Jeanie Bottle 500
Whoa, Jeanie looks really good in her new outfit!
What’s that? Something about her getting fully taken over by a murderous parasite bent on domination of the genie world? I guess that is pretty bad… But you gotta admit, that’s a nice shade of blue.
All who wish to see her lovely new outfit in high resolution can check it out for free over on CD Rudd’s Patreon. In fact, during the hiatus, all Patreon posts will be free.
Also, HAPPY PAGE 500!!!!! We’ve got a special treat for you… an absolutely epic piece of fanart that Carlos, the new Melvin Chronicles artist, has spent a shedload of time making over the last few months. It stars every single female character who has appeared in I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle, including those who weren’t female to begin with. 🙂
Enjoy! And click for full size, which is very large!
EDIT: As a number of commenters have pointed out, I entirely neglected to mention who each of these lovely ladies is. Whoops! Here’s a list, courtesy of the artist:
Back row – Rouya, Lahab, Asha, Luke, Bo, Daisy.
Cushion – Sam, Belle, Jeanie, Natalie, Red.
Floor – Kendra, Agent Anderson, the Greek Captain, Araceli, Jehane, Alya.
In addition, you can find each of them staring in their own individual pinup on the Fan Art page.
Well, shite.
Happy 500th, everybody! It’s been a great story so far, hopefully it makes it to 1000. Though I wouldn’t put it past Jean to screw that up.
BTW, Robert, who are all the ladies in the fanart? It’s not everyone female so far (missing Jean’s alcoholic ex, for one), but some names elude me, sadly. Any hints?
Back row (l-r)- dunno, Haji’s #1 wife (name?), dunno, Bo, Luke, and Daisy.
Cushion – dunno, Belle, Jean, Natalie, dunno.
Floor – Red, Agent Anderson, dunno, Araceli, Jehane, that other young genie from the harem (name?).
Back Row: #1 is Rouyaa, #2’s name is Lahab, #3 is Asha (the new blonde who doesn’t want to become a Genie Lord). The rest are correct.
Cushion: #1 is Sam (the witch from I Dream of a B-Witch), and the last one is Red/Tiffany (Melvin’s guy-friend-turned-girl).
Floor: #3 is the Greek Captain, and the last one’s name is Anya.
Also, at the botton left is Kendra from I dream of green eyes.
This is also my first drawing of red, so she has a more Orange tone in her hair, I was trying to make something similar to her color at MC, and this was even before I got to work in the cómic, now I color her with a more redish tone.
Cool, thanks you guys! And I actually guessed more right than I thought. Again, neat picture!
I feel there should be a fifth part to the speech bubble in Panel 4, so that it reads “reduced to the form of a feeble bottle genie . . . (this text for Bubble 5) with a fat ass”. I mean, was anyone expecting BD here to be nice to his dispossessed host?
I think BD’s actually pinching her pants, rather than any flesh.
There are a few that are missing… A couple of the genies from the palace, Tina and the other two women from the award conference, the femake engineer from Vegas, the lingerie clerk, the little Greek sailor girl, Caley, and of course, Endora. (Who would certainly poof herself into the picture!)
I tried to kept it to the relevant girls on the story so far, so extras like the engineer girl and the clerk were never an option, I thought about the anti Jean club, but they only work as a group an each one by themselves isn’t really that memorable. a little of the same for the genies at the palace, all of them besides Lahab, Alya and Jehane were just background characters.
Caley and the Little Sailor girl, okay, they are relevant enough, but don’t belong in this kind of pic, heck, Red here was a stretch, I hesitated to include her, but there is already some fan art of her really suggestive and she was a big deal here at JB, and arguably one of the biggest reason as to why MC even exists, so she has to be here. I can’t say the same for Holly or Cheerleader not Holly, which I thought if I should include, but decide otherwise.
Endora was a cool cameo, but has even less presence in the comic than Daisy, the Greek Captain and Kendra, all of which barely made it into the pic.
Also, yeah I can’t say that my proportions are the most accurate to the canon, BUT, I did have to look to a lot of reference for each girl, and I did notice that all the girls “made” by Jeanie, tend to be a little bustier than the rest, also, the Greek Captain “wanted” to be a wise and bare a child, so lets say that her wish it’s making everything it can to help her with that.
