Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
So, an interesting detail I just notice about Genie Couples here. The closer they get to their partners, the wither their clothes get… no sure what that could mean though…
This has actually been happening with Jeanie and Guano for a while, now. Though this page seems to confirm that it’s a thing with genie spouses in general. Assuming that’s Guano’s dad.
That would seem to be the Robert, because, not only is Jeanie outfit turning white, but, Guano mother cloth are turning white too. So that must be Atawin who is Guano father that is there too or the other Genie that behind Guano. But, it an interesting way to find out who is joined to who, by watching to see who cloth turn white when there around somebody.
Wait a minute. Stop. Stop. Robert, CD – Does a genie’s clothes/colors change when they’re around someone they love? Or are there other factors at play.
Side note – will we ever get another sneeze the day type comic?
Same with the other mans vest. Its an interesting twist, and I’d like to know a bit more about that effect. It’s a nice touch, I like it. But I wonder what that means for the greater story overall…
Like… Does Jean look like Jeannie because that’s what Jean remembered? Or is that what Neil secretly likes? It’s a dumb question… but it feels like this scene has a few plot related implications.
Kazom explained it way back when Jeanie was going to Genie School. When Jean picked up the bottle, he was thinking of Barbra Eden the women that played Jeanie in the series of I Dream of Jeanie. He was thinking that he would so like to do her. That when Jean was transformed into a mirror of Barbra Eden and very image of the Jeanie that we have today. It was all Jean doing and nobody else fault that he is a female Genie that look like Jeanie.
If that whitening theory holds, then is the third male genie behind Guano his dad?
As for sneezing genies, there was an anime series about a boy who had a bottle genie who was summoned when the boy sneezed. And that genie had a daughter who was summoned by her master when her master yawned.
Probably and his name would be Atawin in that case. Because, he has already been identified by his wife when she yelled out for Atawin to get over there to meet his son wife.
Perhaps as a consequnce of the magic bonding ceremony between Jean (when she was blue) and Guano; Jean is about to find out that she is attracted to bald guys, I can’t even imagine the outburst that would result from that.
I’m betting on Lahab bringing Guano’s mom into the mix. She has the power, wisdom, and the brains to pull this off, probably the only one in that realm who dose. Last we saw her she was off to fix this mess.
Close. We saw them in a 4th of July pic that CD released on his DA a short while ago, and on a bikini contest wallpaper that he made for his Patreon a while back. Plus a handful of older pics.
Though I don’t think he’s actually detailed her toes individually, before. He usually draws bare feet very simply.
There no mistaken that look, Jeanie is definitely a girl here. That look on her face say it all. Her old self is only a memory now and an occasionally longing sigh before going on with her new life.
For anyone coming to this page and noticing that there’s no new strip: This week’s JB will come out on Thursday. CD had to complete an urgent, toilsome errand on Monday night, and did not have time to finish the comic for the usual Tuesday release.
Classic. Guano was probably expecting some snide comment about being a Momma’s boy, but Jean,who is about as deep as a discount bird bath, is too hung up on the baldness thing to notice.
Long term followers should remember that we have heard absolutely nothing about Jean’s parents, not even the standard “how do I tell my parents I’ve turned into a genie/monster/girl/mutant/whatever” trope so common in transformation stories.,which implies alienation of some sort, perhaps even death. Given Jean’s narcissistic tendencies it may be because Jean’s parents are as bad or worse and the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. Expect Jean to become extremely jealous of Guano’s close relationship with his Mom and unwilling or incapable of admitting why. Expect Guano to be defensive about the implications that he’s a Momma’s boy, and maybe even stand up to his mother over Jean
Jean and Guano may actually turn out to be good for each other. He’ll teach her empathy, she’ll stiffen his spine.
I would hate for Cd Rudd to drop out of this too quickly, because, there is so much that can be done here before both Guano and Jeanie are released from this situation. This could be kind of a back door approach of something like happen in the I dream of Jeannie series of why she ended up in a bottle for two thousand year. Some jealous lover who wanted Jeannie stick her in the bottle. It make a great side trail to investigate and go into also, but, in the end, Jeanie got to go back to Neil at the end of this joint.
She must be a bottle genie who is in between masters like Aracelia. Love Jean in the bikinni on top.
I suspect it’s just a very easy way to deal with a helicopter parent.
Maybe Lahab did? This might be some elaborate part of her solution for Jean’s super-powered predicament.
So, an interesting detail I just notice about Genie Couples here. The closer they get to their partners, the wither their clothes get… no sure what that could mean though…
Was just about to mention that. Maybe it’s something engaged/mates genies have with their magic?
This has actually been happening with Jeanie and Guano for a while, now. Though this page seems to confirm that it’s a thing with genie spouses in general. Assuming that’s Guano’s dad.
That would seem to be the Robert, because, not only is Jeanie outfit turning white, but, Guano mother cloth are turning white too. So that must be Atawin who is Guano father that is there too or the other Genie that behind Guano. But, it an interesting way to find out who is joined to who, by watching to see who cloth turn white when there around somebody.
I’m guessing her husband let her out of the bottle.
Hopefully the damage to the genie guards ear isn’t permanent….
Wait a minute. Stop. Stop. Robert, CD – Does a genie’s clothes/colors change when they’re around someone they love? Or are there other factors at play.
Side note – will we ever get another sneeze the day type comic?
