Jeanie Bottle 461
To see full resolution shots of Natalie and Anne in those sexy tops, check out CD Rudd’s Patreon. There’s loads of great art available on there for Patrons, and some (including the shots of these two) is free!
Also, if you’re interested in meeting CD Rudd in person, check out his recent post about his January 6th Meetup in Cocoa Beach.
Also also, have you guys seen the awesome gift art that CD made for me?
(Click for full size)
Ho Boy, this is hilarious! Guess Jean’s gender-bends them with the same sense of style, doesn’t “she”?
almost boyfriends <3
A traffic accident waiting to happen when you take your eyes off the road. Eye candy.
DAMN, Agent Anderson is looking good.
Right?? She looks amazingly good.
By the way, you can see both Natalie and Anne at full resolution (for free!) on CD’s Patreon feed:
Ahh crud, I already said that in the comic description. I don’t want to sound like I’m pushing CD’s Patreon down everyone’s throat…
“Rodgie?” Natalie is calling him Rodgie now?
Even better, Agent Anderson has already met Rodge and told him she was looking for Natalie. So it’s dumb luck that Natalie started going with “Rodgie” or Agent Anderson might have made the connection.
Not that it will help much when the meet each other outside.
What do you want to bet that Rodge is texting Natalie a description of Agent Anderson along with her name?
Are we sure that Rodge personally met Anderson? We know Jeanie did, but we haven’t seen Rodge and Anderson together.
Actually, Tom, all we know is that Rodge found out that Anderson was looking for Natalie. Exactly HOW he found out, was not specified. For all we know, he may have overheard Anne talking to someone else about who she’s searching for. Or something even less direct.
Pretty sure Rodge met Agent Anderson. Remember that North Korean spy? Agent Anderson probably talked to everyone who knew her from work. She was already a woman and already on the scene. That still doesn’t prove absolutely that she actually talked to Rodge about Natalie, or that Rodge knows the agent looking for Natalie is Agent Anderson.
However, how many cookies do you want to bet Rodge doesn’t know the agent looking for Natalie is the same one that was investigating the Kendra the North Korean spy with the explosive breast growth?
Looks like I was right about Natalie wanting to stay that way she is… I guess this definitely changes things for Rodge and Natalie.
Now the real question remains, how will Natalie explain this to Jean?
How can you tell Natalie doesn’t want to change back? She could just be under the same influence that makes her vulnerable to Roger’s charms, or she could just be acting impulsively without really thinking about it at all. Has she considered the effect this might have on her career as an engineer? If she hooks up with Rodge, what’s going to happen when she gets preggers? That’s pretty much a two year hiatus from being an engineer, at least if she wants the best for the infant. And that assumes Rodge continues to support her and her baby, and that she doesn’t conceive again. But all this sounds a bit deeper than I expect from the comic so far. I wish not–but remember, we still have Jeanie off somewhere celebrating the Genie Lord’s birthday or marriage or something, and my money is on that thread and this being connected somehow.
And Neil went from HE to HER in one panel? oddly sudden pronoun switch
I think Rodge may be kind of conflicted. He wants to think of his friend as Neil, but that make out session with Natalie is starting to make that hard for him…
Um, Robert… “make that hard for him”… ?
Your Freudian slip is showing. 😉
What Kattgirl said.
And this is part of why I say the pronoun attaches to the visible presentation. it’s pretty deep in the wiring.
You think I said it that way unintentionally? 🙂
@Robert: Heh, I knew I liked you.
Ah, well. Comment still stands with respect to Natalie’s slip.
First: Yowza!
Beyond that: Yeah, “This is nice” was not a reference to cost, support, or or any such mundane characteristic. This is 100% Yowza, especially for Natalie, who, whether she knows it or not, was buying Rodgie Bait. No idea what Anderson’s intent was.
It is still not clear to me that Natalie plans to stay female permanently, or that she is actually “planning” in any normal sense of the word. She’s going on pure impulse.
And of course, there is still some other influence at work here. Natalie herself is surprised at how she feels about Rodgie.
“Rodgie”, heh heh heh. And look at her expression. Whatever she’s got, she’s got it bad.
I’m also quite fond of “Rodgie”! It shows that whatever is going on in Natalie’s head in regards to Rodge has not, in fact, gone away. It just took a back seat for a while.
Yeah, “whatever it is” seems to take her unawares when she’s not really paying attention.
Natalie could choose to stay as a female permanently and simply have Jean make a clone of Neil with his mind, personality and memories.
That way everybody wins, at least I think so….
SageM: Duplicate Neil? That seems like a major change. And it’s not clear at all that Natalie will choose to remain female once the whirl in her head gets a chance to settle down a bit.
@SageM: No, remember, when Jeannie conjures up duplicates of people, they are little more than moving mannequins, that can barely speak. That’s why she has to keep using real people, like Neil and Rodge, to fill in for her former male self.
You know, they’re both going to be mortified when they walk out wearing the same top…
Maybe, but they may not have that female programming yet. And they don’t plan to attend the same event.
Rodge, you nincompoop. If you know the feds are looking for someone, do not text her saying, “The feds are looking for you,” or anything close to that. That’s evidence, that is. And it can’t be permanently deleted off the phone company’s servers, and trying to delete it amounts to destroying evidence.
