I have no intention of removing the Confederate flag from the top of the car. It’s bad enough people are re-writing/re-purposing the meaning of the confederate flag. As someone who works in honour of as well as and represents a national flag. I find people who decide the confederate flag only represents one thing (be it a bad thing) narrow minded. It’s a kin to banning the colour white because of the KKK or sewing machines on behalf of oppressing women.
The Confederate flag represented an idea, a unity, and a national pride of the south. The Civil war wasn’t a war for/against slavery. It just involved those who still believed in slavery. Also if I recall, the civil war, was portal for slaves in the south to gain there freedom (be it by service which is another issues I don’t agree with). I’m pretty sure if the confederates won and it existed today, slavery would still be a thing of the past.
The Dukes of Hazzard Movie (released a few years ago) had the confederate flag and did a good job poking at it’s current meaning in society, that being said. The General Lee is a American Icon and I’m pretty sure I have never seen the show have anything to do with or promote anykind slavery (except for maybe Boss Hoss under paying and cheating Rosco).
Lastly, one has to LEARN from history, not HIDE it. The use of the confederate flag today, eh… not the brightest idea. To remove it from history, even if that history is a 1980’s icon. Is stupid and ignorant.
Now that I’ve said, that. The Confederate flag won’t be appearing as license plates on the General Lee or Hazzard Patrol cars as it’s a pain in the butt to put on each time I’m going to be drawing the cars.
I’m not going to drag the flag debate in here, as I have absolutely no issue with you using it here.
I will mention that is actually untrue that slaves were offered emancipation to serve in the Confederate Army. Slaves in the Confederate Army were servants and laborers brought into service by their masters.
“It would be hard to prove that absolutely zero blacks fought in the Confederate army, but I think it must have approached that level. I wonder if “non-white” includes American Indians. I suspect it does and further suspect that American Indians would have been much more prevalent than blacks in Confederate ranks. I haven’t kept a count of how many Civil War soldiers’ diaries and letters I’ve read–I guess it has been quite a few–but I’ve never come across a single instance of a black serving in the Confederate army. Whatever may have been the number of blacks serving and actually fighting as soldiers in the Confederate army, it must have been a minuscule percentage–completely insignificant for anyone trying to make the argument that blacks saw the conflict as a war of Yankee aggression, felt it was their war too, and joined up to fight for the Confederacy. That’s just a fairy tale.”
-Steven Woodworth
I’m not trying to drag a political debate in here. It’s just the idea that Confederacy was offering freedom to slaves is an enormously large error.
1. The only place I’m ever happy to see the Confederate battle standard is on the roof of the General Lee. Use it and you’ll hear no objections from me. Historical fiction shouldn’t present fictional history. I agree, you can’t remove the N-word from Huckleberry Finn and if you set a movie in the 80’s, everybody should have terrible hair. To present history otherwise just demeans us all. The flag belongs on the car.
But I can’t abide your sunny defense of the symbol itself. it’s not ‘rewriting history’ to point out the ugly past of the flag in question. It was not the Stars and Bars, the real flag of the Confederacy, but instead a battle standard that rose in prominence after the war thanks to its use by the KKK. This is a past that cannot be changed by the way it’s become a more innocuous cultural icon for naive regionalist jingoists who failed to pick up on the historical connotations (or just didn’t care) and begun to use it as a symbol of liking Lynyrd Skynyrd and peach cobbler. Not necessarily a racist symbol, the way their parents and grandparents used it. The Dukes fit this category. But their naïveté doesn’t change its unmistakable history as a symbol of hatred, nor invalidate the opinions of people rightfully offended by it.
2. Don’t be fooled by historical revisionism, CD. The Civil War was absolutely about slavery. The top Confederates at the time were crystal clear on the matter:
Well, Hazzard County is only one day’s drive away from Cocoa Beach, so with Jeannie’s magic being too unreliable to teleport them there, it makes sense for Neil to drive . . .
Actually, the American Civil War was more than just a rebellion in the United States for the defense of slavery or a battle between the Northern States vs the Southern States. It was a battle between the American economic system of credit and British economic system of monitory. The American credit System of government credit based around either a 1st, 2nd National Bank or the Greenback dollars that Abraham Lincoln created through the Treasury. The British monitory system based around a private banking system based in the old city of London and Rothschild’s. Without going into too much detail, Southern Mason who got there start in Charles South Carolina during there occupation by the British in the War of 1812 sometime refereed to as the second American revolution. It was the Southern Mason that were the primary agents to help pull the Southern states out of the Union and they also had there Northern confederates doing the same thing like Wall Street which was created by Aaron Burr another British agent, traitor, also known as British Tories and the Blue Blood of Massachusetts.
