Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master. was known already from fan arts!….Still looks hot for her being a genie!…..what am I saying..I BEEN drawing him as a genie girl For over 2 years now >_>!
Given her reaction, I don’t think Jean is her master.
Bear in mind, int he OG timeline, Jean had to specifically request for Neil to remain her master. If Natalie is regretting her master coming home, I suspect they had some kind of falling out.
And the more I think about Jean’s personality, the less I find it reasonable that Natalie would WANT Jean to remain her master. Jeanie was pretty arrogant and controlling even when she wasn’t the one in charge; I can’t imagine what Jean would be like as the one giving the orders.
We also don’t know how far into this process of granting those three wishes has gone either. If Jean is the Master, he could be holding back on making the third wish so that Neil/Natalie can’t move on until the third wish has been made.
Given Jean’s original personality, I have a hard time believing he (1) would be content with just two wishes, and (2) has enough self-control to avoid making a third wish.
@Makaira: Nail-on-the-self-control-head. That’s exactly why Neil would be the better Master–he has far superior self control. However, I don’t think his control is perfect–and he is, in his way, also selfish.
I’ve decided that Neil’s slight scowl in the last frame indicates he’s getting the vibe that Genatte is not terribly fond of her Master, and maybe even a bit afraid of him. If he recognizes the voice, and it is, as I think, Jean, there may be Words.
I think Neil and Jeanie are going to learn a good deal about what makes a successful Master-Genie pair, by experiencing an opposite example. And, Neil? Half AT LEAST of what keeps you and Jeanie from being a good pair is on you. You have failed two of the fundamental duties of a Master: Keeping your genie from getting bored, and letting her lose respect for you.
I don’t see the scowl, I see “deer in the headlights.” Be that as it may, in this timeline Jean knows that Neil is now Genatte so what sort of words can they have? Also, Jean is a narcissist and commands a genie and Neil is just a normal guy. What if Neil’s admonishment pushes Jean too far and he reacts defensively and commands Genatte to do something rash? Unless Jeanie and Genatte engage in genie combat (a magical pillow fight, maybe? Feathers everywhere.), the former actually defending her master against her male self’s intentions, I don’t see Neil getting anywhere with his friend using just words.
It’s a marginal scowl, I admit–but I think the eyebrows pull down at the inside, and Neil’s mouth is a bit dour.
My guess that Neil will have Words for Jean is based partly on the fact that Genatte IS Neil. Our Neil might rightly be offended that his genie-self is being mistreated, and react harshly if unwisely. Maybe not; we’ll see. (Bonus: Jeanie might actually respect Neil for standing up against Jean on his genie’s behalf. Again, we’ll see.)
Neil would have to be swifter on the uptake than demonstrated in the past for him to take a stand for a complete stranger. After all, we know that Genatte (I’m coming to like that name) is actually Neil in genie form, but Neil himself JUST arrived from the past and has known this person for all of 30 seconds. As Natalie he’s been dynamic and proactive, as himself he’s a couch potato with a brain. It’s entirely possible that it will be Jeanie that takes a stand for her sister because she knows what her former self was like… knowledge reinforced by a very recent experience.
@50srefugee: I just had another bizzarro thought based on my reply to Ellie, below. Follow this chain of logic.
Guano arrives and pulls his Young Genie ultimatum on Genatte… fulfill your genie duties or else! Now, Jean has to come up with a wish in a hurry that does not alter space-time and Genatte is free of him (I doubt it will be a ham sandwich, though). At this point, Neil steps up (maybe assisted by Jeanie) and claims the bottle and rescues Genatte from being whisked away to find a new Master. Neil understands the rules, even if Genatte doesn’t as yet (and Jean certainly won’t) and can explain to her that all she needs to do is express a desire to remain with him (Neil) after the third wish is granted. They are all strangers at this point, but any port in a storm will save her from douchebag Jean and I would wager she’d grab that opportunity with both hands.