Oh, Carlos – I wasn’t criticizing. Just the way my mind works, noting discrepancies in things. It’s a WONDEFUL picture, and I love your visualizations of several of the characters! Anya, in particular, has an outfit that I’d kill for. And I think Luke has hers painted on.
By the way, I can certainly see why the Greek captain gets so much attention from guys. She hat viel Holz vor der Hütte, as they say.
What the heck IS her name, anyway?
She doesn’t have a name besides “The Greek Captain”, heh.
@Robert: Well, she should have a name! It should be a pretty, Greek girl’s name.
Hey! How about you do a poll, to pick one?
Here are some suggestions:
Althea, Anastasia, Ariadne, Astraea, Brontë, Callista
Calypso, Circe, Daphne, Diandra, Elektra, Elena
Fantasia, Helena, Hermia, Hermione, Iolanthe, Irene
Kallista, Lenore, Malina, Nikolina, Nyssa, Ophelia
Panthea, Penelope, Phoebe, Rena, Sapphira, Selene
Sophia, Thalia, Titania, Veronike, Xenia, Zora
(I’m partial to Circe [pronounced SEER-see], Thalia, and Nyssa [NEE-suh], myself.)
I like Selene.
I vote Hermia, since it looks to me like the female form of Hermes. And isn’t that the old gender-swap stereotype, just using the alternate-gender version of your name.
How about Athena the Greek Goddess or possibly Venus the Goddess of love since she always doing it, without mentioning is of course. We all know what I am thinking or talking about.
@Larry I hate to be “that guy” but in this case it should be Aphrodite instead of Venus.
I think I like either Daphne or Penelope, cute, but not to striking.
Has the Blue Djinn replaced Jeanie’s physical form, or is she separate? Robert’s note suggests this is replacement.
That’s a pretty pickle for both Jeanie and Neil.
Hm, maybe Neil can use Haji’s Day to express his discontent with his new, blue Djinn.
From what I can tell, Big Blue has simply fully possessed Jeanie, entirely removing her control from her body. So similar to what he was doing when he was killing that Chinese genie, but more overt, since Jeanie knows about it, now. And presumably more permanent this time, since it affected her physical form.
But don’t quote me on that. CD hasn’t told me exactly what’s happened, so there may be subtle and important differences.
Notably, there is no *poof*, just a few strokes indicating a “flip” sort of thing. I think that supports your guess.
If so, is Jeanie aware of what is happening? That would be horrible.
I admit, I’m hoping Neil at least helps with his genie’s escape/rescue. That would leave her much more inclined to treat him with a modicum of respect.
That probably how this thing is going to fall apart for the Blue Djinn Genie, He can’t imitate Jean pre-genie condition of when Jean and Neil whore just friend and the after Genie condition when Jean became Jeanie the female Genie. So it will probably be Neil that trips up the Blue Djinn Genie, because he trap himself in the body of female Genie that has a master attached to her, even whip mortal like Neil can over turn Blue Djinn plans.
Like the old saying go, Kick an old hound dog every time you come through and even an old hound dog will bit.
This is not going to go as well as he thinks.
or as Bugs Bunny would say
What a maroon
Yeah, he’s going to go so far in being a “proper” genie so as to get past Haji Day that Neil is going to know that something is not right. Jeanie being a proper genie is going to be a huge red light.
“Evil will oft evil mar.”
Oh boy… this is so awesome. I just want to say how much I love this comic but I’m afraid because whenever I profess such adoration the comics tend to end!
I do wonder how Jean ended up with Blue.
I think one can read between the lines to figure it out.
It’s clear that blue got to her at the beginning of I Dream of an Escape, and apparently tricked her into believing that he was the voice of her own magic. She goes along with this because his presence gives a boost to her powers, allowing her to do the mind-trick on Neil, and (unknown to her) send those jerks on the beach back in time to World War 2.
He probably chose her because she’s so new to geniehood, and didn’t know about him before he found her.
“I have to play patsy to her foolish human master.”
I suspect Neil going to be harder to fool than she thinks. He knows his genie pretty well.
I think you may be right. Blue may not be aware of exactly what the relationship is between Jeanie and Neil, and how closely they know each other.
