Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
Alright…so HOW did Neil get switched back? Not sure I understand what happened here. Also, I guess Niel DID make 2 wishes. Is Guano going to explain how all this happened?
When I ‘called it’ in a previous post,
I didn’t mean for the panels not to be shown!
[Missing scenes]
‘Nelly’ pushed out the door.
Door Slams.
Poof! He’s male again.
Poof! Poof! The decoy Neil is destroyed / The real Neil teleported to where it was.
I’ve long held that perhaps those first two wishes weren’t wishes at all, just utility Poofs. Looks like I was wrong. Neil has one wish left.
Does that mean that Neil asks his wish, Jeanie grants it, and that’s it?
Does Jeanie then turn back, or is her genie-nature permanent, and she’s just free of Neil’s demands?
Wow, what was on the list that Neil copied from the manual? Jeanie says she did everything on it — I don’t remember seeing that; I only remember her bitching about it.
And if Neil does have only one wish, what will it be?
Will he free Jean? Is that what Jeanie really wants, now that it comes to it?
I think it would be much more fun if Neil’s wish was that Guano knew exactly how Genie felt or something like that. It would be a blast if he was forced to become a girl too and under Genie’s tender thumb.
I just found this comic while browsing, cute comic so far! Good drawing skills and a plot that hooked me in. I’d like to see Lord Guano get a little characterization beyond being a total dick. Is he part of a bureaucracy, and he’s just middle management? Or does his position carry more responsibility? I never watched very much of the show, so I don’t know how it’s all supposed to work.
In some universes with genies, a wish that can’t be granted is still counted as a wasted wish, I guess not in this universe though, since he did wish that the bottle had never been found, and that one didn’t work.
Hey… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean this to offend…. Just the opposite. But I guess it didn’t come across that way.
If you noticed I put a spelling error in my comment. I to am sick of the people who get on a high horse about spelling. I was never good at it myself. I was hoping that the author put those there to “stick it” to those that have been criticizing all the spelling problems.
So again, sorry if my tone wasn’t understood or came across the wrong way. As far as I’m concernde kepp mis spelling and dam the rest of the wrold !!
this guy that draws this is doing it as a hobby and nothing more. He doesn’t care about spelling errors, and if they bug you that much then you don’t have to read this comic. Please do not make comments about bad spelling unless you have been given permission from the artist that he wants you to correct him.
[My first attempt to post this failed without throwing an error. I’m going to try again; my apologies if it double-posts.]
“All the parts of the list that we’ve seen are on comics 67-68”
Ah, thank you. Links, and transcription: Part 67 [blog post 176]:
“The list said that genies aren’t allowed to ‘own’ anything.”
Part 68 [blog post 180>:
“A genie must obey the laws of the genie”
[Very open-ended, that; how far do those laws go beyond the duties of the genie?]
“Grant their masters’ desires.”
[We don’t actually know what Neil’s desires are, other than an idle comment when he didn’t even know he was the Master, which was as much for Jeanie’s benefit as his own; and the asking of a wish that was specifically Jeanie’s demand, not his own desire.]
Responsibly use their powers”
[Uh huh. Sure, Jeanie’s been real careful about that one.]
“Not own anything bestowed by their masters.”
[Jeanie actually moved Neil’s apartment to be next to her own, specifically to have convenient access to her belongings.]
“Live in basic servitude.”
[Uh huh. “Want a beer? .. Get me one while you’re at it.”
“Exist in a bottle.”
[She’s found it difficult to sleep outside the bottle, but aside from that, hates it and spends as much time out of it as possible.]
“Not have any rights.”
[Frighteningly broad; I’d have to agree with her disgust here, if that is a correct summary — but I think it’s not. Sounds more like a very petulant interpretation of, “You have responsibilities to go along with your powers.”]
“Not be allowed to have any free will.”
[She has certainly exerted significant free will, and most of the genie stories allow them considerable free will in interpreting wishes. Again, exaggeration.]
So: she’s flat out lying to Guano, which is probably not smart.
