Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
In her role as Haji's First, Lahab leads Haji's Harem. She is a Jann genie, one of the few elementals left in the world. She and Kazom are "old friends".
If you ever need to contact me or CD or Hollum, we’re on the CD Rudd Discord channel: It’s free for anyone to join and chat with us, and other fans.
I don’t understand why some people still think she’s not pregnant. Well, Jeanie herself is excused, she was not paying attention, but everything we actually saw in comics suggest she’s already pregnant.
Who says it can’t be both? The little we’ve been told about Hubun Jadid implies that an offspring is inevitable but inevitable doesn’t necessarily mean immediate and given genie lifespans it could be years or even centuries before we see the results.
I think most people believe she’s “pregnant”, but that doesn’t mean she’s going to go through any sort of “pregnancy” that we’ve ever seen. She’s a genie who was “impregnated” via using a Hubun Jadid in a magic ritual. We have no idea what kind of process the rest of her “pregnancy” will entail.
Well, it the TV series, Jeanie did get pregnant, but, this isn’t the TV Series, so the verdict is still out as to whether a Genie can get pregnant by a human, but, I would say they probably can get pregnant by a human.
Don’t remember her getting pregnant on the series…I do remember a flash-forward where they married and had kids (a boy and a girl), of whom the girl had genie powers…but it was also said that genies lose their power when they marry mortals, but that didn’t happen when they married, either.
I can’t remember the episode but when Jeanie sent the two surfer dudes to Omaha Beach she was quite fetching in her pink bikini and Agent Anderson rocked her one piece.
Judging from Jean’s behavior over these last few strips she either hasn’t been told or it hasn’t sunk in that she is now Guano’s first wife and destined to be the mother of his child. It wouldn’t surprise me that she hasn’t been told — all of the genies around her so far were probably born genies and likely assume she shares their intrinsic cultural knowledge. For her part Jean, who is fairly cynical and isn’t big on commitment in any case, is not likely to twig on the fact that Genie marriages are magically enforced until someone like Lahab takes her aside and explains the facts of genie life to here like you would to a small child, which Jean effectively is given her level of cultural knowledge.
It looks like Guano has three choices at this point: fight, flight, or woo. The big question is what’s going to happen if Guano finds out Jean wasn’t just a mortal but was once a mortal man. He’s so closed-minded about everything else and he’s shown no sign that he knows so far. I’m hoping he picks woo for the comedic possibilities.
It dosn’t matter what people were before they became a djinn. It was stated that a persons vision of what a djinn is supposed to look like is what shapes their core self as a djinn, and that because of Disney they have a lot of blue djinns running around.
Jean herself got her current look because of an old sitcom
The other genies have done nothing but terrible things to her in the name of punishment for misdeeds she didn’t commit, and have also failed to tell her ANYTHING about what the hell is going on with Guano. Of course she’s distraught at apparently yet another punishment being levied upon her.
That’s my point exactly. While Jeanie seems to have taken to performing magic reflexively, she hasn’t learned the responsibility that comes with it and lacks the restraint needed (which gets her into trouble), mostly because no one has taken the time to sit down with her and actually TEACH her. Guano just barks orders and Kazom couldn’t be bothered (except that one time to save the world).
Basically, we have a rookie Genie with no training on how to be a Genie or what it means to be a Genie. Genie school was basically a bust when it came to training Jeanie on how to be a Genie. She got minimum amounts of training to virtually no training at all. She didn’t read the “How to Feed Your Genie for Idiots” Manual. About the only thing that Jeanie knows about Genie’s is how to do magic, but, nothing about her responsibilities as Genie or the tradition and law that all Genie are required to follow at all times or the consequences of mis-use of the Genie magic and other such thing as that are absent and not apart of her thinking process. Jeanie is your stereo typed Blond Headed Girl, she basically an AIR HEAD!
mike “[Jeanie] hasn’t learned the responsibility that comes with it and lacks the restraint needed”
As I keep saying, that’s not her job. That’s NEIL’s job, as Master.
But I am definitely hoping that Lahab will at least have Jeanie’s attention, and straighten out a few misconceptions the New Genie has. For instance, the idea that she is a free agent.
She either obeys her Master, or she goes back in the bottle.
@mike: “By restraint I meant the random acts of magic” nod-nod, but I think that’s always been a part of Jean’s character, Jeanie’s genie nature has only allowed her to avoid some of the responsibility that kept Jean fed, clothed, and housed.
Again, though, Neil’s responsibility now, and he’s really been slacking on that.
@CD – I noticed the top bra is white. But does Jeannie’s, Lahab’s, and G’s mothers top vests being red also mean something? Does it symbolize some form of high society standing within genie culture?
