Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
Yes. It never really did add up. Bo, Luke, and Daisy are all cousins and Jessie and his cousin Frank are both uncles to all of them. But who their parents actually are is never explained in the show.
How could two people be cousins and yet both be uncles to the same person is something I’ve never been able to quite work out, let alone three different cousins.
> How could two people be cousins and yet both be uncles to the same person
The answer to that is “The South”.
But in all seriousness, “uncle” is frequently used to refer to a man who isn’t actually a sibling to one’s parent. Maybe that would help explain how this strange “family tree” makes sense?
It gets even more confusing when you consider that Bo and Luke have different Great Grandfathers both named Duke, and that Daisy has a Great Grandmother named Duke, not married to either of those gentlemen. Also Jesse’s Great Great Grandparents were contemporaries of Bo, Luke, and Daisy’s Great Grandparents…
> How could two people be cousins and yet both be uncles to the same person
I can actually answer this one. Remember two things:
1) “cousin” is a blood relationship, defined as being children of siblings, however;
2) an “uncle” can be by either blood or by marriage.
SO: We know that Jesse has at least two siblings, since both Bo and Luke are his nephews, and are cousins (presumably first cousins) to each other. So one of the three is Bo’s parent, another is Luke’s, and the third is Jesse.
Now, let us assume that there is a fourth sibling, say, Jesse’s sister. She would be an aunt to both Bo and Luke. Jesse’s cousin, Frank, (who, by the way, is also her cousin) takes a shine to her, they get hitched, and voila: Frank is now an uncle (by marriage) to both Bo and Luke, while also being a cousin to Jesse. (As well as Jesse’s brother-in-law!)
This really isn’t that complicated, it just sounds strange if you assume that relationships by blood and relationships by marriage must be mutually exclusive… which of course, they needn’t be.
FYI: Marriage between first cousins is actually reasonably common, and not just in the South. It’s completely legal in 24 states, and legal in nearly all others if the marriage was performed in another state, Utah and Arizona being the only exceptions to the latter.
Rural farm families tend to have lots of children. My father, for example, was one of 11 children. I have a bunch of aunts and uncles and even more cousins. All my aunts and uncles are aunts and uncles to all my cousins except their own children. So, 3 cousins with 2 uncles seems perfectly reasonable to me. Oh, and I’ve got nieces and nephews who have children and those children generally call me “uncle” though, technically, I’m their great uncle.
I’m also from a large family – originally rural, though not so much so, any more – and I have lots of first cousins, second cousins, some third cousins, first-cousins-once removed, second-cousins-once-removed, and even a few first-cousins-twice-removed. Of course, except when keeping records, no one pays attention to the distinctions; everyone is just referred to as “your cousin So-and-so”.
Nowadays, with family sizes of 1 or 2 being the norm, people are tending to forget how complex familial relationships can get.
And let us not forget Coy and Vance, who are cousins of the three main cousins, to boot.
Over on they have this family tree for the Dukes, worked out and written up from various mentions during the show’s run by a fellow named CountyCommissionerKing
Duke Family:
Jesse L. Duke, either uncle or great uncle of Bo, Luke, Daisy, Coy, Vance, Jeb Stuart, and Jud Kane. Was married to Lavinia.
Lukas K. Duke, nephew of Jesse, brother of Jud Kane.
Beauregard “Bo” Duke, nephew of Jesse.
Daisy Mae Duke, nephew of Jesse. Came to live with Uncle Jesse at age 6.
Coy Duke, nephew of Jesse.
Vance Duke, nephew of Jesse.
Jeb Stuart Duke, nephew of Jesse from Placid County where there are other Dukes.
Jud Kane Duke, nephew of Jesse, brother of Luke. Raised by a Miss Norris until her death when he found out about real family.
Gaylord Duke, third cousin of Bo, Daisy, and Luke from England.
Philip Duke, died ten years ago presumably in England.
Katrina “Kay” Duke, lives in England.
Henshaw Duke, Grandfather of Daisy, Luke, and Bo, maybe Jesse’s father?
Grandma Denton Duke, grandmother of Jesse Duke, maiden name Denton.
Caleb Duke, settled Hazzard County in 1762 (I think) with wife Martha and infant son Joshua.
Martha Duke, settled in Hazzard County in 1762 with husband and infant son Joshua.
Joshua Duke, son of Caleb and Martha settled in Hazzard in 1762 as an infant, born that year.
