Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
In her role as Haji's First, Lahab leads Haji's Harem. She is a Jann genie, one of the few elementals left in the world. She and Kazom are "old friends".
Jean your bored not worried about lets see 1. Allowing Blue to use your body to kill genies and absorb their magic. 2.Being evicted. 3.Being bound(Or technically married to Guano) to Guano. 4.Never seeing Neil,Belle,Known family and Rodge again. 5.Being banished for all eternity with no wifi. 6.Everything you did since the beach!
> 1. Allowing Blue to use your body to kill genies and absorb their magic
Jeanie did nothing of the sort, though. She had no idea what the Blue Djinn even was when he infiltrated her body, and spoke sweet lies to her as a way to ingratiate himself. He then forcibly took over her body. There was never any “letting Blue use her body” for anything.
@Brandon She didn’t, from the get go she thought that Talking Genie Magic inside her head was something completely normal for a Genie… that is one of many things we could blame Kazom for. Again, he did made a poor job on giving Jean the basics as to what being a genie actually mean.
It’s not about Kazom not warning Jeanie about Big Blue. It’s about Kazom *completely* blowing off his duty to train Jeanie in the ways of being a genie. Yeah, she made it hard for him, but the moment he could justify it, he cut bait and ran. That was highly irresponsible of him, and it directly led to this whole Blue Djinn/Jeanie situation being possible in the first place.
Fortunately, I think he made up for that by retrieving the Quat Euzma for her. That cost him pretty dearly in terms of his remaining magic supply.
@Robert: ” Kazom *completely* blowing off his duty to train Jeanie in the ways of being a genie.”
Yuppers.Throwing someone into the deep end of the shark tank is not the optimum way to teach them how to swim.
I can agree with Lahab that the council is pretty useless. They hardly done much with stopping Blue’s schemes and figuring out a better solution to remedy everything is too inconvenient for them.
Well if somebody told Jean how much would he really care about he thinks the center of the universe is him he even admitted it when Neil pointed it out.
I hope Lahab does the one thing Council members generally seem to refuse to do: find out what the hell is really going on, maybe ask–not interrogate, ASK–Jeanie what the hell she thinks happened.
@Senko: She has indeed. It’s part of the reason I call her “Jeanie” not “Jean”, and use female pronouns. I think that being changed into a genie went a lot deeper than mere anatomy.
That also why I refer to her as a female too. Kazom said that when Jean was turned into Jeanie, that his very core Being of being a mortal Man was permanently into a Female Genie Core and now it can’t be changes back, like never.
We saw that the outside of Jean was turned into Jeanie immediately and was permanent too and unchangeable also. But, the internal emotional and inner being of Jean was also changed into a Female Genie Core too by the name of Jeanie was also permanent too and that part of Jeanie is gradually slipping out into the open over time, because, that who she is inside now. So it natural for her to act like this now.
So what in a Female Genie’s Core?
1. A Female!
2. A desire to call there master, “MASTER”
3. A mother spirit for there Master.
4. Exhibiting female appetites, desires and female characteristics. Generally acting like a girl.
Jeanie doing all that and looking less and less like a guy all the time. In the first 100 pages of Jeanie Bottle, I saw a guy in a girl body, but, in the last100 pages or so, I see a girl in a girl body and I don’t see a guy there at all and nowhere to be found either.
That the same reason that I refer to Jean as Jeanie now too. The first 100 editions of Jeanie Bottle it was obvious that we were looking at a guy in a girls body, but the last 100 edition of Jeanie Bottle and it obvious that we are looking at a girl in a girls body now and Jean is virtually is no more or pretty much so. Kazom also said that the transformation from mortal Man to Female Genie was permanent too and could never be changed.
The core of the mortal man named Jean has been changed into the sim-imortal female Genie Core forever both physical, spiritual and to her very nature too.
What does that mean?
1. The body was immediate and permanent.
2. Deep down she a girl now and not a guy anymore. It going to take time for it to work it way to the surface, but, it down there.
