Jeanie Bottle 112
We all knew it was going to happen eventually…
I have a feeling I’m about to get a lot of angry mail about ‘Jean’s Fool Proof Method’. If you remember the kind of GUY Jean was before he was genie-fied, you’d probably not be surprised Jean’s has a ‘Fool Proof method’
Jean Genie-fied
What Jean would do.
What Jean would do if Neil was Genie-fied.
Years later, the artist of Jeanie Bottle’s spin-off, The Melvin Chronicles, drew a remake of that last panel that I thought readers might like to see!
Haha, I’d forgotten he was kind of a douche.
By the way, it would be “Fool Proof” and “compliments” and “practicing”
I don’t mean to be a jerk, but misspelling really brings me out of the story. You want to get your audience immersed in your story, and misspelling brings them out like a movie narrator answering his phone.
All that said, I really do enjoy your work. I just want to see you succeed.
Just to prove I’m not a COMPLETE IDIOT…
I have heard both the expression, as ‘Full Proof’ (as in, nothing will go wrong) and ‘Fool Proof’ (as in, no idiot can mess this up). Basically the same thing, so it’s not actually a spelling mistake. I just used the less popular phrasing.
Second, the practising is NOT necessarily a spelling error… HA ha! Practising and practicing are both acceptable spelling. One is the British version, while the other is the American version. As a Canadian, I’m often stuck in the middle (Since Jean is an American, I should have used the American version, but force of habit and all).
Also for future reference (because it drives me bonkers when people point this out thinking I’ve made a mistake) you’ll often see me often spell color as colour. Colour is also an acceptable version of spelling color, despite what any spell check says.
Compliments was an actually an F-up while working on the comic.
I would think that most of us Yanks tend to know that the extra ‘u’ in words like colour, honour, neighbour, and so on are a Briticism and are valid alternate spellings (even if Firefox is giving me red squigglies to say they’re spelled wrong), but it’s the other differences that give us problems: defence or defense; militarization or militarisation; etc.
I would say that it is probably better to stick with one spelling throughout – re: your comment about having Jean speak with the American spellings. Otherwise it’ll just look odd, in my opinion.
@Justice: Dude! “Britcism” (Britishism?)?! You realise that English is the language of England and English spelling should therefore be considered the default, right? If anything, dropping the ‘u’ from those words, or exchanging the ‘s’ for a ‘z’ should be considered “Americanisation” and the alternate spelling to the original, not the other way around. Sorry, just that that sort of Americocentric thinking bugs me… Anyway, good comic!
Actually, any spell checker — including the one in Firefox — will show “colour” and “practised” as correct — and “color” and “practiced” as incorrect — when you switch it to British English. They are not really “alternate” spellings: only one form or the other is valid in British respectively American English.
(I don’t know about Canadian, though…)
As for “full-proof”, that does exist, but it means something completely different. (A complete proof — it’s a substantive in this case, not an adjective.) Using it as a substitute for “fool proof” is just plain wrong.
“Wait. What?”
Ha ha ha!
And she looks like a sweetie, too. Ooh, yeah, her buddies are gonna be having mucho fun with her.
Of course Jean has a fool proof method. Too bad it’s a sucky one.
Septet, we’ve all tried. At this point, we just accept the speeling as partt of Jaeni’s charn.
Neil looks a lot slimmer in June 2009.
Annnnnnd, for pacing, my guess is that next episode will be back to Neil and the other genie. Cliffhangers, you know. :p
I do hope it is only a temporary thing for the as-of-yet unnamed(?) friend…
If Melvin has a genie that can create women out of nowhere anytime he wants, what does he need Holly for?
If Jaeni is there to be trained as a proper genie by Melvin I think she is going to be told off for TG’ing one of his friends.
Of course Jean does WANT to be a ‘proper Jeanie’ let alone a lady. She wants to be a human male more than anything. But instead of trying to make another Genie grant a wish to do so, or find some loop hole in her inability to do so herself, she instead fixates now on causing misery to anyone who slights her.
She’s supposed to be one of the benign genies but is acting like a sadist genie. So doesn’t want to be any kind of genie granted, but she is NOT making her situation better by doing this!