Jerimiah Duke, great grandfather of Jesse Duke, husband of Jenny Duke. Uncle of Hank, Dixie, and Joe Duke. Lived on Duke Farm in 1872, assumably age early 40s to early 50s.
Jenny Duke, great grandmother of Jesse Duke, wife of Jerimiah, great great great grandmother of Daisy Duke. (Might lead to fact that Jesse was their great uncle). Lived on Duke Farm in 1872. Age late 30s to mid 40s.
Jerimiah & Jenny Duke Problem: If they are Jesse’s great grandparents, where are their children? They are already in their 40s assumably.
Hank Duke, great grandfather of Luke and Jud Kane Duke, alive in 1872. Lived outside of Hazzard County (aka Sleepy City). This might be a hint that Luke and Jud’s parents were distant cousins because Jerimiah would be Luke’s gg or ggg grandfather, and yet Hank DUKE is his great grandfather, and Hank is Jerimiah’s nephew.
Dixie Duke, great grandmother of Daisy M. Duke, alive in 1872. Lived outside of Hazzard County (aka Sleepy City). This might be a hint that Daisy’s parents were distant cousins because Jerimiah would be Daisy’s gg or ggg grandfather, and yet Dixie DUKE is her great grandfather, and Dixie is Jerimiah’s niece.
Joseph “Joe” Duke, great grandmother of Bo Duke, alive in 1872. Lived outside of Hazzard County (aka Sleepy City). This might be a hint that Bo’s parents were distant cousins because Jerimiah would be Bo’s gg or ggg grandfather, and yet Hank DUKE is his great grandfather, and Joe is Jerimiah’s nephew.
Holly Comfurt, Jesse’s second cousin twice removed. In simple terms that means that two of Jesse’s grandparents are her great great grandparents. As for the different last name there are a wide range of possibilities, one scenario could be that Jesse’s mother was maybe a Miller and her father’s brother’s great great granddaughter is Holly Miller who married a Comfurt.
John Henry Comfurt, son of Holly Comfurt, distant cousin of Duke Family.
Lori Comfurt, daughter of Holly Comfurt, distant cousin of Duke Family.
My dad has cousins that married sisters so there is double cousins in that family. My Great aunt remarried so the guy she married Got related to re related to his dead wife’s family again but in a different way.
I’ve got that in my family, too, actually. My dad’s brother married my mom’s sister, so the cousins I gained through that marriage are on both my mom’s side and my dad’s side.
Death, duh. When Hogg wished for the Duke brothers to be gone, I’m pretty sure that’s what he had in mind. Or disappearance. Or never having existed. None of them are very good.
Since you included multiple possibilities it would seem you don’t really know what the alternative she is thinking about is. Ironically you used the word “duh”. I’ll hold out for someone who actually knows, thank you. 😉
Boss Hogg is saving his remaining wishes for later.
Is he entitled to minor miracles in the meanwhile?
Can Jeanie conger women’s clothing for Bo and Luke
or are her powers for official use only for now?
My guess is Jean is only contractually obligated to provide the bottle-holder with three wishes, anything else goes as long as it doesn’t go against the letter of those three wishes; i.e., get rid of those Duke boys.
As far as ‘minor miracles’ go, my guess is that it’s up to the genie whether they count against the three wishes or not.
I’d say the same, a Genie gets to decide if something is a wish or not and since its their lifeforce they’re powering it with I’d imagine for most it comes down to how much they like they’re master vs what’s being wished for. A master the genie really likes asking for something minor will probably get it free and more importantly properly granted. A master the genie dislikes asking for anything no matter how minor e.g. “Could you get me a drink from the fridge” would probably have it both twisted and count against the limit of 3 wishes.
Same with using magic for other things unless as master forbids the genie from using their powers for something (and possibly even then depending on how good they are at wish twisting) the genie is going to be free to use it because its their magic. “Its not a wish I just didn’t want to see some young women in men’s clothes”.
Had to leave for work and my phones a different device so no editing however it just occurred to me didn’t Jeanie use her power for a whole bunch of things e.g. moving in with him before Neil made his official third wish and they didn’t count so it seems yes she can use her power for anything she wants and if the master doesn’t use the words “I wish” it’s up to her if she helps them our.
It’s only a wish if the current totem-holder asks for it. Anything Jeanie does on her own doesn’t count.