The only reason that Great Britain didn’t invade the United States or the North in the Civil War to assist Confederate State, was the North also had allies like Russia which has the only other Ironclad ship which the United States invented and were passing the technology only to Russia as fast as North was developing the technology and repeating riles vs mussel load the British were issuing to there solders. That was about the only thing that kept the British from invading the North from Canada. With Russian Ironclad Pacific fleet in San Francisco and the Ironclad Atlantic fleet in New York harbor, the British took Peter the Greats threat seriously, since the British only had wood to fight with. The Russian were still made at the British for the Crimea War where they could not do anything to stop them and now they can actually come out after the British.
John Wilkes Booth who assassinated Lincoln was a British agent who Montreal a week before Lincoln was assassinated when, I think it was Lord Sheldon or someone was there represent Queen Victoria and he was having a meeting with him. John Wiles Booth was the ringleader of maybe four or five other people who were going to assassinate other members of the US Government. Most of them chicken out and ran, they were also meeting at British Diplomat or someplace that was related to one in or near Washington D.C. They ran to the pope and one even got to Great Britain to hide and to get protection from there deeds they committed inside the United States. With the new found strength of having a million man army with repeating rile, on the near horizon of having Gatling Gun with fleet of Ironclad ships. Demanded to have those conspirators back so we could try them and threaten to send the US armed forces and Navy to go get them. They were sent back in secrecy and it was done in private and both side were afraid they would end up with another war. The British do what they always do, they cut to rear and this was the last time the ever seriously challenged the United States again.
After that, they went to subverting the United State internally not militarily. They turned to Wall Street as there primary agent for taking the United States down. Wall Street is basically gambling, racketeering, stealing in the name of investing. That why I support Glass-Steagall, will bankrupt Wall Street and stop those illegal bailout that the United States has business doing. I also favor a bankruptcy re-organization of Federal Reserve System to either a 3rd National Bank or Treasury Note system. That way the United States will get control over it own credit system, which we haven’t had control over for over a100 years or longer. Forget about tax without representation, that was a miss direction like slavery was use to hide the main issue there too. The main battle was over who would control the credit system and the destruction of the United States as a nation, so Great Britain could retake the Pieces of the United States back under the British Empire.
This battle between the American Patriots, British Tories inside the United States and British Empire has been going on for over two hundred and fifty years or longer. The fight started about forty or fifty years before the American Revolution. We were the ones French and Indian war to booth stop the Indian raids on white Settlements and to be able to go into the interior of the continent to form a new nation. Britain knew that they had those aspiration and tried use the French to thwart there efforts. They failed, but the power structure that fought each other were already in place almost 40 years before the American revolution ever happened and about 120 years before the civil war ever happened or even before there was even a possibility of on happening. You have two faction inside the United States fighting for the hart and sole of the American People and trying to direct the way the United States goes. We have the Patriots faction that left us a legacy with the US Constitution and Tories with Wall Street on the other side. That why the United States flip back forth so radically from acting human to action so inhuman to it citizens and the rest of the world too.
I probably should not have written this, because it just suppose to be stories and entertainment, but, I get sick and tired of people who don’t know history or the real history and they put out there what they think is true and it just so much propaganda or just mis-information that they learned and there repeating like they know something.
I am a history buff. I like to know what really happens in history and not only what they say happened in history. You can keep this post or delete it if you choose to.
I should have know that blurb would cause feedback.
I will admit, the civil war is not my strength, being Canadian, US history isn’t a focus in our education system. So much of the civil war information is what I read and media (hence the ‘if I recall’ statement).
Now the War of 1812, I DO know well, and I’d suggest you re-look into your facts on that war. As Canada and US have different versions of what was the catalysts and outcome of that war. I’m not going to get into it here, but checking the history on both sides of the War of 1812 not just Canada or the US side, makes a better understanding of why the war happened and interpretation of each side.
I think you’d find that most of us couldn’t even tell you much at all about the war of 1812, whether in the USA or the rest of the English-speaking world.
The war of 1812 was basically a draw militarily, neither side won that war and nor could they throw that knock out punch on the other side.
