Jeanie Bottle 483
Oh, so THAT’S what’s been going on…
I’m gonna level with you guys. CD told me this plot point back at the start of I Dream of an Escape, so I’ve known all along. Seeing all you guys speculate about what was happening, without being able to chime in and say, “Well, actually…” was really hard. And amusingly, at least one commenter perfectly guessed this scenario a few weeks ago.
EDIT: Holy crap, we just got a massive new fanart donation from C_Prime, and it’s exclusively pics of Natalie! Check out the Fan Art page for new pics of Natalie in every outfit she’s worn in the comic so far.
It’s all his own work, though he wanted to acknowledge that he based his lingerie pic on Th3go’s previous fanart of Natalie.
So the Blue Djinn was possessing her all along. That definitely explains a lot.
Now the real question that needs an answer…when did he first start possessing Jean?
A lot of details are still vague, but at the beginning of the arc Jean was having a conversation with someone on her bottle, so I assume it was the blue Djinn who find her when she send those guys in the beach back in time, just as Arceli feared.
There are hints revealed on this page, and some earlier ones, that give you a good idea of when Blue got to Jeanie. I don’t want to give them away, though. 🙂
Totally called it!
To be fair, considering Jean’s track record with other genies (ESPECIALLY bat poop and his b-word niece) she would have definitely willingly joined forces with big blue.
this is so wrong. If Jean is going to be evil then her hair needs to turn black!! doesn’t tradition mean anything anymore? 🙂
Yay!, I was 60% or at least 50% right! I will be honest, the whole Natalie sub plot really make second guess all may theories and still don´t know what was that all about, but hey, at least I was really close to get it all right the first time even if I over complicate some things… Now I have no idea where the plot is going, but it looks interesting and as long as there is more Natalie along the ride I am fine with it.
Was I close with my “Wild Theory” post on comic 477? I see that I was right about the blue eye color thing and the part about Jeanie taking two of the Hubun-Jadid. Everything else I said is still conjecture at this point.
I believe that the comment I was thinking of is this one:
Though now that I look back at it again, it’s not 100% accurate. But I think it may be the closest to the truth of any of the comments I recall reading.
Though if you combine your own “Wild Theory” with the comment I linked, you get even more details right. Though I can’t comment on *which* details those are. 🙂
OK thanks.
Humm,, I think I nailed it, last set of comments.
I made this statement for last weeks strip
April 10, 2018, 5:04 am | # |
Just a thought, could all this all be to draw out Guano? We know that Guano had something to do with the Blue Jinn being trapped .
Could Jennie”s overt misbehavior toword her master be used to lure him out from Hajie’s protection?”
My guess is that the Blue Djinn plans on using the hubun jadid to make a new body for himself. But isn’t it supposed to take two genies to do its thing?
It makes story sense for the Blue Djinn to choose Jean as his flunky. Jean has plenty of good reasons to hate Guano, and I’m one of the people who’s always thought that the Blue Djinn has a point in resisting the system of genies being obligated to serve and obey human masters. Clearly he got Jean on his side earlier by telling her what she wanted to hear.
Big Bad Blue rebelled by whacking other genies, though, rather than peaceful discussion or simply seceding from Haji’s team.
And if he’s like the blue djinn in “I dream of Jeannie”, he’s a threat to humanity as well — even humans who have done him no harm.
Dare I speculate that my comment/observation way back in the comments in page 478 was one of the ‘at least one’? I think the only thing i missed was the ‘more powerful magic’ motive/reveal here.
Your comment isn’t the one I was referring to (see my above comment for which that was), but it’s quite accurate. And I don’t recall anyone else mentioning the fact that two Hubun Jadids were clearly missing after Jeanie’s trip to the Vault, so that’s a detail that not many people seemed to have noticed.
Robert: Several people noted that there were empty spaces… but there was no certain way to tell if they hadn’t already been empty before. And when the vault was broken into, things could have been taken then. (Possibly as well.)
You’d have to go back and read my breakdown of the scene with regards to the missing Hubun Jadids. I think the breakdown is more of what he was commenting on regarding anyone else mentioning.
OK, it seems that the Blue Djinn is more or less in control of Jeannie – at least part of the time. Apparently Jean’s personality occasionally peeks through. So he’s sort of a psychic parasite of some sort.
I still don’t understand the motivation behind Nat-ifying Neil while Jean was gone. That didn’t seem to further the B-D’s plot in any way.