Neil’s response to this list was, “That’s kind of a grim version,” which suggests that the restrictions are nothing like that harsh. Jean’s whole personality is essentially rebelling against authority of any kind, with little or no allowance for “duty”, something she seems to have little or no concept of.
Neil’s got one wish left (assuming Guano can’t reset the counter if he finds out the circumstances of the first two). A general wish to undo Jean’s transformation was rejected, and I strongly suspect there’s no clever wording around that — although it may be that if Neil studies the math, he can find a work-around. Most likely, though, Jean is a genie, like it or not.
Neil’s options:
Wish for Jeanie to appear in her preferred form. I would be very hesitant to impose anything on Jeanie. And rather than ask for her preference, I’d leave it entirely up to her as part of the wish structure. No one to blame but herself, and it’s what she really wants, not just what she’s willing to admit to. So if she stays female, she might act upset at first, but in her heart of hearts, she’d be happy with the change.
Wish for the space warp on his apartment door to be dissolved. I’d hope, though, that if Jeanie were freed of her bonds to him, that she’d undo her own Poof; I don’t think she’d really like having him share her living space.
Ask for something relatively trivial, just to end Jeanie’s attachment to him. “I wish that I wouldn’t lose things that I just put down.”
One thing, though: if Neil makes a last wish, Jeanie has two choices: she can chose to stay attached to him, a person she knows and can trust to some degree, but with reduced powers and, presumably, reduced duties and increased liberty; or she retains her full powers, but remains subject to being attached to an endless succession of new masters.
Both Neil and Jeanie have some very serious choices to make, and Neil needs to tell Guano to poof off while they work things out. All Neil has to do is make it clear to Guano that Jeanie hasn’t fulfilled his last wish only because he hasn’t made it yet, and doesn’t want to be rushed.
Then they need to sit down with the manual, and Neil needs to stand up to Jeanie’s whims and make her understand the constraints she now faces, like it or not.
[My first and second attempts to post this failed without throwing an error. I’m going to try again, but without links; my apologies if it triple-posts.]
“All the parts of the list that we’ve seen are on comics 67-68”
Ah, thank you. Transcription:
Comic 67 [blog post 176]:
“The list said that genies aren’t allowed to ‘own’ anything.”
[Expanded on in the next comic.]
Comic 68 [blog post 180:
“A genie must obey the laws of the genie”
[Very open-ended, that; how far do those laws go beyond the duties of the genie?]
“Grant their masters’ desires.”
[We don’t actually know what Neil’s desires are, other than an idle comment when he didn’t even know he was the Master, which was as much for Jeanie’s benefit as his own; and the asking of a wish that was specifically Jeanie’s demand, not his own desire.]
Responsibly use their powers”
[Uh huh. Sure, Jeanie’s been real careful about that one.]
“Not own anything bestowed by their masters.”
[Jeanie actually moved Neil’s apartment to be next to her own, specifically to have convenient access to her belongings.]
“Live in basic servitude.”
[Uh huh. “Want a beer? .. Get me one while you’re at it.”
“Exist in a bottle.”
[She’s found it difficult to sleep outside the bottle, but aside from that, hates it and spends as much time out of it as possible.]
“Not have any rights.”
[Frighteningly broad; I’d have to agree with her disgust here, if that is a correct summary — but I think it’s not. Sounds more like a very petulant interpretation of, “You have responsibilities to go along with your powers.”]
“Not be allowed to have any free will.”
[She has certainly exerted significant free will, and most of the genie stories allow them considerable free will in interpreting wishes. Again, exaggeration.]
So: she’s flat out lying to Guano, which is probably not smart.
Neil’s response to this list was, “That’s kind of a grim version,” which suggests that the restrictions are nothing like that harsh. Jean’s whole personality is essentially rebelling against authority of any kind, with little or no allowance for “duty”, something she seems to have little or no concept of.
Neil’s got one wish left (assuming Guano can’t reset the counter if he finds out the circumstances of the first two). A general wish to undo Jean’s transformation was rejected, and I strongly suspect there’s no clever wording around that — although it may be that if Neil studies the math, he can find a work-around. Most likely, though, Jean is a genie, like it or not.