Wars are expensive and both side decided it was in there best interest to negotiate a peace treaty. It was mostly for economic reason that the War of 1812 was ended.
The United States did not invent the Ironclad. The first ironclad battleship was the french La Gloire, and before our Civil War began, Britain had two battleships that were not only ironclad but completely made of iron, Warrior (which still exists) and Black Prince.
Britain did provide some help to the Confederacy, but not nearly enough. Britain recognized the Union blockade as legitimate–a chit she cashed in fifty years later when the U.S. allowed the British blockade of Germany to halt U.S. ships trading with Germany.
Booth as a British agent? If Britain wanted to knock off Lincoln, why wait until after the war was over?
As for the Confederate flag on the General Lee, how could I be against it? My mother’s name was Virginia Lee.
Here a reference to the British doing more than just providing arms, supplies and Warships. It also suggest that Booth was either a Rothschild banker or British agent.
“Post a simple strip, get a lecture on American History: Civil War: 101.”
Honestly, I don’t know where to begin replying to some of these things. The Civil War is a subject of long-standing interest to me…the Confederate flag issue is also of considerable interest…but I’m just coming off a debate elsewhere on another issue that (in part) involves similar issues, and those issues always seem to cheese off both sides. (Not that I’m neutral on them, far from it.)
Oh I was just thinking if Jeanie dosent no where the shine is from and willy dose then remember how she payed for the shine well some one has to get willy to talk and she can’t from inside a bottle so Neil has to ask but I’m not sure Neil has the look willy would tell any thing to but nat might
General Lee leads to Confederate battle flag leads to (US) Civil War leads to English Civil War leads to Oliver Cromwell. Less than seven degrees of separation.
Oh, I wasn’t aware that Cromwell was involved in something called the English Civil War. I only know his name and a tiny slice of information about him that I gleaned from reading “1632” by Eric Flint. Which is an awesome alternate history book series, btw.
Gem I should have been clearer IDOJ and GS were same era.
Heck this old fa*t wouldn’t mind CD getting a couple of fine young fellows from the United Network Command Law Enforcement get involved in the doings going on around some of the cloak and dagger sub plots.
Doest that mean we would get gest appearances of characters from any of the TV series by : Gerry Anderson? There were quite a few series that he was involved in though some were just past the era we are talking about, like Fireball XL5, Stingray, Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons, Joe 90, Supercar, UFO, Space: 1999, Terrahawks…….
A run in with lady Penelope or Dick Spanner would not be much of a stretch.
Not sure you’ll get much better then what’s in the menu bar.
I made the image for the top of the website, so the bottom part (wheels and legs) was never really finished.
Also this image was made a WHILE ago. Not sure where the original file is. If I come across it, I’ll give to Robert to post. But so far, I haven’t been able to find the original.
Ah, the Dukes of Hazzard, I vaguely remember that show, or was it just the ads?
I will be very annoyed if the Confederate Battle flag isn’t atop the car.
CD is Canadian. I don’t think he feels strongly one way or the other about the PC-ness of the Confederate Battle Flag.
There’s no reason anybody should—despite what’s being said.
TIL that another of my favourite webcomics is made by a fellow Canadian (the other major one being Looking For Group)
I have no intention of removing the Confederate flag from the top of the car. It’s bad enough people are re-writing/re-purposing the meaning of the confederate flag. As someone who works in honour of as well as and represents a national flag. I find people who decide the confederate flag only represents one thing (be it a bad thing) narrow minded. It’s a kin to banning the colour white because of the KKK or sewing machines on behalf of oppressing women.
The Confederate flag represented an idea, a unity, and a national pride of the south. The Civil war wasn’t a war for/against slavery. It just involved those who still believed in slavery. Also if I recall, the civil war, was portal for slaves in the south to gain there freedom (be it by service which is another issues I don’t agree with). I’m pretty sure if the confederates won and it existed today, slavery would still be a thing of the past.
The Dukes of Hazzard Movie (released a few years ago) had the confederate flag and did a good job poking at it’s current meaning in society, that being said. The General Lee is a American Icon and I’m pretty sure I have never seen the show have anything to do with or promote anykind slavery (except for maybe Boss Hoss under paying and cheating Rosco).
Lastly, one has to LEARN from history, not HIDE it. The use of the confederate flag today, eh… not the brightest idea. To remove it from history, even if that history is a 1980’s icon. Is stupid and ignorant.