“Call me ASAP” is fine, but of course you should have a pre-arranged code that’s reasonable but innocuous: “Bring me a Whopper no pickles, please”, something like that.
Security hygiene, folks. Learn it, love it, live it.
That seems like it’s going pretty overboard. Unless you’re actually doing something illegal on the reg, which the feds would bust you for…
This is just something every good citizen should set up with a few friends and family, like having that rifle in the closet or pistol in the nightstand. Or, for that matter, that fire extinguisher in the kitchen. I’ve tried to set it up, but can’t get the relevant folks to understand how important it is. I ever text out about “rending my garment”, they’re going to tell me where the sewing kit is. (Not my actual code phrase, but you get the idea.)
I mean, good grief, I even set up a guest account for someone on my desktop so as to access the printer, and he’s never changed the password.
Back when long distance charges were a thing, people in my circle used arranged messages for collect calls: “You have a collect call from FLIGHT DELAYED TO 7:30 will you accept the call?” [hangup]
I’ve used that collect call trick before (wow, who even remembers collect calls? lol), but I honestly can’t imagine why you think all those other things are necessary.
“why you think all those other things are necessary.”
That’s just it: You don’t know. You can’t imagine. You can’t think, or plan. They’re last ditch, once in a lifetime(you hope) contingencies. When they occur, you are either prepared, or you die.
(Says a man who has trouble pulling together to go to work every day.)
I will say Jeanie and Neil are in such a strange situation that they bloody well should expect weird contingencies to arise–absolutely including unwanted attention from TPTB. Neil should know this from his job, where you may not be able to put your hands on your project when the situation arises, instead having to do everything by telemetry and remote control, and that’s partially why he needs to be the Master. (Hm…that might be a good way for Neil to think about it: Jeanie’s an unstable satellite with a glitchy onboard computer. Difficult enough to keep her in orbit, much more get any useful results out of her.)
It helps to have those security phrases set up in advance, especially while performing gate guard duties.
Yes, exactly. Thank you for a view apparently more experienced than my own.
If I was magically turned into a girl and was forced to buy new clothes, that is not the shirt I would go for!
Why not? I assume that you are changed into a girl, rather than simply having a male personality transplanted into a girl suit.
(And keep in mind, whether she knows it or not, Natalie is trying to attract Rodge’s attention. And she lacks the experience that “real” girls have that allow them to understand the negative aspects of dressing like that.)
Belle, she is properly one of my least favorite Diesney Princesses.
Some people claim she is smart, because she reads books. But if we look closer, we can see that the kinds of books she reads are trashy romance novels. So the people that said that she is just wasting her times reading is actually correct and actually the smart ones.
You’re applying modern sensibilities to a 17th century setting. People being able to read at all was unusual back then, especially in a little out-of-the-way village in France. The reason the people of the town don’t like Belle is that they’re envious of her literacy.
Plus, I’m not even sure if “trashy romance novels” even existed back then. Printing was still pretty expensive, so there wasn’t “mass market” literature like we have today.
You know, Robert, trashy romance novels have a history that goes way back. Literally, even before the advent of Gutenberg and his printing press.
Yes, fewer people could read back then, but those who could, often read to others. For example, James Fenimore Cooper was inspired to write The Leatherstocking Tales precisely because he was so disgusted with the quality of the novels his wife was reading. And the newly found coast of California was so named, after the heroine of an early 16th-century trashy romance novel, The Adventures of Esplandian, that was popular among the Spanish at the time of the discovery.
Even Shakespeare borrowed heavily from other popular literature around at the time, that we would now term potboiler romances. Some things never change!
What Robert said, plus the idea that a man and woman together are a dyad, “one flesh” as an old book says. Neither is complete without the other. And a strong, commanding man, a type of person society really can’t do without, needs that completion, and any woman who matches him must also be strong, wise, and virtuous in her own way. Belle and her Beast are archetypes, powerful ones, ideals that men and women should strive for. Belle and her books? Pretty much a dead end.
The story makes an interesting contrast with Our Jeanie and Her Neil. Jeanie is the destabilizing whirlwind, the Kali figure (although not as vicious, not nearly) and needs a Master, not to rule and subjugate her, but to direct her, help her to exploit her powers in beneficial ways. But, as I have said elsewhere her, I seriously doubt CD is aiming for anything nearly that serious, although I do find it entertaining to analyze the story along those lines.
Now, to make the plot more interesting, read that text out loud!
The web site said I have to use 10 characters.
Wow, wow, wow wow
Yep. Wanted to ensure meaningful posts. Not just ‘Yeps’
CD: “Wanted to ensure meaningful posts.”
Yes indeed, but I have to admit I miss thumbs up/down buttons.
Looks like the Nat part of Neil has done a take over.
But not a hostile takeover. More of an (ahem) friendly one.
I continue to think that this Natalie was the result of a spell by some genie other than Jeanie, which is why Natalie is behaving differently. Jeanie only used Natalie for convenience or as a penalty. This time, there’s something else going on, and Jeanie isn’t even around, nor does she seem to know anything of what’s going on with Neil/Natalie. Jeanie made Neil into Natalie physically, but this time, the transformation was physical and mental. Whodunit? And why? Lots of mysteries to be revealed!
I’m interested in learning what’s up with Natalie right now, too!