And Jean’s comment in Panel 1 seems odd – “too close”? Rodge has seen Jean before, and Neil was no threat to either of these two personalities. So in what way could it have been a close call?
Much remains to be revealed.
To close of letting Neil go to far?
I guess that the powerfull magic he promise Jean here star with the plot hole of altering brain chemistry is not the same as messing with free will, Jean may have done the text in Neil without knowing she will go away so soon, so she may have think she would be there to see the results and thinking that Neil would be atracted to her, change him into Natalie because and I quote “he is as appealing as a trout”
A little late to correct this, but I mean to say loophole instead of plot hole there.
I am kinda curious about the “too close” comment, too. Maybe she’s glad that she got away from Natalie before he commanded her to turn him back into Neil? For some reason?
Even I don’t know what the deal is with Jean turning Neil into a heterosexual version of Natalie. I had assumed this whole time that it was a Blue Djinn plot to keep Neil distracted, but apparently it wasn’t.
@C_Prime That’s a really good theory about Jean’s “too close” line, actually. She was clearly intending to screw with Neil’s head, but her line in panel 2 makes me think she didn’t intend for it to last as long as it did, since she got pulled away involuntarily. It may be that Natalie and Rodge got “too close” to actually having sex for Jeanie’s liking.
And that brings up an interesting question about Jeanie. Why would she not want Natalie and Rodge to have sex? Latent feelings for Neil, maybe?? 🙂 She did try pretty hard to get him into the sack a few storylines ago. Even taking into account that she was delirious from sleep deprivation, she clearly wasn’t shy about the concept itself.
There has been plenty of hints of Jeanie having new feelings for Neil ever since he became her master (I still not ship it thought), but just for this time I am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt and say that even now messing to that level with Neil’s live is to mush even for her.
Oh, I definitely agree that her latest stunt with the brain chemistry was seriously out of line.
Not that I didn’t find it entertaining. 🙂
It would appear to me that the brain chemistry thing was Jean being Jean and screwing around with his friend for his own amusement, or to see how far his magic could go. He did not intend to leave Natalie in that altered brain state, but got pulled to Haji’s palace unexpectedly. The Blue Djinn showed him how to do the brain chemistry trick, and clearly doesn’t care about Neil/Natalie.
I kind of said this before in one of my comments. Jean is a dick sometimes but he didn’t really want to leave his friend in the predicament that Jean himself had put him in. I’m using male pronouns here because this is the old male Jean’s traits coming out here.
Why have Natalie fall in love with Neil? Perhaps a Hubun Jadid can also be used with two humans who love each other to produce a host for the Blue Djinn.
The motive for Jean wanting more powerful magic is likely that Jean believes it would allow her to be a guy again. Transforming Neil into a heterosexual Natalie makes sense if the djinn plans to take the body of the child Natalie conceives, he as Jean or Jean plans to impregnate Natalie, and that it has to be a genie’s master who has sex with the genie. Otherwise, I see no need to transform Neil in furtherance of the scheme. If so, the “too close” comment may indicate that Natalie is fertile now and as a result of magic is guaranteed to get pregnant the first time she has sex. Jean being called to the harem thus nearly ended the plan by giving Natalie the chance to hook up with Rodger. Still, that is quite a set of hoops to jump through in order to make sense of the situation, so I hope I am wrong.
Hey pretty good observation, more astute than me it seems
Aaaaannnnddddd question answered.
Of course Jean signed up to join the Dark Side. =_=
Well, the Blue Side in this case; Haji & Co are not my idea of “good”.
But seriously, Jean’s personality makes her prime material for seduction and employment as a henchgirl. Maybe more of a minion. … Call her a goon.
A “Shiveish goon“, perhaps? 🙂
Nonsense – “shive” is clearly the imperfect past tense of “to shiv”, which as everyone knows, is something that goons do to anyone that crosses them. So “shiveish goon” is a redundant phrase, like “dishonest lawyer” or “worthless politician”, or “crazy cartoonist”…
Robert, you do realize that Dan is going to have to come all the way over here from EGS just to hurt you for that. Although, considering Dan and CD’s fondness for genderbending, girlification is a distinct possibility.
I’m gonna say no.
The goon in EGS was smart enough to do his job and not make trouble. Jean… is not.
Now go stand in the corner, ’cause that was awful. :p
You realize that the goon in EGS was only ever there for all of ONE panel in ONE comic and all he did was grunt! That’s not the most intelligent job in existence.