Here’s another thought. On this page Jeanie doesn’t look all that surprised to encounter her “sister” in the bottle, she was just surprised to have actually returned to it in the first place. I think her expression is more along the lines of what have I done now?
What does not track is why Genatte seems to be blowing off the presence of another genie inside her bottle but does not recognize her male self and goes directly to him with that question (and… who are you?). It can’t have been all that long since she was transformed (a year or two in Jeanie time?) so she shouldn’t have forgotten what she looked like. Surprise at there being a doppelganger, maybe?
Is there a missing half-page that’ll tie pages 680 and 681 together?
@mike: “Guano arrives and pulls his Young Genie ultimatum on Genatte… fulfill your genie duties or else!” Thing is, I suspect Genatte is fulfilling her genie duties, far better than Jeanie herself did. One of the big differences between Neil and Jean (and therefore Genatte and Jeanie) is that Neil is conscientious (one of the so-called Big Five personality traits) while Jean is not. Guano likely has no reason to object to how Genatte relates to her Master (whoever that is). If Jean is her Master, I have to wonder if her genie nature makes her take satisfaction in pleasing her Master, especially if she’s been able to negotiate with him to keep his baser urges (that is, the urge to take pleasure in her humiliation or pain, a darker place than I expect CD to go) at bay.
I guess we’ll find out tomorrow. Right now, we really have little but dim shadows to speculate on.
As to Neil’s expression, look at the tops of his eyes in the last frame. They’re not rounded, they’re slanted straight lines, and his mouth is also a slanted straight line. I wonder if he feels a magically strong empathy with his female genie self, or if he just senses something wrong enough to offend him. Will he take action? Remains to be seen.
@50srefugee: I’ll grant you the eyebrows, although I don’t really so it.
“her genie nature makes her take satisfaction in pleasing her Master” I’m not so sure, with a reaction like “Oh Crap…” when her owner made their presence known.
Oh, and if she has indeed granted the third wish, wouldn’t Guano or somebody show up anyway? That seemed to be a rule.
So far, we’ve only seen three genies interacting with their master/mistresses… Jeanie, Araceli and Genette. Each has demonstrated different attitudes… mostly indifferent, gushingly love-sick, and apprehensive, respectively. If there is a common denominator to their genie nature, I don’t think we’ve seen it yet.
I kind of hope that the new master is Rodge. Then Caley will show up with Araceli and we get three genies. Araceli wants neil, Jeanie is his genie and genie Natalie is him. What could be more confusing.
… Something is not right here. Jean became Jeannie because he had I dream of Jeannie in mind for his idea of Genies resulting in his becoming her. We have a (if I remember right) period of blue genies thanks to Aladdin. So how come Natalie looks like Natalie and not say Jeannie or a blue genie?
Natalie probably looks like Natalie because of a wish by her master (probably Jean) that she be more comfortable in her female body. Natalie’s boobs do look bigger, and her costume is a lot sexier; that further suggests horndog Jean as the master. And if Jean is master, he’s probably a lot more familiar with his genie’s body than Neil ever was.
Neil probably had a female genie on his mind because of the conversation he and Jean were having, thus a female bottle genie like Jeanie from the show but appearing vaguely like the girl he left behind at prom a long time ago. And yes, I can see Jean blowing one of his three wishes on something like… “I wish you looked sexier.” What I don’t see is Jean wishing for an instruction manual.
Now comes the fun part. Guano appeared shortly after Jean became Jeanie demanding that she perform her duties and grant Neil his third wish. Once that happens, Genatte is free of him because she is not going to willingly remain. The only question is, can Guano force a Master to make that third wish because it didn’t seem so at the time. It was more of a threat aimed at Jeanie.
Hm one wish to Natalie her best sexy self. One wish to become super attractive, can’t figure out a last wish. But their is a possibility that Jean new abilities have let him inadvertently start a new age of peace, which why Natalie sticks around.