Robert, I suspect that, in fact, Blue may not realize that Jean was once a male. That could prove to be revealing.
@Kattgirl Revealing, indeed. I don’t think anyone in the genie hierarchy has listened to either Jeanie or even Neil long enough to learn that crucial fact.
I suspect that a very great deal of Jeanie’s bad attitude comes from that.
(Story note: All of the magical M to F TG comics I’ve ever followed, every single one of them, has shied away from dealing directly with the male/female emotional differences. They start out with a few bra, period, and squishsquishsquish jokes, and then move on to other aspects of the story that don’t rely on the change. Misfile tries, now and again, more than any other strip I know of, but not even Chris can stare that gorgon down without turning to stone. I’ve tried to write a few fanfics, but I lack the chops, as well as the personal experience. ) (Gods, I remember once making some research notes for “Little Misfile on the Prairie”, where Ash, the blacksmith’s son, wakes up to find himself–herself, with her Mom banging on her door to come down and help with breakfast by making the biscuits. Basically, she ends up committing suicide because under the social conditions of the time, there is absolutely NO UNDERSTANDING OR SUPPORT AT ALL, and a good deal of condemnation. She has no model to work from, loses every chance of becoming what she hoped she could be, and doesn’t even realize that lesbians exist, or can exist. There are ways to avoid the most desolate ending, but required forcing too many details. It was brutal. Then there was the problem of explaining Rumi…and remember, faithful churchgoing would have been a given.)
A good question though is how much are those differences physically and how much are yhey cultural? Evidence is while there might be TINY physical differences these only REALLY become apparent on the extreme ends of the bell curve and the vast differences are cultural. As for myself, maybe this is because I have Asperger’s Syndrome and I am a guy if that makes a difference (diagonsed by a doctor)
But I tend to not fit into ANY of these generalizations you keep pulling up, and what’s more, I don’t care to try. As I live by the rule, “those who truly care about you will care about you for who you are, those who don’t care for you are don’t matter.”
@Ben: A fair discussion of this is far beyond the scope of this forum. But no, the differences are not tiny, due to one single thing: childbearing and rearing. Up until very recently (less than a century ago, not even an eyeblink in evolutionary terms), that was the central and most crucial concern of women. It will be a long time before the effects of women being able to move in the larger circles of society, due largely to birth control and other advances in medicine, are understood in any detail, but it is at least a mixed blessing.
That was one of the main problems with moving Misfile to the past: Ash would have been strongly pressured to marry and have children, and not just out of social habit. Mothering children was absolutely the single most important thing she had to do, given the horrendous death rates of both children (especially infants) and adults. You reproduced or the species died out.
I’d very much like to see a story in which transforming a male to female would also change her original attraction to women to being attracted by men, and lead to her eventual decision to marry and have children.
And by the way, Asperger’s alone puts you out on the tails of the bell curve. But society molds itself to fit the humps. You are not a good example; probably very few on this forum, including myself, are.
<@Ben (&other interested parties): Because I don’t want to derail this discussion into mundane politics, that’s pretty much all I have to say about it. I’d be interested in your final response, though.
> I’d very much like to see a story in which transforming a male to female would also change her original attraction to women to being attracted by men, and lead to her eventual decision to marry and have children.
Well what do you know, CD Rudd actually wrote that comic already. It’s called, and the last page was just posted today. Go check it out. 🙂
@50srefugee: We know at least two genies who know that Jeanie was originally human, Haji’s first and Alya as mentioned in comic #444. I would say it is certain that Alya doesn’t know that Jeanie was male though. I will say it is likely that Haji’s first does know that Jeanie was male since she knew that Jeanie was human without anyone telling her.
@SaylorA: Add to that, Kazom (who was told specifically by Jeannie), Guano (who knows but doesn’t seem to care) and probably Jehane (since the same thing happened to her.) [Although Jehane likely doesn’t know that Jean was male.]
Interestingly, I don’t think that Araceli has ever been told about Jeanie’s origins. I wonder if it might affect her attitude?
@SaylorA : I don’t think it’s necessarily true that Lahab knows that Jeanie used to be a guy. Lahab knows that Jeanie is a bottle genie, who are, by definition, humans-turned-genie. So that’s how she knows that Jeanie used to be human. But that only implies that she knows what Jeanie used to be, not who.
