Archive for zoey
Aaaand of course. Jeanie hasn’t change a bit. NOTE: Due to the missed page last week, CD is going to try to get another page done for Thursday.
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And that’s it for I Dream of a Big Ball of Wibbly Wobbly, Timey Wimey… Stuff! The main Jeanie Bottle story will be going on hiatus until some time in August, when CD returns from his deployment. However, there will[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The Fan Takeover BEGINS!
And so begins the Jeanie Bottle Hiatus Fan Takoever! For the next ~4 months, we’ll be posting Jeanie Bottle fanart, fanfiction, and even tangentially JB-related comics, all of which have been contributed by YOU, the fans! Come back every Tuesday[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Fan Takeover: I Dream of Natalie – Part 2
I Dream of Natalie got lots of positive feedback last week, and we are happy to now bring you I Dream Of Natalie – Part 2! You can also click the comic image itself to be brought to the story.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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The triumphantly awkward return of Zoey! Looks like her post to the International Space Station is going… well.