3. The desire to call Neil Master. She fighting it, but, the desire down there, she a Genie.
4. Female Genies have a mother spirit for there Master. It down there too.
As time goes on, Jeanie is getting more girly in her mannerism and her behavior too. She acting that way, because, that who she is now and it natural for her to act that way too.
To be fair, if we were actually working toward that goal, I bet would could do it in 100 years. That’s a LOT of time to figure out the technology for such an endeavor.
Consider that it took about 25 years to go from “we took some Nazi ballistic missiles to reverse-engineer” to “people walking on the moon”, and only half of those years came after putting the first-ever object into orbit. A hundred years of similar effort could get us to the planetary core, assuming that a material capable of withstanding the pressure without magical aid can even exist.
Though if they REALLY want to make it inaccessible, putting it in the center of the SUN would last a lot longer. (and as for the argument that the conditions at the center of the Sun would destroy the bottle, she’s already going to need fairly hefty magical protection just to survive the Earth’s core as it is, so the Sun is just the same but more)
Notice that Labab is acting on her own, again. What the hell does Haji do now? Labab told Kazom that Haji was considering retirement. Maybe he’s already “retired”, which could mean he’s dead now. The fact that Labab hasn’t let anyone else see Haji kind of suggests that Labab was already running things when we first saw her back in I Dream of an Escape.
Speaking of Kazom, while Guano should know Jeanie was assigned to Kazom for training, there’s no proof in canon that Labab or any other genie knows this.
I’d really like Labab reveal her true form to Jeanie. However, we never know when CD is going to change the venue again. Caley and/or Araceli have to do something to complicate Neil’s and Rodge’s life; why else would CD send them back to the Cape and Cocoa Beach?
No, there are places between galaxies which are much less accessible and much further away from anything. However, it’s possible those are out of reach even for genies.
If a car compactor is able to overcome a totem’s magical protections, the center of the Earth definitely can
It WOULD kill her, but given everything else we’ve seen, the Genie council probably doesn’t know anything about the conditions down there, they probably think the core is hollow and filled with lava people or something
First off, Jean(ie) is the film, magazine, and book reviewer for a national magazine (or was, since we don’t know if Blue filed columns on time). He/she is used to social isolation and can ‘poof’ up an infinite quantity of entertaining media.
Secondly, Robert is insanely optimistic about reaching the center of the Earth. Some things can’t be done, no matter how much time and money are poured in. This one’s not quite in the ‘faster than light travel’ category, but it’s close. However, if the Council is still concerned, there’s always the center of Jupiter or the Sun.
Thirdly, if whatever the bottles are made of could survive conditions in any of those places, a car-crusher is nothing to worry about.
As Robert said, this is the JB verse, where Witches and Goblins are part of what we call “mortals”. There is already a member of the High Council of Witches who expend his summers vacations on Mars’ surface, so give a witch a good reason to go to the center of the earth, and they may move science along to get there faster, if not going there themselves, assuming is a witch strong enough to poof themselves. And well, the Goblin city is already halfway there… Hollow Earth and all.
Perhaps the center of the Earth isn’t the same in their universe as it is in ours? I mean, the JB universe has genies and witches and all that junk. Scientific stuff doesn’t have to be exactly identical to our world.
Also, do you think that anyone living in 1919 could honestly believe that we’d send a man to the Moon and bring him back safely within 50 years? Let alone anyone in 1869. Who knows what will be possible in 2120. I sure don’t.
Bet that we get there? Sure. Bet it will be in hundred years? No way. If we really wanted to, maybe, but it’s also possible we don’t even get back to Moon in next hundred years. It’s about motivation.
@Robert: ” the JB universe has genies and witches and all that junk. Scientific stuff doesn’t have to be exactly identical to our world.”
True, but absent genie powers, I’ll bet it will be a very long time indeed before human physics and tech can drill much below the crust into the upper mantle, if that. And, note the “drill”. I say nothing about the much more difficult problem of creating a chamber large enough and cool enough to support a human.
BUT: A engineer who is master over a genie? An engineer who has taken the trouble to understand genie and witch magic as TOOLS? He would indeed be a game changer.