@Kattgirl and SaylorA – Kazom is the only one we’ve confirmed knows that Jean was a guy. Lahab, Alya, Jehane, and (I always assumed) Guano know Jean was originally mortal. No other genie within or related to Haji’s court knows anything, as far as we know.
@Robert – where does it specifically say bottle genies are “by definition, humans-turned-genie”, to use your words? Wasn’t Alya a bottle genie by birth? And she did seem surprised to have met a mortal-turned-genie, which makes me think it’s relatively rare for mortals to become genies at all. Or did I miss something?
Perhaps I’m wrong? I had assumed that “bottle genie” meant “genie bound to a totem”, and was under the impression that totems could only be inherited by mortals, rather than genies born through the Hubun Jadid.
Admittedly, I didn’t look at the Info Page to confirm this, so I may be completely wrong.
@Robert The only know rule in regards Bottle Genies is the fact that they tend to have motherly instincts and are mostly female, thought that’s not a rule, so I will asume that most if not all naturally born bottle genies are girls, but you can find a empty genie bottle and still turn into a male genie if that’s your idea of one.
As a side note, in the cast page you can see the totems of all the known genies, including Guano and Kazom, and interesting enough, it’s not clear if Lahab or Jam genies in general have a proper totem or if they have their own natural rules.
@Robert: “Well what do you know, CD Rudd actually wrote that comic already. It’s called, and the last page was just posted today. Go check it out. ”
Hah! The few times I peeked at SS, I did not pick that up. I must have bailed too early. I’ll have to give it a closer look. Is there a good starting point for that arc, or is it pretty well woven in to the whole story?
Hmmm, started at the wedding, working backwards–very confusing…But OK, I’ll try starting at the…what do people call that? The…start? Weird.
Just do as the King of Hearts said:
“Begin at the beginning, and go on till you come to the end: then stop.“ is definitely a confusing story. I’ll give you that. But if you want to absorb the full plot thread of Brad’s gradual transformation into Bay (in both body and mind), you basically need to start at the beginning. A lot of the story isn’t about that transformation, but his gradual shift to full womanhood is woven deeply into the fabric of the overall plot.
@Robert: Started at the beginning–and had to check a couple of times that I wasn’t clicking on the “random” button. When did Bey get transformed>
@50srefugee a couple of years before the start of the story, there are manny flashbacks about her transformations and other important events on her life later in the story.
Carlos: “[Bey transformed} a couple of years before the start of the story.”
That explains a lot. When I first looked at this, years ago, I think I thought the comic was about Honey. In any event, I had no idea what was going on, and dropped it. I’m trying again, now.
Also, I see the current comic skips forward, and shows the girls having babies. Hm.
I can think of one very effective way of swaying Neil, but is the blue genie willing to go that far with his new body?
That would immediately put Neil on his guard, though. He knows Jeanie would never do that. That one time that she did do that being the exception that proves the rule.
Nod-nod. That was Aracelli’s mistake, too. Neil is very much on his guard after that.
On the other hand, Jeanie herself has spontaneously hugged and kissed Neil when he saved her bacon. She has also backed down and done what he told her to do when he just showed some damn spine and by golly ordered her to behave.
He is capable of earning her respect and even affection, if only he sucks his gut in and stands up straight.
I agree with Robert here, because Neil knows the person inside the body and anybody taking over control of Jeanie body wouldn’t act the same way that Jeanie would act and Neil would know it almost immediately too. Remember that Neil probably met Jean in Junior High School in either the 7th or 8th grade and have been friends for maybe 10 years or so. They met when they were 13 or 14 years and Jean is now 23 years old.
This being so, the Blue Djinn doesn’t have to make much of a boob boo to alert Neil that there something wrong with Jeanie.
Ok is this comic now officially on Hiatus?? Cause its mid August….
I think Robert will inform us in when the comic is out of buffer.
CD made a sizable buffer before he left, so there are a few weeks of official pages left. I’ll be announcing the official beginning of the hiatus when it happens.
