Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A former Genie Lord, Kazom is a 3000+ year old Genie who exists in the form of a witch familiar while still serving as a genie to a teenage boy in California.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
The TOS uniform is red, though. That does not bode well for Jeanie’s situation of two minds competing for control of her head, even if she is stronger.
I hope there’s still time to try to use Rouyaa’s essence to access the Blue Djinn’s memories in Jeanie to see what, if anything, he knew about the Eye of Solomon. That’s what all of this was about, after all.
I think that plan is pretty much lost. Blame Kazom, he’s the one that fell asleep and let Rouyaa and Andy loose without even asking the important questions. And, if what Kazom said is true, now Rouyaa will never get her memories back even if they do free her from the bottle (an opportunity that also seems to have slipped away).
My understanding here is that Rouyaa is gradually fading. She has passed the point as which Jean needs to make an effort to remain in command, but it will be a while yet before Jean no longer knows what Rouyaa knows.
Given that Genies potentially live for thousands of years, it was almost a given that she would outlive him unless she granted him a wish that would extend his life. He died of old age—and given that he was old enough to graduate college before the end of WWII, he was probably born around 1920-ish, making him nearly ninety at death (based on IDOAJB starting in 2009 and just a couple months after his death). If we use a floating timeline to place the present in the storyline at the same time as the publication of this chapter, then he was almost exactly a hundred years old at death.
His use of the word “eventually” implies that they still have some time before Jean forgets Rouyaa’s memories completely, but Rouyaa’s persona is no longer able to take control.
Let’s face it, after a few thousand years or so, routine magic matters such as transplanting memories are probably as routine to Kazom as flipping channels on a TV would be to most people.
Rouyaa rolls the bottle out and Neil falls over it. Jeanie lets Rouyaa out of the bottle and decides to give her back her memories. POOF. Knowing our girl, what could possibly go wrong.
thought to Kasum about Rouyaa fading away. One big rule of writing is “NEVER kill off a major character. You never know when you will need to bring them back. Connan Doyle and Dallas both had to bring back a dead man.”
Well Jean Rouyaa past maybe gone for now but she may come back, and we have the old now young version of her trapped in a bottle somewhere.
I like Jean dressed in the Star Trek: TOS uniform.
Now… start thinking about Xev, Chiana, and Barbarella!
The TOS uniform is red, though. That does not bode well for Jeanie’s situation of two minds competing for control of her head, even if she is stronger.
Hey, Uhura had a red uniform too, as did Scotty. not EVERYONE in a Red Shirt was doomed, just the security guards.
And Scotty, but he got over being dead.
I hope there’s still time to try to use Rouyaa’s essence to access the Blue Djinn’s memories in Jeanie to see what, if anything, he knew about the Eye of Solomon. That’s what all of this was about, after all.
I think that plan is pretty much lost. Blame Kazom, he’s the one that fell asleep and let Rouyaa and Andy loose without even asking the important questions. And, if what Kazom said is true, now Rouyaa will never get her memories back even if they do free her from the bottle (an opportunity that also seems to have slipped away).
My understanding here is that Rouyaa is gradually fading. She has passed the point as which Jean needs to make an effort to remain in command, but it will be a while yet before Jean no longer knows what Rouyaa knows.
I kinda want more of Ryouua and Andy. They seemed like fun.
And if they somehow find Rouyaa before her memories fade, they could just give them back to her.
Not sure what they could do about Andy, though. Maybe create a dummy, like Jeanie did with Neil wayyyy back in the day, and give it Andy’s memories?
The whole “creating a clone of a loved one” never ends well.
Rouyaa should have known from the beginning she would outlive her husband.
Given that Genies potentially live for thousands of years, it was almost a given that she would outlive him unless she granted him a wish that would extend his life. He died of old age—and given that he was old enough to graduate college before the end of WWII, he was probably born around 1920-ish, making him nearly ninety at death (based on IDOAJB starting in 2009 and just a couple months after his death). If we use a floating timeline to place the present in the storyline at the same time as the publication of this chapter, then he was almost exactly a hundred years old at death.
Rouyaa was 302 years old when Andy found the bottle. That was before 1940.
So, if he was 100 and she was about 370, then that would make it a perfect May-December romance. 😉
“Probably too weak…”
Yeah, she’ll be back.
Hope you’re right!
Nonsense. It all comes down to the strength of Jean’s mind.
… wait.
His use of the word “eventually” implies that they still have some time before Jean forgets Rouyaa’s memories completely, but Rouyaa’s persona is no longer able to take control.
I get the feeling Kazom finds this matter somewhat less interesting than Jean.
Let’s face it, after a few thousand years or so, routine magic matters such as transplanting memories are probably as routine to Kazom as flipping channels on a TV would be to most people.
Rouyaa rolls the bottle out and Neil falls over it. Jeanie lets Rouyaa out of the bottle and decides to give her back her memories. POOF. Knowing our girl, what could possibly go wrong.
Two thumbs up for Star Trek Jeanie!
Anyone want to bet on whether Andy’s memories are still stronger than Neil’s?
And they never even accomplished their goal for even doing this insane thing.
But Rouyaa is not dead, can ye please go find her. Maybe she can raise her father, what happened to her by the way?
Jeanie is the blue dijinn now and Rouyaa’s father is a human baby girl in Arizona.
Well Kazom, this is another fine mess you’ll gotten me into
thought to Kasum about Rouyaa fading away. One big rule of writing is “NEVER kill off a major character. You never know when you will need to bring them back. Connan Doyle and Dallas both had to bring back a dead man.”
It’s too bad, I’d expected the box to be a recording. You can’t put a recording BACK. That’s silly.