And yet, his sole performance is fondly remembered, whereas Jean continues to accrue negative reviews.:p
Jeanie, stop listening to the voices in your head.
looks like the wrong Jean got arrested and wrong one return to Rog.
I thought Jean was still a Reviewer you’d think She’d be more Savvy about acquiring power from a mysterious voice, since that’s the plot of numerous books and movies
Probably why s/he fell for it. A decent number of those stories involve people that think they know how it works, so they surely won’t fall for any such nonsense. We also haven’t had too much interaction with the Blue Djinn, so we don’t know if he’s the Dr. Facilier-type of charming, misdirection-prone Infernal Dealmaker or not. Though the way Jean’s talking, he probably is, in the “sold her a load that was technically true but not at all what she wanted” way.
Still, Jean should’ve counted her fingers after shaking his hand.
Or as I believe the great and powerful Aahz (don’t mispronounce it!) said to his apprentice “If you think you’ve gotten a good deal from a Deveel, count your fingers, then your toes, then the number of your relatives.”
@Tom: Always loved those books.
You know, those guards didn’t search Jeanie to well if she was hiding the Hubun-Jadid there. I guess when the guards that searched Jehane found the Hubun-Jadid they didn’t finish their job and search Jeanie as well.
Yeah, that was the impression that I got. Once they found the HJ that had been planted in Jehane’s hat, they stopped searching. Because they’re idiots.
Well, you’ve got to figure that when you’re an all-powerful cosmic being, excess brainpower might not be considered to be all that essential.
Well they are enforcers and selected for brute power and following orders and not initiative or reasoning power because those two are dangerous – reference a Roman Caesar or two who fell afoul of their personal guard.
especially since that’s the first place they would have searched…unless they are umm…. traditional harem guards.
Boy they really didn’t search her very well.
So Jeennee is innocent that totally sucks…hopefully they will remedy that situation.
So she is being possessed….doesn’t make a whole lot of sense really….. all these high ranking Genies around they can’t figure out or see that one of their own is being manipulated by a very powerful force….some Genies they are.
I sincerely doubt that Jeenee will be reinstated since their word is law and they never make mistakes.
And that goes hand in hand with being arrogant short sighted bullies.
Perhaps, but I still would like to see it…maybe she will move close to Jean and cause her mischief in like in the show with Jeanies sister.
Ok I went back a few panels and now I see each time she was controlled by Blue.
Basically her eyes change to blue in color.
Correct! I find it so interesting that many commenters dismissed that outright as having any sort of relevance. It’s been the intent from the very beginning of this storyline that Jean’s eye color was an important clue as to what was happening.
Robert, the reason that I didn’t think that the eye-color detail was crucial was because Jeannie’s eyes have been switching back and forth from blue to black literally from the very beginning of the comic. So if they are only blue when under the Blue Djinn’s control, then that means he’s been controlling her straight from Day One, ever since she opened the bottle and got genie-fied. And it seemed unlikely that CD had been plotting this, that far back.
I’m still questioning the exact interpretation of this. Maybe CD can clear this up.
> Jeannie’s eyes have been switching back and forth from blue to black
Actually, they haven’t. What you seem to think has been color switching has actually just been CD choosing not to display anyone’s fully detailed eyes in the vast majority of panels. 99% of the time or so, he draws his characters’ irises as a featureless black dot. The significant thing to notice in the relevant pages from this chapter is that that black dot had become a blue dot, as opposed to a detailed blue iris.
As to the reason they were only shown as blue dots in certain circumstances, it was to show when the Blue Djinn’s actively controlling her. That’s why she starting actually saying BD’s lines in the last two panels on this page, as opposed to just hearing them in her head.
Robert, the significance of the eye color was muted by Jean having been shown to have blue eyes from the very beginning of the comic. While it is true that the blue in the djinn possession images is a bit darker than in the older strips, it was not enough of a difference to be a clear indication, especially when the comic is viewed on a phone. We didn’t attach significance to Jean gaining fingers, after all; it just seemed like an artistic choice.
Robert, I understand what you’re saying, and I completely agree with your point about the blue/black distinctions in this chapter.
However, her eyes were sometimes shown as blue dots (not black, not circular irises) as far back as comic #9. So there is a history of that.
And unless it’s later established that the BD was in command that far back, then there wasn’t any consistency about eye color until this chapter started. Prior to that, sometimes they were blue dots, sometimes blue circles, and most of the time, black dots.