What it appear to mean, is that there is a relationship between Guano Dad and Mom and now between him and Jeanie as a result of the Hubun Jadid effect that was caused by Blue Djinn, when she force Guano into this relationship. The vest turning white appears to be a side effect of a husband and wife standing close to each other. That being the case, then Jeanie is technically Guano wile and possible mother to be.
In the third panel Jeanie said,in a very resigned feminine way, ” Oh what did I do now”. A guy normally would state it in a more defensive manner , ” Now what did I do?!” Being locked up with only women around is changing how she sees herself.
Lahab opens by ejecting the Mad Mother In Law, and follows up by removing the cuffs from Jeanie, who is evidently surprised by this reasonableness. I have hopes that finally, FINALLY, someone will listen to Jeanie.
Robert “They do look kind of adorable…” Until you notice that they are both repelled by the other. I am so wanting to see Jeanie embrace her true Master–and friend–with honest affection. And hold the embrace long enough for Neil to hug her back.
That will be UBER-dorable.
Oh jean will it be Guano Jr or Jean Jr better start thinking now? Wait does this make Jean the first wife to Guano the next Genie Lord?
Yes, I believe so. I’m fairly sure that Blue mentioned that, back when she was still in control.
thanks Robert for looking into the logo thing….sorry didnt know how to contact you to thank you.
If you ever need to contact me or CD or Hollum, we’re on the CD Rudd Discord channel: It’s free for anyone to join and chat with us, and other fans.
I wonder if giving birth is more difficult for female genies? Since the baby is technically a magical being….
Either way, it will be a great learning experience for Jean.
The genie’s babies probable poof like out of a bottle! LOL
Me thinks this one this one of those experience that Jeanie would gladly pass up. Why, that is a question that you will need to ask Jeanie herself.
do we actually have someone on Jean side
When Lahab said “Mother-to-be” left me wondering if it was sarcasm or prophesy.
I think the mother part is a done deal.
I don’t understand why some people still think she’s not pregnant. Well, Jeanie herself is excused, she was not paying attention, but everything we actually saw in comics suggest she’s already pregnant.
Who says it can’t be both? The little we’ve been told about Hubun Jadid implies that an offspring is inevitable but inevitable doesn’t necessarily mean immediate and given genie lifespans it could be years or even centuries before we see the results.
I think most people believe she’s “pregnant”, but that doesn’t mean she’s going to go through any sort of “pregnancy” that we’ve ever seen. She’s a genie who was “impregnated” via using a Hubun Jadid in a magic ritual. We have no idea what kind of process the rest of her “pregnancy” will entail.
As I have said before, I have shipped characters on flimsier foundations than what Jean x Guano would be built on.
I would like to ask ye guys what ye would prefer as the scion of Jean and Guano.
or girl?
Why limit ourselves
She is not a snail, so no, but I am open for twins.
Yes, twins, one a boy and one a girl. That would make things interesting and give them double trouble in the Genie Realm.
Will this be the female genie version of the,” Facts of life talk” that Jean missed as a child?
Just curious… doesn’t Lahab have a thumbnail picture?
You’d think so… but it seems we never got around to making one for her during the previous storyline in Haji’s Palace. We should do that…
“…And second, let me add some much bigger and heavier shackles!”
Given that the shackles supress her magic powers could they not also supress the magical gestation, and removing them allows that to proceed?
The impossible–could it be that Jeanie, our girl, is not guilty this time.
i wonder if it’s going to occur to anyone that jeanie isn’t even really a girl. not on the inside anyway.
She is a girl in the parts important for the baby. She’s also not human there.
Jury is still out about how much she changed mentally.
If she has one, they had better call for an immediate paternity test…
Why? The father is obviously Guano. It’s not like genie could get pregnant with human, could she?
Well, it the TV series, Jeanie did get pregnant, but, this isn’t the TV Series, so the verdict is still out as to whether a Genie can get pregnant by a human, but, I would say they probably can get pregnant by a human.
Don’t remember her getting pregnant on the series…I do remember a flash-forward where they married and had kids (a boy and a girl), of whom the girl had genie powers…but it was also said that genies lose their power when they marry mortals, but that didn’t happen when they married, either.
Awwww no more bikini…how about a one piece.
If you wear a bikini, you really ought to have both pieces.
I can’t remember the episode but when Jeanie sent the two surfer dudes to Omaha Beach she was quite fetching in her pink bikini and Agent Anderson rocked her one piece.
Oh, episodes 79, 260 and 263 for starters.
I love that scene, precisely because of how good the two of them looked in their swimwear. 🙂
Found it. The episodes I was thinking of are 433 and 434.
anyone else notice the similarities between the panels where Neil and Jean are being held by a man, haha
It’s almost as if they were drawn by the same person.
Oh Jeanie! You might need a good lawyer or a good funeral plan. Or buy your life insurance by the hour!
Robert. If Jeanie could have heard your comments about panel one, I wouldn’t make any long range plans.