Of course, Jean could have done what the Greek Sea Captain tried to do with Jeanie too and wish that she would stay around after the third wish too. Actually the Sea Captain wished for Jeanie to his wife and bear his children too.
Clearly Genie-Natalie’s Master is whichever person is in the header at the moment—which as of the strip’s release and this writing is Genie-Natalie, herself. It’s obvious, really. The word bubble is clearly aimed at her. 😉 Of course, it will probably be Jeanie, most of the time.
In this timeline someone else is now the owner to the genie totem and so is Genie-Natalie’s master.
But does that make them the master of Jeanie as well as the same totem is also hers?
So Neil may no longer have a Genie.
“No, I am Spartacus!”
“I am become Death, Destroyer of Worlds!”
“Lightweight. I am Thanos!”
“I am Iron Man!”
“Pfft. I am Galacticus! I–”
“Oh, shush. I am the Silver Surfer!”
“I am Captain Marv–”
[all] “Shut up, lady! We want the REAL–”
“Sexist bastards! I’ll show you who’s real!”
“Ahem. Fiat Lux.“
Last minute speculation:
Ongoing story to include both Neil and Jean as male Masters of female Genies Genatte and Jeanie. It will be interesting to see how the two Masters and the two Genies interact with each other. (I assume that neither Master will interfere with the other’s Genie. At least, not right away. Might be a bit of a problem if Genatte decides she prefers Neil’s style of Mastership.) was known already from fan arts!….Still looks hot for her being a genie!…..what am I saying..I BEEN drawing him as a genie girl For over 2 years now >_>!
Given her reaction, I don’t think Jean is her master.
Bear in mind, int he OG timeline, Jean had to specifically request for Neil to remain her master. If Natalie is regretting her master coming home, I suspect they had some kind of falling out.
And the more I think about Jean’s personality, the less I find it reasonable that Natalie would WANT Jean to remain her master. Jeanie was pretty arrogant and controlling even when she wasn’t the one in charge; I can’t imagine what Jean would be like as the one giving the orders.
The choice to remain by one’s master’s side only takes place after the third wish is granted, doesn’t it?
We also don’t know how far into this process of granting those three wishes has gone either. If Jean is the Master, he could be holding back on making the third wish so that Neil/Natalie can’t move on until the third wish has been made.
Given Jean’s original personality, I have a hard time believing he (1) would be content with just two wishes, and (2) has enough self-control to avoid making a third wish.
@Makaira: Nail-on-the-self-control-head. That’s exactly why Neil would be the better Master–he has far superior self control. However, I don’t think his control is perfect–and he is, in his way, also selfish.
I’ve decided that Neil’s slight scowl in the last frame indicates he’s getting the vibe that Genatte is not terribly fond of her Master, and maybe even a bit afraid of him. If he recognizes the voice, and it is, as I think, Jean, there may be Words.
I think Neil and Jeanie are going to learn a good deal about what makes a successful Master-Genie pair, by experiencing an opposite example. And, Neil? Half AT LEAST of what keeps you and Jeanie from being a good pair is on you. You have failed two of the fundamental duties of a Master: Keeping your genie from getting bored, and letting her lose respect for you.
I don’t see the scowl, I see “deer in the headlights.” Be that as it may, in this timeline Jean knows that Neil is now Genatte so what sort of words can they have? Also, Jean is a narcissist and commands a genie and Neil is just a normal guy. What if Neil’s admonishment pushes Jean too far and he reacts defensively and commands Genatte to do something rash? Unless Jeanie and Genatte engage in genie combat (a magical pillow fight, maybe? Feathers everywhere.), the former actually defending her master against her male self’s intentions, I don’t see Neil getting anywhere with his friend using just words.
It’s a marginal scowl, I admit–but I think the eyebrows pull down at the inside, and Neil’s mouth is a bit dour.