Genies can pretty much interpret a wish any way they want, withing certain fuzzy limits.
Corollary: Stay on your genie’s good side and see if you can clarify the exact wording before making the wish. (With Jeanie, that might not help, because she’s not all that smart or careful herself. *poof* Um, why do I have a donkey’s head now?)
When she left the Greek sailors, she turned one into a little girl to keep him from throwing her bottle back in the sea. Hogg risks a similar, or worse, fate if he tries to keep the bottle once his mastership lapses.
Robert is 100% correct. In the south close families can have friendships spanning generations. In a way they come to feel like family. Not related but feels like uncles and cousins. Also in big families this is possible. My mother has 4 sisters each of them have between 2 to 4 kids each for a total of 14 cousins. Add to that their kids which become second and third cousins, thats a bunch of cousins, aunts and uncles and thats just on my moms side of the family.
I actually have a similar, though even more extensive family on my father’s side. His family is Mormon (though he left the church before he met my mom), so he has 5 siblings. Four of those have had 5+ kids each, leaving me with 24 first cousins. But my dad’s mother’s family was also a 6-child family, and through them I have dozens more cousins (though I don’t know the exact first/second/x-times removed thing for relatives who are grand-nephews/nieces of my grandmother). And now that my first cousins are old enough, I have a growing number of nieces and nephews of my own (last I checked, it was 10).
Family reunions are, predictably, chaotic. Thankfully, everyone in my extended family is awesome, so these reunions are a ton of fun. It doesn’t hurt that much of my family lives in Vegas, so we tend to hold the reunions there these days. 🙂
They say we’re all descended from Adam and Eve—not the ones in the Bible, but a single man designated “Adam” and a single woman designated “Eve,” whose genetic pattern is in all of us. So we’re all cousins.
Really? I’ve never heard that theory outside of religious arguments. And it seems kind of unlikely, considering what we know about in-breeding leading to genetic defects.
The Eve part is fairly well established, because that lineage is traced through the mitochondrial DNA. The mitochondria are the organelles inside our cells that process energy for us; they turn out to be symbiotic bacteria that have offloaded most of the tricky cellular machinery to us, keeping only the DNA needed for their structure and the handful of metabolic tricks they perform to earn their keep.
Now, here’s the trick: sperm mitochondria are only in the tail, where they power the wiggling mechanism. When the sperm enters an ovum, it sheds its tail.
Thus, we each contain only the mitochondrial DNA from our mothers. The mitochondrial DNA is quite simple, and is strongly conserved–but not perfectly, so that the changes can be used to track matrilineal lines. And the changes, the mutations, occured at a fairly constant rate, providing a kind of clock so that specific mutations can be put in rough chronological order.
And it turns out (or did, last time I checked) that we all do descend from a common mother. (Or at least a very few individuals, likely from the same troop of vaguely human-looking apes.)
“I find that shit fascinating.” — Clifford Worley (Dennis Hopper) to Vincenzo Coccotti (Christopher Walken) in True Romance
Or turned into an animal or an inanimate object or something like that. Being a girl is the best of her choices of what she had to do to those Duke Boys.
The Duke boys are still human, so that’s a plus. Boss Hogg doesn’t know exactly what happened to the Duke boys, just that the boys are no longer a problem. The Duke girls can potentially cause him bigger problems. This situation has lots of potential for Daisy to have some fun at Bo and Lukes expense (best girls night out ever). One definite thing, it’s going to be fun finding out what happens next.
I always look forward to your artwork as well as the story. As in other comics, you are doing an awesome job on the facial expressions. Daisy’s expression from panels 3 to 4 really help the story move for me.
Bo and Luke are COUSINS?!?! I thought they were brothers!! does that make Daisy their cousin as well?!
Yes. It never really did add up. Bo, Luke, and Daisy are all cousins and Jessie and his cousin Frank are both uncles to all of them. But who their parents actually are is never explained in the show.
How could two people be cousins and yet both be uncles to the same person is something I’ve never been able to quite work out, let alone three different cousins.
> How could two people be cousins and yet both be uncles to the same person
The answer to that is “The South”.
But in all seriousness, “uncle” is frequently used to refer to a man who isn’t actually a sibling to one’s parent. Maybe that would help explain how this strange “family tree” makes sense?
