Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
I am assuming that is Jeanie in the gas mask. So my question is Jeanie bound to follow Neil’s direct orders or can she ignore them. I figured Jeanie was making herself look like Araceli when Neil ordered her home. If it was Jeanie and not the real Araceli, can she choose to not obey it?
Yeah. While genies can change their appearances, the colour of their ‘poofs’ remains unaltered. Jean’s pink, Araceli’s blue, Kazom’s grey and Guano’s red. The only time in this comic when it had been the exception was when Jean and Araceli switched bottles. Jean’s became blue while Araceli’s pink. This led me to believe that CD decided to have the colour of genie auras or their ‘poofs’ to be distinguishable by whichever object they are bound to.
For Brony Fans, this is much like the references to MLP:FIM with Unicorns’ magical auras around their horns. With the exception of advance spells, their horns’ glow remains unaltered so if you knew whose colour magic aura was which, you could identify who is the magic-user. Something that would’ve been helpful to know back when the Changling Queen was disguised as Princess Cadence then.
On an on topic note, I see that Kendra is truly up no good in that she is wearing a wire and looks like she was about to send some trade secrets by email to someone who probably shouldn’t have them.
I didnt realize it was the Janitor’s closet at first xD
I thought it was an office. I have a really bad stigmatism in my left eye – more or less blind in my left eye at this point and my right eye isnt great either – and I have trouble making out images at first glance because of the monstrous glare that my eye picks up, so at first glance, the Janitor’s Closet looked like an office and my mind interpided the bench and open laptop as the top of a photocopier XD
100 quatloos says that Anderson is going to be trying to track down Kendra (or whatever alias she is known by to the federal government), and thus stumbles across Jean that way.
I’m guessing that she’s trying to make sure she doesn’t trigger the “genies aren’t allowed to mess with free will” rule. By using real knockout gas, she’s not using magic to affect Kendra.
The rules for genies regarding death (usually) is that they could arrange certain things to cause someone to die or to be killed in an indirect and seemingly unintentional way; the genie just can’t take a direct means to end a life. Think to how Jafar as a genie wanted Aladdin dead but couldn’t do it directly (or he at first didn’t try to), physically or magically. He had to make things work toward to getting Aladdin to be sentenced for execution.
Putting someone to sleep with something that cause that effect isn’t breaking that. Though I think Jean could get away with making Kendra sleeping with magic: it would be like altering her body to be tire sooner, not affecting her emotions. Maybe the confusion stems from how Jean’s magic can’t affect how people feel, even people feeling tired at a different time than usual.
Jafar could be a LITTLE more direct than that–he teleported Abis-Mal underwater and apparently could have left him there to drown, and that seemed not to be forbidden.
Anyway, Jean seems to be erring on the side of caution here and probably also knows that she’ll be lower on the suspect list if Kendra appears to be knocked out by mundane methods rather than magic.
Look like I was right, Kendra was the spook. I would imagine in the next few cartoon strips, we will see Agent Anderson again too, because of the security leek caused by Kendra.
You Can’t fool me—Jeanie would have an easier way to dispatch Kendra (poof!)—The Impostor in the mask is the REAL spy. Jeanie will be facing the SPY, and not Kendra.
The laptop makes her look like a spy.
The position of her hands in panel 2 makes it look like she was about to
rip open her blouse to reveal the skintight uniform of Super Kendra.
(Why else does anyone furtively enter the janitor’s closet?)
But she succumbed to the gas awful easily.
So she’s a spy.
(Or an American agent _looking_ for the spy.)
But then, how was Anderson at Neil’s workplace as “Kendra” before “she” arrived back at Orlando airport to talk about getting transferred to Florida?
Personally I first thought that this was Caley trying to get closer to Neil with help from Araceli’s magic. Power to change a girl into a woman and all that.
I’m guessing you meant to reply to Tessarect’s comment. I didn’t say that Kendra was Anderson. Just pointing out the plot hole that Tessarect seemed to suggest.
I like the enormous hole in her seduction plan in that she has decided to impersonate someone who she thinks has the hots for him and not the other way around.
I am assuming that is Jeanie in the gas mask. So my question is Jeanie bound to follow Neil’s direct orders or can she ignore them. I figured Jeanie was making herself look like Araceli when Neil ordered her home. If it was Jeanie and not the real Araceli, can she choose to not obey it?
A few strips ago, the person that looked like Araceli, was Araceli and not Jeanie.
Yeah. While genies can change their appearances, the colour of their ‘poofs’ remains unaltered. Jean’s pink, Araceli’s blue, Kazom’s grey and Guano’s red. The only time in this comic when it had been the exception was when Jean and Araceli switched bottles. Jean’s became blue while Araceli’s pink. This led me to believe that CD decided to have the colour of genie auras or their ‘poofs’ to be distinguishable by whichever object they are bound to.
For Brony Fans, this is much like the references to MLP:FIM with Unicorns’ magical auras around their horns. With the exception of advance spells, their horns’ glow remains unaltered so if you knew whose colour magic aura was which, you could identify who is the magic-user. Something that would’ve been helpful to know back when the Changling Queen was disguised as Princess Cadence then.
