Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
Can someone help pinpoint at which comic Blue begins to possess Jeannie? I feel like there is no transition or situation in which Blue possesses Jeannie, it’s just treated as something that happened offscreen. When do they first come into contact?
When Jeanie was in the bottle the first time just before she came to Haji Castle the first time for the purpose of being protected from the Blue Djinn. Jeanie made an internet connection from her bottle for the first contact with the Blue Djinn. The possession of Jeanie was a progressive thing from that point forward until the Blue Djinn could no longer hid his present inside Jeanie Body and then he too formal possession of Jeanie body and dispossessed her of her own body. Then Jeanie staged a palace coup to retake her own body back and that the end of this Arc of Jeanie Bottle.
It’s a really subtle hint, but Blue was already possessing Jeanie before she met Anderson and sent those jerks back to Normandy in WW2. The hint being that she wouldn’t have done something *that* horrible to those guys on purpose. She had only intended to send them “somewhere else”, and her possession by Blue boosted her power so much that it made that place a lot further away, both specially and temporally, than she’d intended.
Nah, the Vegas trip was quite a long time before blue even escaped his original prison. Jeanie never actually met Anderson on the day she turned him into a woman. They met later, on the beach.
They’re members of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Harem Pants. Seriously (if that’s possible), Alya considers Jeanie a “sister” genie. That may be reinforced by Lahab referring the assembled genies as “my children” back on page 440, panel 1.
And she’s not Jean anymore… that core being is long gone. She’s Jeanie, and has been for quite a while.
It was also primarily Alya that was dragging Jeanie along and getting all excited about the Genie union/marriage/baby Ceremony that the two newest Female Genie participate in by dressing up in these special outfits for them to were for this special occasion. Jeanie was basically being pulled through the system of being a Female Genie in Genie Ceremonial Traditions by an excited Alya.
This is who Jeanie is now. She is now developing new memories of being a Female Genie now too and slowly forming her new identity as a person. Jean is only a memory now.
My tin-foil hat theory.
Jeanie and Alya are the two youngest (i.e. naive and inexperienced) so Blue split his essence and coerced both of them. He is now lurking in Alya ready to kill Jeanie and get those powers back.
I think I need more tin-foil.
I see one problem with that theory, Genie need Totems to keep there essence together or they will dissipate into nothingness. Yes, Genie are supernatural, but, in the physical wold they aren’t much more than a vapor trail without there Totem. That why they can turn into smoke, because, that is also part of there essence as to what they are as a being. That why when you smash a Totem the Genie dies.
Well, if those genies haunting Jeanie are real, it could be that they’re not dead but unable to materialize. Perhaps giving them new totems could bring them back?
@Fearless Ferret
“Alya is really Lahab in a cunning disguise to trick Jeanie into telling her things”
Interesting theory. I suspect not, although the timing of the arrival is convenient. If true, though, and Jeanie finds out she will never trust another genie again. She’s turned near fully female, and one thing women don’t do is easily forgive being tricked. Even for a good cause.
I kind of tinkered with the idea that that could be Lahab in disguise too, but, decided to give that idea up. Because, in the last episode Lahab was coming to Jeanie to do something important and all of the suddenly and conveniently Alya show up instead of Lahab this week in front of Jeanie, It all too convenient and simple, like there something else also going on than other than just Alya showing up. Like the possibility that Lahab may have been behind getting Alya there or something like that.
@Larry… Its possible Lahab sent Alya, I suppose. Jeanie is in what should be a secured room… after all, the Council probably doesn’t want her wandering around, with or without those power shackles. Lahab might have needed to unlock the door to let Alya in.
Which raises an interesting point, now that I think about it. If those slave bracelets actually restrain a genie’s power, why wasn’t Blue wearing them when imprisoned? Could it be that they don’t actually restrain anything, and that since Jeanie is so damn naïve in the ways of genies she just believes that they do and hasn’t tried poofing anything?
“We are the all powerful Genie Council… these bands will prevent you from making magic. Attempt it and die!” ((sniggering behind her back as Jeanie sulks))
At this point Mike, just about anything is possible and I am not ruling out any possibility here. We just don’t know what the situation is here or what they told Jeanie or what she believe or even if she has even tested the bonds to see if they work or are able to hold her even.
We just don’t know Mike and everybody is just throwing one wild idea after another out there. One person crazy idea, is just as good as somebody else crazy idea.
Sisters got to stick together Jean can finally learn a new life lesson sisterhood or besties.
Aw, I’m happy to se Alya 🙂 That was a nice surprise.
Me too! She’s so cute.
She is a ray of sunshine.
She’s walking on sunshine…or squeezing out the sunshine
Minor Question – Will there be more pages because of this whole Quarantine?
Not at the moment. I’m taking the Quarantine opertunity to work on other projects, and self development.
Glad to hear that CD 🙂
It’s great to see somebody who is sympathetic to Jeanie as well.
Can someone help pinpoint at which comic Blue begins to possess Jeannie? I feel like there is no transition or situation in which Blue possesses Jeannie, it’s just treated as something that happened offscreen. When do they first come into contact?
When Jeanie was in the bottle the first time just before she came to Haji Castle the first time for the purpose of being protected from the Blue Djinn. Jeanie made an internet connection from her bottle for the first contact with the Blue Djinn. The possession of Jeanie was a progressive thing from that point forward until the Blue Djinn could no longer hid his present inside Jeanie Body and then he too formal possession of Jeanie body and dispossessed her of her own body. Then Jeanie staged a palace coup to retake her own body back and that the end of this Arc of Jeanie Bottle.