It’s the South. Family Trees get more complex than that: :p
It gets even more confusing when you consider that Bo and Luke have different Great Grandfathers both named Duke, and that Daisy has a Great Grandmother named Duke, not married to either of those gentlemen. Also Jesse’s Great Great Grandparents were contemporaries of Bo, Luke, and Daisy’s Great Grandparents…
That family tree is scary.
> How could two people be cousins and yet both be uncles to the same person
I can actually answer this one. Remember two things:
1) “cousin” is a blood relationship, defined as being children of siblings, however;
2) an “uncle” can be by either blood or by marriage.
SO: We know that Jesse has at least two siblings, since both Bo and Luke are his nephews, and are cousins (presumably first cousins) to each other. So one of the three is Bo’s parent, another is Luke’s, and the third is Jesse.
Now, let us assume that there is a fourth sibling, say, Jesse’s sister. She would be an aunt to both Bo and Luke. Jesse’s cousin, Frank, (who, by the way, is also her cousin) takes a shine to her, they get hitched, and voila: Frank is now an uncle (by marriage) to both Bo and Luke, while also being a cousin to Jesse. (As well as Jesse’s brother-in-law!)
This really isn’t that complicated, it just sounds strange if you assume that relationships by blood and relationships by marriage must be mutually exclusive… which of course, they needn’t be.
FYI: Marriage between first cousins is actually reasonably common, and not just in the South. It’s completely legal in 24 states, and legal in nearly all others if the marriage was performed in another state, Utah and Arizona being the only exceptions to the latter.
It’s only an extension of Einstein’s theory—“everyone’s relative.”
Rural farm families tend to have lots of children. My father, for example, was one of 11 children. I have a bunch of aunts and uncles and even more cousins. All my aunts and uncles are aunts and uncles to all my cousins except their own children. So, 3 cousins with 2 uncles seems perfectly reasonable to me. Oh, and I’ve got nieces and nephews who have children and those children generally call me “uncle” though, technically, I’m their great uncle.
“City folk just don’t get it . . .”
I’m also from a large family – originally rural, though not so much so, any more – and I have lots of first cousins, second cousins, some third cousins, first-cousins-once removed, second-cousins-once-removed, and even a few first-cousins-twice-removed. Of course, except when keeping records, no one pays attention to the distinctions; everyone is just referred to as “your cousin So-and-so”.
Nowadays, with family sizes of 1 or 2 being the norm, people are tending to forget how complex familial relationships can get.
And let us not forget Coy and Vance, who are cousins of the three main cousins, to boot.
Over on they have this family tree for the Dukes, worked out and written up from various mentions during the show’s run by a fellow named CountyCommissionerKing
Duke Family:
Jesse L. Duke, either uncle or great uncle of Bo, Luke, Daisy, Coy, Vance, Jeb Stuart, and Jud Kane. Was married to Lavinia.
Lukas K. Duke, nephew of Jesse, brother of Jud Kane.
Beauregard “Bo” Duke, nephew of Jesse.
Daisy Mae Duke, nephew of Jesse. Came to live with Uncle Jesse at age 6.
Coy Duke, nephew of Jesse.
Vance Duke, nephew of Jesse.
Jeb Stuart Duke, nephew of Jesse from Placid County where there are other Dukes.
Jud Kane Duke, nephew of Jesse, brother of Luke. Raised by a Miss Norris until her death when he found out about real family.
Gaylord Duke, third cousin of Bo, Daisy, and Luke from England.
Philip Duke, died ten years ago presumably in England.
Katrina “Kay” Duke, lives in England.
Henshaw Duke, Grandfather of Daisy, Luke, and Bo, maybe Jesse’s father?
Grandma Denton Duke, grandmother of Jesse Duke, maiden name Denton.
Caleb Duke, settled Hazzard County in 1762 (I think) with wife Martha and infant son Joshua.
Martha Duke, settled in Hazzard County in 1762 with husband and infant son Joshua.
Joshua Duke, son of Caleb and Martha settled in Hazzard in 1762 as an infant, born that year.
Jerimiah Duke, great grandfather of Jesse Duke, husband of Jenny Duke. Uncle of Hank, Dixie, and Joe Duke. Lived on Duke Farm in 1872, assumably age early 40s to early 50s.
Jenny Duke, great grandmother of Jesse Duke, wife of Jerimiah, great great great grandmother of Daisy Duke. (Might lead to fact that Jesse was their great uncle). Lived on Duke Farm in 1872. Age late 30s to mid 40s.