Now that I’ve said, that. The Confederate flag won’t be appearing as license plates on the General Lee or Hazzard Patrol cars as it’s a pain in the butt to put on each time I’m going to be drawing the cars.
I’m not going to drag the flag debate in here, as I have absolutely no issue with you using it here.
I will mention that is actually untrue that slaves were offered emancipation to serve in the Confederate Army. Slaves in the Confederate Army were servants and laborers brought into service by their masters.
“It would be hard to prove that absolutely zero blacks fought in the Confederate army, but I think it must have approached that level. I wonder if “non-white” includes American Indians. I suspect it does and further suspect that American Indians would have been much more prevalent than blacks in Confederate ranks. I haven’t kept a count of how many Civil War soldiers’ diaries and letters I’ve read–I guess it has been quite a few–but I’ve never come across a single instance of a black serving in the Confederate army. Whatever may have been the number of blacks serving and actually fighting as soldiers in the Confederate army, it must have been a minuscule percentage–completely insignificant for anyone trying to make the argument that blacks saw the conflict as a war of Yankee aggression, felt it was their war too, and joined up to fight for the Confederacy. That’s just a fairy tale.”
-Steven Woodworth
I’m not trying to drag a political debate in here. It’s just the idea that Confederacy was offering freedom to slaves is an enormously large error.
1. The only place I’m ever happy to see the Confederate battle standard is on the roof of the General Lee. Use it and you’ll hear no objections from me. Historical fiction shouldn’t present fictional history. I agree, you can’t remove the N-word from Huckleberry Finn and if you set a movie in the 80’s, everybody should have terrible hair. To present history otherwise just demeans us all. The flag belongs on the car.
But I can’t abide your sunny defense of the symbol itself. it’s not ‘rewriting history’ to point out the ugly past of the flag in question. It was not the Stars and Bars, the real flag of the Confederacy, but instead a battle standard that rose in prominence after the war thanks to its use by the KKK. This is a past that cannot be changed by the way it’s become a more innocuous cultural icon for naive regionalist jingoists who failed to pick up on the historical connotations (or just didn’t care) and begun to use it as a symbol of liking Lynyrd Skynyrd and peach cobbler. Not necessarily a racist symbol, the way their parents and grandparents used it. The Dukes fit this category. But their naïveté doesn’t change its unmistakable history as a symbol of hatred, nor invalidate the opinions of people rightfully offended by it.
2. Don’t be fooled by historical revisionism, CD. The Civil War was absolutely about slavery. The top Confederates at the time were crystal clear on the matter:
Duke of Hazard / Jeanie Bottle Themed wall paper

🙂 I am somehow reminded of The Whiteboard strip with the General Lee
As soon as they were discussing the moonshine, I somehow knew Hazard County would be mentioned. Seeing the General Lee was good too.
I apologize ahead of time for the look of the General Lee. I was hoping to improve my car drawing skills by now.
I like how you see the General Lee
It is really good car but hungry for more of our girls smiles waiting on pins and needles
I think you did a good job with the General Lee.
Top banner, Jeannie in her “Daisy Duke’s”… nice.
Jeanie, being so devastating in daisy dukes was worth becoming a genie. Trust me.
You are enjoying that pose way, way too much, don’t deny it..
Ditch the harem rig.
So are we being taken on a road trip….?
Well, Hazzard County is only one day’s drive away from Cocoa Beach, so with Jeannie’s magic being too unreliable to teleport them there, it makes sense for Neil to drive . . .
Wow, not at all what I expected to see here today!
Actually, the American Civil War was more than just a rebellion in the United States for the defense of slavery or a battle between the Northern States vs the Southern States. It was a battle between the American economic system of credit and British economic system of monitory. The American credit System of government credit based around either a 1st, 2nd National Bank or the Greenback dollars that Abraham Lincoln created through the Treasury. The British monitory system based around a private banking system based in the old city of London and Rothschild’s. Without going into too much detail, Southern Mason who got there start in Charles South Carolina during there occupation by the British in the War of 1812 sometime refereed to as the second American revolution. It was the Southern Mason that were the primary agents to help pull the Southern states out of the Union and they also had there Northern confederates doing the same thing like Wall Street which was created by Aaron Burr another British agent, traitor, also known as British Tories and the Blue Blood of Massachusetts.