Neil’s options:
Wish for Jeanie to appear in her preferred form. I would be very hesitant to impose anything on Jeanie. And rather than ask for her preference, I’d leave it entirely up to her as part of the wish structure. No one to blame but herself, and it’s what she really wants, not just what she’s willing to admit to. So if she stays female, she might act upset at first, but in her heart of hearts, she’d be happy with the change.
Wish for the space warp on his apartment door to be dissolved. I’d hope, though, that if Jeanie were freed of her bonds to him, that she’d undo her own Poof; I don’t think she’d really like having him share her living space.
Ask for something relatively trivial, just to end Jeanie’s attachment to him. “I wish that I wouldn’t lose things that I just put down.”
One thing, though: if Neil makes a last wish, Jeanie has two choices: she can chose to stay attached to him, a person she knows and can trust to some degree, but with reduced powers and, presumably, reduced duties and increased liberty; or she retains her full powers, but remains subject to being attached to an endless succession of new masters.
Both Neil and Jeanie have some very serious choices to make, and Neil needs to tell Guano to poof off while they work things out. All Neil has to do is make it clear to Guano that Jeanie hasn’t fulfilled his last wish only because he hasn’t made it yet, and doesn’t want to be rushed.
Then they need to sit down with the manual, and Neil needs to stand up to Jeanie’s whims and make her understand the constraints she now faces, like it or not.
It should be. “This isn’t the Middle Ages.” (a span of roughly 1000 years from about 473 AD (Fall of Rome) to 1500) not “Middle Age”. (typically 45 to 60 years old)
But I think you’re right there … I see it all the time in a lot of the Yahell Groups I’m in, and those I watch … the artists get really burnt out because of the BS, and pack it up for a while or permanitly.
You have these choices
1) Ignor them, and grow a thicker skin
2) Remove the comment section completly and just post your works
3) Remove the ones you feel are the worst nick-pickers
4) Call it quits on the comic … and have a cute ending to I dreame of a Jenie Bottle
I for one think it would be a shame to see you pack it in
Genies are immortal who knows how they tell time. There is nothing wrong with saying ‘The Middle Age,’ Lord BS might be referring to a time period. It is no different than a human saying the Mesozoic Age. Get a grip.
I wonder if Lord Guano even realizes that Jeanie used to be Jean and is a brand new Genie? It seems he thinks the bottle was just activated by another “master” and Jeanie is shirking her duties or something…
I tend to agree with you … what will happen to jeanie once that last wish is granted? … will Jean be back or will Jeanie be stuffed back into her bottle until she finds a new master?
Or, as most of us might be thinking, will this comic end?
I’ve been enjoying silently this comic from its beginning and now that it seems it’s close to the end I want to congratulate CD Rudd for his great job.
I’m not able to comment about grammar mistakes or about drawing techniques but I like the general plot idea and the way situations are managed.
Just a couple of continuity issues to remark. For instance, if it’s evident that Jeannie isn’t able to change her own shape and as a superior Guano should know it, how could he think the female Neal is Jeannie transformed? And something I didn’t understand well, when Guano says “Begone mortal” where does he go? There isn’t any poof in the next panels so I must suppose he didn’t teleport, but in the following panel Jeannie tells Neal he soon will get his body back, something that Guano should not know. So the great Genie wasn’t there when she said that. But he appeared again a couple of panels later. So?
But these little things are not enough to ruin an entire great job.
So, what will come next?
If Neal prefers Jean keeps on being Jeannie he should not claim for his last wish. However, if this happens Guano would lock the genie in the bottle for 100 years. Could Neal wish that his third wish doesn’t get Jeannie back to normal and she keeps her powers? No, I suppose it would be declared an invalid wish. Could Neal wish Guano gets locked in the bottle instead of Jeannie? Or, perhaps, could a genie of a higher level punish Guano for being incompetent and let Neal and Jeannie do whatever they want to do with their lives?
Well, better is to let the author to reveal the real end of the story. Or would it just be the end of the first book and there would be more Neal & Jean(nie) stories in the future?
