Jeanie Bottle 74
Ok, I know someone said N1eil should wish for a sandwich on the comment board yesterday, but I REALLY did have this planned out way beforehand.
Ok, I know someone said N1eil should wish for a sandwich on the comment board yesterday, but I REALLY did have this planned out way beforehand.
Becky21K for the win! (See last comment under “Jeannie Bottle 73.”)
(Psst! Hey, Becky, got any hot stock tips?)
I am seriously rethinking Neil’s intelligence at the moment, at least he could wish for a lifetimes supply of fresh sandwiches. I’m thinking that Neil should have been the one to get turned into a genie and Jean would have gone through the wishes in no-time with something to show for it. Guess for the readers its a good thing it happened the other way.
It reminds me of the Bugs Bunny cartoon:
“Okay, I wish for a carrot! Hmm…just in case he’s for real…. Hey Smokey! While you’re in there, make that TWO carrots! “
…itty bitty living space.
Dang it, no nits! Takes all the fun out!
I notice Neil hasn’t officially wished. He’s still got a chance.
However, the sandwich might really not be a bad thing. Simple, not greedy, humble even. Minimal chance of causing disastrous changes. I wonder if he’s doing that deliberately.
And as many have said, once he wishes, what happens to Jeanie?
Not good… Yelling at the master right in front of Lord Guano? Wonder how this will turn out… On a side note, I could go for a sandwich right now myself…
Sausage and pepper… like I had at the county fair when
I was a kid.
That’s a pretty good wish.
Ripping the Time/Space continuum for a snack.
Dang Nammit! The lights are on, and nobudys home upstairs! Great Balls a Fire ,,, would someone please take that youngin out to the woodshed.
Jeanie, you already wasted two of Neil’s wishes on yourself for relative trivialities, and now you have the gall to criticize him for his choice?
And, as Jake points out, you’re scolding him in front of the well-named Guano?
“Are you stupid?”
Yes… criticising your master’s choice of wishes is ungenielike behaviour.
Maybe she wanted more of a challenge to show off her powers?
I’m sure Neil would know what to wish for were this not a ‘G Rated’ strip.
A showy but useless wish: A rock from the moon. %$#@! IT’S HOT!!!!
lol… so what, is it going to be a turkey on wheat with mayo, lettuce and tomato?
Now I know why I like the comic so much, CD and I must have a similar sense of humor –
“The Turkey is a little dry….”
Well, let’s try to guess what’s next.
Neil doesn’t seem to be so idiot so to waste a wish so I believe he has some kind of plan.
What we know about Genie’s rules is what Neil read to us from the manual, but he must have read more of it so he must know something we don’t know. This is just speculation.
Someone here said technically Neil didn’t wish yet because he didn’t use the word “wish” as he did in the three previous attempts, two succesful and one failed.
Would Jeanie get the plan and poof a sandwich for Neil making Guano believe the wish is done and so leaving them in peace?
Would Guano be so stupid? He proved to be one up till now.
Then, Jeanie would remain as a powerful Genie for ever, and Neil has just to be careful of not using the verb “to wish” in front of her anymore.
Yes, it seems to be a silly guess, but I’m just a human, not an octopus…
You could be right about that. Neil seems kind of thoughtful in the second panel. He may be hatching a plan of his own! 🙂
I suspect that’s a bit of, um, wishful thinking.
Neil’s mind simply doesn’t work that way, which is why I think he’d be an excellent Master.
He should wish to help her with the situation. Though it may not get her out if it totally but try to help nonetheless. (though if it were me would be the opposite of #3)
“I wish my friend Gene and I each had the powers of a genie without any other resemblance of, or the obligations, or duties, or desires or requirements of being a Genie.”
That ought to cover it!
i wish for more wishes.
Ix-Nay on the wishing for wishes!
According to Norm the Filthy Genie, you actually can wish for more wishes, just never more than three at one time. Some brilliantly lazy genie came up with the “no extra wishes” thing several centuries ago, and genies have been slacking ever since!
Granted, he also claims the sandwich wish always comes first, but he was used to dealing with masters who were less than intelligent, so . . .
[quote]However, the sandwich might really not be a bad thing. Simple, not greedy, humble even. Minimal chance of causing disastrous changes. I wonder if he’s doing that deliberately.[/quote]
I agree its an extremely safe wish…
You want this stupid subplot resolved or what?