Jeanie Bottle 600
IT’S PAGE 600! Woooo!
And seemingly to mark the occasion, Jeanie has had a rather important revelation about her place in genie society right now. I wonder what she’ll do with this newfound knowledge?
IT’S PAGE 600! Woooo!
And seemingly to mark the occasion, Jeanie has had a rather important revelation about her place in genie society right now. I wonder what she’ll do with this newfound knowledge?
Congrats on 600 chapter Cd and Robert. Finally comes out for Jean but the reaction is on deaf ears they are set in the old ways with very little change over a long time.
This is a momentous occasion for CD and Robert, to reach their 600th page. Too bad for Jeannie but with of choice of being wed to Guano or being send to Genie Hell, his options are limited…
Pit, not pitt. And “their king,” not “there king.”
I’ve mentioned this every single time the place has been named. Its title IS “The Pitt of the Damned”. It is not a typo.
I’ve fixed “there”, though.
I know it is not a typo. It is an error in diction. “Pitt” is the last name of an English statesman (more than one such, actually). In ancient mythology, the souls of evildoers were consigned to the depths of the underworld, which was called the pit of the damned. In Greek mythology, it was named Tartarus. I am not sure that it has a name in the Muslim mythos from which the stories of djinni (genies) are derived. But unless you are deliberately intending to insult Pittsburgh, it is a misnomer.
In the context of Jeanie Bottle, Pitt is exactly how genies called their Djinn prison. Why, I don’t know, but this has being discuss before.
Names can be spelled however the hell you want them to be spelled. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be 50 different ways to spell the same names, which insane parents use in an attempt to make their kids “unique”, but really just makes them pariahs for having a dumb name spelling. I sympathize greatly with the Soosins and Kaih-Leighs of the world.
@Robert: ‘ an attempt to make their kids “unique” ‘.
“Everyone in this room is wearing a uniform.” –Frank Zappa to his concert audience.
…and in the original version of this post, I attributed the “unique” post to “Robart”. Sheesh.
Just some language lessons:
hubun jadid is Arabic for “new love”
And pitt is very close to being a pun on the Arabic word for “house.” So, House of the Damned? 🙂
BTW, I say close because Arabic has no letter p, and foreign words with a p are spelled with a b.
Is there a Pitt of the Damned the Younger? #ObscureJoke
Not that I am quibbling over the name, as Thor said once; all names are made up. Pitt of the Damned is a perfectly cromulent name.
Makes me think of fallout 3 when you go to the Pitt. I freakin loved that game.
I guess is could stand for a Pitt as in Prune Pitt. Sorry, bad humor here! But, that how it spelled.
“Most will never question your human origin…” This phrasing implies they will know that is the case but be indifferent or accepting. But the prior sentence says they are not observant. Perhaps what she should be saying is something like “Most will never recognize…” (or apprehend/realize/perceive/etc.)
Yeah, I can see how that could be confusing. I’ve reformulated Lahab’s line to avoid that.
“The question of what constitutes a human being remains unanswered. But one critical characteristic’s human multi-purpose adaptability.”
Gottlos by Colin Kapp
Under Tuesday’s strip, Some Idiot Knowitall said, “In any event, Jeanie is not going to be publicly raped in church, and then have to put up with magical pregnancy for nine months while being Guano’s live-in sex slave and housekeeper.”
Lahab still hasn’t gone quite that far. She’s just making sure Jeanie knows what the stakes are, and she now has Jeanie’s undivided attention. (In as much as that is possible.)
But wow, now that she’s shown how brutal the stick can be, I hope there’s some morsel of carrot to offer.
@50srefugee “She’s just making sure Jeanie knows what the stakes are…”
Very large stakes indeed. Now, all Lahab has to do is convince Guano (Haji’s probable successor) that there is an upside to having what may possibly be one of the most powerful young genies as his co-ruler of Geniedom and mother of his heir(s).
Yes, Lahab is giving Jeanie a reality check as to what really going on and what Jeanie needs to be doing to avoid protentually bad consequences of making wrong decision in the not too distant future. In the last window, Jeanie seem to be having a sudden either surprise of realization of the possible consequences of her possible making wrong choice is the not to distant future, which is something new for Jeanie. Jeanie isn’t use to having to think about what could happen if she make the wrong choice, she just used to doing and not worrying about the consequences.
Does Jeanie herself know how much power she now has? It could be a lot of fun if she doesn’t.
Perhaps we’ll see her try to do a little spell and it turns out to be something much larger than she expects, like changing Neil in front of her into a woman and every male behind her also becomes female as a side effect. Being Jeanie, she would not look around or notice that her magic had huge side effects.
I hope to see many amusing hi-jinks!
The best possible carrot I can see would likely be something about Guano not taking advantage of the marriage. I’m sure Jeanie will finish her pregnancy – and even after that, society as conservative as the Genies seem to be is not going to allow divorce.
Sooo…genies are not very observant, not all that smart, but are terribly hidebound. We’ve certainly seen little evidence to the contrary.