It’s a really subtle hint, but Blue was already possessing Jeanie before she met Anderson and sent those jerks back to Normandy in WW2. The hint being that she wouldn’t have done something *that* horrible to those guys on purpose. She had only intended to send them “somewhere else”, and her possession by Blue boosted her power so much that it made that place a lot further away, both specially and temporally, than she’d intended.
Hmm her eyes are blue for the first time right before the Vegas trip. Was that really how long blue has been involved?
Nah, the Vegas trip was quite a long time before blue even escaped his original prison. Jeanie never actually met Anderson on the day she turned him into a woman. They met later, on the beach.
Her eyes were first blue in panel 3 of page 1.
That’s because she has blue irises. What the Blue Djinn’s influence did was turn her pupils blue, too.
lol I like Alya. She’s adorbs.
yeah i’d say that
So Jean now has gold slave bracelets and can Neil still summon Jean with the bottle?
No, Neil can’t summon Jeanie right now, she is currently under lock and Key. That suppose to be a holding cell she in.
Slave bands? Those reminded me of Captain Marvel’s Nega-Bands.
It a throw back to the Arabia night, Genie are a Middle east tradition and Slave Bands are tradition there.
poor Jean getting crushing hugs of death
lol Alya is a precious little genie. XD
Though I’m sure that Jeanie’s spine will disagree with me. XD
Blue meanie…blue genie…
speaking of blue, whos baby sitting baby blue now?
Whoever drew the short straw.
Is Jean going to become Lahab’s apprentice? Please say yes?
That’s a scary idea.
We shall see what happens
The Blue Meanies?
They should so be a think in the IDOAJB universe!
I don’t get it, what’s Alya and Jean’s relationship?
They’re members of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Harem Pants. Seriously (if that’s possible), Alya considers Jeanie a “sister” genie. That may be reinforced by Lahab referring the assembled genies as “my children” back on page 440, panel 1.
And she’s not Jean anymore… that core being is long gone. She’s Jeanie, and has been for quite a while.
They were partnered in the ceremony to present the little sparkle thingie at the bonding ceremony.
Right. Click the “Alya” tag link and you’ll see the previous time that the two of them interacted.
It was also primarily Alya that was dragging Jeanie along and getting all excited about the Genie union/marriage/baby Ceremony that the two newest Female Genie participate in by dressing up in these special outfits for them to were for this special occasion. Jeanie was basically being pulled through the system of being a Female Genie in Genie Ceremonial Traditions by an excited Alya.
This is who Jeanie is now. She is now developing new memories of being a Female Genie now too and slowly forming her new identity as a person. Jean is only a memory now.
And soooo cute. she would make a good Pixie Ranger.
Ooh, Ayla in a Pixie Ranger costume would be fun to see! Now where’s my checkbook?
Confirmed: Genies don’t listen.
Our Jeanie will fit right in!
I’d love Alya to be my genie.
My tin-foil hat theory.
Jeanie and Alya are the two youngest (i.e. naive and inexperienced) so Blue split his essence and coerced both of them. He is now lurking in Alya ready to kill Jeanie and get those powers back.
I think I need more tin-foil.
I see one problem with that theory, Genie need Totems to keep there essence together or they will dissipate into nothingness. Yes, Genie are supernatural, but, in the physical wold they aren’t much more than a vapor trail without there Totem. That why they can turn into smoke, because, that is also part of there essence as to what they are as a being. That why when you smash a Totem the Genie dies.
Well, if those genies haunting Jeanie are real, it could be that they’re not dead but unable to materialize. Perhaps giving them new totems could bring them back?
OK, my other tin-foil hat theory.
Alya is really Lahab in a cunning disguise to trick Jeanie into telling her things
@Fearless Ferret, OK THAT tinfoil hat I will buy.
@Fearless Ferret
“Alya is really Lahab in a cunning disguise to trick Jeanie into telling her things”
Interesting theory. I suspect not, although the timing of the arrival is convenient. If true, though, and Jeanie finds out she will never trust another genie again. She’s turned near fully female, and one thing women don’t do is easily forgive being tricked. Even for a good cause.
I kind of tinkered with the idea that that could be Lahab in disguise too, but, decided to give that idea up. Because, in the last episode Lahab was coming to Jeanie to do something important and all of the suddenly and conveniently Alya show up instead of Lahab this week in front of Jeanie, It all too convenient and simple, like there something else also going on than other than just Alya showing up. Like the possibility that Lahab may have been behind getting Alya there or something like that.
@Larry… Its possible Lahab sent Alya, I suppose. Jeanie is in what should be a secured room… after all, the Council probably doesn’t want her wandering around, with or without those power shackles. Lahab might have needed to unlock the door to let Alya in.
Which raises an interesting point, now that I think about it. If those slave bracelets actually restrain a genie’s power, why wasn’t Blue wearing them when imprisoned? Could it be that they don’t actually restrain anything, and that since Jeanie is so damn naïve in the ways of genies she just believes that they do and hasn’t tried poofing anything?
“We are the all powerful Genie Council… these bands will prevent you from making magic. Attempt it and die!” ((sniggering behind her back as Jeanie sulks))
At this point Mike, just about anything is possible and I am not ruling out any possibility here. We just don’t know what the situation is here or what they told Jeanie or what she believe or even if she has even tested the bonds to see if they work or are able to hold her even.
We just don’t know Mike and everybody is just throwing one wild idea after another out there. One person crazy idea, is just as good as somebody else crazy idea.