Jerimiah & Jenny Duke Problem: If they are Jesse’s great grandparents, where are their children? They are already in their 40s assumably.
Hank Duke, great grandfather of Luke and Jud Kane Duke, alive in 1872. Lived outside of Hazzard County (aka Sleepy City). This might be a hint that Luke and Jud’s parents were distant cousins because Jerimiah would be Luke’s gg or ggg grandfather, and yet Hank DUKE is his great grandfather, and Hank is Jerimiah’s nephew.
Dixie Duke, great grandmother of Daisy M. Duke, alive in 1872. Lived outside of Hazzard County (aka Sleepy City). This might be a hint that Daisy’s parents were distant cousins because Jerimiah would be Daisy’s gg or ggg grandfather, and yet Dixie DUKE is her great grandfather, and Dixie is Jerimiah’s niece.
Joseph “Joe” Duke, great grandmother of Bo Duke, alive in 1872. Lived outside of Hazzard County (aka Sleepy City). This might be a hint that Bo’s parents were distant cousins because Jerimiah would be Bo’s gg or ggg grandfather, and yet Hank DUKE is his great grandfather, and Joe is Jerimiah’s nephew.
Holly Comfurt, Jesse’s second cousin twice removed. In simple terms that means that two of Jesse’s grandparents are her great great grandparents. As for the different last name there are a wide range of possibilities, one scenario could be that Jesse’s mother was maybe a Miller and her father’s brother’s great great granddaughter is Holly Miller who married a Comfurt.
John Henry Comfurt, son of Holly Comfurt, distant cousin of Duke Family.
Lori Comfurt, daughter of Holly Comfurt, distant cousin of Duke Family.
I don’t think Daisy was ever a “nephew” on the show, but here anything’s possible.
My dad has cousins that married sisters so there is double cousins in that family. My Great aunt remarried so the guy she married Got related to re related to his dead wife’s family again but in a different way.
I’ve got that in my family, too, actually. My dad’s brother married my mom’s sister, so the cousins I gained through that marriage are on both my mom’s side and my dad’s side.
ha ha ha. I never noticed that error from the source material, I wonder if they did?
I wonder what the alternative was…
Death, duh. When Hogg wished for the Duke brothers to be gone, I’m pretty sure that’s what he had in mind. Or disappearance. Or never having existed. None of them are very good.
Since you included multiple possibilities it would seem you don’t really know what the alternative she is thinking about is. Ironically you used the word “duh”. I’ll hold out for someone who actually knows, thank you. 😉
You’ll learn Boss Hogg’s exact wish next week.
Thanks, Robert! ^_^
Boss Hogg is saving his remaining wishes for later.
Is he entitled to minor miracles in the meanwhile?
Can Jeanie conger women’s clothing for Bo and Luke
or are her powers for official use only for now?
Coincidentally, like the answer I gave to Luna above, you’ll learn the answer to that question next week.
You’ll also learn the answer to a question that was asked a few weeks ago.
My guess is Jean is only contractually obligated to provide the bottle-holder with three wishes, anything else goes as long as it doesn’t go against the letter of those three wishes; i.e., get rid of those Duke boys.
As far as ‘minor miracles’ go, my guess is that it’s up to the genie whether they count against the three wishes or not.
I’d say the same, a Genie gets to decide if something is a wish or not and since its their lifeforce they’re powering it with I’d imagine for most it comes down to how much they like they’re master vs what’s being wished for. A master the genie really likes asking for something minor will probably get it free and more importantly properly granted. A master the genie dislikes asking for anything no matter how minor e.g. “Could you get me a drink from the fridge” would probably have it both twisted and count against the limit of 3 wishes.
Same with using magic for other things unless as master forbids the genie from using their powers for something (and possibly even then depending on how good they are at wish twisting) the genie is going to be free to use it because its their magic. “Its not a wish I just didn’t want to see some young women in men’s clothes”.
Had to leave for work and my phones a different device so no editing however it just occurred to me didn’t Jeanie use her power for a whole bunch of things e.g. moving in with him before Neil made his official third wish and they didn’t count so it seems yes she can use her power for anything she wants and if the master doesn’t use the words “I wish” it’s up to her if she helps them our.
It’s only a wish if the current totem-holder asks for it. Anything Jeanie does on her own doesn’t count.