Jeanie should fit right in!
I’ll note another misconception of mine: I thought a si-lat genie was one that had been human. No, they’re just genies whose natural form is human.
marriage doesn’t look so bad now does it
Gee, and here I thought Jean was going to get the “I know you’re not ready to be a mother, but who is?” speech. Maybe Lahab will get to that later.
The guard’s interaction with Jean implies that some genies believe or suspect she is either the Blue Djinn or a willing accomplice or a treacherous co-conspirator that backstabbed him to take his place. And many of them are probably guards because that’s the way people who become guards tend to think. Jean is the literal embodiment of their fears. Marriage to Guano would protect her from them, too.
And again it’s probably going to be a purely political marriage despite Jean’s fears. Guano does not appear to be any more thrilled or enthusiastic than Jean and has never tried to abuse his power over her for sexual gratification. Both Guano and Jean are being pushed into this by outside forces. Maybe they will use that to find common ground.
I like this observation, Guano is a Dick but I don’t believe he’s a bad or manipulative person, I would imagine that their “Marriage” would be more political then romantic and that both would be expected to fulfill specific duties together but would otherwise have a very limited relationship with one another, at least for a long while. That might change later when all of Jean’s human friends have died.
Congrats on the milestone!
Lahab said its rare for a human to become a genie even rarer for a man to become one if you remember the bottle was stolen by a thief but wasn’t geniefied so Jean was transformed for a reason.
I seem NOT to have remembered that in any detail. Can you point to that sequence, please?
Putting a link in my comment can send it into approval hell, so the page in question is 399, with the thief himself appearing for the first time in 398. When Jean move on to Andy’s (Rouya’s Master) old apartment, he leave the door open for a moment, and a Thief stole both Jean’s and Andy’s stuff. That bottle went for a long trip to get back to that apartment, that for sure. In that note, the bottle expend decades in Andy’s apartment without turning him into a genie (which, with him being a friend of the original writer of I Dream of Jeannie, would had been awkward), the thief or anyone in the antique shop Jean bought it back… so yeah, Jeanie had very bad luck, or it was her destiny.
Ah, thank you!
That sequence starts here: /?comic=jeanie-bottle-367 [That’s how I insert links. And *ahem* Robert, CD : yes, it’s incredibly annoying that even links to this very site trigger the spam trap.] It immediately follows the Dukes of Hazard crossover.
A great deal of current interest happened back then; it’s well worth a review.
I think, though, that the bottle the thief stole was NOT Jeanie’s. Her bottle doesn’t have a red lip. I think it belongs Rouyaa, the de-geniefied Ms. Eden living in the next door apartment.
I don’t immediately see what happened to the thief or the bottle.
Rouyaa’s and Jean’s bottle are the same bottle, you can even compare them directly in the character page. That’s also the reason as to why Blue called Jeanie, “Rouyaa’s Daughter” Not sure as to why the lip looks red in that page, other than maybe a color mistake, but unless it is an unknown bottle Andy acquired at some point, it should be the same bottle that would later turn Jean into Jeanie.
[rereads up through 500 and a bit]
Good Grief, but there’s a lot of loose ends lying around.
Not complaining, exactly, I’m hoping a few of them get tied up in the current arc.
@Carlos: “Rouyaa’s and Jean’s bottle are the same bottle”
Ah, right, right, right.
Does this mean the thief’s bottle is unaccounted for?
The thief is the one that stole the bottle from Miss Eden’s apartment and then he hocked it at the antique shop where Jean picked it up and was turned into Jeanie. That red thing that in the top of Rouyaa old Genie bottle totem that the thief stole. It look like it might be a red rag or something that stopping up the end of the bottle. I put a magnifying glass on it and that what it look like to me. Which might be the reason that nobody was turned into a Genie or could be turn into a Genie. When Jean picked up the bottle, that red rag or stopper wasn’t there, so either Jean removed it and lost it when he was turned into Jeanie. It was Araceli that generates the new stopper for Jeanie bottle some time later.
I always assumed that the difference was Jean actually opened the empty bottle and Andy and the thief did not. But when I looked back at comic #1 to check I noticed Jean is just holding the bottle without trying to open it. The bottle just pops open by itself while Jean was talking and probably fantasizing about the show. And the other human turned genie (Jehane) was also a big IDOJ fan. Maybe the totems only open for someone with the right mindset or subconscious desire.
…The truth is that she wanted the body of a REDHEAD erection factory.
I have to keep in mind that, as stern as Lahab seems, she’s just answering Jeanie’s petulant “What do I care?” with a warning about the perceptions and feelings of the other genies.
Once again, she talks about Jeanie being “united” with Guano, not being married to him. We still do not know the nature of the proposed union, or of the Hubun Jadid, or how genies reproduce.
Most important, we still have no idea how all this ties in with the source of the unaccounted for gravity field affecting the Mars Orbiter’s fuel consumption, or the career of Jeanie’s true Master.