And yet, in spite of its distaste for the job, I expect Big Bad Blue will do a better job as a genie than Jean…
Looks like the harem pants might not be a good fit, from the way The Blue Djinn is tugging at them. Happy 500th, guys.
Based on what he’s saying in that panel, it seems more likely that he’s annoyed by the type of outfit, moreso than the fit. Bottle genies do seem to share similar attire.
@Robert Nowall – judging by my girlfriend’s costume last Halloween, harem-girl pants don’t fit anyone that well. Granted, she prefers to wear skirts, but that wouldn’t have explained all the complaining.
What I like about Jeanie some times is she kind of naive some times, like she can make a deal with the devil or in this case the Blue Djinn which is pretty much the same thing and now she got to get out of the trouble that she got herself into, because, she was being foolish to trust some that she should have known would have had ulterior motive and at some point would do her wrong in the future.
Well, fortunately for Jeanie, the Blue Djinn can’t destroy her immediately, because, he will be without a body again. The Blue Djinn seem to be a spirit without a physical body at the present time. So he has to settle for just possessing her, which means that Jeanie still in there somewhere even if she being oppressed or suppressed inside her own body while the Blue Djinn take control over her body.
So there are a few questions that come up.
1. How much control actual does Blue Djinn have over Jeanie body?
2. How much does Jeanie see or know of what the Blue Djinn is doing with her body?
3. How much control can Jeanie exorcise sitting in the back ground of her mind as she watches the Blue Djinn using her body to sabotage his efforts and to be able to get control over her body again?
4. How fast or how soon will it take for Neil to fine out that there some thing wrong with Jeanie or maybe she even possessed by another Genie or evil spirit?
5. How much help Neil be to helping Jeanie break free of the Blue Jeanie possession of Jeanie body, because, Neil is technically still Jeanie Master?
6. How will the other Genie respond to Jeanie predicament when they fine out that she possessed by the Blue Djinn or will that come to help rid Jeanie of the Blue Djinn or will they throw both of them out?
Question! Question! And I sure there are plenty of other question too, but, this is just a few of them.
Those are definitely good questions! Let’s wait and see how and when they get answered. 🙂
Yeah, that’s part of what I love about CD’s comics: they cause one to think. I have a number of questions for him involving how the law recognizes some people in SailorSun, but it’d be a seven paragraph or more post, which would make it almost unreadable.
Is there any chance of getting a complete list of who everyone in the picture is?
There is already one scattered between the comments, but here is the complet list:
Back row- (L-R) Rouya, Lahab, Asha, Luke, Bo and Daisy.
Cushion- (L-R) Sam, Belle, Jeanie, Natalie, Red.
Floor- (L-R) Kendra, Agent Anderson, the Greek Captain, Arceli, Jehane and Alya.
The pinup of each girl in the fan art page also has their respective name on the file.
It’s true that the filenames have each girl’s name, but the filenames don’t appear to be visible from the gallery interface. I’ll see what I can do about that.
EDIT: OK, you can now see each character’s name by hovering your mouse over their individual pinup in the Fanart page.
Alright, thanks a ton you two. I wasn’t able to find the list earlier, so much text in this section to be honest.
Congrats on 500
Perhaps one lesson about being a genie isn’t enough. They probably should have some lessons focused on do’s, don’ts and why those don’ts are so dangerous. If those lessons are not covered, you’re going to have many new genies learning the hard way.
I think the ‘one lesson’ was supposed to be an awful lot longer. Kazom cut it super-short just to annoy Guano.
Yes, Kazom didn’t do everything that we was suppose to do with Jeanie when he was training her. As soon as Kazom found out that Guano was her her Genie Lord, his attitude immediately changed when it came to training Jeanie and he said good ridding to both to Guano and Jeanie too. In that Jeanie will probably be the death to Guano. So Kazom cut short his training of Jeanie when he found out that Guano was Jeanie Genie Lord. So Jeanie didn’t get all the training that she was suppose to get from Kazom.
So it was probably Kazom fault that that Jeanie didn’t get the training that she needed to have. I am not letting Jeanie off the hook, but, Kazom deliberately chose not to complete Jeanie training as vendetta against Guano and past battle with Guano in the past and Jeanie got caught in cross fire of this on going battle between these two Genie Lords or one being an ex-Genie Lord.