Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A former Genie Lord, Kazom is a 3000+ year old Genie who exists in the form of a witch familiar while still serving as a genie to a teenage boy in California.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
Did Neil just faint because Andy’s memories were pulled out of him, or is there something more? Is Jeanie going to have decide between two people she doesn’t really know dying or Neil dying?
“Conscience” is something new with Jean/Jeanie.
He/she never cared before how many lives were ruined.
Despite Kazom’s (and the reader’s) shock, maybe this is an improvement.
Though I still don’t expect her to go back and “correct” all those past disasters. Or even read the genie manual, since that would take all the fun out of the strip.
“Jean” used magic like a heat seeking missile, fire and forget. The consequences of those actions were selfish in nature (Clarence was absentmindedness, Anderson was a diversion to rescue Natalie, and the Greek Captain an escape plan), or to be frank, “Jeanie” being malicious in nature (Alex being punished for greed and stupidity).
I suppose if Neil ordered her to write a book review on the manual, she might actually read it. But that would mean that Neil would need to grow a spine first.
Should these two have their character descriptors just below the comic along with Jeanie, Kazom, and Neil? They have had them in the past or is this implying these two may be new.
I mean, technically, she has *all the powers* of multiple consumed Genies – but, then again, Kazom probably has a *good reason* for not doing what she wants to do 😛
Jeanie has more raw power, but Kazom has the equivalent of forty human lifetimes of experience. If it has to do with knowledge about genies, he’s one of the top experts.
I see absolutely no way this can go wrong, no way at all.
Seriously though it seems Jeanie has had some serious growth given the flip from “I don’t want to remember naked fun time” to that mournful “I don’t want her to die again” moment before making new bodies for them.
Also are they both mortal or did Jeanie make another Genie?
If the memories of Rouyaa and Andy were plugged into empty shells Jeanie created (like Dummy Neil earlier) then there’s no abduction involved. That explains why they can think and talk.
Taking a guess but Jean is going to put the past memories into new bodies so their memories it won’t weigh heavy on his mind.
Uh, oh.
Did Neil just faint because Andy’s memories were pulled out of him, or is there something more? Is Jeanie going to have decide between two people she doesn’t really know dying or Neil dying?
I tjink the ol’ Dagwood-surprised-so-much-he-faints bit, but out of sight to spare our sensibilities…
Yes, I think you’re right; suddenly poofing away the Andy memories probably was a shock to Neil.
Did Jeanie just make them into ghosts, as they seem a little faded compared to everyone else.
I believe that’s just the “poof” effects.
Robert, panel 2 needs an edit; see my comment below.
Jean no
NASA guy has Popeye the Sailor Man arms. 🙂
At least it looks like he has.
Wait ’till he starts eating spinach.
Ugh, canned spinach is slimy. Fresh spinach is so much better.
“Conscience” is something new with Jean/Jeanie.
He/she never cared before how many lives were ruined.
Despite Kazom’s (and the reader’s) shock, maybe this is an improvement.
Though I still don’t expect her to go back and “correct” all those past disasters. Or even read the genie manual, since that would take all the fun out of the strip.
“Jean” used magic like a heat seeking missile, fire and forget. The consequences of those actions were selfish in nature (Clarence was absentmindedness, Anderson was a diversion to rescue Natalie, and the Greek Captain an escape plan), or to be frank, “Jeanie” being malicious in nature (Alex being punished for greed and stupidity).
I suppose if Neil ordered her to write a book review on the manual, she might actually read it. But that would mean that Neil would need to grow a spine first.
Have we met this new couple before? I went back and looked in the storyline…thought they might’ve been at the space center…but I didn’t see ’em…
We’ve sort of seen Ryoua in the background but I don’t think we ever met them in person.
I have too many suspicions about what’s gonna happen and all of them are extremely unethical (which unfortunately is just Jean in general)
Should these two have their character descriptors just below the comic along with Jeanie, Kazom, and Neil? They have had them in the past or is this implying these two may be new.
Aw, I was hoping she would poof Rouyaa into Alex. That way he can remember what he did with Neil in space.
I mean she already turned the space time continuum into shredded cheese,I’m sure this won’t be as bad…probably.
I think Neil just tripped over Rouyaa’s bottle. Don’t ask me how it got into jeanie and Neils’s house.
never tell her there nothing she can do
Yeah, she’ll just “Hello? Phenominal Cosmic powers here!”
I have no idea where this is going, but I like it!
I mean, technically, she has *all the powers* of multiple consumed Genies – but, then again, Kazom probably has a *good reason* for not doing what she wants to do 😛
Jeanie has more raw power, but Kazom has the equivalent of forty human lifetimes of experience. If it has to do with knowledge about genies, he’s one of the top experts.
As Gomer Pyle use to say Surprise Surprise Surprise
I see absolutely no way this can go wrong, no way at all.
Seriously though it seems Jeanie has had some serious growth given the flip from “I don’t want to remember naked fun time” to that mournful “I don’t want her to die again” moment before making new bodies for them.
Also are they both mortal or did Jeanie make another Genie?
Hopefully these actually are bodies that didn’t already have owners, and she didn’t just abduct two people to become new hosts for Rouyaa and Andy.
Considering they can talk and are aware of their surroundings, I believe it is abduction.
If the memories of Rouyaa and Andy were plugged into empty shells Jeanie created (like Dummy Neil earlier) then there’s no abduction involved. That explains why they can think and talk.
I hope that’s the case!
Um, Robert?
Panel 2: “I’m not adding another one to list.” => “I’m not adding another one to the list.”
Or, if that doesn’t fit: => “I’m not adding another to the list.”
Is the couple on the couch a crossover from Wolfpack??
Conscience? Since when does Jean the sociopath have a conscience?
Plan? Since when has she planned? Is this new?
Umm, real Royaa in a real bottle in a fake comic? Anyone?