Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
In her role as Haji's First, Lahab leads Haji's Harem. She is a Jann genie, one of the few elementals left in the world. She and Kazom are "old friends".
Power is a very tempting offer but it can corrupt. So he can still stay with Neil . But that is only if they let him go And we all know Jean may abuse this power obvisoully? Love the skeleton costume.
Uh-oh. This sounds like world conquest might be back on Jean’s agenda. I wonder if Jean knows how a very minor German noblewoman named Sofia became Catherine II the Great of Russia–and what happened to her foolish husband, Tsar Peter III?
Also, Haji has a “thrown”? Instead of a “throne”? Spellchecks still can’t handle those nasty old homonyms.
Nope, “optics” in the jargon for public relations means “appearances”. That is, Jeanie it will make Guano look better.
Or, maybe at least the male genies will be looking at Jeanie instead of Guano.
Or, maybe putting Jeanie with Guano will make Guano look worse? That might be better “optics” for someone who really doesn’t want Guano to be the new Haji.
Hmmm, well, if things keep going as they have, that’ll likely happen some time in late 2021. Unless the Christmas Week of Updates is a side-story this year, like a few years ago with the Christmas Special where Jeanie goes to Mars.
If I were in Jean’s shoe I could properly take over the world without overusing my magic. They key would be to manipulate a few key individuals.
For instance, imagine the EU if it were a heraditary empire with an army, and it included all of the OECD. That is the great catholic Monarch right there.
“Power corrupts” is a good aphorism for those who need the support of others and have to continually fight off rivals who seek the top job.
Think of Stalin. Saddam Hussein, and Kim Jong-un. None of them, personally, can do extraordinary things (though several of them have claimed they can.) They rely on others to carry out their orders. Their rule is enforced only through ruthless terror. Any potential rivals must be liquidated ASAP.
Jeff Bezos hasn’t, SFAIK, had anyone killed. His “enemies” are those who would regulate or break up his business. So he’s not totally secure. But he doesn’t want to “take over the world”. What can a gun get you that money cannot procure more easily?
This logical progression leads to Djinn. When you can have jewels, sex partners, or a palace with a snap of the fingers — and the Power is innate within you — why would you need to dominate anyone? Admittedly, a sick twisted sadistic personality might still want to. But Jean never seemed that sort.
There may be additional checks on over-reaching. “Da Rules”, to coin a phrase. Why do Djinn have to take orders and grant wishes? All thanks to King Solomon?
Your Jeff Bezos comment reminded me of a line in the book ‘The Godfather’, I don’t think it was said in the movie,. Don Corleone said “A good lawyer can steal more with his briefcase than a hundred men with machine guns.”
Nice to fantasize about something like this happening, but, according Kazom this can’t happen, because, you would have to change the core of two Genie’s and he say that a Genie Core is set for all eternity and can’t be changed. Now the outward appearances of Genie can be changed to look like a female Genie or look like a male Genie when a Genie get enough experience into the process of doing that, but, it would only be the outward part of the Genie that being changed only. So gender swooping possible, but, there core can never change. In other word’s, Jeanie as Genie was created around a Female Genie Core and everything that goes with being a Female Genie was put into Jeanie and is permanent and that who she is now. Jean as a man, at this point, is only a memory of who she use to be and will never be again.
We do know that experienced genies are capable of shapeshifting. So right now, Guano probably could. Jeanie should be able to as well, some time down the line, once she has more experience with her powers. Well, assume she ever bothers to try to learn from her practice, lol.
When contemplating a time frame of a few thousand years, Neil as her master becomes insignificant. Jeanie can expect to serve dozens of masters during her existence. As we know, a genie “lives” as long as s/he has magic. With all the magic the Blue Djinn stole that Jeanie now has, she could very well live longer than any genie ever has before.
Right. Neil is in his 20s (24-25 if Neil and Jean are within one year in age, since Jean claimed to be 23 to Melvin). Barring magic or unexpected medical breakthroughs, he’s not likely to live past his 90s. Jeanie, meanwhile, is likely to live at least two thousand years–maybe up to four thousand if she is not killed and not foolishly overspending her magic. As Lehab describes, Jeanie can wait out Neil’s death-from-old-age, and the seventy years required will be the proportional equivalent of maybe three years.
Secondly, given that Jeanie is currently producing a child with Guano, that means that the pressure to “consummate” their marriage in any other way is much reduced. Jeanie is thus not required to actually sleep with him unless he tries to force the issue. It also seems that they are not required to cohabit, and Jeanie will only need to appear for ceremonial purposes. Meanwhile, as the First Wife to the next Genie Overlord, she is next up for Lehab’s current position as ersatz Queen of All Genies.