This is a side-side-project for CD Rudd, so who knows. I don’t think he specified if it was coming to an end soon or not. Sounded like speculation from some readers after the 3rd wish coming up. Seeing how nothing has really worked out right for them so far, I could see this not being the end. Or rather even, a general prologue to more open-ended “Dream of Jeanie” hijinks ala the TV show.
Remember it said earlier that after the wishes were granted, the genie could stick around with their master with reduced powers, whatever that means. And we have other plot points just starting like getting hired by NASA (nice comedy touch tribute to the show), and Jeanie having Neil’s apartment attached via pocket universe.
Am I the only one who can see Neil absently saying something like “I’m kind of hungry, I could sure go for a sandwich right now” and that counting as his wish?
And this page bugs me too. For one reason, that SHOULD have been obvious to the writer and I think he must have just failed to realize due to abject sloppiness in consistency. Which is, why did Jean turn Neil back into a man while Guano was STILL IN THE ROOM? He’s still there! Why is Neil standing there as a man, while Jean is like “you miss the boobs already”, when they just tricked Guano with the fake Neil who couldn’t talk and presumably is still standing there? Why would they not expect Guano to think something was awry when the “dancer” was happy to be turned into an identical twin of Neil right there?
Alright…so HOW did Neil get switched back? Not sure I understand what happened here. Also, I guess Niel DID make 2 wishes. Is Guano going to explain how all this happened?
When I ‘called it’ in a previous post,
I didn’t mean for the panels not to be shown!
[Missing scenes]
‘Nelly’ pushed out the door.
Door Slams.
Poof! He’s male again.
Poof! Poof! The decoy Neil is destroyed / The real Neil teleported to where it was.
Nits: “You did not COMPLETE your duty.”
“I did everything ON that stupid list.”
Neil? She turned you back. Now stand up for her, dammit! EARN THAT WISH!
Hell yeah he will! Not… sadly.
OK,more thoughts:
I’ve long held that perhaps those first two wishes weren’t wishes at all, just utility Poofs. Looks like I was wrong. Neil has one wish left.
Does that mean that Neil asks his wish, Jeanie grants it, and that’s it?
Does Jeanie then turn back, or is her genie-nature permanent, and she’s just free of Neil’s demands?
Wow, what was on the list that Neil copied from the manual? Jeanie says she did everything on it — I don’t remember seeing that; I only remember her bitching about it.
And if Neil does have only one wish, what will it be?
Will he free Jean? Is that what Jeanie really wants, now that it comes to it?
Stay tuned….
If Jean gets “freed” without also “returned to normal,” there’s going to be all sorts of hell to pay.. :p
All the parts of the list that we’ve seen are on comics 67-68
Wicked: “I wish Jean were in the form she truly desires” — Poof! and Jean stays Jeanie.
Hilarious, embarrassed denials ensue.
I think it would be much more fun if Neil’s wish was that Guano knew exactly how Genie felt or something like that. It would be a blast if he was forced to become a girl too and under Genie’s tender thumb.
Miss the Boobs already.. LOLLED
I just found this comic while browsing, cute comic so far! Good drawing skills and a plot that hooked me in. I’d like to see Lord Guano get a little characterization beyond being a total dick. Is he part of a bureaucracy, and he’s just middle management? Or does his position carry more responsibility? I never watched very much of the show, so I don’t know how it’s all supposed to work.
In some universes with genies, a wish that can’t be granted is still counted as a wasted wish, I guess not in this universe though, since he did wish that the bottle had never been found, and that one didn’t work.
The spelling errors are a grate touch. I sure hope they are deliberate.
That’s a mean thing to say, Cheryl.
Hey… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean this to offend…. Just the opposite. But I guess it didn’t come across that way.
If you noticed I put a spelling error in my comment. I to am sick of the people who get on a high horse about spelling. I was never good at it myself. I was hoping that the author put those there to “stick it” to those that have been criticizing all the spelling problems.