The only reason that Great Britain didn’t invade the United States or the North in the Civil War to assist Confederate State, was the North also had allies like Russia which has the only other Ironclad ship which the United States invented and were passing the technology only to Russia as fast as North was developing the technology and repeating riles vs mussel load the British were issuing to there solders. That was about the only thing that kept the British from invading the North from Canada. With Russian Ironclad Pacific fleet in San Francisco and the Ironclad Atlantic fleet in New York harbor, the British took Peter the Greats threat seriously, since the British only had wood to fight with. The Russian were still made at the British for the Crimea War where they could not do anything to stop them and now they can actually come out after the British.
John Wilkes Booth who assassinated Lincoln was a British agent who Montreal a week before Lincoln was assassinated when, I think it was Lord Sheldon or someone was there represent Queen Victoria and he was having a meeting with him. John Wiles Booth was the ringleader of maybe four or five other people who were going to assassinate other members of the US Government. Most of them chicken out and ran, they were also meeting at British Diplomat or someplace that was related to one in or near Washington D.C. They ran to the pope and one even got to Great Britain to hide and to get protection from there deeds they committed inside the United States. With the new found strength of having a million man army with repeating rile, on the near horizon of having Gatling Gun with fleet of Ironclad ships. Demanded to have those conspirators back so we could try them and threaten to send the US armed forces and Navy to go get them. They were sent back in secrecy and it was done in private and both side were afraid they would end up with another war. The British do what they always do, they cut to rear and this was the last time the ever seriously challenged the United States again.
After that, they went to subverting the United State internally not militarily. They turned to Wall Street as there primary agent for taking the United States down. Wall Street is basically gambling, racketeering, stealing in the name of investing. That why I support Glass-Steagall, will bankrupt Wall Street and stop those illegal bailout that the United States has business doing. I also favor a bankruptcy re-organization of Federal Reserve System to either a 3rd National Bank or Treasury Note system. That way the United States will get control over it own credit system, which we haven’t had control over for over a100 years or longer. Forget about tax without representation, that was a miss direction like slavery was use to hide the main issue there too. The main battle was over who would control the credit system and the destruction of the United States as a nation, so Great Britain could retake the Pieces of the United States back under the British Empire.
This battle between the American Patriots, British Tories inside the United States and British Empire has been going on for over two hundred and fifty years or longer. The fight started about forty or fifty years before the American Revolution. We were the ones French and Indian war to booth stop the Indian raids on white Settlements and to be able to go into the interior of the continent to form a new nation. Britain knew that they had those aspiration and tried use the French to thwart there efforts. They failed, but the power structure that fought each other were already in place almost 40 years before the American revolution ever happened and about 120 years before the civil war ever happened or even before there was even a possibility of on happening. You have two faction inside the United States fighting for the hart and sole of the American People and trying to direct the way the United States goes. We have the Patriots faction that left us a legacy with the US Constitution and Tories with Wall Street on the other side. That why the United States flip back forth so radically from acting human to action so inhuman to it citizens and the rest of the world too.
I probably should not have written this, because it just suppose to be stories and entertainment, but, I get sick and tired of people who don’t know history or the real history and they put out there what they think is true and it just so much propaganda or just mis-information that they learned and there repeating like they know something.
I am a history buff. I like to know what really happens in history and not only what they say happened in history. You can keep this post or delete it if you choose to.
I should have know that blurb would cause feedback.
I will admit, the civil war is not my strength, being Canadian, US history isn’t a focus in our education system. So much of the civil war information is what I read and media (hence the ‘if I recall’ statement).
Now the War of 1812, I DO know well, and I’d suggest you re-look into your facts on that war. As Canada and US have different versions of what was the catalysts and outcome of that war. I’m not going to get into it here, but checking the history on both sides of the War of 1812 not just Canada or the US side, makes a better understanding of why the war happened and interpretation of each side.
I also need to look into putting a Cap on how long comments can be. I don’t want reading the comments to turn into homework.
I have noticed that nearly all USians believe the US won the War of 1812, but just about no one else in the English-speaking world believes that. 🙂
I think you’d find that most of us couldn’t even tell you much at all about the war of 1812, whether in the USA or the rest of the English-speaking world.
The war of 1812 was basically a draw militarily, neither side won that war and nor could they throw that knock out punch on the other side.
Wars are expensive and both side decided it was in there best interest to negotiate a peace treaty. It was mostly for economic reason that the War of 1812 was ended.