Genies can pretty much interpret a wish any way they want, withing certain fuzzy limits.
Corollary: Stay on your genie’s good side and see if you can clarify the exact wording before making the wish. (With Jeanie, that might not help, because she’s not all that smart or careful herself. *poof* Um, why do I have a donkey’s head now?)
When she left the Greek sailors, she turned one into a little girl to keep him from throwing her bottle back in the sea. Hogg risks a similar, or worse, fate if he tries to keep the bottle once his mastership lapses.
Thought it was Jean who, er, filled the Duke boys in…
You mean “filled them out”? 🙂
Robert is 100% correct. In the south close families can have friendships spanning generations. In a way they come to feel like family. Not related but feels like uncles and cousins. Also in big families this is possible. My mother has 4 sisters each of them have between 2 to 4 kids each for a total of 14 cousins. Add to that their kids which become second and third cousins, thats a bunch of cousins, aunts and uncles and thats just on my moms side of the family.
I actually have a similar, though even more extensive family on my father’s side. His family is Mormon (though he left the church before he met my mom), so he has 5 siblings. Four of those have had 5+ kids each, leaving me with 24 first cousins. But my dad’s mother’s family was also a 6-child family, and through them I have dozens more cousins (though I don’t know the exact first/second/x-times removed thing for relatives who are grand-nephews/nieces of my grandmother). And now that my first cousins are old enough, I have a growing number of nieces and nephews of my own (last I checked, it was 10).
Family reunions are, predictably, chaotic. Thankfully, everyone in my extended family is awesome, so these reunions are a ton of fun. It doesn’t hurt that much of my family lives in Vegas, so we tend to hold the reunions there these days. 🙂
They say we’re all descended from Adam and Eve—not the ones in the Bible, but a single man designated “Adam” and a single woman designated “Eve,” whose genetic pattern is in all of us. So we’re all cousins.
Really? I’ve never heard that theory outside of religious arguments. And it seems kind of unlikely, considering what we know about in-breeding leading to genetic defects.
Try this:
and this:
…which explain the theories behind it better than I can.
The Eve part is fairly well established, because that lineage is traced through the mitochondrial DNA. The mitochondria are the organelles inside our cells that process energy for us; they turn out to be symbiotic bacteria that have offloaded most of the tricky cellular machinery to us, keeping only the DNA needed for their structure and the handful of metabolic tricks they perform to earn their keep.
Now, here’s the trick: sperm mitochondria are only in the tail, where they power the wiggling mechanism. When the sperm enters an ovum, it sheds its tail.
Thus, we each contain only the mitochondrial DNA from our mothers. The mitochondrial DNA is quite simple, and is strongly conserved–but not perfectly, so that the changes can be used to track matrilineal lines. And the changes, the mutations, occured at a fairly constant rate, providing a kind of clock so that specific mutations can be put in rough chronological order.
And it turns out (or did, last time I checked) that we all do descend from a common mother. (Or at least a very few individuals, likely from the same troop of vaguely human-looking apes.)
“I find that shit fascinating.” — Clifford Worley (Dennis Hopper) to Vincenzo Coccotti (Christopher Walken) in True Romance
That’s a good point Jean raises. Last thing someone would want is to be rubbed out of existence.
Or turned into an animal or an inanimate object or something like that. Being a girl is the best of her choices of what she had to do to those Duke Boys.
The Duke boys are still human, so that’s a plus. Boss Hogg doesn’t know exactly what happened to the Duke boys, just that the boys are no longer a problem. The Duke girls can potentially cause him bigger problems. This situation has lots of potential for Daisy to have some fun at Bo and Lukes expense (best girls night out ever). One definite thing, it’s going to be fun finding out what happens next.
> it’s going to be fun finding out what happens next.
You are absolutely right! At least, I think so. 😉
Good job! keep it up! 🙂
Just for your information Robert….in the last panel, the “two” isn’t really needed as Daisy had all ready spoke of Bo and Luke
So “Bo ,Luke? Is that really you? Would be perfectly fine.
True, it’s not needed. But it’s not grammatically incorrect to leave it in, so I didn’t bother removing it.
yup you are correct both versions are ok
Just giving options 🙂
Be well
I always look forward to your artwork as well as the story. As in other comics, you are doing an awesome job on the facial expressions. Daisy’s expression from panels 3 to 4 really help the story move for me.