The Hi-Jeanx begins…
On an on topic note, I see that Kendra is truly up no good in that she is wearing a wire and looks like she was about to send some trade secrets by email to someone who probably shouldn’t have them.
> she is wearing a wire
*That’s* what she’s doing in panel 2. I was trying to figure out why she was fiddling with her collar there.
I thought she was gonna photocopy her breasts XD
Actually for Rivyn – In the janitor’s closet?!?
I didnt realize it was the Janitor’s closet at first xD
I thought it was an office. I have a really bad stigmatism in my left eye – more or less blind in my left eye at this point and my right eye isnt great either – and I have trouble making out images at first glance because of the monstrous glare that my eye picks up, so at first glance, the Janitor’s Closet looked like an office and my mind interpided the bench and open laptop as the top of a photocopier XD
All-in-all, very spy like behaviour.
100 quatloos says that Anderson is going to be trying to track down Kendra (or whatever alias she is known by to the federal government), and thus stumbles across Jean that way.
Jeanie, you’re a genie. What are you fooling around with a spray anesthetic and a gas mask for?
Also, congratulations on catching the corporate spy. And taking her place, you twit.
I’m guessing that she’s trying to make sure she doesn’t trigger the “genies aren’t allowed to mess with free will” rule. By using real knockout gas, she’s not using magic to affect Kendra.
So, basically, Jeannie is learning, and yet she it isn’t making her any smarter.
So… As the Disney genie couldn’t kill, resurrect, or cause someone to fall in love…. If he magicked up a gun and shot someone………….???
The rules for genies regarding death (usually) is that they could arrange certain things to cause someone to die or to be killed in an indirect and seemingly unintentional way; the genie just can’t take a direct means to end a life. Think to how Jafar as a genie wanted Aladdin dead but couldn’t do it directly (or he at first didn’t try to), physically or magically. He had to make things work toward to getting Aladdin to be sentenced for execution.
Putting someone to sleep with something that cause that effect isn’t breaking that. Though I think Jean could get away with making Kendra sleeping with magic: it would be like altering her body to be tire sooner, not affecting her emotions. Maybe the confusion stems from how Jean’s magic can’t affect how people feel, even people feeling tired at a different time than usual.
Jafar could be a LITTLE more direct than that–he teleported Abis-Mal underwater and apparently could have left him there to drown, and that seemed not to be forbidden.
Anyway, Jean seems to be erring on the side of caution here and probably also knows that she’ll be lower on the suspect list if Kendra appears to be knocked out by mundane methods rather than magic.
I’m thinking of all the ways this can possibly go wrong, and none that could go right.
Oh there are plenty more ways this could go wrong, which will be revealed in Thursday’s page. 🙂
“Thursday’s page.” Yay! 🙂 🙂
Yes, as mentioned in the main comic post, there will be a second page this week.
Look like I was right, Kendra was the spook. I would imagine in the next few cartoon strips, we will see Agent Anderson again too, because of the security leek caused by Kendra.
Security leek, you say?
Don’t know why that won’t work. Apparently, you need the agent incantation:
“Security leek” makes me think of an onion type root vegetable in uniform. 😀
Why not just use the Vulcan neck pinch?
You Can’t fool me—Jeanie would have an easier way to dispatch Kendra (poof!)—The Impostor in the mask is the REAL spy. Jeanie will be facing the SPY, and not Kendra.
Jeanie still has the red hat, it just blends in with red hair.
Now, Jeanie poofs the spy to some uncharted desert Isle, with Gilligan, the skipper too…
That wouldn’t be too effective. Anyone who isn’t in the main cast will get off the island in under an hour.
I dunno… Gilligan’s antics actively sabotage their escape attempts on more than a few occasions.
Yeah, but think of all of the guest characters who visited the island and then left again in the show.
The laptop makes her look like a spy.
The position of her hands in panel 2 makes it look like she was about to
rip open her blouse to reveal the skintight uniform of Super Kendra.
(Why else does anyone furtively enter the janitor’s closet?)
But she succumbed to the gas awful easily.
So she’s a spy.
(Or an American agent _looking_ for the spy.)
But then, how was Anderson at Neil’s workplace as “Kendra” before “she” arrived back at Orlando airport to talk about getting transferred to Florida?
Personally I first thought that this was Caley trying to get closer to Neil with help from Araceli’s magic. Power to change a girl into a woman and all that.
Just a guess though.
Kendra isn’t Anderson. Anderson as far as we know, has never been to Coca Beach yet or the company that Neil and Rodger work at.
I’m guessing you meant to reply to Tessarect’s comment. I didn’t say that Kendra was Anderson. Just pointing out the plot hole that Tessarect seemed to suggest.
Yes, of course it is.
I like the enormous hole in her seduction plan in that she has decided to impersonate someone who she thinks has the hots for him and not the other way around.
You noticed that too, huh? hehehe, Jeanie’s showing off her “not-terribly-brightness” again. And it’ll be even more of a showcase in the next comic.
Oh, yeah. Jean has lost it!
Shouldn’t this strip be done to the theme song of “Mission Impossible”
A fucking spy is taken out so Jean can see if Neil has better sex with people, by having sex with Neil him/herself.
What The ACTUAL Fuck?