He’d have to specify that eternal life go along with it (and that it be life in a healthy, mobile, humanoid biological form, lest he be made into a statue, a tree, or a robot, or what-have-you), given that Genie wishes tend to make their own interpretations of the wording if it’s not specific enough. Otherwise he could end up looking 30 till his hundredth birthday and then drop dead. Also, he’d likely need to specify what age of “youth” he wants, or he might be a kid forever.
Genies appear to be sustained by magic rather than biochemical energy, so food is probably mostly for the experience of eating rather than any need for nutrition, though Jeanie does seem to experience mild hunger sensations (not “weak because I haven’t eaten in days” hunger, but “It’s two hours past lunchtime” hunger).
If Jeanie stays married to Guano it looks like he defeated the Blue Djinn a second time by turning Blue’s power behind the throne by marriage scheme on it’s head. It’s literally a win-win for him. I wonder who is giving this talk to Guano? Oh and if you expect Jean to just take this at face value you haven’t been paying attention. Expect Jeanie to use this as leverage to get what Jean wants. Lahab is intentionally playing to that blatant self-interest.
All of the musing about absolute power causing absolute corruption is kind of silly, 600+ comics have shown that a genie’s powers are anything but absolute and Jeanie doesn’t care about such things. Evie’s corruption was not caused by her own power but her devotion to a corrupt master. Expect Jean to continue to find the limits of this power in the most hilarious ways possible.
As for Jean currently producing a child with Guano…maybe? The habun jadid is a commitment to create a child but we still haven’t been told how that works. Lahab gives us a hint when she says there is no hurry for the mated Jean and Guano to actually mate. It might take a few centuries before Jean’s biological (er… metaphysical?) clock tells her it’s time. The process may take centuries itself. Heck, female genies could bud like sea sponges, We just don’t know.
Oh, just to reiterate if my first comment wasn’t clear: Lahab has just implied that being mated to Guano will give Jean power over Guano, which is something Jean has never had before. Even if it’s just the power of public perception.
Now I really get the feeling that Lahab is grooming Jeanie to take her position. All the Blue Djinn’s power behind the Haji’s throne would be extremely useful.
Not only is Haji retiring, but, it look like Lahab want to retire too. OK! After having control over the Genie Realm for probably 3,000 plus, I think they might be getting ready to hand over the position to somebody else now. We know that Kazom is over 3,000 years old, because, he told us that. But, we know that he is older than 3,000 years, because, that when he said that he stop counting how old he was, so he is much older than 3,000 years. By how much, don’t know?
I’m not sure Jeanie and Guano are good choices for that. I mean just look at how Guano treated Jeanie and Jeanie generally acts. I mean seriously he didn’t even pause to confirm anything before locking Natalie to Jeanie’s genie bottle because he thought she was Jeannie.
I am not arguing for any position or am I taking side to what is good, bad or otherwise here. I am just stating what appears to be obvious here of what Lahab appears to be doing, like this is a swan song for her to exit soon. But, I am in agreement with you, If Guano and Jeanie are the best that the Realm of Geniedum can come up with, boy are they hurting for the need to have someone to take over Haji place and Lahab too.
Power is a very tempting offer but it can corrupt. So he can still stay with Neil . But that is only if they let him go And we all know Jean may abuse this power obvisoully? Love the skeleton costume.
Of course power corrupts. Don’t you see that Lahab is corrupting Jean with the offer of power?
The skeleton costume nicely shows how little space for organs she has. Luckily, as a genie she doesn’t need any.
it’s ok Robert. you deserve a little shuteye every now and then.
It is not like you are the only one to have done that.
Uh-oh. This sounds like world conquest might be back on Jean’s agenda. I wonder if Jean knows how a very minor German noblewoman named Sofia became Catherine II the Great of Russia–and what happened to her foolish husband, Tsar Peter III?
Also, Haji has a “thrown”? Instead of a “throne”? Spellchecks still can’t handle those nasty old homonyms.
Whoops, I knew that looked wrong, but my lack-of-sleep-addled brain missed it. Will fix.
And “May be the best optics for Guano’s position?”
Either we’re going to get an odd reveal, or that might be better as ‘option’.
Nope, “optics” in the jargon for public relations means “appearances”. That is, Jeanie it will make Guano look better.
Or, maybe at least the male genies will be looking at Jeanie instead of Guano.