Obviously They rescued Guano and Araceli’s bottles but what about Rouyaa and Jehane? What about Rodge’s emotional damage from horny Natalie and Poison Ivy? What about Baby Blue?
“They”? I think Guano rescued his and Araceli’s bottles personally before arriving at council. If he would be waiting for council he would be already dead.
I wouldn’t be too quick to dismiss Haji as an idiot. He may be using Lahab as his trusted agent (she is is first, after all) while he maintains the image of strict neutrality. But he may also be the previous generation’s Guano. Sitcom universe, remember?
Blue somehow managed to inflict the ghosts of all the genies he’d killed for their magic on Jean. If those ghosts are still there it’s possible Lahab, who is reputably the oldest and wisest among them, will figure out how to restore them.
As for Jean & Guano, Haji should order them to raise Baby Blue together on pain of death if they fail to be good parents. They’re both so self-centered that teaching them to actually care about someone other than themselves would be the ultimate punishment. Sitcom rules should prevent them from doing anything more harmful than bickering if a child is involved.
@Pilgrim: “As for Jean & Guano, Haji should order them to raise Baby Blue together on pain of death if they fail to be good parents. ”
It is not clear to me that Blue can be “raised” in a manner that will turn him from evil, no matter how well intentioned the “parents” are. Readers of C.J. Cherryh’s excellent political thriller disguised as a fantasy, Fortress In The Eye of Time, will know exactly what I’m talking about.
And Jeanie, self-centered as she is, already has someone she’d likely care about naturally, if only the oblivious geek would accept responsibility as her Master, and start feeding her interesting wishes to keep her from getting bored and in trouble. Neil’s wimpiness isn’t funny any longer–he’s got a cosmic responsibility, and his refusal to accept it is beginning to look a lot like cowardice to me.
You are probably right. I can’t really tell whose hand it is but from the look on Neil’s face something is going on. Aunt Jeanie is going to have to have THE TALK with her niece.
The Hand in question is indeed Neil’s Giant Ape manipulator.
Araceli is doing what hundreds of years under the spell of her genie nature drives her to do, in order to bond with her Master in the most natural, basic way available.
It’s too bad she’s faced with a doofus who won’t even bond with his original Genie. She’s concluded, not without reason, that Jeanie just isn’t trying hard enough to claim the least offensive, and potentially the best, Master, she’s ever met.
And the look on Neil’s face? He’s squashed between two supernaturally sexy women, one of whom is doing her level, supernatural best to seduce him. He’s positioned his hand to keep Araceli from being…poked, out of a badly misplaced courtesy. he seems more annoyed than aroused, though.
And look at the girls: Aracelli’s rather aggressive affection is focused on him, while Jeanie’s gaze is outward, and proprietary.
If Jean has all this raw power now and you lock her away for a few hundred years, she’s going to be really ticked off when she does get out. You might just be creating another Blue Genie.
Jean your bored not worried about lets see 1. Allowing Blue to use your body to kill genies and absorb their magic. 2.Being evicted. 3.Being bound(Or technically married to Guano) to Guano. 4.Never seeing Neil,Belle,Known family and Rodge again. 5.Being banished for all eternity with no wifi. 6.Everything you did since the beach!
The appropriate level of worry is killing. Very hard to maintain it for long, especially if there really isn’t anything you can do about it.
> 1. Allowing Blue to use your body to kill genies and absorb their magic
Jeanie did nothing of the sort, though. She had no idea what the Blue Djinn even was when he infiltrated her body, and spoke sweet lies to her as a way to ingratiate himself. He then forcibly took over her body. There was never any “letting Blue use her body” for anything.
What about when Jean admitted he let Blue to use his body for an increase in his own powers as number 1. instead?
@Brandon She didn’t, from the get go she thought that Talking Genie Magic inside her head was something completely normal for a Genie… that is one of many things we could blame Kazom for. Again, he did made a poor job on giving Jean the basics as to what being a genie actually mean.
Lets just blame it all on Kazom for not trying to warn anyone else what happened cause he doesnt really care for anyone except himself and Melvin.