So again, sorry if my tone wasn’t understood or came across the wrong way. As far as I’m concernde kepp mis spelling and dam the rest of the wrold !!
this guy that draws this is doing it as a hobby and nothing more. He doesn’t care about spelling errors, and if they bug you that much then you don’t have to read this comic. Please do not make comments about bad spelling unless you have been given permission from the artist that he wants you to correct him.
[My first attempt to post this failed without throwing an error. I’m going to try again; my apologies if it double-posts.]
“All the parts of the list that we’ve seen are on comics 67-68”
Ah, thank you. Links, and transcription:
Part 67 [blog post 176]:
“The list said that genies aren’t allowed to ‘own’ anything.”
Part 68 [blog post 180>:
“A genie must obey the laws of the genie”
[Very open-ended, that; how far do those laws go beyond the duties of the genie?]
“Grant their masters’ desires.”
[We don’t actually know what Neil’s desires are, other than an idle comment when he didn’t even know he was the Master, which was as much for Jeanie’s benefit as his own; and the asking of a wish that was specifically Jeanie’s demand, not his own desire.]
Responsibly use their powers”
[Uh huh. Sure, Jeanie’s been real careful about that one.]
“Not own anything bestowed by their masters.”
[Jeanie actually moved Neil’s apartment to be next to her own, specifically to have convenient access to her belongings.]
“Live in basic servitude.”
[Uh huh. “Want a beer? .. Get me one while you’re at it.”
“Exist in a bottle.”
[She’s found it difficult to sleep outside the bottle, but aside from that, hates it and spends as much time out of it as possible.]
“Not have any rights.”
[Frighteningly broad; I’d have to agree with her disgust here, if that is a correct summary — but I think it’s not. Sounds more like a very petulant interpretation of, “You have responsibilities to go along with your powers.”]
“Not be allowed to have any free will.”
[She has certainly exerted significant free will, and most of the genie stories allow them considerable free will in interpreting wishes. Again, exaggeration.]
So: she’s flat out lying to Guano, which is probably not smart.
Neil’s response to this list was, “That’s kind of a grim version,” which suggests that the restrictions are nothing like that harsh. Jean’s whole personality is essentially rebelling against authority of any kind, with little or no allowance for “duty”, something she seems to have little or no concept of.
Neil’s got one wish left (assuming Guano can’t reset the counter if he finds out the circumstances of the first two). A general wish to undo Jean’s transformation was rejected, and I strongly suspect there’s no clever wording around that — although it may be that if Neil studies the math, he can find a work-around. Most likely, though, Jean is a genie, like it or not.
Neil’s options:
Wish for Jeanie to appear in her preferred form. I would be very hesitant to impose anything on Jeanie. And rather than ask for her preference, I’d leave it entirely up to her as part of the wish structure. No one to blame but herself, and it’s what she really wants, not just what she’s willing to admit to. So if she stays female, she might act upset at first, but in her heart of hearts, she’d be happy with the change.
Wish for the space warp on his apartment door to be dissolved. I’d hope, though, that if Jeanie were freed of her bonds to him, that she’d undo her own Poof; I don’t think she’d really like having him share her living space.
Ask for something relatively trivial, just to end Jeanie’s attachment to him. “I wish that I wouldn’t lose things that I just put down.”
One thing, though: if Neil makes a last wish, Jeanie has two choices: she can chose to stay attached to him, a person she knows and can trust to some degree, but with reduced powers and, presumably, reduced duties and increased liberty; or she retains her full powers, but remains subject to being attached to an endless succession of new masters.
Both Neil and Jeanie have some very serious choices to make, and Neil needs to tell Guano to poof off while they work things out. All Neil has to do is make it clear to Guano that Jeanie hasn’t fulfilled his last wish only because he hasn’t made it yet, and doesn’t want to be rushed.
Then they need to sit down with the manual, and Neil needs to stand up to Jeanie’s whims and make her understand the constraints she now faces, like it or not.
[My first and second attempts to post this failed without throwing an error. I’m going to try again, but without links; my apologies if it triple-posts.]
