Jeanie Bottle 722
The triumphant return of Agent Anderson to the main story! She’s featured frequently in fan works and Patreon posts, but has not appeared in the comic proper since… let me see here… 2017?! Wow, it’s been way too long. Welcome back, Anne!
It seems quite appropriate that she’d show up to cap off this storyline, as this is the last page of I Dream of Three Wishes. Tune in next week for the next chapter of I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle!
Saw Alex meeting Agent Anderson at the end. Because the weird disappearing stuff is what he looks for.
Yeah, i remember you mentioning that in a previous comic. It definitely makes sense.
Love to see more of Anderson in the future.
I hope we get to!
Not sure how helpful her testimony will be, given Jeanie tampered with their memories.
Still, Anderson must be very aware about the former fourth tenant of the house. Maybe is time she confronts Neil directly.
2nd panel. “What happened to Alex?”
No one asks about the 4th member of the house.
Neil is forgotten.
Changed memories, rent checks, bank statements, landlord’s paperwork?
What fourth tenant?
Jean isn’t the sharpest pencil but his/her magic seems to take care of all the details.
Would that mean she also provided a female background for Alex?
Adding weight to the need for a psychiatric hold.
*she Agent Anderson is a girl, in case that wasn’t obvious.
Yes it is more of a Ranma thing, but Ranma is also only half a man, hence the titel to the manga
Might as well refer to Agent Anderson as she – because she is a woman now.
Jeanie seems to be strangely forgetful of the people she poofs into girls. It would almost seem that some outside influence is affecting her in that direction. Oh, and it is nice to agent Anderson again.
Nah, she hasn’t forgotten; she just doesn’t care about them. She’s a bit of a sociopath in that way.
She was sympathetic to the Duke boys, saying she knew how it felt, but still almost forgot about them.
She’s not a sociopath, she’s a high functioning narcissist. There is a difference.
The difference is academic at best.
It could be a subconcious desire for revenge for what happened to Jean, lashing out at anyone turning them into girls.
“You want to give me crap because I’m a woman now? Well, let’s see how YOU like it!”
This Alex girl and her cronies stole Jeanie’s bottle, poured water inside it, tried to drill a hole in it and demanded wishes despite being so beastly. And then, to cap it all off, Alex tried to enslave Jeanie with a wish for a million more wishes. So…why, exactly, would Jeanie care about her? Never mind that Alex was turned into a girl by a wish, is it even possible for Jeanie to do anything about that without someone wasting another?
As for Agent Anderson, she was turned with the specific intention of disrupting an ongoing investigation into Jeanie’s master, so again…
Ah the return of Agent Anderson, whose marriage is ruined because her former wife is 100% heterosexual.
Unfortunately for Anderson, Alex (short for Alexa) don’t know anything as her memories of the event that changed her have literally been wished away
Don’t talk about the weed first. Get a lawyer, get immunity in place for talking about the de-penisment first, then and only then you can talk about the weed. Jeez, even when she is seeking clues for a re-enpenisment, Anderson can’t stop being a cop. Acab, man, acab.
penisment: “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” ~ Iñigo Montoya
Pretty powerful weed, it must be.
To quote a line from my story “Drug Bust”, which can be found on FictionMania and Big Closet. That pot “not only makes you high; it makes you broad.”
Nice to see agent Anderson again.
In panel 3 (top and bottom) Alex looks sad… poor thing needs cheering up.
It seems to me like this is a chapter end to a larger story arc. I Dream of Three Wishes might be ending but I can see the story getting revisited at some point in the future.
Oh OH its Agent Anderson, smells! like trouble for Jean. or probably Neil
If Agent Anderson keeps spending all her time chasing down every mysterious lead, she’s going to have to change her last name to Scully. Or at least change her first name to Gillian.
That would be Mulder, Scully was the sceptic.
things are about to really get interesting now
I was searching previous comics of the three stooges. They are easy to find NOW, but if they get to be recurring characters, please TAG them. Thanks!
Do you mean under the “cast” link? I agree, there are several characters that could be listed under that heading.