The other Genie behind Guano is probably Atawin or Guano father, because, his mother cloth are also turning white now too.
Same with the other mans vest. Its an interesting twist, and I’d like to know a bit more about that effect. It’s a nice touch, I like it. But I wonder what that means for the greater story overall…
Like… Does Jean look like Jeannie because that’s what Jean remembered? Or is that what Neil secretly likes? It’s a dumb question… but it feels like this scene has a few plot related implications.
Kazom explained it way back when Jeanie was going to Genie School. When Jean picked up the bottle, he was thinking of Barbra Eden the women that played Jeanie in the series of I Dream of Jeanie. He was thinking that he would so like to do her. That when Jean was transformed into a mirror of Barbra Eden and very image of the Jeanie that we have today. It was all Jean doing and nobody else fault that he is a female Genie that look like Jeanie.
Emo Philips, on The Tonight Show:
“Wow, if my parents could only see me now, they’d say, ‘EMO! Who let you out of the attic?'”
If that whitening theory holds, then is the third male genie behind Guano his dad?
As for sneezing genies, there was an anime series about a boy who had a bottle genie who was summoned when the boy sneezed. And that genie had a daughter who was summoned by her master when her master yawned.
Probably and his name would be Atawin in that case. Because, he has already been identified by his wife when she yelled out for Atawin to get over there to meet his son wife.
does his mother’s master not let her out of her bottle?
Guano… where are your manners? Introduce your parents to your wife.
lol Of course Jeanie takes notice of Guano without his turban. XD
Side note, I hope that guard has a good doctor for his poor ear.
Perhaps as a consequnce of the magic bonding ceremony between Jean (when she was blue) and Guano; Jean is about to find out that she is attracted to bald guys, I can’t even imagine the outburst that would result from that.
You may have stumbled onto the real reason she has that sizzling hot look in her eyes up in the headline banner.
Supposedly male pattern baldness is triggered by an excessively high testosterone level . . .
There goes all the color again.
Huh. I wonder what it means.
It’s her odd nickname for Guano’s given name, “Alwatwat”.
I’m betting on Lahab bringing Guano’s mom into the mix. She has the power, wisdom, and the brains to pull this off, probably the only one in that realm who dose. Last we saw her she was off to fix this mess.
I love the banner and for the first time ??? we get to see Jeanie’s toes.
> for the first time
Close. We saw them in a 4th of July pic that CD released on his DA a short while ago, and on a bikini contest wallpaper that he made for his Patreon a while back. Plus a handful of older pics.
Though I don’t think he’s actually detailed her toes individually, before. He usually draws bare feet very simply.
Jeanie’s bikini in the masthead is sizzling hot. And that expression! If she’s looking at Neil, and he doesn’t take the hint, I give up on him.
There no mistaken that look, Jeanie is definitely a girl here. That look on her face say it all. Her old self is only a memory now and an occasionally longing sigh before going on with her new life.
Is she looking at Neil or is she flirting with Robert?
I’m hoping Neil
ya know if this ever gets straighten out would make for a very interesting soap opera.
“Days of Our Haji” or ” As The Bottle Turns” LOL
Maybe “Guano Light”, or “All My Genies”.
No, no, I’ve got it! “The Bald and the Beautiful”!!
As the Turbin Turns
How about “Two and a Half Turbans” since Jeannie used to be a guy.
What’s with the chains? They weren’t there when the future mother in law came in, but they are there now.
It seems they magically appear when Jeanie leaves her chambers… or cell, depending on your point of view.
Correct! I confirmed this with CD the other day.
Why do I think Amnesty Interdimensional needs to be involved?
She changed ears…
So…I’ve been sitting here thinking of alternate dialogue for Jean in the last panel. My favourite thusfar is:
“…so shiny! I want to rub a penny on it!”
Anyone else have ideas?
For anyone coming to this page and noticing that there’s no new strip: This week’s JB will come out on Thursday. CD had to complete an urgent, toilsome errand on Monday night, and did not have time to finish the comic for the usual Tuesday release.
No worries, CD’s work is worth the wait!
Its worth the wait. If grandma was locked in her bottle it looks like she is kind of a loose cannon. I think I am going to like her.
Classic. Guano was probably expecting some snide comment about being a Momma’s boy, but Jean,who is about as deep as a discount bird bath, is too hung up on the baldness thing to notice.
Long term followers should remember that we have heard absolutely nothing about Jean’s parents, not even the standard “how do I tell my parents I’ve turned into a genie/monster/girl/mutant/whatever” trope so common in transformation stories.,which implies alienation of some sort, perhaps even death. Given Jean’s narcissistic tendencies it may be because Jean’s parents are as bad or worse and the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. Expect Jean to become extremely jealous of Guano’s close relationship with his Mom and unwilling or incapable of admitting why. Expect Guano to be defensive about the implications that he’s a Momma’s boy, and maybe even stand up to his mother over Jean
Jean and Guano may actually turn out to be good for each other. He’ll teach her empathy, she’ll stiffen his spine.
I would hate for Cd Rudd to drop out of this too quickly, because, there is so much that can be done here before both Guano and Jeanie are released from this situation. This could be kind of a back door approach of something like happen in the I dream of Jeannie series of why she ended up in a bottle for two thousand year. Some jealous lover who wanted Jeannie stick her in the bottle. It make a great side trail to investigate and go into also, but, in the end, Jeanie got to go back to Neil at the end of this joint.