“All the parts of the list that we’ve seen are on comics 67-68”
Ah, thank you. Transcription:
Comic 67 [blog post 176]:
“The list said that genies aren’t allowed to ‘own’ anything.”
[Expanded on in the next comic.]
Comic 68 [blog post 180:
“A genie must obey the laws of the genie”
[Very open-ended, that; how far do those laws go beyond the duties of the genie?]
“Grant their masters’ desires.”
[We don’t actually know what Neil’s desires are, other than an idle comment when he didn’t even know he was the Master, which was as much for Jeanie’s benefit as his own; and the asking of a wish that was specifically Jeanie’s demand, not his own desire.]
Responsibly use their powers”
[Uh huh. Sure, Jeanie’s been real careful about that one.]
“Not own anything bestowed by their masters.”
[Jeanie actually moved Neil’s apartment to be next to her own, specifically to have convenient access to her belongings.]
“Live in basic servitude.”
[Uh huh. “Want a beer? .. Get me one while you’re at it.”
“Exist in a bottle.”
[She’s found it difficult to sleep outside the bottle, but aside from that, hates it and spends as much time out of it as possible.]
“Not have any rights.”
[Frighteningly broad; I’d have to agree with her disgust here, if that is a correct summary — but I think it’s not. Sounds more like a very petulant interpretation of, “You have responsibilities to go along with your powers.”]
“Not be allowed to have any free will.”
[She has certainly exerted significant free will, and most of the genie stories allow them considerable free will in interpreting wishes. Again, exaggeration.]
So: she’s flat out lying to Guano, which is probably not smart.
Neil’s response to this list was, “That’s kind of a grim version,” which suggests that the restrictions are nothing like that harsh. Jean’s whole personality is essentially rebelling against authority of any kind, with little or no allowance for “duty”, something she seems to have little or no concept of.
Neil’s got one wish left (assuming Guano can’t reset the counter if he finds out the circumstances of the first two). A general wish to undo Jean’s transformation was rejected, and I strongly suspect there’s no clever wording around that — although it may be that if Neil studies the math, he can find a work-around. Most likely, though, Jean is a genie, like it or not.
Neil’s options:
Wish for Jeanie to appear in her preferred form. I would be very hesitant to impose anything on Jeanie. And rather than ask for her preference, I’d leave it entirely up to her as part of the wish structure. No one to blame but herself, and it’s what she really wants, not just what she’s willing to admit to. So if she stays female, she might act upset at first, but in her heart of hearts, she’d be happy with the change.
Wish for the space warp on his apartment door to be dissolved. I’d hope, though, that if Jeanie were freed of her bonds to him, that she’d undo her own Poof; I don’t think she’d really like having him share her living space.
Ask for something relatively trivial, just to end Jeanie’s attachment to him. “I wish that I wouldn’t lose things that I just put down.”
One thing, though: if Neil makes a last wish, Jeanie has two choices: she can chose to stay attached to him, a person she knows and can trust to some degree, but with reduced powers and, presumably, reduced duties and increased liberty; or she retains her full powers, but remains subject to being attached to an endless succession of new masters.
Both Neil and Jeanie have some very serious choices to make, and Neil needs to tell Guano to poof off while they work things out. All Neil has to do is make it clear to Guano that Jeanie hasn’t fulfilled his last wish only because he hasn’t made it yet, and doesn’t want to be rushed.
Then they need to sit down with the manual, and Neil needs to stand up to Jeanie’s whims and make her understand the constraints she now faces, like it or not.
“Not own anything NOT bestowed by their masters.”
I thought that Jean had a week to prove herself? It seems to have been only a couple of days.
Sorry another typo for your list
It should be. “This isn’t the Middle Ages.” (a span of roughly 1000 years from about 473 AD (Fall of Rome) to 1500) not “Middle Age”. (typically 45 to 60 years old)
3 years to go before I’m “old”!!!
Ya know, I always wondered why webcomic artists seem to commonly suffer from depression. Now I know… TOO much nit picking.
But I think you’re right there … I see it all the time in a lot of the Yahell Groups I’m in, and those I watch … the artists get really burnt out because of the BS, and pack it up for a while or permanitly.