Or, maybe putting Jeanie with Guano will make Guano look worse? That might be better “optics” for someone who really doesn’t want Guano to be the new Haji.
Sounds like they should pay you in caffeinated peanuts.
Should also read as Masters not just single
Ack, how did I miss that one? Fixed…
Having now passed the 600 milestone I can wait to see what episode 666 looks like 🙂
Hmmm, well, if things keep going as they have, that’ll likely happen some time in late 2021. Unless the Christmas Week of Updates is a side-story this year, like a few years ago with the Christmas Special where Jeanie goes to Mars.
If I were in Jean’s shoe I could properly take over the world without overusing my magic. They key would be to manipulate a few key individuals.
For instance, imagine the EU if it were a heraditary empire with an army, and it included all of the OECD. That is the great catholic Monarch right there.
Okay, Monsieur Bonaparte.
“Power corrupts” is a good aphorism for those who need the support of others and have to continually fight off rivals who seek the top job.
Think of Stalin. Saddam Hussein, and Kim Jong-un. None of them, personally, can do extraordinary things (though several of them have claimed they can.) They rely on others to carry out their orders. Their rule is enforced only through ruthless terror. Any potential rivals must be liquidated ASAP.
Jeff Bezos hasn’t, SFAIK, had anyone killed. His “enemies” are those who would regulate or break up his business. So he’s not totally secure. But he doesn’t want to “take over the world”. What can a gun get you that money cannot procure more easily?
This logical progression leads to Djinn. When you can have jewels, sex partners, or a palace with a snap of the fingers — and the Power is innate within you — why would you need to dominate anyone? Admittedly, a sick twisted sadistic personality might still want to. But Jean never seemed that sort.
There may be additional checks on over-reaching. “Da Rules”, to coin a phrase. Why do Djinn have to take orders and grant wishes? All thanks to King Solomon?
Your Jeff Bezos comment reminded me of a line in the book ‘The Godfather’, I don’t think it was said in the movie,. Don Corleone said “A good lawyer can steal more with his briefcase than a hundred men with machine guns.”
Come on, Jeff Bezos is basically Lex Luther
Wait until you drink a cup of coffee and then fall asleep at your desk. Be grateful you didn’t fall asleep while you were driving home.
never would expect a ego trip over privllage and power from Jean have to see how she responds to the answer
So they can’t change genders?
In the middle of reading that I was half expecting her to say something like “and you 2 may change rolls at some point.”
Oh god, now I’m thinking about female Guano – someone stop me please.
i was thinking this as well
Nice to fantasize about something like this happening, but, according Kazom this can’t happen, because, you would have to change the core of two Genie’s and he say that a Genie Core is set for all eternity and can’t be changed. Now the outward appearances of Genie can be changed to look like a female Genie or look like a male Genie when a Genie get enough experience into the process of doing that, but, it would only be the outward part of the Genie that being changed only. So gender swooping possible, but, there core can never change. In other word’s, Jeanie as Genie was created around a Female Genie Core and everything that goes with being a Female Genie was put into Jeanie and is permanent and that who she is now. Jean as a man, at this point, is only a memory of who she use to be and will never be again.
We do know that experienced genies are capable of shapeshifting. So right now, Guano probably could. Jeanie should be able to as well, some time down the line, once she has more experience with her powers. Well, assume she ever bothers to try to learn from her practice, lol.
So this leads to the question, what about Neil, Jeanie’s true Master?
When contemplating a time frame of a few thousand years, Neil as her master becomes insignificant. Jeanie can expect to serve dozens of masters during her existence. As we know, a genie “lives” as long as s/he has magic. With all the magic the Blue Djinn stole that Jeanie now has, she could very well live longer than any genie ever has before.
Right. Neil is in his 20s (24-25 if Neil and Jean are within one year in age, since Jean claimed to be 23 to Melvin). Barring magic or unexpected medical breakthroughs, he’s not likely to live past his 90s. Jeanie, meanwhile, is likely to live at least two thousand years–maybe up to four thousand if she is not killed and not foolishly overspending her magic. As Lehab describes, Jeanie can wait out Neil’s death-from-old-age, and the seventy years required will be the proportional equivalent of maybe three years.
Secondly, given that Jeanie is currently producing a child with Guano, that means that the pressure to “consummate” their marriage in any other way is much reduced. Jeanie is thus not required to actually sleep with him unless he tries to force the issue. It also seems that they are not required to cohabit, and Jeanie will only need to appear for ceremonial purposes. Meanwhile, as the First Wife to the next Genie Overlord, she is next up for Lehab’s current position as ersatz Queen of All Genies.