The United States did not invent the Ironclad. The first ironclad battleship was the french La Gloire, and before our Civil War began, Britain had two battleships that were not only ironclad but completely made of iron, Warrior (which still exists) and Black Prince.
Britain did provide some help to the Confederacy, but not nearly enough. Britain recognized the Union blockade as legitimate–a chit she cashed in fifty years later when the U.S. allowed the British blockade of Germany to halt U.S. ships trading with Germany.
Booth as a British agent? If Britain wanted to knock off Lincoln, why wait until after the war was over?
As for the Confederate flag on the General Lee, how could I be against it? My mother’s name was Virginia Lee.
Here a reference to the British doing more than just providing arms, supplies and Warships. It also suggest that Booth was either a Rothschild banker or British agent.
Take it or leave it.
“Post a simple strip, get a lecture on American History: Civil War: 101.”
Honestly, I don’t know where to begin replying to some of these things. The Civil War is a subject of long-standing interest to me…the Confederate flag issue is also of considerable interest…but I’m just coming off a debate elsewhere on another issue that (in part) involves similar issues, and those issues always seem to cheese off both sides. (Not that I’m neutral on them, far from it.)
What if Jeanie proofed up a TV to while away the time she’s stuck in the bottle?
Rather than getting TV signals, I think Jeanie would rather get Wi-Fi.
Isn’t the whole point of being in a sealed bottle that it shuts down her powers? After all, she can’t control what they do at the moment.
Smile it can be worst you could get a tax audit.
Oh I was just thinking if Jeanie dosent no where the shine is from and willy dose then remember how she payed for the shine well some one has to get willy to talk and she can’t from inside a bottle so Neil has to ask but I’m not sure Neil has the look willy would tell any thing to but nat might
Natalie could. 🙂
Can we please get back to the cartoon and lets all try and ignore some of tripe and troll bate posted here
All this talk of the Civil War and not one word about Oliver Cromwell.
It’s all perspective isn’t it :-).
They weren’t particularly civil in that war. ^.~
I don’t care if he has been dead for 357 years this week. I still want to hang him! 🙂
Because Irish ancestors. No fan of royalty, either. 🙂
What does Oliver Cromwell have to do with anything in this thread, though?
General Lee leads to Confederate battle flag leads to (US) Civil War leads to English Civil War leads to Oliver Cromwell. Less than seven degrees of separation.
Oh, I wasn’t aware that Cromwell was involved in something called the English Civil War. I only know his name and a tiny slice of information about him that I gleaned from reading “1632” by Eric Flint. Which is an awesome alternate history book series, btw.
And admit it most of us of a certain age or are die hard DOH fans read those caption boxes in Waylon Jennings voice.
Dukes of hazard really? Will we have a reference to get smart too?
Well IDOJ would be in the same era. 🙂
Same era huh would the Brady bunch appear then?
After the Bewitched crossover, how is this surprising?
Good point I wonder if there will be a couple with six kids and a maid
Or even a couple with a grandpa, a son, an unfortunate niece, and a pet named spot all living at 1313 Mockingbird Lane 🙂
Ha or a family with a weird obsession of snapping their fingers and being spooky
Gem I should have been clearer IDOJ and GS were same era.
Heck this old fa*t wouldn’t mind CD getting a couple of fine young fellows from the United Network Command Law Enforcement get involved in the doings going on around some of the cloak and dagger sub plots.
Doest that mean we would get gest appearances of characters from any of the TV series by : Gerry Anderson? There were quite a few series that he was involved in though some were just past the era we are talking about, like Fireball XL5, Stingray, Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons, Joe 90, Supercar, UFO, Space: 1999, Terrahawks…….
A run in with lady Penelope or Dick Spanner would not be much of a stretch.
Any chance we can see an enlarged version of Jeanie in that outfit alongside the General Lee?
Not sure you’ll get much better then what’s in the menu bar.
I made the image for the top of the website, so the bottom part (wheels and legs) was never really finished.
Also this image was made a WHILE ago. Not sure where the original file is. If I come across it, I’ll give to Robert to post. But so far, I haven’t been able to find the original.
First time reading through this comic, and I’m officially in love with it. You just brought in one of my favorite TV series.
Some people believe the world is flat too. That doesn’t make the belief credible or likely.
Apple pie was invented in England.
IIRC, apple trees aren’t even native to the North American continent, originally.