You have these choices
1) Ignor them, and grow a thicker skin
2) Remove the comment section completly and just post your works
3) Remove the ones you feel are the worst nick-pickers
4) Call it quits on the comic … and have a cute ending to I dreame of a Jenie Bottle
I for one think it would be a shame to see you pack it in
Genies are immortal who knows how they tell time. There is nothing wrong with saying ‘The Middle Age,’ Lord BS might be referring to a time period. It is no different than a human saying the Mesozoic Age. Get a grip.
You misunderstood, only Middle Age genies have to the big list of things, since she is a new genie she just has to grant three wishes.
I wonder if Lord Guano even realizes that Jeanie used to be Jean and is a brand new Genie? It seems he thinks the bottle was just activated by another “master” and Jeanie is shirking her duties or something…
I don’t particularly like the sound of “final” wish.
I tend to agree with you … what will happen to jeanie once that last wish is granted? … will Jean be back or will Jeanie be stuffed back into her bottle until she finds a new master?
Or, as most of us might be thinking, will this comic end?
I’ve been enjoying silently this comic from its beginning and now that it seems it’s close to the end I want to congratulate CD Rudd for his great job.
I’m not able to comment about grammar mistakes or about drawing techniques but I like the general plot idea and the way situations are managed.
Just a couple of continuity issues to remark. For instance, if it’s evident that Jeannie isn’t able to change her own shape and as a superior Guano should know it, how could he think the female Neal is Jeannie transformed? And something I didn’t understand well, when Guano says “Begone mortal” where does he go? There isn’t any poof in the next panels so I must suppose he didn’t teleport, but in the following panel Jeannie tells Neal he soon will get his body back, something that Guano should not know. So the great Genie wasn’t there when she said that. But he appeared again a couple of panels later. So?
But these little things are not enough to ruin an entire great job.
So, what will come next?
If Neal prefers Jean keeps on being Jeannie he should not claim for his last wish. However, if this happens Guano would lock the genie in the bottle for 100 years. Could Neal wish that his third wish doesn’t get Jeannie back to normal and she keeps her powers? No, I suppose it would be declared an invalid wish. Could Neal wish Guano gets locked in the bottle instead of Jeannie? Or, perhaps, could a genie of a higher level punish Guano for being incompetent and let Neal and Jeannie do whatever they want to do with their lives?
Well, better is to let the author to reveal the real end of the story. Or would it just be the end of the first book and there would be more Neal & Jean(nie) stories in the future?
This is a side-side-project for CD Rudd, so who knows. I don’t think he specified if it was coming to an end soon or not. Sounded like speculation from some readers after the 3rd wish coming up. Seeing how nothing has really worked out right for them so far, I could see this not being the end. Or rather even, a general prologue to more open-ended “Dream of Jeanie” hijinks ala the TV show.
Remember it said earlier that after the wishes were granted, the genie could stick around with their master with reduced powers, whatever that means. And we have other plot points just starting like getting hired by NASA (nice comedy touch tribute to the show), and Jeanie having Neil’s apartment attached via pocket universe.
Reduced powers?
What’s 15% of infinite?
Am I the only one who can see Neil absently saying something like “I’m kind of hungry, I could sure go for a sandwich right now” and that counting as his wish?
And this page bugs me too. For one reason, that SHOULD have been obvious to the writer and I think he must have just failed to realize due to abject sloppiness in consistency. Which is, why did Jean turn Neil back into a man while Guano was STILL IN THE ROOM? He’s still there! Why is Neil standing there as a man, while Jean is like “you miss the boobs already”, when they just tricked Guano with the fake Neil who couldn’t talk and presumably is still standing there? Why would they not expect Guano to think something was awry when the “dancer” was happy to be turned into an identical twin of Neil right there?
Something to add to Guano’s last line – “and since you kicked me in the crotch not too long ago, count yourself lucky I’m telling you this at all”.
Speak for yourself, buddy. Some of us are staring at Old.
So many problems could be solved with clear communication. Thank goodness fictional people don’t have to have it.