It’s not about Kazom not warning Jeanie about Big Blue. It’s about Kazom *completely* blowing off his duty to train Jeanie in the ways of being a genie. Yeah, she made it hard for him, but the moment he could justify it, he cut bait and ran. That was highly irresponsible of him, and it directly led to this whole Blue Djinn/Jeanie situation being possible in the first place.
Fortunately, I think he made up for that by retrieving the Quat Euzma for her. That cost him pretty dearly in terms of his remaining magic supply.
@Robert: ” Kazom *completely* blowing off his duty to train Jeanie in the ways of being a genie.”
Yuppers.Throwing someone into the deep end of the shark tank is not the optimum way to teach them how to swim.
At least Neil tried to read the manual.
I can agree with Lahab that the council is pretty useless. They hardly done much with stopping Blue’s schemes and figuring out a better solution to remedy everything is too inconvenient for them.
I’m wondering how much of what’s going on nobody’s told Jean about…
Well if somebody told Jean how much would he really care about he thinks the center of the universe is him he even admitted it when Neil pointed it out.
I hope Lahab does the one thing Council members generally seem to refuse to do: find out what the hell is really going on, maybe ask–not interrogate, ASK–Jeanie what the hell she thinks happened.
I hope she does that, too.
It would make a nice change.
Bored but very cute. 🙂
Classic teen-on-the-phone pose. I swear, Jeanie’s a lot more girly than she’d want to admit.
She has been for awhile now.
@Senko: She has indeed. It’s part of the reason I call her “Jeanie” not “Jean”, and use female pronouns. I think that being changed into a genie went a lot deeper than mere anatomy.
That also why I refer to her as a female too. Kazom said that when Jean was turned into Jeanie, that his very core Being of being a mortal Man was permanently into a Female Genie Core and now it can’t be changes back, like never.
We saw that the outside of Jean was turned into Jeanie immediately and was permanent too and unchangeable also. But, the internal emotional and inner being of Jean was also changed into a Female Genie Core too by the name of Jeanie was also permanent too and that part of Jeanie is gradually slipping out into the open over time, because, that who she is inside now. So it natural for her to act like this now.
So what in a Female Genie’s Core?
1. A Female!
2. A desire to call there master, “MASTER”
3. A mother spirit for there Master.
4. Exhibiting female appetites, desires and female characteristics. Generally acting like a girl.
Jeanie doing all that and looking less and less like a guy all the time. In the first 100 pages of Jeanie Bottle, I saw a guy in a girl body, but, in the last100 pages or so, I see a girl in a girl body and I don’t see a guy there at all and nowhere to be found either.
That the same reason that I refer to Jean as Jeanie now too. The first 100 editions of Jeanie Bottle it was obvious that we were looking at a guy in a girls body, but the last 100 edition of Jeanie Bottle and it obvious that we are looking at a girl in a girls body now and Jean is virtually is no more or pretty much so. Kazom also said that the transformation from mortal Man to Female Genie was permanent too and could never be changed.
The core of the mortal man named Jean has been changed into the sim-imortal female Genie Core forever both physical, spiritual and to her very nature too.
What does that mean?
1. The body was immediate and permanent.
2. Deep down she a girl now and not a guy anymore. It going to take time for it to work it way to the surface, but, it down there.
3. The desire to call Neil Master. She fighting it, but, the desire down there, she a Genie.
4. Female Genies have a mother spirit for there Master. It down there too.
As time goes on, Jeanie is getting more girly in her mannerism and her behavior too. She acting that way, because, that who she is now and it natural for her to act that way too.
The Council thinks it’s possible we’ll get to the center of the Earth in a hundred years? Does this reflect ignorance of human-scale time? Of geology?
Or is that a reasonable assessment?
To be fair, if we were actually working toward that goal, I bet would could do it in 100 years. That’s a LOT of time to figure out the technology for such an endeavor.
@Robert: Hence my “reasonable assessment” –Although I’d rather bet on our ability to frolic amidst the solar spicules.
Consider that it took about 25 years to go from “we took some Nazi ballistic missiles to reverse-engineer” to “people walking on the moon”, and only half of those years came after putting the first-ever object into orbit. A hundred years of similar effort could get us to the planetary core, assuming that a material capable of withstanding the pressure without magical aid can even exist.