My guess that Neil will have Words for Jean is based partly on the fact that Genatte IS Neil. Our Neil might rightly be offended that his genie-self is being mistreated, and react harshly if unwisely. Maybe not; we’ll see. (Bonus: Jeanie might actually respect Neil for standing up against Jean on his genie’s behalf. Again, we’ll see.)
Neil would have to be swifter on the uptake than demonstrated in the past for him to take a stand for a complete stranger. After all, we know that Genatte (I’m coming to like that name) is actually Neil in genie form, but Neil himself JUST arrived from the past and has known this person for all of 30 seconds. As Natalie he’s been dynamic and proactive, as himself he’s a couch potato with a brain. It’s entirely possible that it will be Jeanie that takes a stand for her sister because she knows what her former self was like… knowledge reinforced by a very recent experience.
Gawd… is it ONLY Wednesday?
@50srefugee: I just had another bizzarro thought based on my reply to Ellie, below. Follow this chain of logic.
Guano arrives and pulls his Young Genie ultimatum on Genatte… fulfill your genie duties or else! Now, Jean has to come up with a wish in a hurry that does not alter space-time and Genatte is free of him (I doubt it will be a ham sandwich, though). At this point, Neil steps up (maybe assisted by Jeanie) and claims the bottle and rescues Genatte from being whisked away to find a new Master. Neil understands the rules, even if Genatte doesn’t as yet (and Jean certainly won’t) and can explain to her that all she needs to do is express a desire to remain with him (Neil) after the third wish is granted. They are all strangers at this point, but any port in a storm will save her from douchebag Jean and I would wager she’d grab that opportunity with both hands.
I wonder what direction CD is going to take this?
Here’s another thought. On this page Jeanie doesn’t look all that surprised to encounter her “sister” in the bottle, she was just surprised to have actually returned to it in the first place. I think her expression is more along the lines of what have I done now?
What does not track is why Genatte seems to be blowing off the presence of another genie inside her bottle but does not recognize her male self and goes directly to him with that question (and… who are you?). It can’t have been all that long since she was transformed (a year or two in Jeanie time?) so she shouldn’t have forgotten what she looked like. Surprise at there being a doppelganger, maybe?
Is there a missing half-page that’ll tie pages 680 and 681 together?
@mike: “Guano arrives and pulls his Young Genie ultimatum on Genatte… fulfill your genie duties or else!” Thing is, I suspect Genatte is fulfilling her genie duties, far better than Jeanie herself did. One of the big differences between Neil and Jean (and therefore Genatte and Jeanie) is that Neil is conscientious (one of the so-called Big Five personality traits) while Jean is not. Guano likely has no reason to object to how Genatte relates to her Master (whoever that is). If Jean is her Master, I have to wonder if her genie nature makes her take satisfaction in pleasing her Master, especially if she’s been able to negotiate with him to keep his baser urges (that is, the urge to take pleasure in her humiliation or pain, a darker place than I expect CD to go) at bay.
I guess we’ll find out tomorrow. Right now, we really have little but dim shadows to speculate on.
As to Neil’s expression, look at the tops of his eyes in the last frame. They’re not rounded, they’re slanted straight lines, and his mouth is also a slanted straight line. I wonder if he feels a magically strong empathy with his female genie self, or if he just senses something wrong enough to offend him. Will he take action? Remains to be seen.
@50srefugee: I’ll grant you the eyebrows, although I don’t really so it.
“her genie nature makes her take satisfaction in pleasing her Master” I’m not so sure, with a reaction like “Oh Crap…” when her owner made their presence known.
Oh, and if she has indeed granted the third wish, wouldn’t Guano or somebody show up anyway? That seemed to be a rule.
So far, we’ve only seen three genies interacting with their master/mistresses… Jeanie, Araceli and Genette. Each has demonstrated different attitudes… mostly indifferent, gushingly love-sick, and apprehensive, respectively. If there is a common denominator to their genie nature, I don’t think we’ve seen it yet.