Well, what we now of the Hubun Jadid union so far:
– It’s suppose to end with a new Genie being born into the world.
– The union is so strong, that by law, if Jeanie were to exile to the Pitt of Damn, Guano should be exile as well. It also affect the clothing of the genie couple when they are close by.
– It’s considered to be rather romantic by young genies.
– After the union ritual is done, the Hubun Jadid seemingly ends inside the female Genie… there are a couple of ways to speculate from there.
Yeah, good summary, but seriously: where does that leave Neil?
“Pitt of the Damned”? Sounds nice.
So it’ll be a marriage of convenience, then? (Six hundred congratulations on you six-hundredth page.)
“blonde erection factory” CD has such a delicate way of saying things
I actually rewrote that line. It was originally “blonde walking erection”, which sounded… really weird. I think the version I came up with is what CD was originally going for, though.
I like your version better
Same here!
maybe the “Pitt of the Damned” was named after someone named Pitt.
Shoot, It’s a dammed if you do dammed if you don’t situation.
Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.
Was the king actually slain?
I thought blue was transformed into a human girl baby.
(though for a djin that may count as slain)
You are correct, but, from there viewpoint, the Blue Djinn doesn’t exist anymore. So he may as well have been slain by Jeanie. Anyway, that going to be there perception of what happened to the Blue Djinn and Jeanie is the one that did the deed too.
The outstanding “Erection Factory.” That is going to be a classic!
The Pitt of the Dammed is you are force to listen to Trump and Biden debates for all eternally. bwahahaha
Dear god, NOOOO!!!
What Robert said.
I’m guessing it’s a bit like humans don’t tend to see other humans as decended from neanderthals so will not tend to question another humans humanity. Genidom comes with certain expectations and conclusions. If one is a genie they must understand the implications much as a human should understand the basics of civility and society.
It means Jeanie has no recourse, rights, or recognition of humanity, only her status and actions as a genie matter to them. she is expected to be as she appears but this is pretty much what all humans have to be in a society to some extent too. However pushing jeanie into a marrage she can’t expect to love… eh, well it is a marriage of convenience and probably good to have in a society as this one. Hopefully we will learn more about the genies.
Throughout history there were many forms of “marriage” that don’t exactly conform to our modern standards. Marriages for power, for wealth, for a raise in station. Marriages for convenience, to provide a widow with a roof over her head, to give legitimacy to a child not of one’s own creation. Sometimes there were marriages where multiple wives were concerned and no sex was involved at all. We don’t yet know what constitutes a marriage in geniedom. This may be just a “marriage” of convenience, to create a newborn genie with the Hubun Jadid as the contract.
Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc. “After this, therefore because of this.”
Since event Y (Jeanie having the Hubun Jadid) followed event X (Blue’s extortion of Guano), event Y (Jeanie’s pregnancy) must have been caused by event X (Blue’s extortion of Guano). This might actually be where the post hoc fallacy is actually true.
And yes, I watch The West Wing.
NEWS FLASH, COCOA BEACH FL, THIS JUST IN. Our undercover reporters have just uncovered some secret document from an undisclosed goverment source, and have been verified to why Jeanie wants to stay as Jeanie, because of all the free drinks when he/she goes to a bar—Film at 11:00.
That depends upon how well Jeanie holds her alchohol
I wonder if Lahab is going to take over Jeanie’s training or become some sort of mentor since as far as we know Jeanie is now essentially next in line for Haji’s First (Would it be Haji’s first or Guano’s First after Guano takes over?). Also what happened to that one Lady that took the fall for The Blue Djinn, did she get absolved of her accusation and sentencing or has she been forgotten about?
As I recall, Haji is a title not a name, and his actual name has not been revealed. [Page 572 “Guano is next in line for the position of Haji.”]
In typical genie fashion (of which our girl is one of the worst examples), she was probably forgotten about unless absolving her was one of the things Jeanie had to correct. [Page 567 “If you are not the Blue Djinn, you will fix all the ill he has done.”] Seems like that is one of the things she would have to fix.
Sadly for Jehane, Jeanie may not remember what happen to her (back then she wasn’t aware of the times Blue took over her body), and Jehane was exile after a hubun jadid was found on her possession, so as far as the other Genies and maybe Jean herself are concern, she was “guilty”.
I was under the impression that Haji was both a name and a title too. That it would be like someone named President becoming the President. He would both have the title of President and be called Mr. President, because, that his name too. As of right now, Jehane has been pretty much forgotten, but, it would be nice if we go back and revisit the issue and exonerate Jehane from all wrong doing, but, that going to be a future issue if they remember it and decide that it need to be straightened out, which would nice if they do that.
As in Maj. Major Major Major from Catch 22 (played by Bob Newhart)?
I really miss Jahane. Is she still in handcuffs?
Presumably. I’m hoping that Jeanie will remember to tell the genie council that they fucked up, and insist that she be unbanished.
Her bottle could poof up out of the swamp and get opened by Bucktooth Willie. That would make an interesting story.
Congrats on a new milestone