Though if they REALLY want to make it inaccessible, putting it in the center of the SUN would last a lot longer. (and as for the argument that the conditions at the center of the Sun would destroy the bottle, she’s already going to need fairly hefty magical protection just to survive the Earth’s core as it is, so the Sun is just the same but more)
They MAY also be thinking about witches…
Notice that Labab is acting on her own, again. What the hell does Haji do now? Labab told Kazom that Haji was considering retirement. Maybe he’s already “retired”, which could mean he’s dead now. The fact that Labab hasn’t let anyone else see Haji kind of suggests that Labab was already running things when we first saw her back in I Dream of an Escape.
Speaking of Kazom, while Guano should know Jeanie was assigned to Kazom for training, there’s no proof in canon that Labab or any other genie knows this.
I’d really like Labab reveal her true form to Jeanie. However, we never know when CD is going to change the venue again. Caley and/or Araceli have to do something to complicate Neil’s and Rodge’s life; why else would CD send them back to the Cape and Cocoa Beach?
Trapped in her bottle at the center of the Earth, that’s got to be the ultimate in social distancing.
At least, they’re not talking about killing her anymore.
An eternity of total isolation is WAY worse than death.
No, there are places between galaxies which are much less accessible and much further away from anything. However, it’s possible those are out of reach even for genies.
If a car compactor is able to overcome a totem’s magical protections, the center of the Earth definitely can
It WOULD kill her, but given everything else we’ve seen, the Genie council probably doesn’t know anything about the conditions down there, they probably think the core is hollow and filled with lava people or something
As far as we know, the Core in the JBverse may as well be hollow and full of Lava people. I mean, where else would the Dragons be?
Just drink 191 Everclear as its almost pure alcohol. even if it doesn’t kill the bug you will be so lit up you won’t care.
First off, Jean(ie) is the film, magazine, and book reviewer for a national magazine (or was, since we don’t know if Blue filed columns on time). He/she is used to social isolation and can ‘poof’ up an infinite quantity of entertaining media.
Secondly, Robert is insanely optimistic about reaching the center of the Earth. Some things can’t be done, no matter how much time and money are poured in. This one’s not quite in the ‘faster than light travel’ category, but it’s close. However, if the Council is still concerned, there’s always the center of Jupiter or the Sun.
Thirdly, if whatever the bottles are made of could survive conditions in any of those places, a car-crusher is nothing to worry about.
As Robert said, this is the JB verse, where Witches and Goblins are part of what we call “mortals”. There is already a member of the High Council of Witches who expend his summers vacations on Mars’ surface, so give a witch a good reason to go to the center of the earth, and they may move science along to get there faster, if not going there themselves, assuming is a witch strong enough to poof themselves. And well, the Goblin city is already halfway there… Hollow Earth and all.
No, she can’t ‘poof’ up any entertaining media if she would have her powers blocked.
Perhaps the center of the Earth isn’t the same in their universe as it is in ours? I mean, the JB universe has genies and witches and all that junk. Scientific stuff doesn’t have to be exactly identical to our world.
Also, do you think that anyone living in 1919 could honestly believe that we’d send a man to the Moon and bring him back safely within 50 years? Let alone anyone in 1869. Who knows what will be possible in 2120. I sure don’t.
I know Clarke’s Laws
and I’d still be willing to take your bet if I thought there was any way I could collect.
Bet that we get there? Sure. Bet it will be in hundred years? No way. If we really wanted to, maybe, but it’s also possible we don’t even get back to Moon in next hundred years. It’s about motivation.
@Robert: ” the JB universe has genies and witches and all that junk. Scientific stuff doesn’t have to be exactly identical to our world.”
True, but absent genie powers, I’ll bet it will be a very long time indeed before human physics and tech can drill much below the crust into the upper mantle, if that. And, note the “drill”. I say nothing about the much more difficult problem of creating a chamber large enough and cool enough to support a human.
BUT: A engineer who is master over a genie? An engineer who has taken the trouble to understand genie and witch magic as TOOLS? He would indeed be a game changer.