Judging from Jean’s behavior over these last few strips she either hasn’t been told or it hasn’t sunk in that she is now Guano’s first wife and destined to be the mother of his child. It wouldn’t surprise me that she hasn’t been told — all of the genies around her so far were probably born genies and likely assume she shares their intrinsic cultural knowledge. For her part Jean, who is fairly cynical and isn’t big on commitment in any case, is not likely to twig on the fact that Genie marriages are magically enforced until someone like Lahab takes her aside and explains the facts of genie life to here like you would to a small child, which Jean effectively is given her level of cultural knowledge.
It looks like Guano has three choices at this point: fight, flight, or woo. The big question is what’s going to happen if Guano finds out Jean wasn’t just a mortal but was once a mortal man. He’s so closed-minded about everything else and he’s shown no sign that he knows so far. I’m hoping he picks woo for the comedic possibilities.
It dosn’t matter what people were before they became a djinn. It was stated that a persons vision of what a djinn is supposed to look like is what shapes their core self as a djinn, and that because of Disney they have a lot of blue djinns running around.
Jean herself got her current look because of an old sitcom
Lahab sure has the power to clear a room. The fearsome mother in law high tailed it out of there without an other word.
Friendly reminder about Lahab, you don’t want to be on her bad side.
Jeanie’s expression looks so pathetic in panel 3, almost as if she were ready to cry.
The other genies have done nothing but terrible things to her in the name of punishment for misdeeds she didn’t commit, and have also failed to tell her ANYTHING about what the hell is going on with Guano. Of course she’s distraught at apparently yet another punishment being levied upon her.
That’s my point exactly. While Jeanie seems to have taken to performing magic reflexively, she hasn’t learned the responsibility that comes with it and lacks the restraint needed (which gets her into trouble), mostly because no one has taken the time to sit down with her and actually TEACH her. Guano just barks orders and Kazom couldn’t be bothered (except that one time to save the world).
Basically, we have a rookie Genie with no training on how to be a Genie or what it means to be a Genie. Genie school was basically a bust when it came to training Jeanie on how to be a Genie. She got minimum amounts of training to virtually no training at all. She didn’t read the “How to Feed Your Genie for Idiots” Manual. About the only thing that Jeanie knows about Genie’s is how to do magic, but, nothing about her responsibilities as Genie or the tradition and law that all Genie are required to follow at all times or the consequences of mis-use of the Genie magic and other such thing as that are absent and not apart of her thinking process. Jeanie is your stereo typed Blond Headed Girl, she basically an AIR HEAD!
mike “[Jeanie] hasn’t learned the responsibility that comes with it and lacks the restraint needed”
As I keep saying, that’s not her job. That’s NEIL’s job, as Master.
But I am definitely hoping that Lahab will at least have Jeanie’s attention, and straighten out a few misconceptions the New Genie has. For instance, the idea that she is a free agent.
She either obeys her Master, or she goes back in the bottle.
By restraint I meant the random acts of magic… Clarence into Tiffany, two guys on a beach in Normandy, Agent Anderson… that sort of thing.
@mike: “By restraint I meant the random acts of magic” nod-nod, but I think that’s always been a part of Jean’s character, Jeanie’s genie nature has only allowed her to avoid some of the responsibility that kept Jean fed, clothed, and housed.
Again, though, Neil’s responsibility now, and he’s really been slacking on that.
@CD – I noticed the top bra is white. But does Jeannie’s, Lahab’s, and G’s mothers top vests being red also mean something? Does it symbolize some form of high society standing within genie culture?
I doubt it, because Guano’s vest is the thing that turns white when he’s in Jeanie’s presence. His vest, and his dad’s vest, are usually green.
What it appear to mean, is that there is a relationship between Guano Dad and Mom and now between him and Jeanie as a result of the Hubun Jadid effect that was caused by Blue Djinn, when she force Guano into this relationship. The vest turning white appears to be a side effect of a husband and wife standing close to each other. That being the case, then Jeanie is technically Guano wile and possible mother to be.
In the third panel Jeanie said,in a very resigned feminine way, ” Oh what did I do now”. A guy normally would state it in a more defensive manner , ” Now what did I do?!” Being locked up with only women around is changing how she sees herself.
CD: “I have to work out some script issues.”
Script issues huh? Might I suggest hiring a real web page developer. 😉
Or are you talking about the story line?
I’m joking BTW.
Lahab opens by ejecting the Mad Mother In Law, and follows up by removing the cuffs from Jeanie, who is evidently surprised by this reasonableness. I have hopes that finally, FINALLY, someone will listen to Jeanie.
Robert “They do look kind of adorable…” Until you notice that they are both repelled by the other. I am so wanting to see Jeanie embrace her true Master–and friend–with honest affection. And hold the embrace long enough for Neil to hug her back.
That will be UBER-dorable.
The LOOK terrified.