Personally, I’m assuming that outside of Alex, they’re highly unlikely to show up again. Hollum and I asked CD what their names were a number of times in the private Slack we use to communicate about the comics, and he never answered.
I was honestly kind of surprised when he held a poll on Discord to determine Alex’s name.
I accept full responsibility for the surprise. I was suggesting names for Red-Shirt-Yoga-Girl for my fanfiction on Discord (insert shameless plug), and he went with a poll.
I thought Anderson was a genie?
That was just in Hachimitsu’s non-canon side story that he wrote during CD’s first 6-month hiatus a few years back.
‘Couldn’t prove we stole it since we didn’t.’
That’s a laugh.
Just leave him in a interrogation room with the camera ONLY on him rather than the police, and sooner or later he’ll snap and claim to have done it so the isolation and shouting will stop.
There’s a lot more to it than that. A confession alone, particularly a crazy-sounding one, doesn’t get a conviction, except in movies and TV shows. There are all kinds of deranged individualss who regularly confess to crimes that they had nothing to do with, and prosecutors and judges know this.
Even with a guilty plea, the prosecution has to present the judge with all the evidence, and an explanation of how the crime occurred.
The only evidence was the money and goods. And that was discovered through a search. Which, to be legal, required a warrant, citing “probable cause”. That is to say, the tracking data.
Except that the tracking data shows that the money disappeared from a locked room, and reappeared, instantaneously, many miles away. Which is clearly impossible, …rendering the data invalid.
– Since the tracking data is invalid, there is no probable cause.
– With no probable cause, the warrant is invalid.
– Without a valid warrant, the search is inadmissible, and thus, so is anything that was found in the course of that search. So, >poof<, there went all the evidence.
– No evidence, no case.
Even if the cops could slip all this past a judge who was asleep at the wheel, they’d have to also get past the prosecutor, which is MUCH harder. Because the judge can always say that he or she was lied to, by corrupt or incompetent police. But the prosecutor risks not only losing their job for abuse of power, but also being disbarred for condoning perjury, and potentially being unable to work in the legal field. A real career-ending move… which would make it hard to pay off all those expensive law school loans. No DA would ever go for it; it’s not worth the risk.
So the charges weren’t dropped because the potheads “didn’t do it”, they were dropped because the police and DA couldn’t come up with any plausible theory of the crime. Because it’s not about what really happened, it’s always about what you can prove happened.
And incidentally, the drug charge is bogus, too. Since the evidence for that came from the same illegal search, it’s out, as well. The cops are simply using the threat in the hopes of getting more info, which the two can’t, of course, provide. The drug charge will undoubtedly be dismissed, at trial, for lack of evidence, if not before.
The cars were visible in the front driveway, which likely provides the authorities with justification to enter the premises without a warrant… and certainly enough to get a warrant. Once inside, evidence of other crimes that’s out in the open or admitted to is fair game.
I agree with you that the car and money “thefts” would likely not get prosecuted, because of the things you mention. Drug charges, though, would be fair game. It was out in the open, and Alex even admitted to smoking the weed.
I forgot about the car.
But no, having a stolen car parked in front of a house is typically NOT enough to get a warrant to search the house – after all, the thief could have simply abandoned it there, without the occupants even knowing. The police could knock, and ask to look around, but they couldn’t have used the presence of the car, alone, to justify a search warrant.
And remember, the only way the police would have known to look there for the car, was because of the tracker. So even the car was only discovered because of evidence that’s not admissible in court. Back to square one.
This is one of those situations where the cops are convinced that they know who did it, but there’s no way to prove it.
You can bet your bottom dollar, though, that the police will be keeping a close eye on everyone in that house, for a long time to come, waiting for them to slip up. Jeannie was right to move out, fast.
Love the banner. Happy Valentines Day. Kattgirl-If I ever get into trpuble will you be on my defence team?
“Cupid, draw back your bow…and let your arrow flow…straight to my lover’s heart, for me…”
LOL, Gary. You’d need my dad, he’s the attorney. I only know this stuff from having listened to endless amounts of dinner-table conversation, growing up. 😉
Poor girl hopefully Anderson will be able to help her avoid being locked up for her own good.
Closing credits!