So yeah. Her doing that is rather over the line given her own situation. Not to mention the zapped guy unless she gives him a proper brain zapping too ISN’T going to play along anymore than she would! Jean didn’t really think this one through!
Not to mention she’ll be expected to have GRADED those love letters in the morning! Ha ha!
Jeanie makes an interesting mistake here. Her own reaction to Melvin gazing (probably more like fixedly staring) into her eyes was not pleasant, but she then turns another boy into a girl.
Of course another boy is going to react to Melvin’s Death Stare differently than a girl, no matter that the target is currently wearing a girl suit. And another geek has absolutely no idea what to check for here.
Difficult though it may be, Jeanie is the perfect practice target. If Jean really was successful with the ladies, then Jeanie should know the difference between a gaze and a stare. She needs to tolerate it for long enough to communicate it to Melvin.
Well, I suppose it is possible for Jean to poof the friend not just into the body of a girl, but the mind of a girl as well…. >.>
IMHO. Jean is being a hypocrite and a jerk. Not only does she do to someone who had done her no wrong what she considers a great evil having been done to her, but THEN she tells her master to do to her what she just rejected having done to herself when for her at least it was in the guidelines of her job!
Unless she mentally zaps the guy into a girl (which if Jean is so angry at the world right now she might just do) Melvin will run into the exact same problem again!
This could go in all kinds of fun directions. Suppose it turned out that he, err she, likes this change?
… and Jean could use the excuse that it wouldn’t be good for Melvin to practice on her and accidentally develop feelings for her..
hey that would be good and then jean is told by guano that she has to change the girl back but of course the newly created girl doesnt want to be a guy again and theres probably some rule about not changing people against there will so jean will have to find a way make both quano and who ever that guy who got turned into a girl was {in some ways i wish it was me because i am a geek and nobody like me but theres this girl i know {also a geek} who gets all the boys now i’m a guy and have never thought about liking guys but if a girl geek can be popular but a guy cant id be willing to be a girl {why are smart girls so popualr nowadays? it used to be a smart girl was shuned now well my story speeks for itself
Blah blah blah.. I have been waiting for this moment. THIS IS GREAT! 😀
I am starting to wonder how long it takes for a person to start thinking more like the sex they’ve been turned into. I guess it just varies from person to person. Gets into sex, equipment you’re born with. Versus gender, the way a person thinks.
Or, if they ever do. If people automagically started thinking the way their bodies were built, there’d be no transsexuals, right?
Then again, working with magic in the comic here, so there’s different rules in effect.
lol this is so fun hey you should to more of the tgd stuff i’m thinking jeans magic gets out of control and next thing you know its hard to tell who’s realy a guy and who’s realy a girl
In the TV series “Weird Science”, in the episode ‘The Feminine Mistake’,
the guys are turned into girls but they don’t see it until they look in a mirror.
“Quantum Leap” used the same trick mirror effect but I don’t know which was first.
Just an FYI.
I see Jean chose her
victimsubject by who was or wasn’t wearing glasses.Okay. I really have to say that unless Jean is willing to take things to the next logical step then her angry little ticked off solution for Melvin to have “a girl” to practice on won’t really work. In short, unless she makes her a girl on the inside as well as the outside, then this ‘practice’ won’t exactly work.
THE WORST part is that she’s visiting the EXACT SAME EVIL that’s been visited on her. And she did it in revulsion to BEING treated like a girl, which is exactly what she wants Melvin to do to his buddy now in her fit of anger.
She’s supposed to be a ‘kind, guiding, helping’ Genie, not the ‘be careful what you wish for’ nor the ‘doesn’t matter what you wish for, you’re still boned’ genie!
Since her wish that made her into a genie can’t be reversed or undone. And since fate won’t allow her to live a human life or just continue to live her life. I REALLY think she SHOULD get the harsh boot camp treatment.
“You’re ruining the reputation of us genies who AREN’T supposed to destroy people’s souls with their most heartfelt desires!”
Seriously. Jean needs a kick in the pants right about now.
Well, hey guys… It seems no one has really noticed yet… (or not commented on it anyway.) Jean doesn’t seem to really think things through too far (i.e. the “writing assignment”). She just made the red-head guy a girl to get out of the sticky situation with Melvin. Besides the fact she looks a lot cuter as a girl. 🙂