Jeanie Bottle 537
on September 30, 2019
at 11:59 pm
and modified on December 26, 2022. at 10:07 pm
Chapter: Story 12: I Dream of a Promotion
Characters: Blue Djinn
Welp, Blue is free and unrestrained, now. We’re boned.
Though he is, mysteriously, still using Jeanie’s body. I wonder why?
Because he is stuck inside Jeans body till he gathers enough magic to release his true sealed form.
So he’s a transforming RPG boss?
Either he doesn’t enough genie magic to completely escape Jeannie’s body or maybe he’s like his new female genie body
It’s the first. Blue did say he didn’t like having to be in a “weak bottle genie body”; he had very few options then. Also Jean’s genie body wasn’t going to suffice for his plans, whatever they are, he said.
At the very least, Blue can use “sex appeal” into gathering servants.
Those new guard dogs look like the gargoyle dog from the Gargoyles animated series…
Now the question is, do they still recall who they are despite their new forms?
First we will need to check on Jeanie to be sure. This dogs have the same brand as her, and she doesn’t seem to be the same.
Also, I am glad I am not the only one to think of that dog!
Those two Gargoyles also kind of remind me of Ghost Busters when two people were turned into a pare of Gargoyles. The god or should I say was also a goddess too, of the female type.
yeah thats what i thought too
Yeah! Same here!
There is no Jeanie only Blue!
You win 🙂
At this point I just hope one of then is female and in heat. I am tired of massages pigs.
I am not sure that I know what this means?
In the last edition we have a girl that look like Jeanie that may be what the Blue Djinn left with the remains of who Jeanie is inside. We have a another girl that look like Jeanie, but, it obviously that the Blue Djinn is in this body, minus the spirit of Jeanie.
Which make me think that those two girls are still connected to each other some way. That the Blue Djinn has got limited ability to separate Jeanie into these two girls body. Obviously both girl bodies belong to Jeanie and the Blue Djinn has figured out how to separate from Jeanie in the other body.
Which bring up the idea that either Jeanie has been de genied and made into a human as Araceli seemed to think the other girl is or possible Jeanie is still a genie and the Blue Djinn just put a lock on her so she can’t do anything to stop him or intervene on what he doing.
This Jeanie bottle created more question than give us idea of what going on here.
I have no idea what going on here.
Does anybody else have what going on here.
My guess that since Blue couldn’t directly get rid of Jean, he created a powerless human version of her and stuffed Jean in, but despite them now being in seperate bodies, they are still linked together, which is why Blue didn’t kill Jean when he forced her out of the genie body they were sharing before, because if Jean were to die, so would Blue.
This is my theory.
@Rayisoar Dracoybss Agree on everything, though not killing Jeanie may not be as complicated as a shared link. Blue seems to able to kill other genies without much problems, but mortals not so much, hence way he made Lilly to begin with. Going back to the I Dream of a Nerd storyline, there is a chance that if he tries to kill a mortal, he gets a failed poof just like Jeanie when she tried to control Not-Honey.
So, until he takes control of all Genies, he may not be able to kill mortals directly without exposing himself, but leaving Jeanie as a soulless husk may be the “next best thing” for him.
I thought Blue couldn’t kill Rodge or Neil because it was still Haji’s day and once Neil said Blue could say, she decided to let Lilly “feed”.
So… are we going to acknowledge the second genie with a white poof in the background of the last panel?
I dunno…. are we? 😉
That one explanation of what that white poof is in that background could be.
That could also be the dis embodied of Jeanie, because that has happened in the past too or another genie altogether also.
Don’t know.
From the hair, kinda looks like Marge Simpson, or maybe the Bride of Frankenstein, in harem pants. Not like anyone I remember from this comic.
My guess is Asha. She does have white poofs.
You’ve got sharper eyes than mine. I didn’t pick up on Asha’s poofs until now. Still, is that her hair, or some kind of tall turban?
@Tom Sewell Going by CD’s style, and due to this being just the silhouette, my guess is that what you think it’s hair, is actually their whole head. What trows me for a loop is the arms, but again, it’s just the silhouette, so there can be any number of reasons to look like that.
My first thought was it is a hooded robe. It could be hair. I’m just not sure.
sounds plausible i had to zoom in to see that detail
She also didn’t kill Jean when she had the chance, when she clearly has no problem with murder. Well, those two jerks are doomed, they basically willing agreed to serve her, no escape clause for them. I see they also have the mark that brands them as her property.
I wonder who else she’s gonna transform before she’s stopped. And if her magic isn’t going to neatly be undone once she’s stopped.
Blue seems to have “problems” killing mortals, not because he doesn’t want to, but he at least not seems to be able to do so directly. My guess is that just like Jeanie was unable to control Not-Honey to date Melvin, with some superior force interfering with her magic, something similar would happen to blue if he tries to Kill a Mortal with his magic, which in turn would expose him to Haji before time. Another example would be Rouya, after she disobey Haji¡’s orders, and was cut of her magic, without realizing.
That would be why Blue rather to use creatures like Lilly to make the dirty job for him, and in this case, with Neil “dead” as far as he knows, and Jeanie reduce to a mindless slave, there is nothing on his way now, so no reason to figure how to kill Jeanie now. Is the kind of miscalculation that thens to ruin the evil plans of most villains, but you still can see his line of thought on this one.