Outside of story, I think what actually happened is that CD was just inconsistent up until this chapter, when he suddenly decided to start making the eye color meaningful and relevant to the plot.
Well, given their behavior—and stupidity—it seems an admirable goal.
If the final part of Blue Genie’s plan is sacrificing himself I would approve that. I’m pretty sure that he’s even worse than Haji, which is quite a challenge. And who should stay as the leader? Well, Hari’s first wife.
Well he does have a grand plan but I don’t see any mention of taking over.
Besides running things requires either lots of time and effort or a large number of assistants to take care of the more mundane things.
The thing is he was trapped and sealed and not stripped of his powers and/or killed like any of the rule breakers mentioned earlier on. Haji and crew being the arrogant totalitarian types I doubt it was mercy and more along the lines of being just that powerful and not bowing to the Lords.
We will see just what the cause of all this eventually I hope.
Jean seem to have blue eyes on 445th strip, 463rd and 477th, on 436th we can’t see his/her eyes, but it’s after escape oj B-D on 432nd… did I miss something?
The first several strips of the comic also show Jean with blue eyes, making it hard to use hue as a reliable indicator unless the Blue Djinn has been here all along.
huh, you’re right, even Araceli had blue eyes when she appeard for the first time [86] (but strangely not on following parts). Alltogether it’s quite confusing…
@Hammond Cheese – Except that this blue was darker than the blue used in the earlier strips, and by this point Jean’s eyes were shown as black. Though it did allow for some spirited debate as to the relevance.
To be fair, everyone hates Guano – even the other genies.
Well, he does seem to work hard at being a jerk. So he can hardly blame anyone for disliking him.
Although I’m pretty sure he’s really just overcompensating, after having taken Rouyaa’s advice too literally.
Hey Robert, sorry for the offtopic here, but I wanted to confirm if it´s right to send fan art to this direction:, I kind of, already DID send it, but I just want to be sure.
In case anyone misses the edit I did to the page description, we just got a massive new fanart donation from C_Prime, and it’s exclusively pics of Natalie! Check out the Fan Art page for new pics of Natalie in every outfit she’s worn in the comic so far.
It’s all his own work, though he wanted to acknowledge that he based his lingerie pic on Th3go’s previous fanart of Natalie.
Just a weird, random thing that just crossed my mind . . . a few strips ago, CD said that he’d intended to coordinate with BACH-MANN on aspects of the next few stories, as there were characters that were going to be in both IDoaJB and MC, though that has changed. The second anniversary picture for MC had Holly with a shadowy genie-esque being, along with other bad guys. Could the Blue Djinn be planning to be born through her, perhaps? Just a thought.
Wait.. what just happened?..I know i was busy working hard on my works but this literally surprised me.. I cannot be sure if its Jeanie, the other jeanie (german?) and wahts her name that appears like shes in flames o_O!!!!
Jehane, the German Jeannie, was unjustly banished after being framed for stealing a Hubun Jadid. She’s now clearly distingishable from our Jeannie, because her hair changed to brown, her clothes change to a green outfit, and she’s had her arms and legs chained.
Lahab is the genie who can appear to be on fire. She’s still in Haji’s palace.
This is our Jeannie, and she’s discussing her (apparently) voluntary possession by the Blue Djinn with said Djinn. He then takes over her body completely in the last three panels.
I’m hoping that Jehane will be released due to misinformation…and that she will remain part of the cast.
Jehane was unjustly banished for stealing a Hubun Jadid, but Kazoom DID see her in the forbidden library. Since Jean stole the Hubun Jadid much earlier, it is still my opinion that Jehane drained the guard of magic, nearly killing him. So she is not totally innocent, unless the male being drained of magic is a natural consequence of two genies having sex.
I do wonder why the guards stopped searching when they found 1 Hubun Jadid, since Lahab specifically mentioned more than one might have been taken.
When Holly was poofed into Melvin’s bedroom she pulled a war mallet off of her night shirt. There is more to that girl then we know about. I hope Ida snow turns out to be the werewolf. We are missing one of those criters.
Not really, if I remember correctly she had a brush in her hand, but because she was half dreaming and in her dream she was a Holy Knight or a cleric in a D&D setting she believed she had a war mallet.
Evil Jeanie is the BEST Jeanie!
Well, this is a terrible predicament.
Oh, they’re planning to kill Guano? Eh, go ahead.