Well at least congress is not the only governing body that can be indecisive!
Wait to see how the Witch Council works…
Answer: They DON’T work, and that’s by intent.
ijuinkun: “Don’t work…by intent.”
I think you may be right–but by whose intent?
An efficient government is a terrifying thing.
Obviously They rescued Guano and Araceli’s bottles but what about Rouyaa and Jehane? What about Rodge’s emotional damage from horny Natalie and Poison Ivy? What about Baby Blue?
“They”? I think Guano rescued his and Araceli’s bottles personally before arriving at council. If he would be waiting for council he would be already dead.
That’s true
What Jean needs now is Perry Mason “aka a good lawyer”
I wouldn’t be too quick to dismiss Haji as an idiot. He may be using Lahab as his trusted agent (she is is first, after all) while he maintains the image of strict neutrality. But he may also be the previous generation’s Guano. Sitcom universe, remember?
Blue somehow managed to inflict the ghosts of all the genies he’d killed for their magic on Jean. If those ghosts are still there it’s possible Lahab, who is reputably the oldest and wisest among them, will figure out how to restore them.
As for Jean & Guano, Haji should order them to raise Baby Blue together on pain of death if they fail to be good parents. They’re both so self-centered that teaching them to actually care about someone other than themselves would be the ultimate punishment. Sitcom rules should prevent them from doing anything more harmful than bickering if a child is involved.
@Pilgrim: “As for Jean & Guano, Haji should order them to raise Baby Blue together on pain of death if they fail to be good parents. ”
It is not clear to me that Blue can be “raised” in a manner that will turn him from evil, no matter how well intentioned the “parents” are. Readers of C.J. Cherryh’s excellent political thriller disguised as a fantasy, Fortress In The Eye of Time, will know exactly what I’m talking about.
And Jeanie, self-centered as she is, already has someone she’d likely care about naturally, if only the oblivious geek would accept responsibility as her Master, and start feeding her interesting wishes to keep her from getting bored and in trouble. Neil’s wimpiness isn’t funny any longer–he’s got a cosmic responsibility, and his refusal to accept it is beginning to look a lot like cowardice to me.
Good point! What can a bored Jeanie (with all that extra magic) do to stop being bored?
I love the banner on your patreon page, but I think Araceli is being a little forward with her left hand.???
I think you may be seeing Neil’s hand, actually. Araceli’s is behind Neil.
Though I wouldn’t put it past her to be grabbing his butt. She’s not exactly know for her restraint about her “master”.
You are probably right. I can’t really tell whose hand it is but from the look on Neil’s face something is going on. Aunt Jeanie is going to have to have THE TALK with her niece.
The Hand in question is indeed Neil’s Giant Ape manipulator.
Araceli is doing what hundreds of years under the spell of her genie nature drives her to do, in order to bond with her Master in the most natural, basic way available.
It’s too bad she’s faced with a doofus who won’t even bond with his original Genie. She’s concluded, not without reason, that Jeanie just isn’t trying hard enough to claim the least offensive, and potentially the best, Master, she’s ever met.
And the look on Neil’s face? He’s squashed between two supernaturally sexy women, one of whom is doing her level, supernatural best to seduce him. He’s positioned his hand to keep Araceli from being…poked, out of a badly misplaced courtesy. he seems more annoyed than aroused, though.
And look at the girls: Aracelli’s rather aggressive affection is focused on him, while Jeanie’s gaze is outward, and proprietary.
nice Easter banner
Jeanie Bun!
happy easter nice bunny costume at top of comic page and nice angle for Jean laying on floor at end of strip
wonder why Jean doesn’t just conjure a game system or something.
If I were going to imprison a Genie, I’d make darn Genie powers didn’t work there.
“I’d make SURE powers didn’t work.”
At least it was only a sense -removing typo, not a sense reversing one.
If Jean has all this raw power now and you lock her away for a few hundred years, she’s going to be really ticked off when she does get out. You might just be creating another Blue Genie.
nod-nod. Either let her go, or kill her. Or, you know, give her back to her Master, and put some pressure on HIM.
Its bunny costume time YAY so nice