To those who all thought blue was still in Jennie’s body… called it.
Honestly, now that I think about it, we’ve seen Jennie get kicked out of her body before when she was training with Kazom. And even that, he made a new body for her to help rectify the situation. This is no different, only this time blue made the body and branded her.
And yes. I get last time Jennie “wished herself out” and then her body was inhabited by her wish. But is it really to hard to believe that blue, now in control of her magic, can’t also wish her out?
Probably not. Blue stole two hubun jadids, one to frame Jehan (Jeannie II) and one for herself. What is Blue going to do with that one? Clearly Blue thinks she needs it, and I guess she needs it to create a new permanent (and maybe male) body of her own. Blue might have used up a lot of power to seperate from Jeanie and may have to continue using power to do it–that could be the real reason Blue left Jeanie alive.
If I had to make a guess as to why he left Jeanie alive is, if he killed Jeanie, her body would died too and with Blue being in Jeanie body, he would die too. The Blue Djinn has said many times that he doesn’t want to be in a female body and especially does to be in a female genie body that has been transformed from being a mortal and into a genie, because there weaker than genie that were born genie’s. We also know that the Blue Djinn can kill other genie’s too, because we have seen him kill two genie’s and one of them was a Genie Lord too. Which is a good indicator that killing Jeanie and the Blue Djinn being in Jeanie body, would probably mean that he would also be killing himself. Until the Blue Djinn can create or seize another Genie body and preferably a male too, stuck with Jeanie body weather like it or not. Tom, you mentioned the hubun jadds of creating a new male body for himself to posses so that he can finally leave Jeanie body once and for all. If that true, then it means that the Blue Djinn doesn’t have a body right now and it Jeanie’s body or it nothing, which would mean that he would die or at least be a disembodied spirit genie.
Should’a just turned them into something and left them as a reminder to others. Their conduct before hardly inspires confidence in their conduct after.
Off topic question: is there any update on the plans to start Wolfpac? Last I remember, it was supposed to start after concluded, but it has been over a year since the “end credits” for that comic, and Wolfpac still only has a placeholder page.
Poor Lilly-rest in peace. Gone but not forgotten. gone-maybe.
I wonder which one ended up as Zuul… I cant be the only one wondering.
As much as I love to compliment this new artwork page, I am very worried about what’s happening to hachimitsu.
– He cancelled all Future commissions and refunded my money.
– His Comic is partially in hiatus
– Wishmakers Patreon is Delayed in terms of previews
– Gave away half of his Genie / Harem – like Figure/bottle Possessions
– and rumours are spreading that he is considered about committing suicide!
What happened?
He posted last week, and I expect he will post again later tonight. I hope you didn’t miss out on “Nudge Nudge”.
I’m worried about him, too. I hope everything works out for him.
Hach just posted a sketch recently. In true, we all are worried for him, things haven’t been easy for him nor his family recently and he is under a lot of stress. Besides some problems at home, of which sadly there is little we can do to help, he seems to have faced some harassment online, which is awful, and has hit him greatly. I am afraid the rumors have more than a solid base, he has admit as much about having those thoughts, both to me and in his DA journal.
So, please guys, if you have a chance, show him some support. Even if there isn’t much we can do for his problems at home, the least we can do is show him that the people who harass him are just an awful corner of the internet, and there are a lot more of people out there that support his work, and care him!
This is starting to feel like that Wishmaster film
We got trouble right here in River City (The Music Man)
Whaddya talk, whaddya talk?
At first I thought those two jerks were going to be the same ones that Jeanie dumped onto Omaha Beach. Wrong ones though. If the genie in the white poof turns out to be LaHab big Blue is going to be in for a hot time.
Could the genie in the white puff be Blue’s corporal body coming to him.
Didn’t notice it until now, but the comic is supposed to be #537, not another #527.
Hey, your right. If you click on the previous button, the last one before this one is #536 so this one should be #537 not #527. Oops!
Thanks for the heads up. I’ve fixed it.
I know why The Blue Djinn is using Jean’s body. he’s using to attract guys so he can turn them into his minions.
Blue didn’t get that idea until panel 3.
That last panel got me reminding an episode for Nostalgia critic where he review ghostbusters “Zhull mother *****er Zhull” lol.
Seriously however it probably as something to do with the first few episodes of this comic where jean about changing his/her appearance and was told it could be done but would take A LOT of magic so I figure blue being so power obsess doesn’t want to waste magic on aesthetics .
I think it’s more around the line as the initial change of their core appearance takes a lot of power. After that you just stay it. We see Kazom stay as a cat as he saids it takes less energy that way. So clearly staying as a cat isn’t the hard part. It’s becoming it in the first place.
Who you gonna call to stop those dogs the Ghost Busters!
I am wondering if that isn’t Genie at all and the Plant lady instead. I note this because of Genie being able to speak through Plant Lady earlier. I also note that I have never seen Robert outright kill someone in comic (I mean we never seen people killed). My theory, Genie is the being we just saw poof and the blonde girl is the Plant. It would explain why she is sobbing. This is also why we cannot see her face, as I feel Robert has twist coming. Genie is likely now a ghost-like being without a body and that was she that Poofed at end of this panel.
No – the poof is Marge Simpson (another side-story?).