at the end of the Prom, I see a fight there too. Especially since Danny will also be trying to do something with Zeoy that she doesn’t like and it will be Neil that come to rescue and to be her knight in shinning armor.
Honestly all this arc is missing is young Rodge pining over Natalie
I wonder, if Niel, er, natalie, will remember his old crush, notice her crush on him, and pull a partner switch matchmaking effort? If it causes some Back To The Future revisions, like with Marty’s parents, that’d be awesome.
Neil has always been clueless, but Natalie seems to have a bit more going for her in the intuition department and has exercised more control over Jeanie than Neil ever did. It’s quite possible that that is an unconscious aspect of the transformation process on Jeanie’s part, not only transforming Neil physically but also boosting Natalie’s hormone makeup to increase self esteem and confidence. Jeanie might be unconsciously creating the Master/Mistress that her core being desires.
Or maybe women are just wired differently and this is a result.
It’s also possible that seeing it from different angle makes it clearer for him.
That plus Natalie has about seven years of maturity over teen-Neil.
What Danny Dorkley is using jargon only a chess geek might follow. The Lucida maneuver is a technique for a player with a rook and only one pawn against a player with only a rook to promte that pawn safely and certainly win the game. By saying he has “the queen” (Zoey) he’s won
I had to look up the Lucena Maneuver and obviously Danny thinks he’s won some sort of prize. One problem, Danny Boy… the Queen has a mind and feelings of her own and you do not control her.
unlike Mike, I probably won’t try to look up this “Lucena Maneuver”, but what is the point? Rook vs King or Queen vs King are both resignation positions. As long as you don’t lose BOTH your rook and pawn killing the opponents rook, you win.
CD can this chapter not be a ‘Back To The Future’ meets ‘I’m My Own Grandfather’!
And at least pay off Neil and Zoey? Hell it’s not even that hard. Natalie switches places with Zoey. Explains that Jean (er… Jeannie) forced her to go out with Neil. Neil gets with Zoey. Back to the future, “Hey Neil whatever between you and Zoey?” Neil: “College.”
I’m kinda tired of Jean’s vanity being the center of almost every event/story. It’s becoming a bit trope-ish and predictable at this stage of the story.
Why does Neil mention the fez? Is it because makes people like Rita assume Jeanie is not an American, or because it clashes with the dress?
If you wear a fez, people may think that your a foreigner and not an American. But, I know of two places where a fez is warn by Americans and they are during the American civil war some units did wear fez and the Shriner also wear fez also.
Neil mentions it because a fez is an unusual piece of headgear in America.
Tell ’em she just came from an Archie McPhee Fez-and-Pez party!
Maybe it’s just that a bright red hat doesn’t go well with a pastel blue dress. Jeanie’s changes the color of the fez before, why didn’t it occur to her to change it to match her dress?
She worn the red Fez for so long, that she probably doesn’t even think about it being up there more. I once had a friend who use to like to wear his glasses on his forehead so he would not lose them and then he would forget that there up there and start looking for his glasses. I would look at him kind of funny and then look at his forehead where his glasses are and he would remember where there at and then he would say, OK, yell, now remember!
He doesn’t know this is a game of 4d chess. Queening has taken place and Neil is but the pawn.
Danny is talking in chess terms, but, he doesn’t know that Neil has already been queened too. Neil is his own queen and he may just surprise Danny with something that he wasn’t expecting. Neil also has a Genie tow too.
I just noticed something… Natalie’s expression is panel 2 is the same as Teen-Neil’s expression in panel 4. Which makes sense since technically they are the same person.
They also have the same expression in panel 1 where Jeanie having a tantrum fit about Rita and ever liking her.
Yes… can’t wait to see what happens next.
Very nice banner. Save the life of a turkey-eat t-bone for thanksgiving
Save the life of a turkey by eating a piece of cow? That doesn’t make sense.
Presidents used to just order the release of the Thanksgiving turkey. Then a turkey ran up to President Reagan, burped, and said, “Pardon me.” Reagan did, and it’s been the custom ever since. Seriously, President Reagan was the first to actually issue a pardon to the two Thanksgiving turkeys.
My wife didn’t have to spend all morning cooking and then all afternoon cleaning up. Throw the cow on the grill and bake a potato. Pumkin pie from the store.
And doesn’t she just look thrilled about it.