Couldn’t he use a wish for eternal youth?
He’d have to specify that eternal life go along with it (and that it be life in a healthy, mobile, humanoid biological form, lest he be made into a statue, a tree, or a robot, or what-have-you), given that Genie wishes tend to make their own interpretations of the wording if it’s not specific enough. Otherwise he could end up looking 30 till his hundredth birthday and then drop dead. Also, he’d likely need to specify what age of “youth” he wants, or he might be a kid forever.
I wonder if that “live for thousands of years” part registered? The fact that she’ll outlive everyone she knows…
That reminds me of how sad it was for Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod when Heather died. Queen’s music made that scene heart wrenching.
Represent! for the Highlander.
I like the Halloween costume but it looks like it is about as snug as a Pixie Ranger flight suit. Carful you don’t cut off her circulation.
Good thing she doesn’t need to eat much; I don’t see any room for a digestive tract. And apparently her boobs are ancillary lung lobes.
Don’t care though, she’s terrible cute, although the missing jaw gives her sort of a buck toothed look.
I don’t think genies needs to eat at all.
Genies appear to be sustained by magic rather than biochemical energy, so food is probably mostly for the experience of eating rather than any need for nutrition, though Jeanie does seem to experience mild hunger sensations (not “weak because I haven’t eaten in days” hunger, but “It’s two hours past lunchtime” hunger).
“Being mated to you may be the best optics for Guano….”
And Jeanie perks right up, because that implies she will not be powerless in that mating.
I don’t think she’s that concerned with “world domination”; she just wants to surf.
(And in her genie heart of hearts,I’m sure, to have a Master she can respect.)
Nice bones.
Does that skeleton costume hip area look like a face?
Oh, I can make it look like several things, depending on orientation.
Happy Birthday Hachimitsu
It’s Hachi’s birthday?
Happy bday, dude!
Just have Jeanie plug up the toilet in the harem bathroom and make a run for it.
This story is a delight to read, as it makes a trouble world go away for a while.
I’m glad you’re enjoying Jeanie Bottle. 🙂
If Jeanie stays married to Guano it looks like he defeated the Blue Djinn a second time by turning Blue’s power behind the throne by marriage scheme on it’s head. It’s literally a win-win for him. I wonder who is giving this talk to Guano? Oh and if you expect Jean to just take this at face value you haven’t been paying attention. Expect Jeanie to use this as leverage to get what Jean wants. Lahab is intentionally playing to that blatant self-interest.
All of the musing about absolute power causing absolute corruption is kind of silly, 600+ comics have shown that a genie’s powers are anything but absolute and Jeanie doesn’t care about such things. Evie’s corruption was not caused by her own power but her devotion to a corrupt master. Expect Jean to continue to find the limits of this power in the most hilarious ways possible.
As for Jean currently producing a child with Guano…maybe? The habun jadid is a commitment to create a child but we still haven’t been told how that works. Lahab gives us a hint when she says there is no hurry for the mated Jean and Guano to actually mate. It might take a few centuries before Jean’s biological (er… metaphysical?) clock tells her it’s time. The process may take centuries itself. Heck, female genies could bud like sea sponges, We just don’t know.
“bud like sea sponges” Now that’s an interesting image.
Oh, just to reiterate if my first comment wasn’t clear: Lahab has just implied that being mated to Guano will give Jean power over Guano, which is something Jean has never had before. Even if it’s just the power of public perception.
Now I really get the feeling that Lahab is grooming Jeanie to take her position. All the Blue Djinn’s power behind the Haji’s throne would be extremely useful.
Not only is Haji retiring, but, it look like Lahab want to retire too. OK! After having control over the Genie Realm for probably 3,000 plus, I think they might be getting ready to hand over the position to somebody else now. We know that Kazom is over 3,000 years old, because, he told us that. But, we know that he is older than 3,000 years, because, that when he said that he stop counting how old he was, so he is much older than 3,000 years. By how much, don’t know?
I’m not sure Jeanie and Guano are good choices for that. I mean just look at how Guano treated Jeanie and Jeanie generally acts. I mean seriously he didn’t even pause to confirm anything before locking Natalie to Jeanie’s genie bottle because he thought she was Jeannie.
I am not arguing for any position or am I taking side to what is good, bad or otherwise here. I am just stating what appears to be obvious here of what Lahab appears to be doing, like this is a swan song for her to exit soon. But, I am in agreement with you, If Guano and Jeanie are the best that the Realm of Geniedum can come up with, boy are they hurting for the need to have someone to take over Haji place and Lahab too.