I kind of hope that the new master is Rodge. Then Caley will show up with Araceli and we get three genies. Araceli wants neil, Jeanie is his genie and genie Natalie is him. What could be more confusing.
Y’know, even if they go back and managed to undo the damage they’ve done, do these futures cease to exist or do they go on?
I think everyone wants to keep Natalie the genie. If she can’t stay in I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle maybe she could get her own spin off.
… Something is not right here. Jean became Jeannie because he had I dream of Jeannie in mind for his idea of Genies resulting in his becoming her. We have a (if I remember right) period of blue genies thanks to Aladdin. So how come Natalie looks like Natalie and not say Jeannie or a blue genie?
Natalie probably looks like Natalie because of a wish by her master (probably Jean) that she be more comfortable in her female body. Natalie’s boobs do look bigger, and her costume is a lot sexier; that further suggests horndog Jean as the master. And if Jean is master, he’s probably a lot more familiar with his genie’s body than Neil ever was.
Neil probably had a female genie on his mind because of the conversation he and Jean were having, thus a female bottle genie like Jeanie from the show but appearing vaguely like the girl he left behind at prom a long time ago. And yes, I can see Jean blowing one of his three wishes on something like… “I wish you looked sexier.” What I don’t see is Jean wishing for an instruction manual.
Now comes the fun part. Guano appeared shortly after Jean became Jeanie demanding that she perform her duties and grant Neil his third wish. Once that happens, Genatte is free of him because she is not going to willingly remain. The only question is, can Guano force a Master to make that third wish because it didn’t seem so at the time. It was more of a threat aimed at Jeanie.
My guess is that Jean has become a pathological liar. The worst kind of master to have …
Hm one wish to Natalie her best sexy self. One wish to become super attractive, can’t figure out a last wish. But their is a possibility that Jean new abilities have let him inadvertently start a new age of peace, which why Natalie sticks around.
Of course, Jean could have done what the Greek Sea Captain tried to do with Jeanie too and wish that she would stay around after the third wish too. Actually the Sea Captain wished for Jeanie to his wife and bear his children too.
The exact wish was “Now, I want you to make a dutiful wife and bare me a son. ” (Page 182). Jeanie twisted that, of course.
Lt. Uhura: Well, you know what they say, Lieutenant. Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.
Clearly Genie-Natalie’s Master is whichever person is in the header at the moment—which as of the strip’s release and this writing is Genie-Natalie, herself. It’s obvious, really. The word bubble is clearly aimed at her. 😉 Of course, it will probably be Jeanie, most of the time.
In this timeline someone else is now the owner to the genie totem and so is Genie-Natalie’s master.
But does that make them the master of Jeanie as well as the same totem is also hers?
So Neil may no longer have a Genie.
That is an interesting question.
“I’m Neil Anton!” “No, I’m Neil Anton!” “I am Spartacus!”
“No, I am Spartacus!”
“I am become Death, Destroyer of Worlds!”
“Lightweight. I am Thanos!”
“I am Iron Man!”
“Pfft. I am Galacticus! I–”
“Oh, shush. I am the Silver Surfer!”
“I am Captain Marv–”
[all] “Shut up, lady! We want the REAL–”
“Sexist bastards! I’ll show you who’s real!”
“Ahem. Fiat Lux.“
Matalie the genie’s master is Natelie the librarian.
100 comments Happy valentine’s day.
Yup. Something really struck a chord here.
Robert… I’ve tried numerous times to get onto the discord site and they’ve all failed. what’s the secret?
Last minute speculation:
Ongoing story to include both Neil and Jean as male Masters of female Genies Genatte and Jeanie. It will be interesting to see how the two Masters and the two Genies interact with each other. (I assume that neither Master will interfere with the other’s Genie. At least, not right away. Might be a bit of a problem if Genatte decides she prefers Neil’s style of Mastership.)
Oh, boy. <8(